Design, Synthesis, and Preclinical Evaluation of Radiolabeled … · 2013. 10. 3. · Design, Synthesis, and Preclinical Evaluation of Radiolabeled Bombesin Analogues for the Diagnosis - [PDF Document] (2024)

Design, Synthesis, and Preclinical Evaluation of Radiolabeled …· 2013. 10. 3.· Design, Synthesis, and Preclinical Evaluation of Radiolabeled Bombesin Analogues for the Diagnosis - [PDF Document] (1)

Design, Synthesis, and Preclinical Evaluation of Radiolabeled Bombesin

Analogues for the Diagnosis and Targeted Radiotherapy of Bombesin-

receptor Expressing Tumors



Erlangung der Würde eines Doktors der Philosophie

vorgelegt der

Philosophisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät

der Universität Basel


Hanwen Zhang

aus Beijing, Volksrepublik China

Basel, 2007

Design, Synthesis, and Preclinical Evaluation of Radiolabeled …· 2013. 10. 3.· Design, Synthesis, and Preclinical Evaluation of Radiolabeled Bombesin Analogues for the Diagnosis - [PDF Document] (2)


Genehmigt von der Philosophisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät auf Antrag von

Prof. Dr. Helmut R. Maecke

Prof. Dr. Helma Wennemers (Korreferentin)

Basel, den 10. Mai 2005

Prof. Dr. Hans-Jakob Wirz (Dekan)

Design, Synthesis, and Preclinical Evaluation of Radiolabeled …· 2013. 10. 3.· Design, Synthesis, and Preclinical Evaluation of Radiolabeled Bombesin Analogues for the Diagnosis - [PDF Document] (3)


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was performed in the Division of Radiological Chemistry, Department of Radiology,

University Hospital Basel, Switzerland, from December 2000 to April 2005, and was supported

financially by the Swiss National Science Foundation, Mallinckrodt Med, and the “Amt für


First, I would like to express my appreciation to my supervisor, Prof. Dr. Helmut R. Maecke, for

giving me the opportunity to perform this work in the lab, and also for his guidance and support,

especially for his great kindness, not only pertaining to my studies, but also in practical matters

for my personal life.

I thank Prof. Dr. Helma Wennemers that she was willing to take the responsibility to work on my

thesis as a co-referee even though she was very busy on her own work when I was going to


This work is clearly interdisciplinary and was only possible due to strong cooperation with our

lab co-partners. I am very grateful to them:

Prof. Reubi and his technician, Ms. Beatrice Waser (Division of Cell Biology and Experimental

Cancer Research, Institute of Pathology, University of Bern) who kindly helped us during the

whole four years to determine the binding affinity to the receptors expressed on tissue; Prof.

Reubi’s cooperation was especially beneficial for me.

Dr. Ilse Novak-Hofer and Dr. Michael Honer (Center for Radiopharmaceutical Sciences, Paul

Scherrer Institute) who kindly supplied P

64/67PCu, performed microPET imaging with P



Dr. Jochen Schumacher and his co-workers (Department of Diagnostic and Therapeutic

Radiology, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg) who tested two of the P


peptides using PET imaging in his lab;

Design, Synthesis, and Preclinical Evaluation of Radiolabeled …· 2013. 10. 3.· Design, Synthesis, and Preclinical Evaluation of Radiolabeled Bombesin Analogues for the Diagnosis - [PDF Document] (4)


PD Dr. Anna Seelig and her group (Department of Biophysical Chemistry, Biocenter of the

University of Basel) who kindly allowed me to use their CD-instrument for determining the

secondary structure of peptides in her lab and subsequently showed me how to perform the

measurement and helped to evaluate the data.

Dr. Theodosia Maina and her group (Institute of Radioisotopes-Radiodiagnostic Products,

National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Athens) who provided experimental

cooperation and valuable communication.

I deeply thank the mass spectrometry team of Novartis AG (Basel) for gratuitous analytical

support; in particular, Dieter Staab and Dr. Ueli Ramseier helped me to analyze a large amount

of samples with MALDI.

And I also thank the animal lab staff: Ulrich Schneider, Heinz Künzi, Thomas Aerni, Esther Vögtli,

Sybille Hugi, Rodrigo Recinos, Marcus Ceramella, Catherine Meyer, and Nicole Caviezel

(University Hospital Basel) who carefully and kindly took care of the animals.

I thank Prof. J. Mueller-Brand, head of the Institute of Nuclear Medicine, and the clinical staff

for their kind help in scanning tumor-bearing animals. I am grateful to the clinical group in our

lab for helping me to order many materials for my studies, especially Pia Powell, Daniela

Biondo, Priska Preisig, Karin Hinni and Nadia Mutter. I give my thanks to Dr. Christian

Waldherr, Dr. Jianhua Chen, Dr. Martin WalterP

Pand Dr. Damian Wild for their valuable help in

performing animal experiments.

Special thanks go to postdoc Jörg Simon Schmitt, Sandrine Fraysse-Phisbien and Simona

Ciobanu for their kind support on my relative projects. Many thanks also to all the present and

past members of the lab: Mihaela Ginj, Patricia Dos Santos Antunes, Valerie Hinard, Sibylle

Tschumi, Stephan Good, Daniel Storch, Michi Frischknecht, Klaus-Peter Eisenwiener, for

providing a very enjoyable working atmosphere. It has been a great pleasure working in the lab

and having valuable discussions with them.

Design, Synthesis, and Preclinical Evaluation of Radiolabeled …· 2013. 10. 3.· Design, Synthesis, and Preclinical Evaluation of Radiolabeled Bombesin Analogues for the Diagnosis - [PDF Document] (5)


I also would like to thank Evelyn Peters for correcting my pronunciation with great patience, and

her kind help for proof-reading my thesis and one of my published papers. I thank Claudine

Pfister for her hard work on the manuscript preparation and grammar correction.

I am grateful to all my Chinese friends, who made my stay in Basel extremely delightful due to

their valuable discussions, communication and encouragement.

Last but not least, I would like to thank my family for their love and encouragement, especially

my wife, her great support and companionship during my PhD study in Basel, Switzerland.

Design, Synthesis, and Preclinical Evaluation of Radiolabeled …· 2013. 10. 3.· Design, Synthesis, and Preclinical Evaluation of Radiolabeled Bombesin Analogues for the Diagnosis - [PDF Document] (6)


Table of Contents

TUPART I: INTRODUCTIONUT ............................................................................................................ 7

TU1.1 BackgroundUT ........................................................................................................................... 8

TU1.2 Peptide and receptor systemUT.................................................................................................. 9

TU1.3 Bombesin and its receptors (Table 2) UT.................................................................................. 11

TU1.4 Pan-bombesin ligandsUT ......................................................................................................... 12

TU1.5 BN analogues focusing on GRP-RUT...................................................................................... 13

TU1.5.1 Radiopeptides derived from the untruncated BN analoguesUT ........................................ 14

TU1.5.2 Truncated BN analogues labeled with different radioisotopesUT .................................... 15

TU1.5.3 Influence of spacers between BN (7-14) and chelator on biological characteristicsUT ... 16

TU1.5.4 Radiolabeled antagonistic BN analoguesUT ..................................................................... 17

TU1.5.5 Modification on the 11UPU

thUPU position of BN analogues and its biological influencesUT ....... 18

TU1.5.6 Potential radiolabeled BN ligands for clinical trialsUT .................................................... 19

TUPART II: RATIONALE, HYPOTHESIS, AND GOALS UT............................................................. 21

TUPART III: SUMMARY OF RESEARCHUT ..................................................................................... 29

TU3.1 Evaluation of pan-bombesin derivatives (Paper 1) UT ............................................................. 30

TU3.2 Spacer modified pan-bombesin analogues (Manuscript 1 and Paper 2)UT ............................. 35

TU3.3 Modification on the 11UPU

thUPU position of [UPU


6UPU]BN(6-14) for studying

the influence on metabolic stability and probing species differences (Manuscript 2)UT .............. 39


64/67UPUCu-conjugated BN analogues for targeted PET imaging and radiotherapy of BN

receptor expressing tumors (Manuscript 3)UT............................................................................... 43

TU3.5 Design and evaluation of [UPU

67/68UPUGa, UPU

177UPULu]-DOTA-PESIN for clinical trial (Manuscript 4)UT 48

TUPART IV: CONCLUSION AND OUTLOOKUT.............................................................................. 51

TU4.1 ConclusionUT........................................................................................................................... 52

TU4.2 Outlook UT................................................................................................................................ 55

Design, Synthesis, and Preclinical Evaluation of Radiolabeled …· 2013. 10. 3.· Design, Synthesis, and Preclinical Evaluation of Radiolabeled Bombesin Analogues for the Diagnosis - [PDF Document] (7)


TUPART V: REFERENCESUT ............................................................................................................. 56

TUPART VI: APPENDIXUT.................................................................................................................. 67

Design, Synthesis, and Preclinical Evaluation of Radiolabeled …· 2013. 10. 3.· Design, Synthesis, and Preclinical Evaluation of Radiolabeled Bombesin Analogues for the Diagnosis - [PDF Document] (8)



Design, Synthesis, and Preclinical Evaluation of Radiolabeled …· 2013. 10. 3.· Design, Synthesis, and Preclinical Evaluation of Radiolabeled Bombesin Analogues for the Diagnosis - [PDF Document] (9)


1.1 Background

Since its inception, a main attraction of nuclear medicine has been the potential application of

radioactive tracer principles to “follow” organ function and metabolic pathways under

physiological and pathological conditions. Since two or more decades, the advent and progress

of molecular biology have led to the development of a new approach for imaging and therapy,

the so-called molecular nuclear medicine, which specifically localizes the target in vivo, like the

relationship between a “key” and a “lock”.

The first introduction of radioimmunodetection (RAID) and radioimmunotherapy (RAIT) was

the use of isotopes conjugated to intact monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) (1), which were

considered as potentially ideal agents to target specific antigens for the following reasons: they

are stable in blood, typically have nanomolar affinity to their targets, their bonding and

nonbonding domains are separated physically, and they tolerate conjugation to chemotherapeutic

agents or radioisotopes. After 20 years of pursuing this direction (2), RAIT has started to play a

role in the treatment of hematopoietic neoplasms, especially in the therapy of non-Hodgkin’s

lymphomas. Several drawbacks were encountered during the application of MoAbs in treating

solid tumors: modest response rates in patients with solid tumors, poor accumulation in tissues,

slow blood clearance with unfavorable target visualization, and generation of human anti-mouse

antibodies (HAMA). For example, the US Food and Drug Administration approvedP


ProstaScint (3) for pretreatment evaluation of metastatic prostate adenocarcinoma in high-risk

patients and post-prostatectomy assessment of recurrent disease in patients with a rising prostate-

specific antigen level; however, the patient receives a relatively high irradiation dose due to the

prolonged circulation. The same MoAb-conjugate labeled with P

90PY was used as a therapeutic

agent by Kahn et al (4). They found that RAIT for occult metastastic prostate cancer at a dose of

333 MBq/mP

2P body surface did not lower serum PSA, but caused significant hematologic toxicity

in patients.

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Therefore, it is necessary and challenging to develop a more efficient approach to overcome the

drawbacks in the use of radioconjugated antibodies, and especially, for targeted radiotherapy of

minimal or micrometastatic disease. Up to now, a number of approaches for treating solid tumors

have been prompted to improve the radiation dose delivered and to achieve the ultimate goal: the

delivery of tumoricidal doses while sparing normal tissue. Among these approaches, the

peptide/receptor system has been the most outstanding method.

1.2 Peptide and receptor system

In fundamental biological processes, peptides are more important elements than any other class

of molecules, designed by nature for stimulating, inhibiting, or regulating numerous biological

functions through their respective receptors. The molecular basis for the use of radiopeptides was

found to be that peptide receptors are overexpressed by certain tumors (5). Before a peptide can

be used in nuclear medicine, it has to be modified to carry radioisotopes to the target, and at the

same time, still maintain its high, biological activity. The clinical impact of radiolabeled peptides

is at the diagnostic level: in vivo receptor scintigraphy for the localization of tumors and their

metastases; and at the therapeutic level: peptide receptor mediated radiotherapy of tumors

emerges as an important treatment option. Despite the fact that the investigation of radiopeptides

appeared to be only a small niche in the very large field of oncology, the targeting of

overexpressed peptide receptors in tumors by small peptides has become a very strong focus of

interest in nuclear medicine (6). At the 100-year anniversary of nuclear medicine, Henry Wagner

named the peptide approach in nuclear oncology as one of the most promising fields for the next

decade; gastroenterologists and endocrinologists are also attracted by the concept of peptide

receptor targeting.

Compared to antibodies, peptides are smaller-sized molecules containing fewer than 100 amino

acids with a molecular mass of <10 000 Da; and “small peptides” refers to peptides with fewer

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than 30 amino acids or a molecular mass of <3500 Da, which has proved most favorable in

nuclear medicine. Small peptides display high specific affinity to their receptors. Peptides show a

lower (or no) antigenicity, faster clearance, and more rapid penetration of tissue and tumor than

MoAbs; furthermore, they can be synthesized, modified and stabilized more easily and less


Table 1 Peptides, their functions and the target diseases and/or cell expressing receptorsP


Peptide Function Target/disease/receptor

Bombesin (BN) CNSP

bP & GI tract activity. Suppresses

feeding in rats Glioblastoma, SCLC, prostate, breast, gastric, colon and pancreatic CA


cP/gastrin Gallbladder contraction/acid secretion SCLC, GI tumors, ovarian cancer, medullary

thyroid CA, hom*ology to VIP receptors Epidermal growth factor P


Growth promoter Breast CA, glioblastoma, head and neck, renal cell tumors

GRP Gastrin secretion GRP/neuromedin B, see Bombesin

α-MSH Regulation of skin pigmentation Melanoma cells

Somatostatin & its analogues

Growth hormone release inhibiting factor

Neuroendocrine tumors, SCLC, breast CA, lymphoma, subtypes 1-5

VIP Vasodilator, growth promoter, immunomodulator

Subtypes 1 & 2, epithelial tumors, breast CA, Colon CA, NSCLC, pancreatic CA, prostate, bladder and ovarian CA


aP Compiled from Okarvi (8), Reubi (9-11) and Heasley (12).


bP CNS=central nervous system, GI=gastrointestinal, SCLC=small cell lung cancer, CA=cancer and

NSCLC=Non-small cell lung cancer.


cP CCK=cholecystokinin, GRP=gastrin releasing peptide, VIP=Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide, and α-MSH= α-

melanocyte stimulating hormone.

Up to now, there are over 850 well-characterized endogenous peptides from which a suitable

peptide or its analogues can be chosen for an intended application (13, 14). Peptide receptors are

located on the plasma membrane and, upon binding of a ligand, allow for the internalization of

the receptor-ligand complex. Radionuclides coupled to tumor specific peptides are currently

under development, preclinical investigation and in clinical trials. Table 1 (13) shows a selected

list of peptides, their functions, and target cells that are presently under investigation as

radiopeptides. Among these radiopeptides, the most outstanding example is the analogues of

Design, Synthesis, and Preclinical Evaluation of Radiolabeled …· 2013. 10. 3.· Design, Synthesis, and Preclinical Evaluation of Radiolabeled Bombesin Analogues for the Diagnosis - [PDF Document] (12)


somatostatin. Some somatostatin derivatives have become commercially-available, FDA-

approved drugs (6, 15), such as P


®P, a somatostatin receptor binder, that is

well established for the diagnosis of neuroendocrine tumors. NeoTect, another approved

somatostatin-receptor-binding analogue labeled with P

99mPTc shows good specificity for lung

cancer detection. Octreotide and its analogues labeled with P

111PIn, P

90PY, P

64PCu or P

177PLu are under

study for the treatment of patients and present promising results (16-18). Especially in high

doses, the P

90PY-labeled [DOTA-Tyr P

3P]octreotide has the capacity to reduce or at least stabilize the

tumor size, which usually results in a remarkable improvement of life quality. All these results

have led to a growth in the development of radiolabeled peptides for diagnostic and therapeutic

application in oncology. In particular, it has fascinated many researchers to develop bombesin

(BN) conjugated radioligands for BN receptors (15, 19) because BN and its receptors are

associated with many types of human cancer (20, 21).

1.3 Bombesin and its receptors (Table 2)

Table 2 Bombesin and its receptor subtypes

Subtype Native Peptide Origin

NMB-R Neuromedin B (NMB) Gly-Asn-Leu-Trp-Ala-Thr-Gly-His-Phe-Met-NHB2B Mammalian

GRP-R Gastrin Releasing Peptide (GRP)

Val-Pro-Leu-Pro-Ala-Gly-Gly-Gly-Thr-Val-Leu-Thr-Lys-Met-Tyr-Pro-Arg-Gly-Asn-His-Trp-Ala-Val-Gly-His-Leu-Met-NHB2 B


BRS-3 Not identified Mammalian


BRS-4 Bombesin (BN)

Pyr-Glp-Gln-Arg-Leu-Gly-Asn-Gln-Trp-Ala-Val-Gly-His-Phe-Met-NHB2 B


The sequences for the native peptides that bind to the mammalian bombesin receptor subtypes NMB-R and GRP-

R and the amphibian bombesin receptor subtype BRS-4 are represented. Two distinct forms of the peptide

bombesin have been identified for the BRS-4 receptor subtype differing by either -LeuP

13P- or -PheP

13P-. A high

affinity native peptide has not been identified for the mammalian bombesin receptor subtype BRS-3.

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In 1971, Anastasi et al (22) initiated the investigation of the bombesin (BN) receptor system

with the isolation of the tetradecapeptide bombesin from the skin of the frog Bombina bombina.

The mammalian counterpart of bombesin, a 27 amino acid peptide called gastrin releasing

peptide (GRP) was isolated from the porcine stomach by McDonald et al in 1979 (23).

Successively, based on a stimulating effect on rat uterus contraction, Minamino et al purified

neuromedin B (NMB), which is structurally related to ranatensin, from the porcine spinal cord

(24) in 1983.

The bombesin receptor family currently comprises four receptor subtypes of which three have

been identified from mammalian origin. These subtypes are classified as the NMB preferring

receptor (NMB-R), the GRP preferring receptor (GRP-R) whose density in human cancer is very

high, the orphan BN receptor subtype-3 (BRS-3), and the BN receptor subtype 4 (BRS-4) that

was isolated and characterized only in amphibian animals. Up to now, the native peptide ligand

showing high binding affinity to the BRS-3 subtype has not yet been identified.

1.4 Pan-bombesin ligands

BN receptors have been shown to be overexpressed in various major human cancers like

prostate, breast and small cell lung cancer (21): 26 of 26 prostate cancers, 41 of 57 breast

cancers, and 5 of 5 gastrinomas expressed predominantly GRP receptors; 11 of 24 intestinal, 1 of

26 bronchial, and 1 of 1 thymic carcinoids had preferentially NMB receptors; 9 of 26 bronchial

carcinoids, 1 large cell neuroendocrine lung carcinoma, and 4 of 9 small cell lung carcinomas

had preferentially BRS-3 receptors, whereas 3 of 9 small cell lung carcinomas had GRP

receptors. It is also interesting that renal cell carcinomas had GRP receptors in 6 of 16 cases and

BRS-3 receptors in 4 of 16 cases. These data show that each BN receptor subtype may be

overexpressed on different types of tumors, and the same type of tumor may co-express more

than one BN receptor subtype, indicating that universal bombesin analogues have the potential to

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visualize these tumors with high incidence. A universal ligand, [D-Tyr P

6P, βAla P

11P, Phe P

13P, Nle P


(6-14), which has high affinity to all receptor subtypes, was developed by Mantey et al (25) and

Prahan et al (26).

These findings prompted me to develop conjugates based on a slightly modified (ThiP

13P vs. Phe P


universal BN ligand [D-Tyr P

6P, βAla P

11P, Phe P

13P, Nle P

14P] BN (6-14), to label them with P

111PIn, P

177PLu and


90PY for targeting BN receptor-expressing tumors and to evaluate their biological behavior (27).

Meanwhile, based on [D-TyrP

6P, βAla P

11P, Phe P

13P, Nle P

14P]BN (6-14), Moody et al (28) developed a

camptothecin-bombesin (CPT-BN) conjugate via a labile linker with site-specific cytotoxicity.

CPT-L2-BA3, one of these CPT-BN analogues displayed high affinity to all three BN receptor

subtypes and functioned as a full agonist for each subtype. [P

125PI]-CPT-L2-BA3 rapidly

internalized into cells expressing each BN receptor profile and subsequently into cytoplasmic

compartments. HPLC analysis of the internalized ligands showed that 40% were intact, 25%

were metabolized by releasing free CPT, and 35% were metabolized to other breakdown

products. CPT-L2-BA3 inhibited the growth of NCIH1299 non-small cell lung cancer cells and

was cytotoxic for cells transfected with each class of BN receptors. However, it had significantly

less effect in cells lacking BN receptors. These results indicate that CPT-L2-BA3 is a potent

agonist that is cytotoxic for cells overexpressing any of the three BN receptor classes and might

be a useful prototype to explore the effectiveness of delivering tumor-specific cytotoxics.

1.5 BN analogues focusing on GRP-R

The expression of GRP-R (the mammalian counterpart of BN receptors) (29) in primary prostatic

invasive carcinoma was present in 100% of the tissues tested (30 of 30 cases), and in 83% of

these cases, GRP receptor expression was determined to be high or very high (>1000 dpm/mg).

More interestingly, of 26 patients with high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia, all but one

showed high to very high densities of GRP receptors. It was also demonstrated that 4 out of 7 of

Design, Synthesis, and Preclinical Evaluation of Radiolabeled …· 2013. 10. 3.· Design, Synthesis, and Preclinical Evaluation of Radiolabeled Bombesin Analogues for the Diagnosis - [PDF Document] (15)


androgen independent prostate cancer bone metastases were GRP receptor positive. Halmos et al

(30) examined the binding of radioiodinated bombesin to the membrane obtained from 100

individual human breast carcinomas and found significant GRP receptor expression in 33% of

these samples.

Apart from prostate carcinoma, GRP receptors were also overexpressed in other types of tumors.

For example, 50 of 68 breast tumors (74%) expressed GRP receptors, the relative mean density

being 9,819±530 dpm/mg tissue (31); and 16 of 19 gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST)

expressed GRP receptors having a density of 7864±9629 dpm/mg tissue (32). These results

clearly make the GRP receptor an attractive target for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.

1.5.1 Radiopeptides derived from the untruncated BN analogues

Up to now, different research groups have coupled chelators to [LysP

3P]-BN. For example,

diaminedithiol (DADT) was conjugated to the side-chain amine of Lys P

3P by Baidoo et al (33) in

1998. Their results demonstrated that these conjugates had high affinity for the GRP receptor in

rat brain cortex membranes with KBi B values of 3.5-7.4 nM by using [P

125PI-Tyr P

4P]-BN as a

radioligand. In vivo biodistribution analysis showed little uptake in non-target tissue, with

excretion being primarily via the hepatobiliary pathway. Recently, Chen et al (34) used DOTA to

replace DTPA to couple with [LysP

3P]BN for the labeling with P

64PCu. Their results showed specific

binding affinity (ICB50B value: 2.2±0.5nM) to PC-3 cells by using [P


4P]-BN as a radioligand

and accumulation in human prostate adenocarcinoma xenografts (androgen-independent PC-3

tumor: 5.62±0.08 %ID/g at 0.5h p.i.). Breeman et al (35) reported on the design and development

of radiolabeled BN conjugates based on BN for the labeling with P

111PIn, e.g. DTPA-[ProP


Tyr P

4P]BN. Their data showed that these ligands had high affinity for the GRP receptor in 7315b

rat pituitary tumor cell membranes, and in vitro internalization inherent to agonistic binding and

high uptake in rat pituitary tumors.

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1.5.2 Truncated BN analogues labeled with different radioisotopes

GRP and bombesin share amidated C terminus sequence hom*ology (36) in the final 7 amino

acids, -Trp-Ala-Val-Gly-His-Leu-Met-NHB2B. Deletion of the N-terminus sequence pGluP



Arg P


4P-Gly P

5P- from the BN molecule caused practically no loss of affinity and intrinsic

activity, but further shortening of BN gave rise to a gradual reduction of both parameters. On the

other hand, deletion of only two (Leu P


14P) or three (HisP



14P) amino acids from the

C-terminus afforded BN fragments with low affinities (BN(1-12) and BN(1-11)) and, in the case

of BN(1-11), also a reduced intrinsic activity. GRP and its two fragments GRP(14-27) and

acetyl-GRP(20-27)) exhibited the same intrinsic activity as BN, and these two fragments were

found to be either as potent or slightly more potent than BN itself. The sequence HisP




14P-NHB2 B seems to be critical to fully activate BN receptors; and the sequence BN(7-14) was

regarded to be sufficient for the specific binding interaction with the gastrin-releasing peptide

receptor (36).

Gali et al (37) developed and demonstrated the in vivo stability of P

99mPTc/ P

188PRe(V)-PB2BSB2 B-5-Ava-

BN(7-14). The ICB50B value of ReOB2 B-PB2 BSB2 B-5-Ava-BN(7-14) to Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts reached

0.8±0.4 nM by using the native [P

125PI-Tyr P

4P]-BN as radioligand. Furthermore, preliminary

biodistribution assays in PC-3 tumor bearing SCID mice (SCID = Severely Compromised

Immunodeficient) showed a tumor uptake of 4.7±0.8 %ID/g at 1h. However, this is still no

further report of clinical trial from a therapeutic application of P

188PRe-labeled peptides.

La Bella et al introduced an “organometallic” labeling strategy to conjugate P

99mPTc to BN

analogues (38). Despite its high affinity to GRP receptors (ICB50 B: 2.0nM), [P

99mPTc(CO) B3 B-Nα-

histidinyl acetate]-BN(7-14) localizes rather poorly in PC-3 tumors (0.6±0.1% ID/g, 1.5h p.i.).

Smith et al (39) reported on the in vitro/in vivo evaluation of [P

99mPTc(X)(CO) B3 B-Dpr-SSS-BN(7-

14)] (Dpr=2,3-Diaminopropionic Acid, X=HB2 BO or P(CHB2 BOH) B3 B) in GRP receptor specific tissue.

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These P

99mPTc(I)-labeled conjugates retained high binding affinity (0.9±0.2nM) and specific

targeting of PC-3 xenografts (3.7±0.9%ID/g at 1h p.i.).

Hoffman et al (40) showed that the in vivo uptake of [P

111PIn]-DOTA-8-Aoc-BN(7-14) in human

prostate PC-3 xenografted flank tumors was 3.63±1.11 %ID/g at 1h and that affinity for PC-3

cells in vitro was high. Pre-clinical evaluation of P

177PLu-DOTA-8-Aoc-BN(7-14) by Smith et al

(41) exhibited an ICB50B of 0.5±0.1nM in GRP receptor-expressing PC-3 tumor cells. Receptor-

mediated tumor targeting of the PC-3 xenografted SCID mice resulted in tumor uptake and

retention values of 4.22±1.09 %ID/g, 3.03±0.91%ID/g, and 1.54±1.14%ID/g at 1h, 4h, and 24h,

respectively. Rogers et al (42) labeled the same ligand with P

64PCu for PET imaging. This

radiotracer bound to PC-3 cells with a K Bd B of 6.1±2.5nM. Its biodistribution in PC-3 xenografted

athymic mice showed significantly lower tumor/non-target ratios despite the fact that the tumor

accumulation was similar to that of the same peptideP

Plabeled withP


Recently, Chen et al (43) reported that [P

177PLu]-AMBA (DOTA-Gly-[4-aminobenzoyl]-BN (7-

14)) has high affinity to two human BN receptor subtypes (NMB-R: 0.9nM, and GRP-R:

0.8nM), and does not bind to the BRS-3 receptor (>1μM). Its biodistribution showed high uptake

in PC-3 tumors (at 1h: 5.5%ID/g, and at 24h: 3.4±0.9%ID/g).

According to these published data, conjugated BN(7-14) analogues have exhibited high affinity

to the human GRP receptor (PC-3 cells). However, all accumulations in PC-3 tumors were

relatively low and the ratios between tumor and background or kidneys were not high either.

1.5.3 Influence of spacers between BN (7-14) and chelator on biological characteristics

According to our unpublished data, a chelator which is directly coupled to the peptide will lead

to a significant loss of binding affinity to GRP receptors. Therefore, it was necessary to insert a

spacer between the peptide and the chelate. Based on the sequence of BN (7-14), Smith et al (44)

constructed [P

99mPTc-NB3 BS]-X-BN (7-14) (NB3BS=dimethylglycyl-L-seryl-L-cysteinylglycinamide. X:

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0-Carbon, β-Ala (β-alanine), 5-Ava (5-aminovaleric acid), 8-Aoc (8-aminooctanoic acid), or 11-

Aun (11-aminoundecanoic acid)) to study the flexibility of designed P

99mPTc-labeled BN analogues

that retain high specific affinity to GRP receptors. They reported that the hydrocarbon spacer

group could be varied from at least 3 to 8 carbon atoms in length without compromising the

binding affinity to GRP receptors (0.52±0.25 to 1.00±0.20 nM against PC-3 cells).

Biodistribution in SCID mice showed 2.1±0.5% ID/g uptake (1h p.i.) of P

99mPTc-NB3 BS-5-Ava-BN

(7-14) in receptor-mediated PC-3 tumors. A similar in vitro and in vivo evaluation of a series of


111PIn-DOTA-X-BN(7-14) analogues (X: 0 Carbon, β-Ala, 5-Ava, 8-Aoc or 11-Aun) was recently

reported by Hoffman et al (40). These conjugates (3, 5, or 8-carbon spacer moieties) also

exhibited high binding affinity for GRP receptors in human PC-3 cells (ICB50 B values ranged from

0.6-2.1 nM). In vivo biodistribution studies demonstrated that the analogues (X=5-Ava or 8-Aoc)

had high specific localization in the pancreas (a naturally GRP receptor expressing organ) and

efficient clearance from the blood primarily via the renal/urinary pathway. The uptake of P


DOTA-8-Aoc-BN(7-14) in human prostate PC-3 xenografted flank tumors was 3.63±1.11%ID/g

at 1h. These results suggested that the construction of [P

111PIn]-DOTA-X-BN (7-14) (X is a tether

of either 5 or 8 carbons in length) might form the basis for developing radiometallated diagnostic

or therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals for the targeting of GRP receptor expressing cancers.

According to these two studies (40, 44), Smith and Hoffman only focused on the influence of the

hydrocarbon spacer between peptide and the chelator, studying and comparing the binding

affinity and uptake in human prostate PC-3 xenografted tumors.

1.5.4 Radiolabeled antagonistic BN analogues

[D-Phe P

6P]BN(6-13)NHEt and [D-Tyr P

6P]BN(6-13)NHEt have been reported to be high-affinity BN

receptor antagonists by Wang et al (45) and Jensen et al (46), respectively. Breeman WAP et al

(35) developed DTPA-[Tyr P

5P, D-Phe P

6P]BN(5-13)NHEt and DTPA-[Tyr P

6P]BN(6-13)NHEt for

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labeling with P

111PIn. Compared to their nonchelated peptides, the ICB50B values of both ligands are

reduced by a factor of 5.5 and 21.5 towards 7315b rat pituitary tumor cell membranes. When

DTPA was directly coupled to [D-PheP

6P]BN(6-13)NHEt, its binding affinity to human prostate

cancer tissue was weakened significantly (unpublished data in our and Prof. Reubi’s group).

Recently, Nock et al (47) reported on P

99mPTc-Demobesin 1 ([P


0-1P, bzlgP

0P, (D)Phe P

6P, Leu-


13P, desMetP

14P]BN(6-14)), which exhibited high binding affinity to PC-3 cells. Receptor-

mediated tumor uptake in Swiss nu/nu mice bearing human PC-3 xenografts reached up to

16.2±3.1% ID/g at 1h p.i., which is by far the highest uptake in this tumor model by any

bombesin based radioligand; however, it also showed high uptake in the liver.

Comparing their binding affinities, it seemed that the negatively charged chelator (DTPA)

directly coupled to antagonistic BN analogue led to a loss of binding affinity, whereas the

positively charged chelator (N4) improved the binding affinity and afforded a high accumulation

in the tumor. These results indicate that the charge at the N-terminus might be a key factor for

determining the pharmacological characteristics of BN derivatives.

1.5.5 Modification on the 11P

thP position of BN analogues and its biological influences

In 1997, Mantey et al (48) predicted that the important substitution site in the universal ligand

([D-Tyr P

6P, βAla P

11P, Phe P

13P, Nle P

14P] BN (6-14)) is β-alanine in the eleventh position of bombesin. In

2001, the same group published (49) their BRS-3 selective ligands resulting from the βAla P


Psubstitution with conformationally restricted amino acids in the prototype ligand [D-TyrP

6P, βAla P


Phe P

13P, Nle P

14P] BN (6-14) or its D-PheP

6P analogue. Two of their synthesized peptides with an (R)- or

(S)-amino-3-phenylpropionic acid substitution for βAlaP

11P in the prototype ligand had the highest

selectivity for the hBRS-3 over the mammalian BN receptors and did not interact with receptors

for other gastrointestinal hormones/neurotransmitters. The results of molecular modeling implied

that these two selective BRS-3 ligands had a unique conformation of β-amino acids (11 P


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position). Recently, they (50) replaced βAla P

11P with Apa (3-amino-phenylpropionic acid)

derivatives resulting in a much more selective ligand. For example, [D-TyrP

6P, Apa-4Cl P

11P, Phe P


Nle P

14P]BN(6-14), retained high affinity for hBRS-3 (Ki = 8 nM) and had enhanced selectivity

(>230-fold) for hBRS-3 over hGRP-R and hNMB-R.

According to their data, Mantey et al focused mainly on the study of the selectivity of BN (6-14)

analogues for hBRS-3 receptors, and evaluated the binding affinities and internalization rates

into cells expressing all BN receptor subtypes separately.

In our previous study (27), carnosinase has been proved to be the responsible enzyme to cleave

the bond between βAlaP

11P and His P

12P. All these data suggest that the modification of βAlaP


changes the peptide conformation, binding affinity and the stability of BN analogues.

1.5.6 Potential radiolabeled BN ligands for clinical trials

In designing radiometal-based radiopeptides for cancer, important factors to be considered

include the half-life of the radiometal, the mode of decay, and the cost and availability of the

isotope. For diagnostic imaging, P

99mPTc, P

123PI, P

67PGa and P

111PIn were used for SPECT imaging and


18PF, P

64PCu and P

68PGa for PET imaging. The half-life of these radionuclides is long enough to allow

accumulation in the tumor of the patient while allowing clearance from the body at a relatively

rapid rate. The ideal therapeutic radiopeptides should localize at cancerous foci with high

specificity, while producing minimal or tolerable radiation damage to normal tissues. Particle-

emitting radionuclides are effective for delivering localized cytotoxic doses of ionizing radiation

(51). They include β-particle emitters (P

90PY, P

177PLu, P

186/188PRe, P

153PSm, P

64/67PCu, P

131PI etc), α-particle

emitters (P

211PAt and P

212PBi) and Auger-electrons (52).

By using P

99mPTc-RP527 ([P

99mPTc-NB3 BS]-Gly-5-Ava-BN (7-14), IC B50 B(GRP-R): 1.0±0.2nM, PC-3

tumor bearing mice: 2.1±0.5%ID/g at 1h p.i.), Van de Wiele et al (53) published a first study

about prostate (n=4) and breast cancer (n=6) patients: the results showed that P


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specifically visualized four of six breast and one of four prostate carcinomas. Since P


Demobesin 1 ([P


0-1P, bzlgP

0P, (D)Phe P

6P, Leu-NHEt P

13P, desMetP

14P]BN(6-14)) (47) has shown a

high affinity to GRP receptors and very high accumulation in PC-3 tumor bearing mice, this

ligand was also planned for a patient study, but until now, no data have been reported in the


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Although radiolabeled bombesin (BN) analogues may be valuable vehicles for delivering

radioisotopes to target tumors, there are a few key obstacles to be overcome for their use as

oncology drugs like somatostatin derivatives. Ideal BN analogues must tolerate optimization for

labeling with the desired radioisotopes, while retaining affinity to their receptors, as well as high

internalization into cells, slow efflux from cells, survival in the circulation, and high

accumulation in the targeted tumor. In this work, I studied the influence on the pharmacological

behavior when BN analogues were optimized to satisfy these requirements.

2.1 Pan-Bombesin analogues

UBackground 1 U

As various major human cancers have been shown to overexpress different BN receptor subtypes

(21), there is a promising possibility to utilize one pan-bombesin radioligand for the diagnosis

and targeted radionuclide therapy of all of these BN receptor-expressing tumors. A universal

ligand, D-Phe(or D-Tyr)-Gln-Trp-Ala-Val-βAla-His-Phe-Nle-NH B2 B, has proved to bind to all BN

receptor subtypes with high affinity (25, 26) and may be modified for radiolabeling with

different radioisotopes. As it is known that the His-Leu peptide bond of the BN analogue (AA-

Gln-Trp-Ala-Val-Gly-His-Leu-Met-NH B2 B) is hydrolyzed by peptidase (54), I assumed that this

peptidase might also be responsible for cleaving the His-Phe peptide bond of the universal

ligand. The strategy of substituting Phe P

13P by the non-natural amino acid (Thi) was used to

increase the in vivo stability.

UStep 1U

DTPA(or DOTA)-GABA-D-Tyr-Gln-Trp-Ala-Val-βAla-His-Thi-Nle-NHB2 B ligand (GABA= γ-

aminobutyric acid) was designed and synthesized for evaluating its biological and

pharmacological properties P

[Paper 1]P.

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UBackground 2 U

According to our unpublished data, the chelator that was directly coupled to the peptide led to a

significant loss of binding affinity towards GRP receptors. Therefore it was necessary to insert a

spacer between the peptide and the chelator in order to retain a high binding affinity.

Furthermore, the type of spacer may influence the pharmacological properties.

UStep 2U

Different spacers (Fig. 1) with various chain-lengths were introduced to study their influence on

the pharmacological propertiesP

[Manuscript 1 and Paper 2]P.

SpacerDOTA D-Tyr-Gln-Trp-Ala-Val-βAla-His-Thi-Nle-NH2




























Fig. 1 Differing-spacer modified BN analogues

UGoal U

I aimed to develop a pan-bombesin radioligand for labeling with P

67/68PGa, P

111PIn, P

177PLu, and P


and to further test it for receptor affinity, receptor subtype profile, uptake and efflux in cells,

biodistribution, and metabolic stability.

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2.2 Modification of the 11P

thP position in bombesin analogues

UBackground U

1). According to the study of pan-bombesin ([ P

111PIn]-DTPA(or DOTA)-GABA-D-Tyr-Gln-

Trp-Ala-Val-βAla-His-Thi-Nle-NHB2 B), carnosinase is responsible for cleaving the bond between

βAla P

11P and His P


PThis bond also has been identified as the weakest bond P

[Paper 1]P. This implies that

βAla P


12P is a very important site for the determination of the stability of BN analogues in

serum. In addition, from the published study of D-Tyr-Gln-Trp-Ala-Val-βAla-His-Phe-Nle-NH B2B

(48, 49), the substitution of β-alanine might change its secondary structure and lead to the BN

receptor-selective ligand.

2). The literature (55-57) shows that the azaglycine may influence and stabilize the peptide

conformation because the rotation of the N-N bond is restricted by the lone nitrogen pairs

approximately perpendicular to one another. From unpublished data (Reubi, Schmitt and

Maecke), the introduction of azaglycine on the 11P

thP position of the BN analogue has a slight

influence on binding affinity.

3). Based on the [D-TyrP

6P, β-AlaP

11P, Phe P

13P, Nle P

14P] BN (6-14) (25, 26, 58, 59) or BN (6-14)

(60), D-PheP

6P or D-TyrP

6P is important for keeping the affinity to the GRP receptor, even though

BN(7-14) was considered to sufficiently keep biological activity (19, 36, 61).


AA His-Leu-Met-NH2















Fig. 2 Modification on 11th position with unnatural amino acids

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These findings prompted me to modify the 11P

thP position with azaglycine, D-alanine and β-

alanine in the prototype of [D-TyrP

6P]-BN(6-14) (Fig. 2). The influence on the serum stability and

other biological characteristics were studied P

[Manuscript 2]P.

2.3 Radiocopper-conjugated BN analogue for PET imaging and targeted


UBackground U

1). Positron emission tomography (PET) has become an attractive diagnostic tool in nuclear

medicine since 2-deoxy-2-[P

18PF]fluoro-D-glucose ( P

18PFDG) became a commercially available drug.

However, the challenge in the use of P

18PFDG is its short half-life (tB1/2 B= 110 min), which requires

its synthesis to be conducted either at the cyclotron production site or in institutions situated in

close proximity (within 1-2 h travel time). Compared to P

18PF, P

64PCu (62) has a longer physical half-

life (tB1/2 B=12.7h) and may be produced in large amounts of radioactivity by biomedical cyclotrons

for distribution to far-away PET centers. Furthermore, P

64PCu has therapeutic potential because of

its low energy β P

-P and electron capture (63-65).

2). Copper-67 (tB1/2 B= 61.9h) is a low energy β-emitter that is very suitable for irradiation of

small metastases (66, 67). Furthermore, P

67PCu also emits low energy photons, which is

particularly useful for pretherapeutic, diagnostic imaging with a γ-camera.

3). Radiocopper was conjugated to small bioactive molecules via bifunctional chelates,

such as DOTA (1,4,7,10-tetraaza-1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane)-acetic acid) and CPTA (4-

(1,4,8,11-tetraaza-1-yl)-methyl benzoic acid). When the complex was formed between copper

and chelate under physiological conditions, the [CuP

IIP-DOTA]-peptide was negatively charged (-

1) and the [Cu P

IIP-CPTA]-peptide complex was positively charged (+2) (Fig. 3). Up to now,

nothing has been known about the influence of different charges on the pharmacological

properties of BN analogues.

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CH2 3

















-1 0 +2


Fig. 3 Metal complexes display different charges under physiological conditions

4). Since hippurane has been shown to facilitate kidney clearance, I assume that a

hippurane like structure between chelate and peptide as a spacer may enhance kidney clearance.

This structure was formed by modification of CPTA with glycine (Fig. 4).


hippurane hippurane like structure








Fig. 4 Hippurane-like structure is formed in BN analogue

5). According to our previously unpublished data (Reubi, Schmitt, Chen and Maecke), the

replacement of methionine by norleucine at the 14P

thP position of BN did not change the binding

affinity of the peptide because there is little structural difference (-S- versus -CHB2 B-) between

these two amino acids. Since β-emission may lead to the radiolytic oxidation of methionine, it

seems worthwhile to substitute methionine with norleucine.

UGoal U


64/67PCu]-conjugated BN analogues were designed for PET imaging and targeted radiotherapy.

Furthermore, P

64/67PCu-labeled peptides were used to study the influence of different charges at the

N-terminus, of the hippurane-like structure, and of the modification on the 14P

thP position P



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2.4 Design and evaluation of a clinically potential BN analogue: [P

68PGa/ P



UBackground U

1). The first radiolabeled BN analogue used in a preliminary patient study was P


RP527. The results indicate that BN analogues can be applied for the diagnosis of hGRP receptor

expressing tumors in humans. Comparing the preclinical data of P

99mPTc-RP527 and P


Demobesin 1, the latter (47) displayed more promising characteristics than P

99mPTc-RP527, such as

higher accumulation in the tumor. However, these two P

99mPTc-labeled BN derivatives showed

relatively low tumor/background ratios, even though P

99mPTc-Demobesin 1 was highly

accumulated in PC-3 bearing xenografts. In consideration of these drawbacks, it was necessary

to design a novel ligand for improving the tumor-to-background ratios without influencing the

tumor uptake.

2). P

68PGa (tB1/2B=67.6min) has become more and more attractive as a PET nuclide, which is

eluted from a P

68PGe/ P

68PGa generator (68). As the parent radionuclide P

68PGe has a very long half-life

(270.8 days), the P


68PGa generator can afford P

68PGa every four hours and last at least one year.

Thus the cost of P

68PGa may become very low. Furthermore, P

68PGa can be available worldwide by

the installation of P

68PGe/ P

68PGa generators, which are independent of cyclotron irradiation whenever

a patient requires PET diagnosis.

3). P

177PLu is a suitable radioisotope for the therapy of small-size primary tumors and

metastases (69). However, for the P

177PLu-conjugated BN analogue, the high tumor-to-kidney ratio

is the most important factor to achieve a successful therapy of GRP receptor-expressing tumors

because side effect on kidneys is frequently a major problem when patients receive high-dose


4). According to my previous study, poly(ethylene oxide) as a spacer decreases kidney


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UGoal U

Based on the advantages of P


177PLu, my aim was to design a P

68PGa/ P

177PLu-conjugated BN

analogue for PET imaging and targeted radiotherapy P

[Manuscript 4]P. [P

68PGa/ P


BN(7-14) (DOTA-PESIN) may overcome the above-mentioned drawbacks of P


analogues and afford desirable pharmacological properties such as high specific accumulation in

the tumor, quick visualization of tumors, and high tumor-to-blood and tumor-to-kidney ratios in


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3.1 Evaluation of pan-bombesin derivatives (Paper 1)


[D-Tyr P

6P, βAlaP

11P, Phe P

13P, Nle P

14P] BN (6-14) has been shown to bind to all BN receptor subtypes

with fairly high affinity. When conjugated to DOTA/DTPA and labeled with a radioisotope, this

peptide may be promising for the diagnosis and targeted therapy of a variety of human tumors

including prostate, breast cancer, and gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST). However, it has

been shown that BN is hydrolyzed by CD10 (common acute lymphoblastic leukemia

antigen)/NEP (neutral endopeptidase 24.11) at the His-Leu peptide bond (54). It is reasonable to

assume that this metalloprotease may also cleave the His-Phe peptide bond in the prototype of

[D-Tyr P

6P, βAlaP

11P, Phe P

13P, Nle P

14P] BN (6-14). To increase its in-vivo stability, phenylalanine (PheP


was replaced by thienylalanine (Thi), a synthetic amino acid. The subsequent evaluation of these

two ligands indicated a similar biological behavior, such as the binding affinity toward hGRP

receptors (1.2±0.3 nM (Phe P

13P) versus 1.0±0.2 nM (Thi P


USynthesis and radiolabelingU

All BN analogues involved in my thesis were synthesized on Rink amide MBHA resin using

Fmoc strategy. After purification with preparative HPLC, overall yields of the peptide were

approximately 30% based on the removal of the first Fmoc group. The pure chelator-conjugated

peptide and metallated peptide (purity >97%) were identified by MS/MALDI and analyzed with

analytical HPLC.

The DTPA-conjugated peptide was labeled with P

111PIn by incubation at room temperature. The

DOTA-conjugated peptide was labeled with P

111PIn, P

90PY, and P

177PLu at elevated temperature (95°C,

15-25 min). Labeling yields of >98% at specific activities of >37 GBq μmol P

-1P were achieved.

UBinding affinityU

The binding affinity profiles were determined in vitro using receptor autoradiography, as

described in the literature (21, 70). Human tumors were selected that had previously been shown

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to express predominantly one single bombesin receptor subtype; namely either the neuromedin B

receptor, gastrin-releasing peptide receptor, or the BRS-3 receptor. Using [P


6P, βAla P


Phe P

13P, Nle P

14P] BN (6-14) as radioligand, the ICB50 B values of [In P



Tyr P

6P, βAlaP

11P, Thi P

13P, Nle P

14P] BN (6-14)) and [YP



6P, βAlaP


Thi P

13P, Nle P

14P] BN (6-14)) were measured in competitive binding experiments with successive

tissue sections containing tumors expressing either the GRP receptor, NMB receptor or BRS-3

receptor. The results showed that both [InP

IIIP]-BZH1 and [YP

IIIP]-BZH2 had a high affinity to the

GRP receptor, and a medium affinity to the NMB receptor and the BRS-3 receptor. The ICB50B

values of [InP

IIIP]-BZH1 were 3.47±0.32 nM to the GRP receptor, 10.5±3.03nM to the NMB

receptor, and 41.7±22.2nM to the BRS-3 receptor. The ICB50B values of [YP

IIIP]-BZH2 were

1.40±0.10 nM to the GRP receptor, 4.93±1.03 nM to the NMB receptor and 10.7±4.2 nM to the

BRS-3 receptor P

[Paper 1, Table 1]P.

UInternalization and externalization U

The internalization of the peptide was studied in AR4-2J and PC-3 cells. The results showed fast

internalization rates for both P

111PIn-labeled BZH1 and BZH2 P

[Paper 1, Fig 5]P. Compared to P



177PLu/ P

90PY-labeled BZH2 exhibited a similar internalization rate P

[Paper 1, Fig 6]P. Internalization was

specific and receptor mediated as shown by a blocking experiment in the presence of 0.57 μM

unlabeled BZH2. The kinetics of the externalization of both peptides P

[Paper 1, Fig 7]P showed that

within 2 h, 45% of [P

111PIn]-BZH1 and 30% of [P

111PIn]-BZH2 were released from the AR4-2J cells.


111PIn]-BZH1 was used as a leading peptide to identify the structural composition of externalized

peptide. Following 2 h of internalization and acid wash of the surface bound peptide, the

radioactivity that externalized within 30 min already consisted of approximately 50% intact

peptide and 50% P

111PIn(DTPA) P

2-P as the only metabolite. At 4 h, the externalized radioactivity

consisted of 12.5% intact peptide and 87.5% P

111PIn(DTPA) P

2-P; whereas at 24 h, only P

111PIn(DTPA) P


was found.

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Biodistribution studies P

[Paper 1, Table 3, Fig 8]P were performed with Lewis rats bearing the AR4-2J rat

pancreatic tumor using the P

111PIn-labeled peptides. Both [P

111PIn]-BZH1 and [P

111PIn]-BZH2 displayed

rapid blood clearance with less than 0.02% ID/g and 0.01% ID/g, respectively, remaining in

blood at 4h. Fast clearance from the GRP-R negative tissues except the kidneys was found as

well. [P

111PIn]-BZH1 and [P

111PIn]-BZH2 show high uptake values in the AR4-2J tumor and in the

GRP-R positive organs (4 h: tumor, 1.71±0.51% ID/g vs. 0.72±0.22% ID/g; pancreas,

3.92±0.86% ID/g vs. 1.96±0.67% ID/g). In-vivo competition experiments using 50 µg BZH2 co-

injected with [P

111PIn]-BZH1 (data for [P

111PIn]-BZH2 in brackets) resulted in an >93% (89%)

reduction of tumor uptake and also in a reduction of the uptake in normal GRP-R positive organs

(>97% reduction for both radiopeptides in the pancreas). The pharmaco*kinetics of P


was very similar to those of P

111PIn-BZH2. These radioligands showed a relatively fast washout

from AR4-2J tumor and GRP receptor positive organs.

UPioneer clinical studyU

Fig. 5 PET imaging of prostate cancer patient with [P

68PGa]-BZH2 at 1h p.i. (Hofmann et al, MH, Hannover,

unpublished result)

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Hoffmann et al (MH, Hannover) performed a patient study (5 cases) by using [ P

68PGa]-BZH2; it

showed that [ P

68PGa]-BZH2 visualizes the tumor quickly (Fig. 5). Paganelli et al (IEO, Milan)

performed a clinical trial with P

111PIn-labeled BZH1 and BZH2. Their results (personal

communication) show that the tumor is well localized. However, the radioactivity was released

from the target relatively quickly (within 24h). These data indicate that the rapid release from the

tumor may make little sense when [P

90PY/ P

177PLu]-BZH2 is used for targeted radiotherapy.

Why was radiolabeled BN analogue released from the tumor quickly? Unstable?

UStability and metabolitesU

The study of the stability in human serum was performed to find out why P

111PIn-labeled BZH1 or

BZH2 cannot be residualized in the tumor. A consecutive reaction ( DCBA kk +⎯→⎯⎯→⎯ 21 )

was assumed to calculate the disappearance of intact peptide ( tkeA 1100][ −⋅= ) as well as the

formation and disappearance of the metabolite ( ( ) )(/100][ 121 21

tktk eekkkB −−− −⋅⋅= ). According

to this reaction model, the stability of the intact peptide and the first metabolite in fresh human

serum was calculated (tB1/2 B=0.693/ki).

The metabolic stability results show that P

111PIn-labeled BZH1 or BZH2 are not stable in the

human serum (t B1/2B=2.0-2.3h) P

[Paper 1, Table 2]P. Furthermore, the βAla P


12 Pbond is the weakest

bond in the prototype of [P

111PIn]-DTPA-GABA-[D-Tyr P

6P, βAla P

11P, Thi P

13P, NleP

14P] BN (6-14) since the

cleavage site of βAla P


12P was identified as the first metabolite by analytical HPLC P

[Paper 1, Fig 2,

3 and 4]P. Subsequently, this metabolite was decomposed at the Gln P


8P peptide bond and at the

chelate-GABA. Incubation in the presence of EDTA or βAla-His (carnosine) slowed down the

metabolic process distinctly, indicating that carnosinase may be the active enzyme, thus

supporting the finding that the first enzymatic cleavage was between βAlaP


12 [Paper 1, Fig 4]P. In

addition, the substitution of Phe P

13P by Thi P

13P increases the stability by a factor of 1.5 (unpublished

in paper 1).

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UImplication:U Stabilizing BN analogue!

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3.2 Spacer modified pan-bombesin analogues (Manuscript 1 and Paper 2)

UBackground U

Preliminary results from our laboratory showed that direct coupling of the chelator to the peptide

led to a significant loss of binding affinity towards GRP receptors. Therefore it was necessary to

insert a spacer between the peptide and the chelator in order to retain a high binding affinity.

Furthermore, based on the assumption that the type of spacer would influence the

pharmacological properties, different spacers with various chain-lengths (Fig. 1) were introduced

to study the supposed influence, including GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid), Ahx (6-aminohexanoic

acid), PEGB2B (8-amino-3,6-dioxaoctanoic acid), PEGB4 B (15-amino-4,7,10,13-tetraoxapentadecanoic

acid), βAlaB2 B (di-β-alanine), D-Dab-βAla and SarB5 B(pentasarcosine). The positive charge on the

side chain was introduced by using diaminobutanoic acid (Dab) as amino acid spacer.

UBinding affinityU

The results showed that all conjugates have a relatively high affinity (ICB50B value: 0.8- 6.3nM.

Ref.: Table 3) to the human GRP receptor expressed in human prostate cancer by using [P



BN as a radioligand. The different chain lengths of the spacers had an effect on the binding

affinity of their corresponding conjugates. For example, for the spacer of the hydrocarbon type,

five methylene groups (Ahx: 0.8±0.1nM) afforded a better binding affinity to the hGRP receptor

than three (GABA: 2.2±0.2nM), which is consistent with other published results (40, 44). For the

spacer of the ethylene oxide type, on the other hand, four ethylene oxide groups (PEGB4 B:

6.3±1.3nM) showed a lower affinity than two (PEGB2 B: 2.1±0.8nM). Considering the influence of

length among all types of spacers, the longer spacers (PEGB4 B and Sar B5B) led to a lower binding

affinity for the human GRP receptor than the shorter spacers (GABA, Ahx, PEGB2 B, βAlaB2 B, and D-

Dab-βAla). In addition, the positive charge on the side chain (Dab) did not improve the binding


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Since AR4-2J (rat pancreatic tumor) cells and PC-3 (human prostate cancer) cells express GRP

receptors, internalization was studied with both cell lines. In PC-3 cells, all spacer-modified

conjugates displayed a similar internalization rate, which is not consistent with their

corresponding affinity (human GRP-Rs). On the other hand, in AR4-2J cells, the longer spacers

(SarB5 B and PEGB4 B) result in a slower internalization rate than the shorter ones. These results imply

that the GRP receptor expressed on rat cells is different from the GRP receptor expressed on

human cells P

[Manuscript 1, Fig 4]P. Among all spacer-modified conjugates, only longer spacer-modified

(SarB5 B and PEGB4 B) analogues displayed a significantly different internalization rate between these

two cell types (Table 3). Thus it was expected that these two ligands would show a lower affinity

to the mouse/rat GRP receptor than to the human GRP receptor. However, the results obtained

from [YP

IIIP]-DOTA-PEGB4 B-BZH were contrary to my expectation (ICB50B values: 0.20±0.00 nM

(AR4-2J cell membrane) vs 3.93±1.23nM (PC-3 cell membrane); 0.46±0.03 nM (mouse pancreas

tissue) vs 6.3±1.3nM (human prostate cancer tissue)) (71).

Table. 3 Internalization rate of [P

111PIn]-DOTA-Spacer-BZH P

‡P after 6h incubation and corresponding binding

affinities to human GRP receptor. PC-3 cells AR4-2J

Spacer ICB50B (nM) P

†P % of added radioligands per 1 million cells Difference

Sar B5 B 5.7±1.4 (3) 38.1±1.3 22.4±1.7 15.7

PEGB4 B 6.3±1.3 (5) 35.8±0.7 19.7±0.2 16.1

βAlaB2 B 2.5±0.4 (3) 30.7±1.6 24.0±0.9 6.7

Ahx 0.8±0.1 (3) 36.4±0.5 33.9±1.6 2.5

GABA 2.2±0.2 (3) 35.8±0.9 36.1±0.2 -0.3

PEGB2 B 2.1±0.8 (3) 33.5±0.6 37.1±2.9 -4.4

D-Dab-βAla 2.1±0.9 (3) 31.7±1.6 36.6±1.9 -5.1

†: Binding affinity study was performed on human prostate cancer by using [P

125PI-Tyr P

4P] BN as radioligand;

‡: DOTA-Spacer-D-Tyr-Gln-Trp-Ala-Val-βAla-His-Thi-Nle-NHB2 B

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Is another factor influencing the internalization rate into murine cells? The p-glycoprotein (mdr1

expression) may influence internalization, especially for peptides containing sarcosine or the

ethylene oxide group because they may be excreted from cells by mdr1. The density of mdr1

expression on murine cells is higher than that on human cells (72). This may explain why longer

spacer-modified conjugates (SarB5 B and PEGB4 B) display abnormal trends in the AR4-2J cells.

UPET imaging and biodistributionU

AR4-2J tumor bearing nude mice were used for PET imaging. The results show that [P


DOTA-PEGB2 B-BZH visualizes the AR4-2J tumor quickly P

[Paper 2, Fig 5]P.

Biodistribution studies P

[Manuscript 1, Table 5 and Fig 5]P of these spacer-modified BN analogues were

performed with Lewis rats bearing the AR4-2J pancreatic tumor. All of the [P


spacer-BZH ligands displayed a rapid clearance from blood and from the GRP-R negative tissues

with the exception of the kidneys. All derivatives showed high uptake in the AR4-2J tumor and

in the GRP-R positive organs. For example, among the tested derivatives (4h p.i.), [P


DOTA-GABA-BZH (BZH2) has the lowest uptake in the AR4-2J tumor (0.82±0.06% ID/g), and


111PIn]-DOTA-PEGB4 B-BZH the highest (1.55±0.25% ID/g). On the other hand, they show a

reverse tendency in the kidney (1.51±0.61% ID/g vs 0.76±0.18% ID/g). The kinetics of P


labeled SarB5 B/GABA modified conjugates show that the SarB5 B derivative has a much higher

accumulation in AR4-2J tumor and pancreas.

From biodistribution results, the SarB5 B and PEGB4 B modified peptides show higher accumulation in

the AR4-2J tumor even though both have a slower internalization rate into AR4-2J cells than

other spacers. Do different spacers between peptide and chelator influence the in vivo stability

and thus affect the accumulation in the tumor?


To answer the above-mentioned question, stability in serum was determined as described in

Chapter 3.1. The results show that with increasing length of the spacers, the P


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conjugates showed an increasing stability (tB1/2B = 2.3h to 33.6h) in fresh human serum P

[Manuscript 1,

Table 4]P. This may explain why SarB5 B or PEGB4 B-modified peptides (PEGB4 B=15-amino-4,7,10,13-

tetraoxapentadecanoic acid) show high accumulation in the AR4-2J tumor despite their slower

internalization rate. However, since the spacer is distant from the weakest bond (βAla P


12P), it

is still not clear how spacers influence the in vivo stability. Does the linear BN analogue form

secondary structures in the serum, thus shortening the distance between the spacer and the

weakest bond?

USecondary structureU

To understand the structural basis of the above-mentioned biological differences, I analyzed the

secondary structure of spacer-modified pan-BN analogues. All of the [YP


ligands, dissolved in PBS buffer (60 μM), were measured with circular dichroism (CD) at room

temperature. The CD spectra showed that [YP

IIIP]-DOTA-Sar B5 B-BZH significantly differs from the

other conjugates, having a typical curve of a α-helix P

[Manuscript 1, Fig. 6]P. The results from further

evaluation of all spectra (Anna Seelig group) P

[Manuscript 1, Table 6]P show that the main form of their

secondary structure in PBS buffer is random coil varying from 40.8% to 67.9%. (D)Dab-βAla

and SarB5 B may form about 1 helical turn; especially, the most stable ligand, DOTA-Sar B5 B-BZH,

might form 1 helical turn. For GABA, Ahx, PEGB2 B and PEGB4 B derivatives, there is practically no

α-helix or β-turn structure. These results indicate that the spacer may partially affect the peptide

secondary structure, especially for SarB5B (pentasarcosine).


Poly(ethylene oxide) group as spacer decreases the kidney uptake;

Pentasarcosine as spacer increases stability;

GRP receptor expressed on human tumor cells differs from GRP receptor expressed on

the murine cells.

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3.3 Modification on the 11P

thP position of [P

111PIn]-DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr P

6P]BN(6-14) for

studying the influence on metabolic stability and probing species differences

(Manuscript 2)

UBackground U

Based on D-Tyr-Gln-Trp-Ala-Val-βAla-His-Phe-Nle-NH B2B, Mantey et al (48-50) reported that the

substitution of β-alanine may change its secondary structure, and lead a pan-ligand to become a

BRS-3 receptor-selective ligand. In the experiments discussed in Chapter 3.1, carnosinase is

responsible for cleaving the bond between βAla P

11P and His P

12P which was identified as the weakest

bond in [P

111PIn]-DTPA(or DOTA)-GABA-D-Tyr-Gln-Trp-Ala-Val-βAla-His-Thi-Nle-NHB2 B. These

results imply that it may be worthwhile to optimize the pharmacological properties through

modification on the 11P

thP position of the BN analogue.

Since according to the literature (25, 26, 58-60) D-Phe P

6P or D-TyrP

6P seem to keep the affinity to the

GRP receptor even though the BN(7-14) was considered to have sufficient biological activity for

the GRP receptor (19), [D-Tyr P

6P]-BN(6-14) was chosen as a peptide model for the 11P

thP position

modification. Glycine (GlyP

11P) was substituted by β-alanine (βAla), D-Ala, or azaglycine


[Manuscript 2, Fig. 1]P. It may be possible that D-Ala and Agly may not only increase the

stability, but also influence the peptide conformation.


The stability of [P

111PIn]-DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr P

6P, XP

11P] BN (6-14) was determined in serum, as

described in Chapter 3.1. The results show that the stability in human serum increased due to this

substitution. The Agly analogue is the most stable among these four ligands. The half-lives (tB1/2B)

of the corresponding peptides in human serum varied from 2.9±0.5 h (Gly) to 14.1±1.5 h (Agly)


[Manuscript 2, Table 3]P. However, the degree of stabilization is insufficient, most likely because other

peptide bonds are susceptible to degradation by proteolytic enzymes.

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UBinding affinityU

Using [P

125PI-Tyr P

4P] BN as GRP receptor-preferring radioligand, competition binding assays on

cryostat sections of human prostate tumors and mouse pancreas were conducted for [InP



6P, XP

11P] BN (6-14). The ICB50B values of these compounds for the mouse

GRP receptor were between 0.5±0.2nM and 5.8±2.2nM, and for the human GRP receptor

between 11.5±2.6nM and 96±13nM P

[Manuscript 2, Table 2]P. Although there appears to be a high

interspecies hom*ology of >90% between human and mouse GRP receptors (73), [InP



6P, AglyP

11P] BN (6-14) showed the highest affinity difference (96-fold) between

human and mouse GRP receptors. The reason may be that human and mouse GRP receptor

prefer to bind to the ligand that has different conformation, but the conformation of Agly

analogue can not be changed because the rotation of the N-N bond between ValP


11P is

restricted by the lone nitrogen pairs approximately perpendicular to each other (55). On the other

hand, as the other three ligands cannot restrict the conformation, it is to be expected that they

have less difference of affinity than the Agly derivative (the differences for βAla, Gly and D-Ala

derivatives are 25, 9.6 and 7.1 fold, respectively).

USecondary structure analysisU

Fig. 6 Circular dichroism spectra of 60 µM [InP




11P] BN (6-14) (X=Gly, Agly, βAla and D-Ala) in TFE/PBS (7:3),

The concentration was calibrated with UV (280nm, ε=6890).

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To probe whether the secondary structure is changed due to modifying the 11P

thP position with

Agly and D-Ala, all of the [InP


6P, XP

11P] BN(6-14) ligands were dissolved

in trifluoroethanol (TFE)/0.1M phosphate buffer (pH=7.4) solution (v/v=7/3), then measured

with circular dichroism (CD). Their CD spectra (Fig. 6) displayed that their main secondary

structure still is random coil and there is no significant difference of secondary structure,

indicating that the secondary structures difference of random coil may be detectable only when

BN analogues bind to the GRP receptors.

UInternalization and externalizationU

Generally, the internalization rate of these serial ligands into PC-3 cells (human receptor) was

faster than into AR4-2J cells (rat receptor). For the Agly analogue, the difference of

internalization rate into these two cell lines was only 3% (6h incubation), whereas for the D-

Ala P

11P analogue, it was 13.7%, which was the highest difference found among these four ligands


[Manuscript 2, Fig 2]P.

The reason for these results may be that the binding affinity and the receptor density on the cells

together determine the internalization rate. The GRP receptor density in PC-3 cells (2.5×10P


receptor sites per cell (42)) is higher than in AR4-2J cells (Singh et al (74): 1.5×10P


Schuhmacher et al (75): 0.97×10P

5P). For the Agly analogue, the binding affinity to the PC-3

tumor is by a factor of 96 lower than to the mouse pancreas; for the D-Ala analogue only by a

factor of 7.1. These two factors may result in the above-mentioned difference of internalization


All radio-labeled ligands were released from PC-3 cells with a similar rate (P = 0.98) except


111PIn]-DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr P

6P, D-AlaP

11P] BN(6-14) which had a relative faster washout (P =

0.04). P

[Manuscript 2, Fig 3]P.

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Biodistribution was performed in normal rats and double-tumor (AR4-2J and PC-3) bearing nude

mice, respectively. The respective biodistribution in normal rats P

[Manuscript 2, Table 4]P show that the

accumulation of βAla or Agly derivatives in the GRP-receptor positive pancreas is higher than

that of the Gly or D-Ala analogues, which is consistent with their affinity. The uptake in the

kidney is also dependable to their corresponding affinity, implying that the kidney may be a

mouse GRP receptor positive organ. In the double-tumor bearing mice, the uptake of all the

radiotracers in the PC-3 tumors was significantly lower than in the AR4-2J tumor, which is in

accordance with their relative binding affinities P

[Manuscript 2, Table 5]P. All of these in vivo results

showed that the accumulation in the target was not determined by the internalization rate, but by

the binding affinity to the GRP receptor. When the ligands had a similar affinity to the receptor,

the ligand that is more stable in serum displays a higher accumulation in the target.


Stabilizing a single peptide bond is not sufficient to afford a stable BN analogue;

The BN analogue may display a different interaction with the GRP receptor when it is

obtained from different species.

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3.4 P

64/67PCu-conjugated BN analogues for targeted PET imaging and radiotherapy

of BN receptor expressing tumors (Manuscript 3)

UBackground U

Copper-64 and copper-67 have become attractive (Table 4) for radiolabelling proteins and

peptides (42, 64-67) for both diagnosis and therapy because of their suitable physical properties.

Especially, copper-64 has been identified as an emerging positron emitter (62) also showing

therapeutic potential because of its low energy βP

-P and electron capture (63, 64). Copper-67 (tB1/2 B=

61.9h) is a low energy beta-emitter that is very suitable for irradiation of small metastases. P


also emits low energy photons, particularly useful for pretherapeutic diagnostic imaging with a γ-

camera. All these advantages prompted me to develop radiocopper-conjugated BN analogues for

PET imaging and targeted radiotherapy of BN receptor positive tumors.

Table 4 Physical properties and potential applications of a range of copper isotopes (76)

Isotope Half-life Imaging (emission, energy P

aP, abundance)

Therapy (energy P

aP, range in tissue)



60PCu 20 min PET (βP

+P, 873 keV; 93%) Radiolabelling of small molecules

for repeat studies under different physiological conditions


61PCu 3.3 h PET (βP

+P, 527 keV; 62%) Radiolabelling small molecules


62PCu 9.74 min PET (βP

+P, 1315 keV; 98%) Repeat studies under different

physiological conditions P

64PCu 12.7 h PET (βP

+P, 278 keV; 19%) β P

-P; 190 keV; 0.95 mm Radiolabelling small molecules,

peptides and antibodies P

66PCu 5.4 min β P

-P; 1109 keV; 5.6 mm Radiolabelling small molecules for

therapy P

67PCu 62 h SPECT (91, 7%; 93 keV,

16%; 185, 48%) β P

-P; 121 keV; 0.61 mm Radiolabelling peptides and

antibodies P

aP: Average energy of the most non-penetrating radiation.

In addition, different charges were introduced to the N-terminus of the peptide by using



IIP-DOTA] and [Cu P


IIIP-DOTA]-peptide forms a neutral complex,

whereas the [CuP

IIP-DOTA]-peptide is a negatively charged, and the [CuP

IIP-CPTA]-peptide a two-

fold positively charged BN derivative P

[Manuscript 3, scheme 1]P.

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UBinding affinityU

Using [P

125PI-Tyr P

4P] BN as radioligand, competitive binding assays were performed with human

cancerous tissue and mouse pancreas tissue as a source of GRP-receptors. The positively charged

ligand, [CuP

IIP]-BZH5, had significantly higher affinity to human GRP receptors than the

negatively charged ([Cu P

IIP]-BZH4) or neutral ([InP

IIIP]-BZH4) peptide P

[Manuscript 3, Table 2]P, indicating

that the charge at the N-terminus is a main factor for determining the affinity to human GRP

receptors. These results also imply the use of DOTA as a bifunctional chelator for conjugating


64PCu to BN analogues is not a good choice. This effect can explain why the positively charged


99mPTc]Demobesin 1 (47) exhibited such a high affinity to the GRP receptor and high

accumulation in PC-3 tumors, whereas P

64PCu-labeled DOTA-Aoc-BN (7-14) (42) and DOTA-

[Lys P

3P]BN (34) showed relatively low affinities and poor uptake. Interestingly, the differently

charged peptides ([Cu P


IIIP]-BZH4 and [CuP

IIP]-BZH5) displayed only a slight difference

in affinity for the mouse GRP receptors P

[Manuscript 3, Table 2]P, demonstrating that the mouse GRP

receptor is only slightly sensitive to the charge at the N-terminus.

Substitution of Nle P

14P ([Cu P

IIP]-BZH5) by MetP

14P ([CuP

IIP]-BZH6) causes the ICB50 B value (for the

hGRP-R) to drop from 3.2±0.5nM to 1.0±0.2nM, whereas it had no influence on the ICB50 B values

for the mouse pancreas (0.6±0.2nM vs 0.8±0.2nM) P

[Manuscript 3, Table 2]P. When D-Tyr P

6P of [CuP


BZH6 was removed to become [CuP

IIP]-BZH7, the ICB50B values improved by a factor of 2.5 (human

receptor) and 4 (mouse receptor), respectively, achieving the highest binding affinity P

[Manuscript 3,

Table 2]P by far which we have found among more than 100 BN analogues. A hippurane-like

structure between the cyclamyl group and [βAla P

11P] BN (7-14) ([Cu P

IIP]-BZH8) decreases the

binding affinity to human GRP-R and mouse GRP-R by a factor of 4 P

[Manuscript 3, Table 2]P.

UReceptor subtype profile of [CuUPU


The most promising peptide, [CuP

IIP]-BZH7, was studied with respect to the bombesin receptor

subtype profile using human cancerous tissue expressing predominantly a single bombesin

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receptor subtype. It was very exciting to find that [CuP

IIP]-BZH7 had high binding affinity to all 3

human receptor subtypes (0.40±0.10 nM to NMB-R; 0.35±0.05 nM to GRP-R and 1.8±0.4 nM to

BRS-3) compared to [D-TyrP

6P, βAla P

11P, Phe P

13P, Nle P

14P] BN (6-14) or [Y P

IIIP]-BZH2 (25-27) even

though their peptide sequences differ significantly. After analyzing the structural differences of

DOTA-Gly-[4-aminobenzoyl]-BN (7-14) (binding to NMB-R and GRP-R (43)) and BZH7


11P]BN (7-14): binding to all three subtypes), we may conclude

that the benzoyl group is a key structural feature to keep high affinity to the NMB receptor and

βAla P

11P for maintaining high affinity to the BRS-3 receptor.


The stability in human fresh serum is also performed as described in Chapter 3.1. The different

chelate complexes (In-DOTA: [P

111PIn]-BZH4 and Cu-CPTA: [P

64PCu]-BZH5) do not show a

different stability (0.61±0.11h versus 0.55±0.11h) P

[Manuscript 3, Table 3]P. The substitution of Nle P

14P by

Met improves stability significantly (Table 5). [P

64PCu]-CPTA-[βAla P

11P] BN (7-14) and [P


CPTA-[βAla P

11P] BN (7-14) show similar stability in serum (tB1/2 B: 5.1±1.7h vs 4.5±1.2h).

In addition, compared to our previously designed panbombesin-ligand (BZH2: [P



6P, β-AlaP

11P, ThiP

13P, Nle P

14P] BN(6-14)) (27), [P

111PIn]-BZH4 (DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr P



11P, Nle P

14P]BN(6-14)) has less stability in serum by a factor of 3.5. The stability sequence on

the 13P

thP position of the BN analogues is Thi > Phe > Leu.

UInternalization and externalizationU

The internalization and externalization experiments were studied with PC-3 cells. All of the


64PCu-labeled conjugates andP


111PIn]-BZH4 showed fast specific cell-uptake P

[Manuscript 3, Fig 1]P, in

particular, [P

64PCu]-BZH5 and [P

64PCu]-BZH7 internalize very efficiently into PC-3 cells (Table 5).

The other ligands, [P

64PCu]-BZH6, [P

64PCu]-BZH8, and [P

111PIn]-BZH4, are listed in decreasing order

of internalization rate. Efflux results P

[Manuscript 3, Fig 2]P showed that [P

64PCu]-BZH7 has the slowest

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and [P

111PIn]-BZH4 the fastest externalization rate, which is consistent with their affinities to

hGRP-R. To identify the composition of externalized peptide, [ P

111PIn]-BZH4 is used as a leading

peptide. Following 2 h of internalization and acid wash, the externalized radioactivity consists of

approximately 84% metabolites and 16% intact peptide after 2h incubation.

These results indicate that high binding affinity correlates with rapid internalization and

relatively slow washout from PC-3 cells among this series of ligands except [ P


Table 5 Structure relationships with peptide biological properties

Peptide t B1/2B(h) IC B50B (nM) Int. Ext.




6P, βAlaP

11P, NleP

14P]BN(6-14) 0.61±0.11 41.5±2.5 36.0±1.8 58.8±1.4




6P, βAlaP

11P, NleP

14P]BN(6-14) 0.55±0.11 3.2±0.5 77.9±4.1 49.1±1.6




6P, βAlaP

11P]BN(6-14) 0.92±0.17 1.0±0.2 64.5±4.4 44.9±1.5




11P]BN(7-14) 5.1±1.7 0.42±0.13 84.6±2.3 36.1±2.3




6P, βAlaP

11P]BN(6-14) 4.5±1.2 1.8±0.6 46.1±2.3 48.2±0.3

Note: tB1/2B: stability in serum; ICB50 B: binding affinity of metallated peptide to human GRP receptor; Int: internalization rate into PC-3 cells at 6h incubation (% of added peptide); Ext.: externalization rate from PC-3 cells at 8h incubation (% of 2h internalized activity).

UBiodistribution and microPET imagingU

Rapid internalization and good trapping (residualization) of the radioactivity is important for a

potentially successful targeted radiotherapy. To further evaluate these P

64PCu labeled peptides,

biodistribution studies were performed with athymic nude female mice bearing the PC-3 human

prostate tumor P

[Manuscript 3, Table 4]P. [P

64PCu]-BZH5, [P

64PCu]-BZH6, [P

64PCu]-BZH7 and [P

64PCu]-BZH8 all

displayed a similarly rapid blood clearance varying from 0.142% ID/g to 0.182% ID/g at 4h.

Like copper labeled antibody fragments or somatostatin analogues (64, 67), P

64PCu-labeled BN

analogues are also excreted through the liver and kidneys. The four radiolabeled ligands showed

high specific uptake in the human prostate tumor xenograft and in the mouse GRP-R positive

organs. These results appear to be superior to those of [ P

64PCu]-DOTA-Aoc-BN (7-14) (42) and

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64PCu]-DOTA-[Lys P

3P]BN (34). In particular, [P

64PCu]-BZH7 showed the highest accumulation in

the PC-3 tumor and the lowest uptake in the liver among these conjugates P

[Manuscript 3, Table 5]P,

which correlated with its very high binding affinity to GRP receptors. The pharmaco*kinetics of


64PCu]-BZH7 showed an early high accumulation in the tumor (11.2±1.5 %ID/g at 1h p.i.). The

uptake in the tumor dropped to 6.63±0.80 %ID/g at 4h and 4.14±0.55 %ID/g at 24h,

respectively. As a consequence of its favorable properties, [ P

64PCu]-BZH7 visualized the PC-3

tumor very well with MicroPET imaging at 3h post injection P

[Manuscript 3, Fig 4]P. A high

accumulation of radioactivity was observed in the pancreas, liver and kidney as well. When the

mouse was sacrificed at 23h post injection, the uptake in the PC-3 tumor was 3 %ID/g and the

tumor-to-kidney ratio was 2.

UEnhancing kidney clearanceU

The co-injection of [CuP

IIP]-BZH7 led to a somewhat increased uptake in the liver and, conversely,

the uptake in the kidney was blocked partly P

[Manuscript 3, Table 5]P. This is an indication that the BN

receptor may be expressed in the mouse kidney. Dumesny et al (77) also reported that the mRNA

of GRP receptor was identified in the rat kidney.

The hippurane-like spacer molecule definitely facilitates clearance through the kidney P

[Manuscript 3,

Fig 3]P. Still, the tumor-to-kidney ratio did not improve using this molecule as the GRP-receptor

binding affinity of BN also decreased and concomitantly the uptake in the tumor.

Furthermore, attempts to influence the accumulation of radioactivity in the kidneys also involved

co-injection of lysine. The results show that lysine has no effect on either the kidney uptake or

the tumor-to-kidney ratio.


Benzoyl group may be important to keep affinity to NMB-R and GRP-R.

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3.5 Design and evaluation of [P

67/68PGa, P

177PLu]-DOTA-PESIN for clinical trial

(Manuscript 4)

UBackground U

The first radiolabeled BN analogue to be performed in a preliminary patient study was P


RP527 (53). The results indicated that BN analogues can be applied for the diagnosis of hGRP

receptor expressing tumors. The development of P

99mPTc-labeled BN analogues (47, 53) for the

targeting of GRP-R expressing tumors has been intensive.

However, when BN analogues are labeled with P

68PGa (for PET imaging) and P

177PLu (for therapy),

they have to be redesigned so as to satisfy certain requirements, especially a higher tumor-to-

kidney ratio than P

99mPTc-labeled BN analogues. According to the study in Chapter 3.2, the

ethylene oxide group can facilitate kidney clearance P

[Manuscript 1, Table 5]P and partially increase

stability in serum P

[Manuscript 1, Table 4]P, DOTA-PESIN (DOTA-PEGB4 B-BN(7-14), PEGB4 B=15-amino-

4,7,10,13-tetraoxapentadecanoic acid) P

[Manuscript 4, Fig 1]P was designed.

UPreparation of radiolabeled DOTA-PESINU

DOTA-PESIN was labeled with P

68PGa and P

177PLu rapidly at elevated temperature (P

68PGa: 90°C,

10min; P

177PLu: 95°C, 15 min). The radio-oxidized [P

177PLu]-DOTA-PESIN was reduced to 2% from

26% in the presence of 400 μg methionine per 370 MBq P

177PLu, and radio-labeling yields of

≥98% at very high specific activity (>85 GBq μmol P

-1P) were achieved. It is not necessary to add

methionine for labeling with P

67/68PGa because the radiolytic oxidation of [P


was < 2%, and the specific activity was >129 GBq μmol P

-1P for P

68PGa and >12 GBq μmol P

-1P for


67PGa, respectively.

UIn vitro evaluationU

Using [P

125PI-Tyr P

4P] BN as radioligand, competitive binding assays were performed with human

cancerous tissue and mouse pancreas tissue as a source of GRP-receptors. The ICB50B value of

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DOTA-PESIN was 9.5±3.4 nM, for [LuP

IIIP]-DOTA-PESIN 6.1±3.0nM, and for [Ga P


PESIN 6.6±0.1 nM P

[Manuscript 4, Table 1]P.

Internalization and externalization experiments were executed with PC-3 cells. For

internalization study, the results show that radiolabeled DOTA-PESIN rapidly internalized into

PC-3 cells (P

177PLu: 39.1±1.1% and P

67PGa: 43.7±1.8% at 6 h incubation) P

[Manuscript 4, Fig 2]P. As for the

efflux, following 2h of internalization of [P

67PGa/ P

177PLu]-DOTA-PESIN and acid wash, 52.5±1.6%

of the total internalized still remained in PC-3 cells after 20 h incubation P

[Manuscript 4, Fig 3]P.

UIn-vivo evaluationU

Biodistribution studies of [P

67PGa/ P

177PLu]-DOTA-PESIN were performed on athymic nude female

mice bearing PC-3 tumor. [P


177PLu]-DOTA-PESIN displayed rapid clearance from blood and

GRP-R negative tissues P

[Manuscript 4, Table 2]P. Radiolabeled DOTA-PESIN is excreted through the

kidney. Both radiotracers also showed high uptake in the human prostate tumor and in the mouse

GRP-R positive organs P

[Manuscript 4, Table 2]P. For example, mouse pancreas uptake of [P


PESIN is 65.3±8.7 %ID/g at 1h; and accumulation in the tumor is 14.8±2.5 %ID/g. This result

was as high as that of P

99mPTc-Demobesin 1 in the same type of tumor bearing animals (16.0±3.0

%ID/g). The uptake of P

99mPTc-Demobesin 1 in the liver is 12.5-fold higher than that of [P


DOTA-PESIN (8.0±1.6%ID/g vs 0.64±0.15%ID/g).

Co-injection of lysine did not reduce the kidney uptake, and the ratio between tumor and kidney

remained unchanged, which is similar to the finding that lysine had no effect on [P


The kinetics of [P

67PGa]-DOTA-PESIN showed high initial accumulation, and still was 6.76±0.29

%ID/g at 24h. [P

177PLu]-DOTA-PESIN displayed similar kinetics. All kinetic results show that

with the increase of time post injection the tumor-to-background ratios also increased (Table 6).

Interestingly, the P

177PLu-labeled peptide was released more rapidly from the pancreas and kidney

than from the tumor P

[Manuscript 4, Fig 4]P.

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Scintigraphy ([P

177PLu]-DOTA-PESIN: 4h, 24h, 48h and 72h) and PET imaging ([P


PESIN: 1h p.i.) confirmed the results of tissue biodistribution P

[Manuscript 4, Fig 5 and 6]P.

Table 6 Radioactivity ratios between PC-3 tumor and other organs of P

67PGa, P

177PLu-labeled DOTA-PESIN

in PC-3 tumor bearing female athymic nude mice [8≥n≥4] Blood Muscle Kidney Liver Time (h)


67PGa P

177PLu P

67PGa P

177PLu P

67PGa P

177PLu P

67PGa P


1 31 62 2.4 23

4 81 201 209 147 2.6 1.7 22 36

24 211 215 237 387 2.4 2.5 23 43

48 476 488 3.1 52

72 715 486 3.6 48

UOngoing and outlook of DOTA-PESINU

The further treatment of PC-3 tumors in mice with [P

177PLu]-DOTA-PESIN is ongoing, the

preliminary results show that tumor growth has been significantly prevented by injection of 37

MBq [P

177PLu]-DOTA-PESIN compared to the control group.

According to the above-mentioned merits, it is highly promising to apply radiolabeled DOTA-

PESIN in a clinical study of patients with GRP receptor or NMB receptor expressing tumors, the

pioneer clinical trial has been proposed.

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4.1 Conclusion

UGeneral U

BN analogues have been developed for labeling with P

111PIn, P

67/68PGa, P

64/67PCu, P

177PLu and P

90PY, which

may be of use for diagnostic imaging (PET and SPECT) and targeted radionuclide therapy. This

study mainly focuses on the spacers between peptide and chelator P

[Paper 1 and 2, Manuscript 1]P, the

modification of bombesin itself P

[Manuscript 1, 2, and 3]P, and the positive charge at the N-terminus


[Manuscript 3]P. Through the evaluation of the binding affinity, internalization rate, efflux, and

biodistribution in animals, some of these ligands have been selected for a preliminary clinical


UInfluence on binding affinity of BN analogues to human GRP receptors

1). Modifying the peptide itself

The substitution of LeuP

13 Pby Phe and Thi, respectively, afforded an affinity in the

order of Thi ≈ Phe >> Leu;

The replacement of Met P

14 Pby Nle decreased affinity;

The modification of GlyP

11P with βAla, D-Ala, and Agly resulted in the sequence of

Gly ≈ βAla > D-Ala > Agly.

2). Synthetic amino acid or natural amino acid between chelator and peptide

D-Tyr or Gly between CPTA and [βAla P

11P] BN(7-14) led to a significant loss of


Spacers between DOTA and [D-Tyr P

6P, βAla P

11P, Thi P

13P, Nle P

14P] BN (6-14) showed a

different affinity in the order of Ahx > GABA ≈ PEGB2 B ≈ βAla B2B ≈ (D)Dab-βAla >

PEGB4 B ≈ Sar B5B.

3). Different charges introduced into BN analogue

A positive charge at the N-terminus of the BN analogue improved the affinity


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A positive charge at the side chain had no effect on the affinity;

A negative charge at the N-terminus of the BN analogue decreased the affinity


UBinding affinity of outstanding BN analogues



11P] BN (7-14) not only showed by far the highest binding affinity

(sub-nanomolar) to human and mouse GRP receptors among more than 100 BN

analogues, but also the highest affinity to NMB receptors, as well as high affinity to

BRS-3 receptors;



6P, AglyP

11P] BN (6-14) showed a significantly different

affinity to human GRP receptor and to mouse GRP receptor (96-fold difference).

UStability in serum

1). Modifying the peptide itself

The substitution of LeuP

13 Pby Phe and Thi, respectively, led to increased stability in the

order: Thi > Phe > Leu;

The replacement of Met P

14 Pby Nle decreased stability;

The modification of GlyP

11P with βAla, D-Ala, and Agly resulted in the following

sequence: Agly > D-Ala ≈ βAla > Gly.

2). Synthetic amino acid or natural amino acid between chelator and peptide

D-Tyr or between CPTA and [βAla P

11P] BN(7-14) led to a significant loss of affinity,

however, Gly had a slight influence;

Spacers between DOTA and [D-Tyr P

6P, βAla P

11P, Thi P

13P, Nle P

14P] BN (6-14) showed a

different stability in the order of SarB5 B > D-Dab-βAla > PEGB4 B ≈ βAlaB2 B > PEGB2 B ≈ Ahx >


UInternalization and externalization of outstanding BN analogues

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64PCu]-CPTA-[βAla P

11P] BN (7-14) displayed the highest internalization rate into and

the slowest externalization rate from the PC-3 cells.


1). Increasing tumor uptake

High affinity led to a high uptake in the tumor, e.g. [P

64PCu]-CPTA-[βAla P

11P] BN (7-14);

Poly(ethylene oxide) as spacer resulted in high tumor uptake even though it may also

decrease the affinity of the ligand, e.g. [P

68PGa/ P


2). Enhancing kidney clearance

A poly(ethylene oxide) group as spacer between peptide and chelator facilitated the

kidney clearance;

A hippurane-like spacer molecule decreased the kidney uptake;

Coinjection of lysine had no influence on the kidney uptake.

Up to now, the most promising BN analogue for PET imaging and therapy is

[ P



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4.2 Outlook

UPreliminary patient studyU

It would be stimulating to carry out a clinical trial with the promising [P


(CPTA-[βAla P

11P] BN (7-14)) and [P

177PLu/ P

68PGa]-DOTA-PESIN for PET imaging and

targeted radionuclide therapy of BN receptor-expressing cancers.

UImproving the pharmacological properties of BN analogues

To avoid the increased uptake in the liver due to positive charge, it is necessary to

further modify CPTA for introducing only one positive charge at the N-terminus of a

BN analogue;

A positive charge is introduced into DOTA-PESIN for improving binding affinity by

revising DOTA;

To facilitate sufficient kidney clearance, a further optimization of the molecular

spacer is required, such as by varying the length of poly(ethylene oxide) group and

hippurane-like molecular structure.

UStabilizing BN analogueU

Since the modification of the 11P

thP or 13 P

thP position of BN analogue had no significant

effect on the biological properties, it may be worthwhile to further modify the other

decomposed peptide bonds by using synthetic amino acid;

Cyclic BN analogues may be designed for a global stabilization of BN analogues.

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Paper 1

Synthesis and Evaluation of Bombesin Derivatives on the

Basis of Pan-Bombesin Peptides Labeled with Indium-111,

Lutetium-177, and Yttrium-90 for Targeting Bombesin

Receptor-Expressing Tumors

Hanwen Zhang,P

1P Jianhua Chen, P

1P Christian Waldherr,P

1P Karin Hinni,P


Beatrice Waser, P

2P Jean Claude Reubi P

2P and Helmut R MaeckeP



1PDivision of Radiological Chemistry, Institute of Nuclear Medicine, Department of

Radiology, University Hospital, Basel;


2PDivision of Cell Biology and Experimental Cancer Research, Institute of Pathology,

University of Berne, Berne, Switzerland

Published in:

Cancer Research 2004, 64: 6707-6715

Design, Synthesis, and Preclinical Evaluation of Radiolabeled …· 2013. 10. 3.· Design, Synthesis, and Preclinical Evaluation of Radiolabeled Bombesin Analogues for the Diagnosis - [PDF Document] (70)

[CANCER RESEARCH 64, 6707–6715, September 15, 2004]

Synthesis and Evaluation of Bombesin Derivatives on the Basis of Pan-BombesinPeptides Labeled with Indium-111, Lutetium-177, and Yttrium-90 forTargeting Bombesin Receptor-Expressing Tumors

Hanwen Zhang,1 Jianhua Chen,1 Christian Waldherr,1 Karin Hinni,1 Beatrice Waser,2 Jean Claude Reubi,2 andHelmut R. Maecke1

1Division of Radiological Chemistry, Institute of Nuclear Medicine, Department of Radiology, University Hospital, Basel; and 2Division of Cell Biology and Experimental CancerResearch, Institute of Pathology, University of Berne, Berne, Switzerland


Bombesin receptors are overexpressed on a variety of human tumorslike prostate, breast, and lung cancer. The aim of this study was to developradiolabeled (Indium-111, Lutetium-177, and Yttrium-90) bombesin an-alogues with affinity to the three bombesin receptor subtypes for targetedradiotherapy. The following structures were synthesized: diethylenetri-aminepentaacetic acid-�-aminobutyric acid-[D-Tyr6, �-Ala11, Thi13, Nle14]bombesin (6–14) (BZH1) and 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-N,N�,N�,N�-tetraacetic acid-�-aminobutyric acid-[D-Tyr6, �-Ala11, Thi13, Nle14]bombesin (6–14) (BZH2). [111In]-BZH1 and in particular [90Y]-BZH2were shown to have high affinity to all three human bombesin receptorsubtypes with binding affinities in the nanomolar range. In human serummetabolic cleavage was found between �-Ala11 and His12 with an approx-imate half-life of 2 hours. The metabolic breakdown was inhibited byEDTA and �-Ala11-His12 (carnosine) indicating that carnosinase is theactive enzyme.

Both 111In-labeled peptides were shown to internalize into gastrin-releasing peptide-receptor–positive AR4–2J and PC-3 cells with similarhigh rates, which were independent of the radiometal. The biodistributionstudies of [111In]-BZH1 and [111In]-BZH2 ([177Lu]-BZH2) in AR4–2Jtumor-bearing rats showed specific and high uptake in gastrin-releasingpeptide-receptor–positive organs and in the AR4–2J tumor. A fast clear-ance from blood and all of the nontarget organs except the kidneys wasfound. These radiopeptides were composed of the first pan-bombesinradioligands, which show great promise for the early diagnosis of tumorsbearing not only gastrin-releasing peptide-receptors but also the other twobombesin receptor subtypes and may be of use in targeted radiotherapy ofthese tumors.


The development of ligand-targeted therapeutics in anticancer ther-apy including drug-ligand conjugates has gained momentum in recentyears (1). Systemic cytotoxic chemotherapy shows little selectivityand is limited by potentially serious side effects. One strategy toimprove the lack of selectivity is to couple therapeutics to vectors likemonoclonal antibodies, their fragments, or even smaller molecules(2). The cytotoxic drug part of conjugates used in ligand-targetedtherapeutics is often composed of a therapeutic radiometal encapsu-lated by its bifunctional chelator.

A very promising group of small targeting ligands is composed ofregulatory peptides (3). A high number of peptide receptors wereshown to be overexpressed in various human tumors (4). They are

promising targets for molecular imaging and targeted therapy ofcancer, because they are located on the plasma membrane and, uponbinding of a ligand, the receptor-ligand complex is internalized. Thesefindings were the basis for the development of diagnostic and thera-peutic radiopeptides useful in peptide receptor scintigraphy and tar-geted radiotherapy (5–10). Among the most relevant peptide recep-tors, the bombesin receptors are of major interest, because they werefound to be overexpressed in various important cancers like prostate(11, 12), breast (13, 14), and small cell lung cancer (15). The humancounterparts of bombesin, namely gastrin-releasing peptide (16) andneuromedin B (17), have been found in mammalian tissue. They bindto different bombesin receptor subtypes, such as the neuromedin Bpreferring receptor (BB1 receptor; ref. 18), the gastrin-releasing pep-tide preferring receptor (BB2; ref. 19), as well as the orphan bombesinreceptor subtype-3 (BB3 receptor; ref. 20) and the BB4 receptor (21).The BB1, BB2, and BB3 receptors have been shown recently to beoverexpressed on different human tumors (22). Gastrin-releasing pep-tide receptors were predominantly expressed in human prostate cancer(100%), gastrinoma (100%), and breast cancer (70%), whereas con-comitant expression of gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (33%) andBB3 receptor (40%) were found in small cell lung cancer. Alsogastrin-releasing peptide receptor (40%) and BB3 (25%) were foundconcomitantly in renal cell carcinoma. Preferential expression of BB1was found in intestinal carcinoids (11 of 24), and bronchial carcinoidshad preferential BB3 receptor expression (9 of 26).

These findings provide a possibility to apply bombesin-like pep-tides as a vehicle for delivering cytotoxic drugs (23–25) into tumorcells. In addition, radiolabeling may allow us to diagnose and treatthese tumors (10, 26–37). The sequence bombesin(7–14) was re-garded to be sufficient for the specific binding interaction with thegastrin-releasing peptide receptor (38, 39). Therefore, most radiola-beled bombesin-like peptides are based on the sequence bombesin(7–14) (10, 28–31, 33–35). For example, different conjugates weredeveloped using bifunctional chelators for labeling with 99mTc, likeN2S2 (29), N3S (31), N�-histidinyl acetate (35), and diaminopropionicacid (36), using the carbonyl approach. Also, diethylenetriaminepen-taacetic acid (DTPA) and 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-N,N�,N�,N�-tetraacetic acid (DOTA) were coupled to this sequence for labelingwith hard Lewis acid radiometals like 111In, 67, 68Ga, 90Y, and thelanthanides. Some 99mTc-labeled peptides have been or are currentlybeing investigated in gastrin-releasing peptide receptor-positive tu-mors in patients (30, 31, 33).

Recently, a universal ligand, (D-Tyr6, �-Ala11, Phe13, Nle14) bomb-esin (6–14), has been developed by Mantey et al. (40) and Pradhan etal. (41), which has high affinity to all of the bombesin receptorsubtypes. The finding that not only the gastrin-releasing peptidereceptor is overexpressed on human tumors but in some cases alsoneuromedin B and BB3 receptor subtypes prompted us to developconjugates based on the slightly modified (Thi13 versus Phe13)universal bombesin ligand [D-Tyr6, �-Ala11, Phe13, Nle14] bombe-sin (6–14) that can be labeled with hard Lewis acid-type metallic

Received 12/09/03; revised 4/22/04; accepted 7/8/04.Grant support: Supported analytically by Novartis and financially by the Swiss

National Science Foundation (Grant Nr. 3100A0–100390), by the Amt fur Ausbildungs-beitrage (H. Zhang), the Commission for Technology and Innovation (KTI-project4668–1 EUS), and by Mallinckrodt Med.

The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of pagecharges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisem*nt in accordance with18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.

Requests for reprints: Helmut Maecke, Division of Radiological Chemistry, Instituteof Nuclear Medicine, Department of Radiology, University Hospital, Petersgraben 4,CH-4031 Basel, Switzerland. Phone: 41-61-265-46-99; Fax: 41-61-265-55-59; E-mail:[emailprotected].

©2004 American Association for Cancer Research.


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radionuclides like 111In, 90Y, and 177Lu. The Thi13 versus Phe13

modification was done because preliminary data from our laboratoryhave shown an increased metabolic stability of this peptide over thePhe13 analogue. We studied these (radio)metallopeptides with regardto the bombesin receptor subtype profile. The internalization rate ofthe two chelated peptides, labeled with the indicated radiometals, intoAR4–2J (rat pancreatic tumor cells bearing the gastrin-releasing pep-tide receptor) and PC-3 (human prostate cancer cell line) cells wasstudied as well. We also report on the metabolic stability in humanblood serum and the identification of metabolites. In addition, thebiodistribution of the 111In-labeled peptides was studied. This work isthe first one of a pan-bombesin ligand aimed at radiotargeted diag-nosis and therapy.


Chemicals. All chemicals were obtained from commercial sources andused without additional purification. DOTA-tris(tBu ester) was commerciallyavailable (Macrocyclics, Dallas, TX) or was synthesized according to Heppeleret al. (42). DTPA(tris-tBu) was received from Mallinckrodt Medical (Dr.Ananth Srinivasan, St. Louis, MO). Rink amide MBHA resin and all of theFmoc-protected amino acids were commercially available from NovaBiochem(Laufelfingen, Switzerland). [111In]Cl3 was purchased from MallinckrodtMedical (Petten, the Netherlands), [90Y]Cl3 from Perkin-Elmer Life SciencesInc. (Boston, MA), and [177Lu]Cl3 from I.D.B. (Petten, the Netherlands).Electrospray ionization mass spectroscopy was carried out with a FinniganSSQ 7000 spectrometer or fast atom bombardment mass spectroscopy with aVG 70SE spectrometer and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-massspectrometry measurements on a Voyager sSTR equipment with a Nd:YAGlaser (Applied Biosystems, Framingham, NY). Analytical high-performanceliquid chromatography (HPLC) was performed on a Hewlett Packard 1050HPLC system with a multiwavelength detector and a flow-through BertholdLB 506 Cl �-detector using a Macherey-Nagel Nucleosil 120 C18 column.Preparative HPLC was performed on a Metrohm HPLC system LC-CaDI22–14 with a Macherey-Nagel VP 250/21 Nucleosil 100–5 C18 column.Quantitative gamma counting was performed on a COBRA 5003 �-systemwell counter from Packard Instruments. Solid-phase peptide synthesis wasperformed on a semiautomatic peptide synthesizer commercially availablefrom Rink Combichem (Bubendorf, Switzerland). The cell culture mediumwas DMEM with 10% FCS from Bioconcept.

Synthesis. The peptide synthesis was performed on a semiautomatic pep-tide synthesizer according to a general procedure described previously (ref. 43;Fig. 1). Standard Fmoc chemistry was used throughout (44); the peptide wasassembled on a Rink amide MBHA resin. Trt and tBu were used as protectinggroups of His and D-Tyr, respectively, and Boc for Trp. The chelators werecoupled as follows. Three equivalents DTPA(tBu)3 were preincubated withN,N�-diisopropylcarbodiimide in 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone for 30 min and incu-bated with the resin-assembled peptide until the 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonicacid test was negative (�3 hours). DOTA(tBu)3 was coupled as described (43).The peptide chelator conjugates were cleaved from the resin and deprotectedby incubation with trifluoroacetic acid—thioanisole–water 92:6:2 for 4 to 6hours at room temperature and precipitated in isopropyl ether–petroleum ether(1:1). The crude peptide-chelator conjugate was purified by preparative HPLC(Macherey-Nagel Nucleosil 100–5 C18, flow: 15 mL/min; eluents: A � 0.1%trifluoroacetic acid in water and B � acetonitrile; nonlinear gradient: 0 min,70% A; 10 min, 50% A). Mass spectrometry [(�)electrospray ionization,matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization] was used to determine the compo-sition of the conjugates.

The Potential Metabolites. Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid-�-aminobutyric acid (DTPA-GABA), DTPA-GABA-D-Tyr, DTPA-GABA-D-Tyr-Gln, DTPA-GABA-D-Tyr-Gln-Trp, DTPA-GABA-D-Tyr-Gln-Trp-Ala-Val, DTPA-GABA-D-Tyr-Gln-Trp-Ala-Val-�-Ala, and DTPA-GABA-D-Tyr-Gln-Trp-Ala-Val-�-Ala-His were synthesized in parallel using the sameprotocol as described above.

[InIII]-BZH1. The metal complex was synthesized according to the meth-ods described previously (42). A mixture of DTPA-GABA-[D, Tyr6, �-Ala11,Thi13, Nle14] BN(6–14) (BZH1; 0.5 �mol) in 500 �L of 0.4 mol/L sodium

acetate buffer (pH 5.0) was incubated with 1.5 �mol InCl3�5H2O in 0.04 mol/LHCl for 1 h at room temperature and purified over a SepPak C18 cartridgepreconditioned with 10 mL of EtOH and 10 mL of water. The cartridge waseluted with 10 mL of water followed by 3 mL of methanol resulting in[111In]-BZH1 after evaporation of the methanol. The final product was ana-lyzed by analytical HPLC; the purity was �97%. Mass spectrometry [matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization, m/z (%)]: 1711.0 (100, [M�H]�), 1732.9(25, [M�Na]�).

[YIII]-DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6, �-Ala11, Thi13, Nle14] BN (6–14) (BZH2)was synthesized using Y(NO3)3�5H2O as described above except that theincubation was at 95°C for 20 to 25 minutes. The final product was analyzedby analytical HPLC; the purity was �95%. Mass spectrometry (matrix-assistedlaser desorption ionization; m/z (%)):1696.8 (100, [M�H]�), 1718.8 (20,[M�Na]�), 1734.8 (10, [M�K]�).

Preparation of the Radiotracer. [111In]-BZH1 was prepared by dissolv-ing 10 �g of BZH1 (6.25 nmol) in sodium acetate buffer [300 �L and 0.4mol/L (pH 5.0)] and by incubation with 111InCl3 (3 to 6 mCi) for 1 hour atroom temperature. A 1.5 molar excess of InCl3�5H2O was added and the finalsolution incubated again at room temperature for 1 hour. Subsequently, radio-metalated peptides were purified using a SepPak C18 cartridge as describedabove affording a very pure 111In/natIn-labeled ligand for internalization stud-ies. For biodistribution and serum stability studies, the labeling was performedaccordingly without the addition of cold InCl3�5H2O. For injection the solutionwas prepared by dilution with 0.9% NaCl (0.1% bovine serum albumin) toafford the radioligand solution.

[90Y/111In/177Lu]-BZH2 were prepared and purified accordingly by heatingat 95°C for 20 to 25 minutes; Y(NO3)3�5H2O, Lu(NO3)3�6H2O, andInCl3�5H2O were used.

Serum Stability and Identification of Metabolites. To 1 mL of freshlyprepared human serum, previously equilibrated in a 5% CO2 (95% air) envi-ronment at 37°C, we added 0.6 nmol 111In-labeled BZH1 or BZH2 standardsolution. The mixture was incubated in a 5% CO2, 37°C environment. Atdifferent time points, 50-�L aliquots (in triplicate) were removed and treatedwith 60 �L of EtOH. Samples were then cooled (4°C) and centrifuged for 15min at 500 g and 4°C to precipitate serum proteins. Fifty �L of supernatantwere removed for activity counting in a �-well counter, the sediment waswashed twice with 1 mL of EtOH and counted, and the activity in thesupernatant was compared with the activity in the pellet to give the percentageof peptides not bound to proteins or radiometal transferred to serum proteins.The supernatant was analyzed with HPLC (eluents: A � 0.1% trifluoroaceticacid in water and B � acetonitrile; gradient: 0 to 45 minutes, 95% to 60% A;45 to 46 minutes, 100% B; 46 to 49 minutes, 100% B; 50 minutes, 95% A) todetermine relative amounts of metabolites.

The data points were fitted using origin 6 (Microcal Software, Inc., North-ampton, MA), assuming a consecutive reaction (Eq. A) and Eq. B and C tocalculate the disappearance of intact peptide A as well as the formation anddisappearance of metabolite B, respectively.

A O¡k1

B O¡k2

C � D (A)

A� � 100 � e�k1t (B)

B� � 100 �k1

k1 � k2� �e�k2t � e�k1t (C)

To identify the metabolites, [111In]-BZH1 was used as the leadingpeptide. The extracted supernatant, obtained as described above, wasco-injected with the potential “metabolites,” synthesized as describedabove. The metabolism in serum was studied by the addition of EDTA(2.4 mmol/L) or carnosine (22.4 mmol/L) to [111In]-BZH1 serumsolutions.

Binding Affinity and Receptor Subtype Profile. The binding affinityprofiles of [InIII]-BZH1 and [YIII]-BZH2 for the three bombesin receptorsubtypes were determined in vitro using receptor autoradiography. Humantumors were selected that had been shown previously to express predominantlyone single bombesin receptor subtype, namely either neuromedin B receptor,gastrin-releasing peptide receptor or BB3 receptor. IC50 were measured in



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competitive binding experiments performed with increasing concentrations of[InIII]-BZH1, [YIII]-BZH2 and [D-Tyr6, �-Ala11, Phe13, Nle14]bombesin(6–14;as reference) in successive tissue sections containing tumors expressing eithergastrin-releasing peptide-receptors, neuromedin B receptors or BB3 receptors,using [125I-D-Tyr6, �-Ala11, Phe13, Nle14]bombesin(6–14) as universal radio-ligand, as described in detail previously (22, 45).

Cell Culture. AR4–2J rat pancreatic tumor cells and PC-3 cells werecultured in Dulbecco’s minimal essential medium (DMEM). DMEM wassupplemented with vitamins, essential and nonessential amino acids, L-gluta-mine, antibiotics (penicillin/streptomycine), fungicide (amprotencine) and10% fetal calf serum (FCS) as described elsewhere (46).

Internalization and Externalization (Efflux) Studies. Internalization andexternalization experiments were performed in 6-well plates as indicated in aprevious publication (46). The procedure was the same for both cell lines.Briefly, the cells were washed twice with the internalization medium andallowed to adjust to the medium for 1 h at 37°C. Approximately 1.8 kBq (0.25pmol) of radioligand were added to the medium and the cells (106 cells perwell) and incubated (in triplicates) for 0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 6 h at 37°C, 5% CO2,with or without excess of cold BZH2 (150 �L of a 5.8 �mol/L solution, finalconcentration of cold BZH2 was 0.58 �mol/L) to determine nonspecificinternalization. The final volume was 1.5 ml. At appropriate time points theinternalization was stopped by removal of the medium followed by washingthe cells with ice-cold solution composed of 0.9% NaCl/0.01 mol/L Na2HPO4/0.01 M KH2PO4 (pH 7.2). Cells were then treated 5 min (twice) with glycinebuffer (0.05 mol/L glycine solution, pH adjusted to 2.8 with 1 mol/L HCl) todistinguish between cell surface-bound (acid releasable) and internalized (acidresistant) radioligand. Finally, cells were detached from the plates by incuba-tion with 1 mol/L NaOH for 10 min at 37°C, and the radioactivity wasmeasured in a �-counter.

For externalization studies, the AR4–2J cells were allowed to internalize theradioligands for periods of 2 h and were then exposed to an acid wash, asdescribed in the previous section, to dissociate cell-surface-bound radioligand.One ml of culture medium was added to each well, cells were incubated at37°C in a 5% CO2 environment and externalization of the cell-incorporatedradioactivity was studied at different times. The culture medium was collectedand measured for radioactivity.

Biodistribution Experiments in AR4–2J Tumor Bearing Lewis Rats.Lewis male rats were implanted subcutaneously with 10 millions AR4–2Jtumor cells, which were freshly expanded in a sterilized solution of 0.9%NaCl/0.01 mol/L Na2HPO4/0.01 mol/L KH2PO4 (pH 7.2).

Fourteen days after inoculation the tumors weighed 0.3–1.2 g and the ratswere injected into the back leg vein with 0.1 �g radiolabeled peptides (about0.5 MBq 111In or 0.9 MBq 177Lu), diluted in NaCl (0.1% bovine serumalbumin, pH 7.4, total injected volume � 200 �L). For the determination ofnonspecific uptake in tumor or receptor positive organs, a group of 4 animalswas injected with a mixture of 0.1 �g radiolabeled peptide/50 �g BZH2 in0.9% NaCl solution (injected volume, 225 �L). At 4 h, 24 h, 48 h, and 72 hrats (in groups of 4–11 rats) were sacrificed, and organs of interest werecollected, rinsed of excess blood, blotted, weighed and counted in a �-counter.The percentage of injected dose per gram (% ID/g) was calculated for eachtissue. The total counts injected per animal were determined by extrapolationfrom counts of an aliquot taken from the injected solution as a standard.

All animal experiments were performed in compliance with the Swissregulation for animal treatment (Bundesamt fur Veterinarwesen, approval no.789).


Synthesis and Labeling. BZH1 and BZH2 (Fig. 1) were synthe-sized using Fmoc strategy affording an overall yield of approximately30% based on the removal of the first Fmoc group; the purity analyzedby HPLC was � 97%. BZH1 was labeled with 111In by incubation atroom temperature (1 h incubation, pH 5, 0.4 mol/L sodium acetatebuffer). BZH2 was labeled with 111In, 90Y, and 177Lu at elevatedtemperature (95°C, 20–25 min). In all cases, labeling yields of � 98%at specific activities of �37 GBq �mol-1 were achieved.

Receptor Binding Affinity and the Receptor Subtype Profile.Table 1 shows the bombesin receptor subtype binding profile of the 2new metallopeptides. As reference peptide [D-Tyr6, �-Ala11, Phe13,Nle14] bombesin(6–14) was used, which binds with high affinity to all3 bombesin receptor subtypes. Although less potent than the referencepeptide, the 2 new bombesin analogues still have retained high affinityto all three receptor subtypes. The IC50 values of [InIII]-BZH1 are3.47 � 0.32 nM to the gastrin-releasing peptide receptor, 10.5 � 3.03nM to the neuromedin B receptor, and 41.7 � 22.2 nM to the BB3receptor. The respective values for [YIII]-BZH2 are 1.40 � 0.10 nM,4.93 � 1.03 nM, and 10.7 � 4.2 nM.

Stability in Human Serum and Identification of Metabolites.After incubation of the radiolabeled peptides with fresh serum, threemetabolites were determined using HPLC and radiometric analysis.The proteic fraction obtained as pellet contained �5% of radioactiv-ity. [111In]-BZH1 was metabolized to [111In]-DTPA-GABA-D-Tyr-Gln-Trp-Ala-Val-�-Ala (corresponding to B) due to the cleavagebetween �-Ala11 and His12, and then this metabolite decomposed to[111In]-DTPA-GABA-D-Tyr-Gln (C) and [111In]-DTPA (D; Fig. 2).These metabolites were identified using reverse-phase HPLC by co-injection of presynthesized chelator-conjugated peptides. The similar-ity of HPLC elution times indicates that [111In]-BZH2 is metabolizedto the same breakdown products. There was no indication of radio-metal transfer to serum proteins during incubation studies.

Fig. 3 shows the kinetics of metabolic degradation of [111In]-BZH1and [111In]-BZH2. Curve fitting data gave rate parameters for thedisappearance of intact peptides (A, A�) and the built-up of metabo-lites (B, C, D; B�, C�, D�).

The respective half-lives for [111In]-BZH1 and [111In]-BZH2 weredetermined to 2.0 hours and 2.3 hours; however, the first metaboliteB� of [111In]-BZH2 was more stable than B of [111In]-BZH1, and theirhalf-lives of disappearance are 26 hours and 46 hours, respectively(Table 2). When carnosine or EDTA were incubated together with[111In]-BZH1 in serum, [111In]-BZH1 is significantly more stable thanwithout these inhibitors (Fig. 4).

Internalization and Externalization Studies. Both 111In-labeledradiopeptides showed a fast cell uptake, which did not reach a plateauwithin 6 hours of incubation at 37°C in AR4–2J cells (Figs. 5 and 6).Internalization was strongly reduced in the presence of 0.57 �mol/Lunlabeled BZH2 (data not shown). Nonspecific internalization was�1% of the added activity. The surface bound peptide (acid remov-able) was �7% of the added activity (data not shown). BZH2 labeledwith different radioisotopes (111In, 177Lu, and 90Y) exhibited the sameinternalization rates (Fig. 5). [111In]-BZH1 was internalized byAR4–2J and PC-3 cells with a similar kinetics (Fig. 4). Preliminarystudies using in vitro receptor autoradiography showed that AR4–2Jand PC-3 tumors express predominantly the gastrin-releasing peptidereceptor.3

The kinetics of externalization of both peptides was studied withcells exposed for 2 hours to the radioligand as described for internal-ization. Within 2 hours, 45% of [111In]-BZH1 and 30% of [111In]-BZH2 were released from the AR4–2J cells. The efflux of [111In]-BZH1 was faster than that of [111In]-BZH2 (Fig. 7). To identify thecomposition of externalized peptide, [111In]-BZH1 was used as aleading peptide. The externalized radioactivities corresponded to theintact peptide and one metabolite [111In(DTPA)]2�, identified byHPLC using co-injection.

Upon 2 hours of internalization and acid wash, the externalizedradioactivity already after 30 min consisted of �50% [111In-(DTPA)]2� as the only metabolite and 50% intact radiolabeled pep-

3 J. C. Reubi, unpublished observations.



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tide. At 4 hours, the externalized radioactivity consisted of the me-tabolite [111In(DTPA)]2� (87.5%) and intact peptide (12.5%),whereas at 24 hours, only the metabolite was found.

Animal Biodistribution Studies. Results from biodistributionstudies using the 111In-labeled peptides performed with Lewis ratsbearing the AR4–2J pancreatic tumor are presented in Table 3 as thepercentage of injected dose per gram of tissue (% ID/g). Tumor uptakeand retention of [111In]-BZH2 is also shown in Fig. 8.

Both [111In]-BZH1 and [111In]-BZH2 displayed rapid blood clear-ance with �0.02% ID/g and 0.01% ID/g at 4 hours, respectively. Fastclearance from the gastrin-releasing peptide receptor-negative tissuesexcept the kidneys was found as well. [111In]-BZH1 and [111In]-BZH2 show high uptake values in the AR4–2J tumor and in thegastrin-releasing peptide receptor-positive organs, e.g., at 4 hours:tumor, 1.71 � 0.51% ID/g versus 0.79 � 0.07% ID/g; and pancreas,3.92 � 0.86% ID/g versus 2.63 � 0.59% ID/g. The tumor uptake of[111In]-BZH2 dropped from 0.79 � 0.07% ID/g at 4 hours to0.44 � 0.07% ID/g at 24 hours, 0.42 � 0.05 at 48 hours, and0.33 � 0.08 at 72 hours. The respective pancreas values are

2.63 � 0.59 at 4 hours, 2.13 � 0.68 at 24 hours, 2.07 � 0.22 at 48hours, and 1.65 � 0.32 at 72 hours.

In vivo competition experiments using 50 �g of BZH2 co-injectedwith [111In]-BZH1 (data for [111In]-BZH2 in brackets) resulted in a�93% (89%) reduction of tumor uptake and also in a reduction of theuptake in normal gastrin-releasing peptide receptor-positive organs(�97% for both radiopeptides in the pancreas). Also, the uptake inother organs could be blocked to a high degree: stomach 84% (65%),bowel 72% (82%), and adrenals 73% (66%). The injection of theblocking dose had no significant influence on the uptake in nontargetorgans except the kidneys where the uptake decreased by a factor of1.5 on blocking. Due to the fast clearance of both peptides, hightumor–background ratios were found (Table 3).

111In was used as a surrogate of 90Y for studying the pharmaco*ki-netics of BZH2, because the latter is a pure �-emitter. This is thestrategy most often used in such studies, although there may be somedifferences between the two due to structural differences (47, 48).Therefore, we also studied [177Lu]-BZH2 as a radiotherapeutic pep-tide radiopharmaceutical. 177Lu is a low energy �-emitter that has two�-lines at 133 keV (7%) and 208 keV (11%) allowing convenientlocalization. The organ uptake values of [177Lu]-BZH2 were verysimilar to those of [111In]-BZH2. The values for the most importantorgans are: tumor 0.67 � 0.04% ID/g (4 hours) and 0.42 � 0.03%ID/g (24 hours); pancreas 2.39 � 0.24% ID/g (4 hours) and1.92 � 0.25% ID/g (24 hours); and kidneys 1.17 � 0.37% ID/g (4hours) and 0.54 � 0.07% ID/g (24 hours).


This study describes two very promising pan-bombesin peptidicligands for radiolabeling with diagnostic and therapeutic radiometals.

Fig. 1. GABA-D-Tyr(tBu)-Gln-Trp(Boc)-Ala-Val-�-Ala-His(Trt)-Thi-Nle -Rink Amide MBHA Resin.

Table 1 Affinity profiles (IC50) for human BB1-BB3 receptors of the bombesinanalogues [InIII]-BZH1 and [YIII]-BZH2

Peptide BB1 (NMB-R) BB2 (GRP-R) BB3-R

[D-Tyr6, �-Ala11, Phe13,Nle14]BN (6–14)

1.01 � 0.06 (5) 0.68 � 0.05 (5) 1.73 � 0.64 (3)

[InIII]-BZH1 10.5 � 3.03 (3) 3.47 � 0.32 (3) 41.7 � 22.2 (3)[YIII]-BZH2 4.93 � 1.03 (3) 1.40 � 0.10 (3) 10.7 � 4.2 (3)

NOTE. The IC50 values (nM � SE) are in triplicates. The number of independentstudies are in brackets.

Abbreviations: BN, bombesin; NMB, neuromedin B; R, receptor; GRP, gastrin-releasing peptide.



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They may be used for targeted diagnosis and radiotherapy of bomb-esin receptor-positive tumors like prostate and breast cancer.

A variety of radiopeptides are currently being developed for thetargeting of tumors (5–10). Those based on bombesin are ofinterest, because bombesin receptors were shown to be overex-pressed on a variety of frequently occurring tumors like breastcancer and prostate cancer. In addition, Markwalder and Reubi(11) not only found a massive gastrin-releasing peptide receptoroverexpression in invasive prostate cancer tissue but also in theearly stage of the disease, i.e., the prostatic intraepithelial neopla-sia, which may open the possibility to localize an early event inprostate carcinogenesis.

Many reports on bombesin-based radiopeptides have been pub-lished recently (26–36), but there has been no study thus far onradiopeptides based on pan-bombesin ligands. These may be of inter-est, because not only the gastrin-releasing peptide (BB2)-receptor but

also BB1-receptor and BB3-receptor were found to be overexpressedon human tumors as well (22).

In our present study we evaluated the slightly modified pan-bombesin ligand [D-Tyr6, �-Ala11, Phe13, Nle14] bombesin(6 –14)developed by the Jensen group (40, 41), by attaching DT-PA(BZH1) and DOTA(BZH2) via a GABA spacer to the octapep-tide. The chelators allow a high specific activity labeling with 111In(DTPA). DOTA chelates a large number of radiometals withextremely high kinetic stability like 68Ga for PET-studies; 111In forSPECT; and 90Y, 177Lu, and other lanthanides for therapeuticapplications.

The receptor binding profiles of [InIII]-BZH1 and [YIII]-BZH2to the three bombesin receptor subtypes BB1, BB2, and BB3 weretested on human tumor specimen preferentially expressing each ofthe three receptor subtypes. Both metallopeptides show high bind-ing affinity to the gastrin-releasing peptide receptor and slightly

Fig. 2. HPLC elution profile of [111In]-BZH1after incubation with fresh human serum, immedi-ately after incubation, tR � 38.7 min; 1 hour afterincubation, tR ([111In]-BZH1) � 38.6 minutes, tR(metabolite B) � 27.3 min; 8 hours after incuba-tion, tR ([111In]-BZH1) � 38.7 minutes, tR (metab-olite B) � 27.5 minutes, tR (metabolite C) � 12.3minutes, tR (metabolite D) � 5.1 minutes.

Fig. 3. Comparison of kinetic stability of[111In]-BZH1 (left) and [111In]-BZH2 (right) infresh human serum. Percentage of total peptideafter different incubation times with serum under37°C, 5% CO2, the concentration is 0.6 nmol ra-diolabeled peptide per mL serum.



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lower binding affinities to BB1 receptor and BB3 receptor. The[YIII]-DOTA-derivative shows a distinctly and significantly higherbinding affinity to all three of the receptor subtypes compared withthe [InIII]-DTPA-analogue. We assume that this is due to the extranegative charge at the NH2 terminus, which was shown to lowerthe binding affinity of bombesin-based radiopeptides.4

Both radiopeptides internalize rapidly, and no significant differencecould be found between the two when labeled with 111In. In addition,no significant difference was observed when different radionuclides([111In/90Y/177Lu]-BZH2) were used with the DOTA-based peptide,

indicating that there are no structural differences among these threeradiopeptides.

For an optimized use of radiopharmaceuticals in targeted radiother-apy, not only an efficient internalization is of importance but also thetrapping (residualization) of the radioactivity adds to the potentialsuccess of the treatment via targeted radiotherapy. Therefore, westudied the externalization of [111In]-BZH1 as well as the identity ofthe externalized radioactivity. The rate of efflux of both compoundswas shown to be rather fast, even faster for [111In]-BZH1 than for[111In]-BZH2. The externalized radioactivity consisted preferentiallyof [111In(DTPA)]2� as the only metabolite. This is in contrast to themetabolites found when incubated in human serum, and it is also in

4 Unpublished observations.

Fig. 4. HPLC elution profile of [111In]-BZH1after 4-hour incubation with fresh human serumand in the presence of carnosine and EDTA, re-spectively.

Fig. 5. Comparison of the internalization rate of [111In]-BZH1 into rat pancreatic tumorAR4–2J (f) cells and human PC-3 (F) cells. Data result from two independent experi-ments with triplicates in each experiment and are expressed as specific internalization;bars, �SD.

Fig. 6. Comparison of the internalization rate of [111In]-BZH2 (E), [90Y]-BZH2 ()and [177Lu]-BZH2 (‚) into AR4–2J cells. Data result from two independent experimentswith triplicates in each experiment and are expressed as specific internalization; bars,�SD.

Table 2 Calculation of serum stabilities according to the equations 2 and 3; A means intact radiolabeled peptide; B represents their first metabolites


Equation 2 �A � 100 � e�k1t Equation 3 (B) � 100 � k1/k1 � k2 � (e�k2t � ek1t)

k1 (h�1) t11/2 (h) k1 (h�1) k2 (h�1) t21/2 (h)

[111In]-BZH1 0.35 � 0.02 2.0 0.32 � 0.03 0.026 � 0.001 26[111In]-BZH2 0.30 � 0.02 2.3 0.27 � 0.04 0.014 � 0.003 46



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contrast to the chelator-conjugated somatostatin analogues that showonly intact externalized peptide at least within the first 4 hours ofexternalization (43). At present we have no information on the par-ticular enzymes responsible for the metabolism inside the cell.

An additional important aspect for the suitability of a radiopeptideused in targeted radiotherapy is its metabolic stability in humanserum. High metabolic stability allows the radiopeptide to reach thetarget intact and in optimal concentrations. Both peptides were studiedin the form of their 111In-labeled versions in fresh human serum. Fig.2 shows the disappearance kinetics of the two radiopeptides and thebuild-up and decay of the first metabolite (B). The metabolic stabilityof both radiopeptides is relatively low with half-lives of 2.0 hours for[111In]-BZH1 and 2.3 hours for [111In]-BZH2, respectively. The curvefitting procedure gave similar results for k1 (k1�) independent ofwhether it was derived from the disappearance of A or the build-upand decay of the first intermediate B. Whereas the k1-values showlittle difference between the two radiopeptides, the rate of metabolicdecay of the intermediate is influenced by the chelate. Reverse-phase

HPLC analysis of the metabolites along with co-injection of thepredefined metabolites allowed an identification of the decayproducts.

The definition of the cleavage sites and the characterization of themetabolites are of importance, because this knowledge allows us todefine and synthesize peptides of enhanced metabolic stability. Be-cause of lack of reliable access to liquid chromatography/mass spec-trometry, we mainly relied on the synthesis of potential metabolitesand their co-injection using reverse-phase HPLC and radiometricdetection. This procedure allowed us to define the first degradationsite of both peptides between �-Ala11 and His12 and the seconddegradation site between Gln7 and Trp8. The question arises as towhich enzyme may be responsible for the processing of this aminoacid sequence. A first experiment adding EDTA to the human serum/radiopeptide mixture slowed down the metabolic degradation dis-tinctly indicating that the responsible enzyme is a metalloenzyme. Theaddition of a large excess of carnosine (�-Ala-His), a dipeptide, which

Fig. 7. Comparison of the externalization rate from AR4–2J after 2 hours of internal-ization and acid wash of [111In]-BZH1(F) and [111In]-BZH2(f); bars, �SD.

Fig. 8. Tumor retention of 111In-BZH2 inAR4–2J tumor-bearing rats. The uptake isgiven in percentage of injected dose per g (%ID/g) tumor at 4 hours, 24 hours, 48 hours,and 72 hours.

Table 3 Biodistribution analyses [% ID/g � SD, n � 4] and tissue ratios of [111In]-BZH1 and [111In]-BZH2 in AR4-2J tumor-bearing Lewis rats


[111In]-BZH1 (4h) [111In]-BZH2 (4h)

[111In]-BZH1 (24h)† [111In]-BZH2 (24h)†Unblocked Blocked* Unblocked Blocked*

Blood 0.016 � 0.003 0.010 � 0.003 0.008 � 0.001 0.007 � 0.001 0.005 � 0.001 0.002 � 0.000Muscle 0.010 � 0.001 0.007 � 0.003 0.008 � 0.001 0.008 � 0.001 0.008 � 0.002 0.005 � 0.000Pancreas 3.92 � 0.86 0.09 � 0.02 2.63 � 0.59 0.05 � 0.01 2.43 � 0.34 2.13 � 0.68Bowel 0.33 � 0.09 0.09 � 0.05 0.22 � 0.04 0.04 � 0.00 0.18 � 0.06 0.09 � 0.03Spleen 0.05 � 0.01 0.03 � 0.01 0.04 � 0.00 0.04 � 0.00 0.04 � 0.01 0.03 � 0.00Liver 0.05 � 0.01 0.04 � 0.01 0.07 � 0.01 0.06 � 0.00 0.03 � 0.01 0.03 � 0.01Stomach 0.21 � 0.06 0.04 � 0.02 0.11 � 0.01 0.04 � 0.01 0.12 � 0.02 0.06 � 0.02Adrenals 0.08 � 0.01 0.02 � 0.01 0.07 � 0.01 0.02 � 0.00 0.06 � 0.01 0.06 � 0.01Kidney 1.15 � 0.22 0.77 � 0.21 1.19 � 0.29 0.90 � 0.09 0.79 � 0.12 0.78 � 0.16Lung 0.03 � 0.01 0.02 � 0.01 0.03 � 0.01 0.02 � 0.00 0.02 � 0.00 0.01 � 0.00Heart 0.01 � 0.00 0.01 � 0.00 0.01 � 0.00 0.01 � 0.00 0.01 � 0.00 0.01 � 0.00Bone 0.02 � 0.00 0.01 � 0.00 0.01 � 0.00 0.01 � 0.00 0.02 � 0.00 0.01 � 0.00Tumor 1.71 � 0.51 0.12 � 0.02 0.79 � 0.06 0.09 � 0.00 0.72 � 0.22 0.44 � 0.07

Tumor—normal tissue radioactivity ratios

Tumor/blood 107 99 144 220Tumor/muscle 171 99 90 88Tumor/liver 34 11 24 15Tumor/kidney 1.5 0.66 0.91 0.56

NOTES. Results are the mean of groups of 4 animals (except for the tumor, pancreas, and kidney of [111In]-BZH2, where 11 animals were studied).* Blocked by injecting 50 �g BZH2 together with radiopeptide.† Unblocked.



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is cleaved by carnosinase (49), competitively inhibits the metabolicprocess (Fig. 3). Therefore, we assume that carnosinase, which ispresent in human serum, is the enzyme cleaving the peptide at�-Ala11-His12. This result also supports the finding that the firstenzymatic cleavage occurs between these 2 amino acids.

In biodistribution studies, a strong accumulation of all of theradiotracers in bombesin receptor-positive tissues and the xenograftedtumor was observed. As a tumor model the AR4–2J rat pancreaticcarcinoma cell line was used, which is known to express high levelsof bombesin receptors (50). Lewis rats bearing the AR4–2J solidtumor showed a high and specific uptake of both 111In-labeled pep-tides as well as [177Lu]-BZH2 in the tumor (and other bombesinreceptor-bearing organs and tissues like the pancreas, the stomach,and the intestines). The blood clearance of both radiopeptides is veryfast with �0.015% ID/g remaining in the blood at 4 hours. Somewhatunexpectedly, the uptake in receptor-positive organs was higher for[111In]-BZH1 compared with [111In]-BZH2 by almost a factor of 2,although the latter has a higher binding affinity to all three of thereceptor subtypes, and the rate of internalization is comparable for thetwo. BZH2 was developed for radiolabeling with therapeutic radio-nuclides like 90Y and the lanthanides. 111In was used as a surrogate of90Y, because it can be followed and measured with more certaintythan the pure �-emitter 90Y. The two show similar chemistry; never-theless, some differences in the pharmaco*kinetics of radiopharmaceu-ticals labeled with the two and studied in comparison have beenreported. 177Lu, another therapeutic radiometal [�energy � 0.49 MeV;�-emissions 133 keV (7%); 208 keV (11%)], shows great promise intargeted radiotherapy. Therefore, we studied the biodistribution of[177Lu]-BZH2. There was no significant difference between [111In]-BZH2 and [177Lu]-BZH2 indicating that we may expect similarresults with [90Y]-BZH2.

The competitive binding studies with cold peptides clearly demon-strated that the uptake of both radiopeptides in relevant target tissuesis specific and receptor mediated. The residence times of both pep-tides in the tumor are not very long; this may originate from asomewhat low metabolic stability in the respective cells and mayparallel the relatively low serum stability. Relatively fast tumor wash-out was also found for other radiometal-labeled, bombesin-basedradiopeptides, for instance, 99mTc-labeled bombesin(7–14) deriva-tives (34, 35). The identification of the “weakest” peptide bond at�-Ala11-His12 will help to improve the stability in future develop-ments.

Tumor–normal tissue radioactivity ratios were very high for bothradiopeptides. Ratios of tumor–blood of and tumor–muscle of �100indicate that an early scintigraphic detection with a low backgroundshould be feasible. These ratios are higher than for other bombesin-based radiopeptides published recently using the PC-3 (33, 34, 36)and AR4–2J (51) tumor mouse model and argue for an early humanuse of these compounds. For instance, the tumor–muscle ratio for99mTc-RP527 [N,N-dimethyl-Gly-Ser-Cys-Gly-5-aminovaleric acid-bombesin(7–14)] in a AR4–2J mouse tumor model was 23.5 at 4hours and 73 at 24 hours. Our values of 171 (for 111In-BZH1) and 103(for 111In-BZH2) at 4 hours and 90 (98) at 24 hours compare well withthese data. In addition, both radioligands appear to interact with thehuman gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (PC-3 cell line;2.5 � 0.6 105 gastrin-releasing peptide receptor-binding sites percell; ref. 52) in a way very similar to that with the rat gastrin-releasingpeptide receptor (�1.5 105 gastrin-releasing peptide receptor bind-ing sites per cell; ref. 50). Indeed, first clinical applications in breastand prostate cancer patients, if labeled with 68Ga or 111In, showedvery promising tumor localizations. Because we do not expect that theperformance with the therapeutic radionuclides is much different,[90Y, 177Lu]-BZH2 may already be good candidates for targeted

radiotherapy in patients. However, because the localization of neuro-medin B receptor and BB3 receptor in normal human tissues isvirtually unexplored, one cannot yet exclude the appearance of un-wanted side effects related to yet unknown physiologic bombesintargets. In addition, one may argue that 177Lu with its long physicalhalf-life of 6.65 days may not be the ideal therapeutic radionuclideconsidering the relatively low metabolic stability of the two radiopep-tides. 90Y (half-life � 64 hours) and other radiolanthanides like 166Ho(half-life � 27 hours) or 149Pm (half-life � 53 hours), which also canbe labeled to the DOTA-modified peptides, may be more suitable.


We thank Evelyn Peter for reviewing the English grammar.


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Paper 2

GRP Receptor-Targeted PET Imaging of a Rat Pancreas

Carcinoma Xenograft in Nude Mice with a Gallium-68

Labeled Bombesin (6-14) Analogue

Jochen Schuhmacher, P

1P Hanwen Zhang,P

2P Josef Doll,P

1P Helmut R Maecke,P


Ronald Matys,P

1P Harald Hauser, P

1P Marcus Henze, P

3P Uwe Haberkorn, P

3P and

Michael EisenhutP



1PDepartment of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radiology, German Cancer Research Center,

Heidelberg, Germany;


2PDivision of Radiological Chemistry, Institute of Nuclear Medicine, Department of

Radiology, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland;


3PDepartment of Nuclear Medicine, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany

Published in:

The Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2005, 46: 691-699.

Design, Synthesis, and Preclinical Evaluation of Radiolabeled …· 2013. 10. 3.· Design, Synthesis, and Preclinical Evaluation of Radiolabeled Bombesin Analogues for the Diagnosis - [PDF Document] (80)

GRP Receptor-Targeted PET of a Rat PancreasCarcinoma Xenograft in Nude Mice with a68Ga-Labeled Bombesin(6–14) AnalogJochen Schuhmacher, PhD1; Hanwen Zhang, MS2; Josef Doll, PhD1; Helmut R. Macke, PhD2; Ronald Matys, BSc1;Harald Hauser, BSc1; Marcus Henze, MD3; Uwe Haberkorn, MD3; and Michael Eisenhut, PhD1

1Department of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radiology, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany; 2Institute ofNuclear Medicine, University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland; and 3Department of Nuclear Medicine, University of Heidelberg,Heidelberg, Germany

Bombesin (BN), a 14-amino-acid peptide, shows high affinity forthe human gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (GRP-r), which isoverexpressed on several types of cancer, including prostate,breast, gastrointestinal, and small cell lung cancer. Thus, radio-labeled BN or BN analogs may prove to be specific tracers fordiagnostic and therapeutic targeting of GRP-r–positive tumorsin nuclear medicine. This study evaluated a novel BN analoglabeled with the positron emitter 68Ga for receptor imaging withPET. Methods: DOTA-PEG2-[D-Tyr6,�-Ala11,Thi13,Nle14] BN(6–14) amide (BZH3) (DOTA is 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-N,N�,N�,N�-tetraacetic acid; PEG is ethyleneglycol (2-aminoeth-yl)carboxymethyl ether) was synthetized using the Fmocstrategy and radiolabeled with either 67Ga or 177Lu for in vitroand biodistribution experiments. 68Ga for PET was obtainedfrom a 68Ge/68Ga generator. In vitro binding, internalization, andefflux were determined using the pancreatic tumor cell lineAR42J. Biodistribution of the peptide as a function of time anddose was studied in AR42J tumor-bearing mice. Results: Invitro assays demonstrated a high affinity of 67Ga-BZH3 (disso-ciation constant � 0.46 nmol/L), a rapid internalization (70% oftotal cell-associated activity was endocytosed after a 15-minincubation), and an intracellular retention half-life (t1/2) of the67Ga activity of 16.5 � 2.4 h. Biodistribution indicated a dose-dependent uptake in the tumor and a prolonged tumor resi-dence time (t1/2 � 16 h). Clearance from GRP-r–negative tissueswas fast, resulting in high tumor-to-tissue ratios as early as 1 hafter injection. Replacing 67Ga by 177Lu, a therapeutic radionu-clide, for peptide labeling resulted in a slightly reduced (�20%)tumor uptake and tumor residence time of 177Lu-BZH3. In con-trast, 177Lu decline in the pancreas was significantly acceleratedby a factor of �3 compared with that of 67Ga. PET of mice with68Ga-BZH3 clearly delineated tumors in the mediastinal area.Conclusion: The promising in vivo data of 68Ga-BZH3 indicateits potential for an improved localization of GRP-r–positive tu-mors and also suggest its application in patients. PET may alsobe favorably used for GRP-r density determination, a prerequi-site for therapeutic applications.

Key Words: bombesin analog; 68Ga; PET; gastrin-releasingpeptide receptor imaging

J Nucl Med 2005; 46:691–699

Bombesin (BN) is an amphibian neuropeptide of 14amino acids that shows—just as its mammalian hom*ologgastrin-releasing peptide (GRP)—high affinity for the hu-man GRP receptor (GRP-r). Aside from its physiologicactions on the central nervous system (1) and the release ofgastrointestinal hormones (2), BN acts as an autocrinegrowth stimulator in a variety of human neoplasms (3–5).Autoradiographic examination of malignant tissues usingradioiodine-labeled BN or BN analogs demonstrated a highGRP-r expression in prostate, gastrointestinal, breast, andsmall cell lung cancer specimens compared with the sur-rounding normal tissues (6–12), suggesting the potential ofGRP-r for a specific tumor targeting. Consequently, variousradiolabeled BN analogs have been investigated and pro-posed for use in nuclear medicine (13–20). In particular,90Y, 188Re, and 177Lu have been used to radiolabel BNanalogs for potential radiotherapy applications, whereas99mTc and 111In labeling has been used for �-camera imagingof GRP-r–positive tumors.

PET is the most efficient imaging method in nuclearmedicine because of its option of an absolute activity de-termination, its better contrast resolution, and its higherdetection efficiency compared with conventional �-cam-eras. Thus, we have focused on the labeling of BN analogswith the short-lived positron emitter 68Ga (half-life [t1/2] �68 min; �, 88%), which is obtained from a 68Ge/68Garadionuclide generator. In the present study, we evaluated anovel BN analog (BZH3) derivatized with the macrocyclicchelator 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-N,N�,N�,N�-tetra-acetic acid (DOTA). This ligand forms M3 metal chelatesof high in vivo stability and can be labeled with 68/67Ga,111In, 90Y, and 177Lu and, thus, is suitable for diagnostic andtherapeutic applications as well.

Received Jun. 15, 2004; revision accepted Oct. 25, 2004.For correspondence or reprints contact: Jochen Schuhmacher, PhD, De-

partment of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radiology, German Cancer ResearchCenter, Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany.

E-mail: [emailprotected]

PET WITH A 68GA-BOMBESIN ANALOG • Schuhmacher et al. 691

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Synthesis and Radiolabeling of BZH3All chemicals were purchased from commercial sources and

used without further purification. DOTA-Tris (tBu ester) wasobtained from Macrocyclics. Rink amide MBHA (4-methylbenz-hydrylamine) resin and all Fmoc-protected amino acids were avail-able from Novabiochem and Neosystem, respectively. Peptidesynthesis was performed on a semiautomatic peptide synthesizer(Rink Combichem Technologies) according to general Fmocchemistry. The peptide was assembled on a Rink amide MBHAresin. Trityl (Trt) and tBu were used as protecting groups of Hisand D-Tyr, respectively, and Boc was used for Trp. The spacer(Fmoc-PEG2-OH [PEG is ethyleneglycol (2-aminoethyl)car-boxymethyl ether]) was coupled to the chelator DOTA-Tris (tBuester) as described previously (21). The peptide chelator conjugatewas cleaved from the resin and deprotected by incubation withtrifluoroacetic acid (TFA)/thioanisole/water, 92:6:2 for 4–6 h atroom temperature, and precipitated in isopropyl ether/petroleumether (1:1). The crude peptide-chelator conjugate was purified bypreparative high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) on aNucleosil 100-5 C18 column (Macherey–Nagel) at a flow rate of 15mL/min (eluents: A � 0.1% TFA in water and B � acetonitrile;nonlinear gradient: 0 min, 70% A; 10 min, 50% A). Mass spec-tometry (MS-MALDI) was used to characterize the composition ofthe conjugate.

68Ga for PET was obtained from a 68Ge/68Ga generator, whichconsists of a column containing a self-made phenolic ion-ex-changer loaded with 68Ge and coupled in series with a small-sizedanion-exchanger column (AG 18 Cl�, mesh 200–400; Bio-Rad)to concentrate 68Ga during elution (22). This generator provides68Ga with an average yield of �60% for �1.5 y. For peptidelabeling, the eluate containing �0.5 GBq of 68Ga in 0.2 mL 0.5mol/L HCl was evaporated to dryness and redissolved in 0.2 mL0.1 mol/L acetate buffer (pH 4.8). After addition of 5 L 1 mmol/Laqueous solution of BZH3, the mixture was kept for 10 min at90°C. Uncomplexed 68Ga was separated by adsorption onto aC18-coated silica gel cartridge (Sep-Pak; Waters Corp.) that wasequilibrated with 0.1 mol/L acetate buffer (pH 6.2), whereas 68Ga-BZH3 could be eluted with 1.5 mL ethanol. After evaporation ofthe organic solvent, the compound was redissolved in 0.01 mol/Lphosphate-buffered saline ([PBS] pH 7.) containing 0.5 mg/mLhuman serum albumin. The preparations were checked for boundand free 68Ga by paper chromatography using Whatman no. 1 anda mixture of methanol and 0.01 mol/L acetate buffer (pH 6.2) at aratio of 55:45. 68Ge contamination of the 68Ga-BZH3 preparationswas determined by �-counting after a waiting period of �30 h,which ensures complete 68Ga decay. 67GaCl3 and 177LuCl3 used forin vitro and biodistribution experiments were obtained in diluteHCl from Mallinckrodt and Perkin Elmer, respectively. All label-ing steps with these radionuclides were identical to that of 68Ga.The radiochemical purity of 67Ga-BZH3 was analyzed by re-versed-phase HPLC using a Nucleosil 120 C18 column (Macherey–Nagel) at a flow rate of 0.75 mL/min (eluents: A � 0.1% TFA inwater; B � acetonitrile; nonlinear gradient: 0 min, 80% A; 20 min,50% A).

Cell LinesFor all in vivo and in vitro experiments, the AR42J cell line,

derived from a rat exocrine pancreas tumor, was used. Cells wereobtained from the European Collection of Cell Cultures and weregrown in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 2 mmol/L glu-

tamine and 10% fetal calf serum. Adherent cells were dislodgedwith trypsin/ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (0.02%:0.05%, w/v)and allowed to recover for 2 h. Nonspecific binding of 67Ga-BZH3was tested with the GRP-r–negative human breast carcinoma cellline AR-1, obtained from the Department of Gynecological On-cology (University Hospital Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany).

Receptor BindingThe equilibrium binding constant, Ka, of 67Ga-BZH3 to the

GRP-rs of AR42J cells was determined using a fixed number of4 105 cells in 150 L RPMI 1640 medium and increasingamounts, 0.033–1.056 pmol (0.055–1.76 ng), of the peptide. Cellswere placed in a U-shaped 96-well plate and agitated on a gyratoryshaker for 1 h in an incubator (37°C, 5% CO2). Cells were washed3 times with ice-cold RPMI 1640 medium and pellets werecounted in a �-counter. A least-squares fit from a Scatchard plot(bound activity/free activity [B/F] vs. bound activity [B]) results ina straight line, the slope of which indicates –Ka. The intercept ofB/F with B represents the maximum concentration of peptide(Bmax) bound to the GRP-rs of cells at infinite peptide excess.

InternalizationInternalization of 67Ga-BZH3 was studied at low and high

peptide-to-receptor ratios. Twenty-seven million cells in 8.1 mLmedium were incubated (37°C, 5% CO2) with either 0.45 or 45pmol (0.75 or 75 ng) of the peptide. During incubation, cells werekept in suspension by gyratory shaking. After 15, 30, 60, and 120min of incubation, six 300- L samples, containing 1 106 cellsand 0.0166 or 1.66 pmol of peptide, were taken, mixed with 700 L ice-cold RPMI 1640 medium in a conical tube, and centrifuged(3 min, 500g). Three samples were washed twice with 1 mLice-cold RPMI 1640 medium, and cell pellets were counted in a�-counter. Radioactivity in the cell pellets represents surfacebound together with internalized peptide. The remaining 3 sampleswere further incubated (5 min, 22°C) with 1 mL of an acidic buffer(pH 4.3) containing 0.15 mol/L NaCl, 0.02 mol/L NaOAc, and 2mg/mL human serum albumin to remove surface-bound peptide(23). Subsequently, cells were washed twice with the acidic buffer.Radioactivity in the cell pellet was assumed to represent internal-ized peptide

EffluxSince an acid treatment of cells might unfavorably affect cell

metabolism (23), we used an excess of unlabeled BZH3 to removesurface-bound radioactive peptide before efflux determination,which additionally blocks rebinding of internalized radioactivityreleased from the cells during incubation. Sixteen million cells in4.8 mL RPMI 1640 medium were preloaded with 10 pmol of either67Ga- or 177Lu-labeled BZH3 for 1 h at 37°C, 5% CO2. Cells werewashed 3 times and then resuspended in 4.8 mL medium; two300- L samples were taken as a control for total cell-associatedactivity (cell surface bound and internalized). Subsequently, 50 Lof 1 mmol/L unlabeled BZH3 were added to the remaining incu-bation mixture. Ten, 20, 30, 60, 90, and 120 min after the additionof unlabeled peptide, two 303- L samples (1 106 cells) weretaken, diluted with 700 L ice-cold RPMI 1640 medium, andcentrifuged. Pellets were washed twice with cold medium andcounted for radioactivity.

Receptor DensitySince the receptor density of AR42J cells might decrease with

increasing passages, accompanied by a reduction in cellular size

692 THE JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE • Vol. 46 • No. 4 • April 2005

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and tumorigenic activity, the binding capacity of cells was testedbefore each tumor inoculation. One million cells in 150 L RPMI1640 medium were incubated with 1.5 pmol of 67Ga-BZH3, kept insuspension for 1 h at 37°C, 5% CO2, washed 3 times with coldmedium, and counted for radioactivity.

BiodistributionAnimal experiments were performed in accordance with the

German laws for the protection of animals. Female Swiss CD1nu/nu mice (8-wk old; Iffa Credo) had subcutaneous inoculation of5 106 AR42J tumor cells (in 0.2 mL of RPMI 1640 medium)into the right thoracic wall near the shoulder. Eleven to 13 d later,tumors that weighed 100–600 mg were selected for the experi-ments. Mice received a tail vein injection of 0.2 mL 0.01 mol/LPBS containing 100 g human serum albumin and the labeledcompounds under investigation. Animals were anesthetized withether, bled from the retroorbital plexus, and killed by cervicaldislocation at the time points indicated. Organs were removed,weighed, and counted for radioactivity with a high-resolutiongermanium detector. For evaluation of a dose dependence of thetumor uptake, mice were injected with 5, 15, 45, or 135 pmol of67Ga-BZH3 and killed 1 h after injection. Biokinetics were studiedin animals receiving a 15-pmol dose of either 67Ga- or 177Lu-labeled BZH3. Mice were killed 1, 2, 4, and 24 h after injection of67Ga-BZH3 and 1 and 24 h after injection of 177Lu-BZH3. GRP-r–blocking studies were performed using AR42J tumor-bearingmale Lewis rats (body weight, 160–200 g; Iffa Credo) as describedpreviously (24). Briefly, 2 groups of rats, each comprising 4animals, were injected with either 60 pmol (0.1 g) 177Lu-BZH3 ora mixture containing 0.1 g 177Lu- BZH3 and 50 g of unlabeledBZH3. Rats were killed 4 h after injection. Pancreas and tumorwere dissected and counted for 177Lu activity.

PETAR42J tumor-bearing mice were injected with 15 pmol (0.49

MBq) 68Ga-BZH3, sacrificed 1 h after injection, and imaged witha 30-min emission scan and a 10-min transmission scan on anECAT EXACT HR scanner (Siemens/CTI). Images were taken inthe 3-dimensional (3D) mode and reconstructed iteratively with afully 3D algorithm from a 256 256 matrix for viewing transax-ial, coronal, and sagittal slices of 0.57-mm thickness (25). Pixelsize was 1.14 mm and transaxial resolution obtained was 2.8 mm.Subsequently, tumors were removed and counted for 68Ga activity.


Synthesis and RadiolabelingBZH3 (Fig. 1) was synthesized using the Fmoc strategy

affording an overall yield of 30% based on the removal ofthe first Fmoc group; the purity analyzed by HPLC was�97%. MS-MALDI confirmed the calculated exact mass of1,669.79: m/z (%): 1,670.0 (100, [MH]); 1,692.0 (19,[MNa]); 1,708.9 (10, [MK]). Labeling of BZH3 withM3 radionuclides took 60 min. Starting with 0.5 GBq (13.5mCi) of 68Ga, specific activities of 37–44 MBq/nmol (1–1.2mCi/nmol) of peptide were obtained and preparations con-tained �3 ppm 68Ge contamination. Labeling with commer-cially available 67Ga and 177Lu resulted in 20–22 and 35–40MBq/nmol, respectively. The radiochemical purity of 67Ga-BZH3, as assessed by reversed-phase HPLC, showed a

single product with a slightly reduced retention time of 12.2min versus 12.6 min for the unlabeled BZH3. Heating to90°C during the labeling procedure caused no detectabledegradation of the peptide, a finding that has also beenreported by Breeman et al. (14). Thus, subsequent prepara-tions were only checked by paper chromatography for thenonchelated fraction of the radionuclide that remains at thebeginning. Typically, �98% of the activity migrated withan Rf of 0.6–0.7 corresponding to the labeled peptide.

Receptor BindingThe saturation binding curve of 67Ga-BZH3 to GRP-r of

AR42J cells and its Scatchard transformation are shown inFigure 2. From the Scatchard plot, a high receptor affinityKa of 2.19 109 L/mol was calculated, which correspondsto a dissociation constant Kd of 0.46 nmol/L. Determinationof Bmax resulted in 9.7 104 receptors per cell. Nonspecificbinding of the peptide was tested with the GRP-r–negativebreast carcinoma cell line AR-1 and amounted to �3.5%.

InternalizationInternalization of 67Ga-BZH3 by AR42J cells at 2 differ-

ent concentrations was followed for 2 h (Fig. 3). The frac-tion of internalized activity compared with total cell-asso-ciated activity (cell surface bound internalized) wasnearly identical for both the low and the high concentrationand amounted to 71%–75% after a 15- and 30-min incuba-tion and 85%–88% after a 1- and 2-h incubation. Thekinetics of internalization during the first hour of incubationalso were very similar. In contrast, using the low dose anda 2-h incubation, which reduced the free peptide concentra-tion in the medium to �0.02 nmol/L, the internalization ratedrastically decreased.

FIGURE 1. Synthesis of DOTA-PEG2-[D-Tyr6,�Ala11,Thi13,Nle14]BN(6–14) amide (BZH3). Thi � 3-(2-thienyl)-L-alanine; MBHA �4-methylbenzhydrylamine; HATU � O-(7-azabenzotriazole-1-yl)-1,1,3,3-tetramethyluronium hexafluorophosphate; DIPEA �diisopropylethylamine; NMP � N-methylpyrrolidone.

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EffluxEfflux of internalized radioactivity was evaluated after

preloading of AR42J cells with either 67Ga- or 177Lu-labeledBZH3. Cell surface–bound peptide was removed by excessunlabeled peptide within the first minutes of incubation andamounted to �10% of total activity, a fraction that isconsistent with the results obtained in internalization exper-iments using an acid treatment of cells. Another �10% wasexcreted during the following 2-h incubation. From a semi-logarithmic plot of data, half-lives of 16.5 � 2.4 h and12.8 � 1.4 h for the excretion of 67Ga and 177Lu, respec-tively, were calculated (Fig. 4).

Receptor DensityThree separate tumor inoculations (dose dependence, bio-

kinetics, and PET) were performed with AR42J cells thatdiffer in the number of passages from 7 to 16 relating to thecommercially obtained cells. No marked difference in pep-

tide uptake was noted. The uptake amounted to 0.132,0.145, and 0.159 pmol per 106 cells, respectively.

BiodistributionTumor and normal tissue uptake 1 h after the adminis-

tration of increasing doses (5, 15, 45, and 135 pmol) of67Ga-BZH3 are presented in Table 1. A dose dependencewas noted in the AR42J tumor and the normal GRP-r–expressing tissues, including small intestine, colon, andpancreas. Small intestine and colon showed a continuouslydecreasing uptake with increasing doses. The uptake in

FIGURE 2. Saturation curve (A) andScatchard transformation (B) of binding ofincreasing amounts of 67Ga-BZH3 to 4 105 AR42J cells. Cells were incubated for1 h. Data are means of triplicate samplesand are corrected for nonspecific binding(�3.5%).

FIGURE 3. Internalization of 67Ga-BZH3 by 1 106 AR42Jcells in 300 L medium containing either 0.0166 pmol (low dose,dashed line) or 1.66 pmol (high dose, solid line) of peptide. �,Total activity (cell surface bound internalized); F, internalizedactivity. Note different scaling of the y-axis. Data are means oftriplicate samples.

FIGURE 4. Semilogarithmic plot shows efflux (externalization)of radioactivity from AR42J cells preloaded with either 67Ga-BZH3 (solid line) or 177Lu-BZH3 (dashed line). Data are means ofduplicate samples from 2 experiments.

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pancreas and tumor showed a bell-shaped dose dependence.The maxima obtained were 10.9 percentage injected doseper gram (%ID/g) for tumor and 46.1 %ID/g for pancreasafter administration of a 15- and a 45-pmol dose, respec-tively. No dose dependence was found in blood, liver,spleen, muscle, lung, and bone. In kidneys, a significantlyreduced activity was noted after the administration of thehighest dose (135 pmol � 0.23 g).

The tissue distribution of 67Ga- or 177Lu-labeled BZH3 asa function of time was determined using the 15-pmol dose(Table 2). The radioactivity in the GRP-r–expressing tis-sues after administration of the 67Ga-BZH3 did not signif-

icantly decrease up to 4 h after injection. From data at 1 and24 h after injection, the average half-lives of 67Ga-BZH3retention in pancreas and tumor of �22 h and �16 h couldbe estimated, respectively, the latter being very similar tothe excretion half-life of 67Ga activity in vitro after inter-nalization of 67Ga-BHZ3 into AR42J cells. Low activity wasfound in blood, liver, lung, muscle, and bone, even at 1 hafter injection, and tumor-to-tissue ratios did not markedlyincrease after 2 h following injection (Table 3).

The difference in tumor uptake 1 h after injection be-tween the 2 experiments using a 15-pmol dose, 10.9 %ID/g(dose dependence) versus 5.6 %ID/g (kinetics), is not

TABLE 1Tissue Distribution of Increasing Doses of 67Ga-BZH3 at 1 Hour After Injection in AR42J Tumor-Bearing Nude Mice


pmol per animal

5 15 45 135

Blood 0.45 � 0.12 0.57 � 0.17 0.51 � 0.14 0.53 � 0.10Liver 0.68 � 0.18 1.12 � 0.39 0.87 � 0.23 0.72 � 0.13Spleen 2.14 � 0.49 1.62 � 0.48 1.82 � 0.89 1.29 � 0.54Kidneys 6.55 � 1.92 6.32 � 2.00 4.52 � 0.59 3.03 � 0.45Pancreas 35.98 � 2.22 40.39 � 2.81* 46.06 � 3.51* 39.37 � 4.57*Muscle 0.16 � 0.05 0.13 � 0.04 0.20 � 0.07 0.20 � 0.05Bone† 0.37 � 0.13 0.51 � 0.22 0.29 � 0.15 0.48 � 0.24Lungs 0.60 � 0.17 0.63 � 0.25 0.56 � 0.15 0.64 � 0.11Tumor 7.98 � 1.57 10.90 � 1.48* 8.00 � 1.68* 6.25 � 0.80Small intestine‡ 8.70 � 2.39 7.51 � 1.45 5.62 � 0.79 4.00 � 0.43Large intestine‡ 3.94 � 0.24 3.82 � 0.49 2.96 � 0.69 1.95 � 0.49

*Significantly different (P � 0.05) from preceding group (Student t test).†One femur was measured.‡Small and large intestines were measured with content.All data are mean percentage injected dose per gram (%ID/g) � SD of 5 animals. Body weight of animals, 23.9 � 1.7 g; tumor weight,

218 � 104 mg (range, 88–388 mg); pancreas weight, 204 � 30 mg (n � 20).

TABLE 2Tissue Distribution of 67Ga- and 177Lu-BZH3 as Function of Time in AR42J Tumor-Bearing Nude Mice

After Injection of 15 pmol of Peptide


67Ga 177Lu

1 h 2 h 4 h 24 h 1 h 24 h

Blood 0.25 � 0.02 0.17 � 0.03 0.12 � 0.01 0.015 � 0.006 0.51 � 0.06 0.025 � 0.006Liver 0.47 � 0.12 0.40 � 0.05 0.32 � 0.07 0.22 � 0.03 0.62 � 0.06 0.35 � 0.05Spleen 3.32 � 0.90 3.35 � 1.44 2.26 � 1.07 0.83 � 0.24 1.67 � 0.17 0.31 � 0.07Kidneys 6.78 � 0.40 4.49 � 0.37 4.12 � 0.70 1.75 � 0.40 4.96 � 0.87 0.72 � 0.04Pancreas 42.16 � 2.30 37.52 � 6.69 36.54 � 5.19 20.75 � 5.24 31.78 � 3.69 3.71 � 0.55Muscle 0.13 � 0.07 0.11 � 0.09 0.04 � 0.02 0.021 � 0.009 0.13 � 0.02 0.02 � 0.005Bone* 0.39 � 0.09 0.29 � 0.03 0.26 � 0.06 0.20 � 0.09 0.59 � 0.08 0.79 � 0.13Lungs 0.31 � 0.04 0.19 � 0.04 0.13 � 0.03 0.04 � 0.01 0.45 � 0.06 0.05 � 0.02Tumor 5.65 � 0.73 6.47 � 1.13 5.26 � 1.30 2.10 � 0.38 4.52 � 0.57 1.48 � 0.23Small intestine† 4.74 � 0.48 3.39 � 0.38 1.66 � 0.18 0.85 � 0.13 4.62 � 0.95 0.48 � 0.15Large intestine† 4.93 � 1.13 6.78 � 0.93 4.90 � 0.52 1.75 � 0.86 3.38 � 1.18 1.22 � 0.14

*One femur was measured.†Small and large intestines were measured with content.All data are mean %ID/g � SD of 5 animals. Body weight of animals, 22.4 � 2.02 g; tumor weight, 252 � 130 mg (range, 86–612 mg);

pancreas weight, 179 � 36 mg (n � 30).

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readily understood because AR42J cells used for tumorinoculation showed no difference with regard to in vitrobinding and internalization of 67Ga-BZH3. A possible ex-planation might be that the fraction of tumor cells in relationto the total tumor mass was different, since tumors werehighly hemorrhagic.

As an estimate for therapeutic applications, BZH3 waslabeled with 177Lu, which is a medium-energy �-emitter(E�-max � 497 keV) with a low abundance of �-radiation at113 and 208 keV, and biodistribution of 177Lu-BZH3 wasdetermined at 1 and 24 h after injection of a 15-pmol dose(Table 2). Uptake in the tumor and pancreas 1 h afterinjection appears to be somewhat lower compared with thatof 67Ga-BZH3, 4.5 versus 5.6 %ID/g and 31.8 versus 42.1%ID/g, respectively. The in vivo half-life of 177Lu-BZH3 inthe tumor, estimated from the 1- and 24-h biodistributiondata, was �14 h and, thus, corresponds to the in vitro dataof efflux. In contrast, the decline of 177Lu activity in thepancreas was significantly accelerated compared with thatof the 67Ga-labeled BZH3 (t1/2, �7.5 vs. �22 h).

Coadministration of excess unlabeled BZH3 in the block-ing experiments reduced uptake of 177Lu-BZH3 in the pan-creas of rats from 2.69 � 0.60 %ID/g to 0.06 � 0.01 %ID/gand in the AR42J tumor from 1.11 � 0.31 %ID/g to 0.09 �0.01 %ID/g, indicating a specific and GRP-r–mediated up-take of the labeled peptide.

PETPET images of tumor-bearing mice obtained 1 h after

injection of 15 pmol 68Ga-BZH3 are presented in Figure 5.Transaxial slices cutting the tumor and mediastinal regiondemonstrate a clear delineation of the tumor tissue and alow activity background in lungs, liver, and circulation.Coronal slices show the highest activity in pancreas and anonuniform activity distribution in the duodenum, whichcomplicates visualization of the kidneys. �-Counting indi-cated an activity accumulation of 5.3 and 7.0 %ID/g in theresected tumors of the left and the right animal, respec-tively. Tumor weights were 200 mg (left animal) and 128mg (right animal).


During the past decade, the successful application ofradiolabeled somatostatin analogs in nuclear medicine fordiagnostics and therapy of neuroendocrine tumors has stim-ulated the research in receptor targeting of additional tumortypes (26). In a recent study, Van de Wiele et al. demon-strated the feasibility of scintigraphic imaging of GRP-r–positive prostate and breast carcinoma in patients with the99mTc- labeled BN analog RP 527, indicating the potential ofBN analogs for use in humans (13,27). In the present study,we investigated a novel BN analog, BZH3, for its in vitroand in vivo behavior under the aspects of improving target-ing of GRP-r–positive tumors and introducing the short-lived positron emitter 68Ga for peptide labeling and, thus, toenable PET, which increases the spatial resolution and sen-sitivity of tumor detection compared with conventional�-camera imaging (28–30). Additionally, scatter-correctedPET provides the ability to quantify biodistribution and,thus, may be favorably used for GRP-r density determina-tion, which is a prerequisite for the appropriate selection ofpatients entering radiotherapy, and to control effectivenessof radiotherapy or surgical interventions.

The affinity of 67Ga-BZH3 to GRP-r of live AR42J cellsshowed a Kd of 0.46 nmol/L, which is a factor of 3 lower

TABLE 3Tumor-to-Tissue Ratios of 67Ga- and 177Lu-BZH3 in Tumor-Bearing Nude Mice


67Ga 177Lu

1 h 2 h 4 h 24 h 1 h 24 h

Blood 22.6 � 2.4 38.1 � 8.5 43.8 � 11.7 140 � 81 8.9 � 1.5 59 � 23Liver 12.0 � 1.8 16.2 � 1.8 16.4 � 6.0 9.5 � 2.3 7.3 � 0.8 4.2 � 1.0Spleen 1.7 � 0.6 1.8 � 0.6 2.3 � 1.0 2.5 � 0.7 2.7 � 0.3 4.8 � 1.3Kidneys 0.83 � 0.05 1.4 � 0.2 1.3 � 0.4 1.2 � 0.3 0.91 � 0.28 2.1 � 0.3Pancreas 0.13 � 0.01 0.17 � 0.04 0.14 � 0.05 0.10 � 0.02 0.14 � 0.02 0.40 � 0.10Muscle 74 � 30 83 � 26 131 � 57 105 � 28 34.8 � 10.8 74 � 39Bone 14.5 � 0.8 22.3 � 3.9 20.2 � 1.7 10.5 � 1.5 7.7 � 0.6 1.9 � 0.5Lungs 18.2 � 3.1 34.1 � 4.7 40.5 � 15.0 52 � 14 10.0 � 1.5 30.7 � 11.6

Ratios are calculated from animals of Table 2. Data are mean � SD (n � 5).

FIGURE 5. Iteratively reconstructed transaxial (left) and coro-nal (right) PET images of 2 AR42J tumor-bearing nude mice 1 hafter injection of 15 pmol (0.49 MBq) 68Ga-BZH3. Tumors arelocated in thoracic wall. Tumor uptake and weight: left animal,5.3 %ID/g, 200 mg; right animal, 7.0 %ID/g, 128 mg.

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than that of 125I-Tyr4-BN (Kd � 1.6 nmol/L), which iscommonly used as a standard for determination of GRP-r–specific binding. The affinity of 67Ga-BZH3 is thus compa-rable with that of 99mTc-demobesin 1 (Kd � 0.67 nmol/L)(18) and 111In-labeled DOTA-Aoc-BN(7–14) (50% inhibi-tory concentration � 0.6 nmol/L vs. 125I-Tyr4-BN) (15),which are the BN analogs with the highest GRP-r affinityreported so far. Though determination of Kd is independentof using live cells or cell membranes (31), the Bmax of 9.7 104 receptors per cell, obtained with live AR42J cells,overestimates the number of receptors actually present onthe cell surface. This can be attributed to the recycling ofpart of the receptors to the cell surface after internalizationof the GRP-r/BN complex (27,32), which increases the Bmax

of live cells with incubation time.Internalization of 67Ga-BZH3 into AR42J cells suggests

an agonistic nature of the peptide. The rapid and high degreeof internalization—70% of total cell-associated activity wasendocytosed within 15 min using both the low and the highpeptide concentration—fits well with the internalization rateof the agonist 125I-Tyr4-BN/GRP-r complex (t1/2 � 6 min)and its independence from the peptide-to-receptor ratio(31).

Efflux of 67Ga and 177Lu activity from AR42J cells afterinternalization of labeled BZH3 showed half-lives of 13–16h in vivo and in vitro, which are much longer than that of125I-Tyr4-BN (t1/2 � 3 h) (33). Since lysosomal degradationof BN analogs is very rapid—after a 15 min-incubation,80% of internalized 125I-Tyr4-BN has already been metab-olized (34)—the prolonged intracellular retention in tumorcells appears to be a specific feature of the M3 DOTAchelate and presumably of the linker used for couplingrather than of the peptide degradation products. This issupported by similar efflux data of 177Lu from PC-3 tumorcells using a different, but DOTA-conjugated, BN analog(35).

Biodistribution studies with escalating doses of 67Ga-BZH3 in tumor-bearing mice indicated a dose-dependentuptake in GRP-r–positive tissues. Intestines showed a con-tinuously decreasing %ID/g uptake with increasing amountsof peptide, which indicates an increasing saturation of thereceptors and an uptake maximum equal to or less than thelowest dose of 5 pmol per animal. In contrast, tumor andpancreas uptake peaked at the 15- and 45-pmol dose, re-spectively. Breeman et al. (36) also described such a bell-shaped, dose-dependent uptake in the pancreas of rats.These authors suggest that the initial stimulation of the%ID/g uptake with increasing amounts of peptide might berelated to a clustering of the receptor/BN complexes in thecell membrane, which might be required for internalizationof the complexes. Since we found no dose dependence ofinternalization in vitro with doses much lower than that usedin biodistribution experiments, in vivo a preferential trap-ping of the peptide at low doses in the intestines appears tobe more likely. Assuming receptor densities of pancreas �tumor � intestine—but taking into account the high abso-

lute amount of intestinal GRP-r and a much higher bloodflow in the intestines compared with the tumor tissue(37)—an optimum tumor uptake may be achieved only aftera sufficient saturation of the intestinal GRP-r. In GRP-r–negative tissues, only kidneys showed a significantly re-duced activity uptake after administration of the highestdose. This is in contrast to published results reporting nochange in the kidney uptake of BN analogs in mice and ratsup to a 100- g dose (36,37). Thus, a slightly prolongedretention time of the small doses of 67Ga-BHZ3 in thekidneys seems to be more likely than a saturation of renalexcretion by the high dose.

The clearance of 67Ga-BZH3 from the circulation andnormal GRP-r–negative tissues was fast and resulted in lowbackground activity with maximum tumor-to-tissue ratios at2 h after injection, which meets the requirements of PETwith the short-lived positron emitter 68Ga. The low liveruptake of 0.5 %ID/g versus 3–8 %ID/g observed for 99mTc-labeled BN analogs (17,18,33,38) should facilitate tumorlocalization in the abdominal region compared with 99mTcimaging.

Similar to somatostatin analogs, BN analogs labeled witha therapeutic radionuclide might have a potential for radio-therapy. Using the diagnostic radiolabel for calculation ofthe absorbed therapeutic radiation dose, a comparison of thebiokinetics of the therapeutic and the diagnostic radiolabelis necessary, since a change in the M3 radiometal used forDOTA labeling can alter the biodistribution of a DOTA-conjugated peptide (39). For the couple of 67/68Ga and 177Lu(the latter has been used successfully in therapy of neuroen-docrine tumors (40)), we found a slightly reduced (�20%)uptake of 177Lu-BZH3 in the tumor and a �20% shortenedhalf-life of tumor retention, whereas biodistribution andbiokinetics in normal tissues were quite similar to that of67Ga-BZH3. An exception, which might be beneficial fortherapy, is the observed 3-fold accelerated clearance ofpancreatic 177Lu activity. Presently, no reasonable explana-tion for the different kinetics of the 67Ga- and 177Lu-labeledpeptide could be found. However, the data are in agreementwith those reported by Smith et al. (35) for the washout of177Lu activity from the pancreas of mice after administrationof the 177Lu DOTA-8-Aoc-BN(7–14) analog. Nevertheless,the high initial, receptor-mediated 177Lu uptake in the pan-creas has to be considered for limiting-dose calculations.

PET clearly indicated the potential of 68Ga-BZH3 for asensitive localization of GRP-r–positive tumors in the me-diastinal area. Compared with a 64Cu-labeled DOTA-BNanalog (t1/2, 12.7 h; �, 19%), recently proposed for PET(37), 68Ga-BZH3 appears to be much more favorable withregard to in vivo stability and biodistribution, in vitro data,and simplicity of radionuclide production. Detection of met-astatic prostate carcinoma, especially of an invasion ofpelvic lymph nodes, remains less predictable because of theenhanced intestinal and bladder background activity. On theother hand, the high GRP-r density found in most of the

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prostatic neoplasms and metastases (8) might partially com-pensate these limitations.


The M3 radiolabeled BN analog BZH3 evaluated in thisstudy has shown many of the prerequisites for a successfultargeting of GRP-r–positive tumors, such as a high affinityin the subnanomolar range and a rapid internalization witha prolonged intracellular retention of the M3 radionuclidein vitro. In vivo, high tumor-to-tissue ratios 1 h after injec-tion and a rapid clearance of unbound peptide from GRP-r–negative, normal tissues was observed. PET has demon-strated the diagnostic potential in the tumor-bearing mousemodel with 68Ga-BZH3. Additionally, the ability of PET toquantify biodistribution data should enable more accuratedose calculations for radiotherapy with M3 therapeuticradionuclides—for example, 90Y or 177Lu. The physiologicfeatures together with PET and the simplicity of 68Ga pro-duction from a generator recommend 68Ga-BZH3 as apromising, versatile tool for an improved localization ofGRP-r–positive tumors also in patients.

Because our generator is not commercially available, werefer the reader to a TiO2-based 68Ge/68Ga generator, whichis commercially available from the Cyclotron Co. Ltd. Ob-ninsk. Meyer et al. (41) have published a comparison,showing a similar suitability and efficiency of both gener-ators.


We thank the Swiss National Science Foundation, theSwiss Commission for Technology and Innovation (KTIproject 4668-1), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft(DFG grant 2901/3-1), and Mallinckrodt Medical for finan-cial support of this work and Novartis for analytic support.


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Manuscript 1

Influence of Different Spacers on the Pharmacologic

Profile of a Panbombesin Analogue

Hanwen Zhang P

[a]P, Martin Walter P

[a]P, Jianhua Chen P

[a]P, Beatrice Waser P


Jean Claude Reubi P

[b]P, Anna Seelig P

[c]P, Helmut R. MaeckeP



[a] PDivision of Radiological Chemistry, Institute of Nuclear Medicine, Department of

Radiology, University Hospital, Basel, Switzerland;


[b] PDivision of Cell Biology and Experimental Cancer Research, Institute of Pathology,

University of Berne, Berne, Switzerland


[c] PDepartment of Biophysical Chemistry, Biocenter of the University of Basel, Basel,


Present status:

Manuscript in preparation.

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Influence of different spacers on the pharmacologic profile of a panbombesin


Hanwen Zhang [a], Martin Walter [a], Jianhua Chen [a], Beatrice Waser [b], Jean Claude Reubi [b],

Anming Tan [c], Anna Seelig [c], Helmut R. Maecke*[a]

[a] Division of Radiological Chemistry, Department of Radiology, University Hospital Basel,

Petersgraben 4, CH-4031 Basel, Switzerland;

[b] Division of Cell Biology and Experimental Cancer Research, Institute of Pathology,

University of Berne, PO Box 62, Murtenstrasse 31, CH-3010 Berne, Switzerland;

[c] Department of Biophysical Chemistry, Biocenter of the University of Basel,

Klingelbergstrasse 70, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland.

1Abbreviations: BN, bombesin; BZH, [(D)Tyr6, βAla11, Thi13, Nle14] BN(6-14); GABA, γ-

aminobutyric acid; Ahx, 6-aminohexanoic acid; PEG2, 8-amino-3,6-dioxaoctanoic acid; PEG4,

15-amino-4,7,10,13-tetraoxapentadecanoic acid; Sar5, pentasarcosine; GRP, gastrin-releasing

peptide; NMB, neuromedin B; DOTA, 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid;

DIPEA, N-ethyldiisopropylamine; DIC, N,N’-diisopropylcarbodiimide; HoBt, 1-

hydroxybenzotriazole; HATU, O-(7-azabenzotriazol-1-yl)-N,N,N’,N’-

tetramethyluroniumhexafluorophosphate; NMP, 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone; DMF, N,N-

dimethylformamide; TNBS, 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid; TFA, trifluoroacetic acid.

Abbreviations of the common amino acids are in accordance with the recommendations of

IUPAC-IUB [IUPAC-IUB Commission of Biochemical Nomenclature (CBN), symbols for

amino acid derivatives and peptides, recommendations 1971. Eur J Biochem 1972; 27:201-207].

* To whom correspondence should be addressed:

Tel: ++41 61 265 46 99; Fax: ++41 61 265 55 59

E-mail: [emailprotected]

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A variety of human cancers have been shown to overexpress bombesin (BN) receptor subtypes.

The universal BN ligand [D-Tyr6, β-Ala11, Thi13, Nle14] BN (6-14) (BZH) has high affinity to all

three bombesin receptor subtypes (NMB-R, GRP-R, and BRS-3). This finding prompted us to

develop radiolabeled BN analogues for the diagnosis and targeted radionuclide therapy of BN

receptor-expressing tumors. A direct conjugation of the chelator to the peptide, however, led to a

considerable loss of binding affinity. Assuming that the introduction of a spacer between the

peptide and the chelator might be necessary for retaining high affinity to BN receptors, we

designed DOTA-X-BZH conjugates (X = spacer: GABA, Ahx, PEG2, PEG4, βAla2, (D)Dab-

βAla and Sar5) and studied the influence of the spacers on the pharmacological properties of the


All conjugates were synthesized in parallel with yields of 23% to 30%, based on the removal of

the first Fmoc group. All metallated ligands had high affinity within nanomolar range (IC50:

0.8±0.1 to 6.3±1.3 nM) to the human GRP receptor and retained affinity to the other two human

BN receptor subtypes. The [111In]-DOTA-X-BZH analogues showed different metabolic

stabilities in serum; the t1/2-values varied from 2.3 h to 33.6 h with increasing length of the

spacer. Decomposition of [111In]-DOTA-PEG4-BZH was found to be similar in PC-3 cells and in

serum, the cleavage occurring at the same sites but resulting in different proportions of the

metabolites. In PC-3 cells, the major metabolite of [111In]-DOTA-PEG4-BZH resulted from the

cleavage between Gln7 and Trp8, while in serum the major metabolite was due to the cleavage of

βAla11-His12. Rat and human GRP receptor-expressing cell lines showed different internalization

rates of 111In-labeled DOTA-PEG4-BZH and DOTA-Sar5-BZH, respectively. The biodistribution

in AR4-2J tumor-bearing rats showed a high and specific accumulation of the 111In-labeled

conjugates in the tumor and GRP-R-positive organs. A fast clearance from blood and all non-

target organs except the kidneys was found. Of all conjugates, [111In]-DOTA-PEG4-BZH showed

the highest tumor uptake and the best tumor-to-kidney ratio.

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Bombesin(BN)-like peptides have become attractive for more and more research groups since

many severe human cancer types have been found to overexpress BN receptors [1, 2]. Among

the BN receptor family (neuromedin B receptor: NMB-R, gastrin-releasing peptide receptor:

GRP-R, BN receptor subtype-3: BRS-3), GRP-R is the most relevant subtype because of its high

expression on prostate [3], breast [4], and gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) [5]. NMB-R

and BRR-3 overexpression has been observed in intestinal carcinoids and small cell lung

carcinomas whereas renal cell carcinomas overexpress GRP-R and BRS-3 concomitantly [1].

These data show that each BN receptor subtype is overexpressed on different types of tumors

and that the same type of tumor may co-express two BN receptor subtypes. This indicates that a

universal bombesin analog has the comparative advantage to visualize these tumors with a high

incidence. Although this finding opens up the possibility to apply panbombesin ligands as

vehicles for delivering radionuclides [6, 7] or cytotoxics [8] into tumors, most researchers to date

still focus on the development of BN analogs for diagnosis [9-21] and targeted radionuclide

therapy [22, 23] of GRP-R expressing tumors only.

Compared to the known pan-BN ligand [D-Tyr6, βAla11, Phe13, Nle14] BN (6-14) [6], metallated

DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6, βAla11, Thi13, Nle14] BN (6-14) (BZH2) was shown to bind to GRP- and

NMB-receptors with a relatively high affinity and to BRS-3 with a mediate affinity. As

according to our unpublished data the direct coupling of the chelate to the peptide results in a

significant loss of binding affinity to the GRP-receptor, the introduction of a spacer between the

peptide and the chelate seems to be necessary for retaining the biological properties of the non-

chelated peptide. In our present study, different types and lengths of spacers (X) were therefore

introduced into the prototype DOTA-X-BZH, which can be labeled with hard Lewis acid type

metallic radionuclides such as 111In, 90Y, 177Lu, and 68Ga. These (radio)metallopeptides were

evaluated with regard to their binding affinity towards BN receptors and their internalization

rates into AR4-2J (rat pancreatic tumor cells expressing rat GRP-R) and PC-3 (human prostate

cancer expressing human GRP-R) cells. In addition, we studied the metabolic stability in human

blood serum and PC-3 cells and the biodistribution in AR4-2J tumor-bearing rats.

RESULTS Synthesis and labeling

Different types of spacers (Fig. 1) were introduced into the prototype DOTA-X-BZH, including

hydrocarbon (GABA and Ahx), poly(ethylene oxide) (PEG2 and PEG4), amino acids with a

positive charge on the side chain ((D)Dab-βAla), and unnatural amino acids (βAla2 and Sar5). All

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DOTA-X-BZH conjugates were successfully synthesized in parallel by using solid phase peptide

synthesis (Fmoc strategy), affording an overall yield of approximately 23% to 30% based on the

removal of the first Fmoc group after cleavage, purification and lyophilization. The purity of all

conjugates was ≥97% (HPLC grade). The composition of DOTA-X-BZH and metallated DOTA-

X-BZH was determined via MS, the results being commensurate with the theoretically expected

values (Table 1). All DOTA-X-BZH analogues could be labeled with 111In and 177Lu under the

ammonium acetate buffer (pH 5, 0.4 M) at elevated temperature (95°C) for 20-25 min. In all

cases labeling yields of ≥98% at a specific activity of >37 GBq μmol-1 for 111In and of >80GBq

μmol-1 for 177Lu were achieved.

Binding affinity to GRP-receptors and affinity profiles

Binding experiments were performed on human prostate cancer tissue expressing GRP-R. The

IC50 value of BZH was 1.0±0.2 nM. All conjugates retained high affinity to the GRP-receptors in

a nanomolar range, as shown in Table 2. Compared to the affinity of BZH and with the exception

of the Ahx-conjugate, which had a slightly improved affinity (0.8±0.1 nM), the spacers together

with metallated DOTA caused a reduced affinity to GRP-R by a factor of 2 (GABA: 2.2±0.2 nM;

PEG2: 2.1±0.8 nM; βAla2: 2.5±0.4 nM; (D)Dab-βAla: 2.1±0.9 nM) or by a factor of 5 (PEG4:

6.3±1.3 nM and Sar5: 5.7±1.4 nM).

Human cancer tissue expressing NMB-R (or GRP-R or BRS-3) was used for studying the

affinity. The affinity profiles of [natY/natGa]-DOTA-GABA-BZH and [natGa]-DOTA-PEG2-BZH

are shown in Table 3. Similar affinities to all three receptor subtypes were observed for natY- and natGa-labeled DOTA-GABA-BZH: NMB-R, 4.9±1.0 nM vs. 4.7±0.4 nM; GRP-R, 1.4±0.1 nM

vs. 1.3±0.2 nM; BRS-3, 10.7±4.2 nM vs. 6.6±0.6 nM. The IC50 values of [GaIII]-DOTA-PEG2-

BZH were 6.4±2.2 nM for NMB-R, 2.0±0.6 nM for GRP-R, and 8.0±0.7 nM for BRS-3,


Stability in human serum and PC-3 cells

Upon 4 h incubation in fresh serum, less than 5% of radioactivity (from radiolabeled peptides)

was observed in the proteic fraction obtained as pellet. All [111In]-DOTA-X-BZH conjugates

were metabolized to the same breakdown products as [111In]-DTPA-GABA-BZH [6], as

indicated by the similar HPLC retention times (data not shown). Table 4 shows the half-lives

(t1/2) of disappearance of [111In]-DOTA-X-BZH in serum, calculated according to the equation

A=A0*exp(-k1*t) [6], the values being: GABA, 2.2±0.2h; Ahx, 3.2±0.3h; PEG2, 3.6±0.2h; PEG4,

6.5±h; βAla2, 5.8±0.4h; (D)Dab-βAla, 14.4±1.0h; Sar5, 33.6±1.1h.

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As a hypothesis, non-internalized radiopeptides and externalized metabolites can be observed

simultaneously in the incubation medium. Therefore, the metabolism of [111In]-DOTA-X-BZH

in PC-3 cells should be traceable via investigation of the components remaining in medium. Of

[111In]-DOTA-PEG4-BZH as leading ligand, more than 50% of radioactivity was metabolized

within 2 h incubation, whereas >95% of radioactivity still remained intact upon incubation with a

large excess of DOTA-GABA-BZH (Fig. 2). Furthermore, [111In]-DOTA-PEG4-BZH was

decomposed by enzymes at the same peptide bond in cells and serum (Fig. 3). Cleavage between

Gln7 and Trp8 afforded the main metabolite in cells (the highest metabolite peak in Fig. 2), and

cleavage between βAla11 and His12 the main metabolite in serum (data not shown).


All 111In-labeled ligands showed a specific and fast uptake in AR4-2J and PC-3 cells, which did

not reach a plateau within 6 h of incubation at 37°C (Fig. 4); <1% of the added activity was

internalized non-specifically; <7% of the added activity was surface-bound peptide (acid

removable) (data not shown). All [111In]-DOTA-X-BZH analogues showed similar

internalization rates (Fig. 4) into PC-3 cells, whereas the internalization rates of the βAla2, PEG4

and Sar5 derivatives into AR4-2J cells were significantly lower than those of the other analogues

(Fig. 4).

Animal biodistribution studies

Biodistribution studies of the 111In-labeled peptides were performed on AR4-2J (pancreatic)

tumor-bearing Lewis rats. The results are presented in Fig. 5 and Table 5 as percentage of

injected activity per gram of tissue (% IA/g).

[111In]-DOTA-X-BZH displayed a rapid clearance from blood (0.01% IA/g at 4h) and from

GRP-R-negative tissues except the kidneys, resulting in high tumor-to-nontarget ratios (Table 5).

It was also observed that [111In]-DOTA-X-BZH highly accumulated in the AR4-2J tumor and in

GRP-R-positive organs. At 4 h [111In]-DOTA-PEG4-BZH showed the highest uptake

(1.55±0.25% ID/g) and [111In]-DOTA-GABA-BZH the lowest uptake (0.82±0.06% ID/g) of the

tested derivatives in the AR4-2J tumor. Co-injection of [111In]-DOTA-X-BZH with DOTA-

GABA-BZH caused an >90% uptake reduction in the tumor and pancreas (GRP-R-positive

tissues). A high blocking dose (50 μg DOTA-GABA-BZH) did not influence the uptake in non-

target organs except the kidneys (data not shown). [111In]-DOTA-PEG4-BZH showed the highest

tumor-to-kidney ratio (Table 4) of all tested ligands. The kinetics of [111In]-DOTA-Sar5-BZH

(Fig.5) showed higher accumulation in the AR4-2J tumor and pancreas than [111In]-DOTA-

GABA-BZH at all time points. [111In]-DOTA-Sar5-BZH, however, was released from the tumor

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and pancreas with a relatively faster rate than [111In]-DOTA-GABA-BZH. Similar accumulation

in and release from the kidneys was observed for both radiolabeled ligands.

Secondary structure in PBS buffer

[natY]-DOTA-X-BZH dissolved in PBS buffer was determined with UV spectra-meter, diluted to

60 μM and then measured with circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy under room temperature.

The results from the CD spectra evaluation (Fig. 6) are listed in Table 6. The main secondary

structure of [natY]-DOTA-X-BZH in PBS buffer is random coil, varying from 40.8% to 67.9%;

the second main structure was β-sheet with the contents of 17.4% to 41.7%, except for the βAla2

analog, which might be caused by association in solution. For GABA, Ahx, PEG2 and PEG4

derivatives, there were practically no α-helix and β-turn structures. (D)Dab-βAla and Sar5

analogues may form about 1 helical structure.


The results show that a spacer between chelate and peptide is a determining factor for biological

properties such as binding affinity, internalization rate, biodistribution and metabolic stability.

Compared to similar studies [24, 25], the present study reveals that the influence of a spacer

results not only from the chain length of the spacer, but also from the type of spacer.

Except from GABA, different spacers including Ahx, PEG2, PEG4, βAla2, (D)Dab-βAla and Sar5

were inserted between chelate (DOTA) and the universal BN ligand, [D-Tyr6, βAla11, Thi13,

Nle14] BN (6-14) (BZH). All conjugates showed high affinity (IC50 value: 0.8–6.3 nM) to GRP-

R-expressing human prostate cancer tissue. Various chain lengths for the same type of spacer

resulted in different binding affinities. For instance 5 hydrocarbons (Ahx: 0.8±0.1 nM) afforded

a better binding affinity to hGRP-R than 3 hydrocarbons (GABA: 2.2±0.2 nM), which is

consistent with other published results [24, 25]. In contrast, 4 ethylene oxides (PEG4:

6.3±1.3nM) led to a worse IC50 value than 2 (PEG2: 2.1±0.8nM) and 80 ethylene oxides showed

almost no affinity (3.9±0.6μM) to hGRP-R [26], indicating that the longer the poly(ethylene

oxide), the worse the binding affinity, which is also consistent with known properties of

PEGylated protein [27].

Considering the influence of the spacer type, a longer spacer (PEG4 and Sar5 (5.7±1.4nM)) led to

a worse affinity to hGRP-R and to a slower internalization rate into AR4-2J cells (rat GRP-R)

than a shorter spacer. Of all spacer-modified BN analogues, the internalization rates into PC-3

(hGRP-R) did not differ significantly. These findings suggest that the biological properties of

GRP receptors on AR4-2J (rat) cells are different from the ones on human PC-3 cells. In other

words, significant differences between AR4-2J and PC-3 were observed for the internalization

rates of 111In-labeled DOTA-PEG4-BZH (16.2%) and DOTA-Sar5-BZH (15.7%). However, there

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is only a slight difference for the other spacers (GABA, Ahx, PEG2, (D)Dab-βAla and βAla2),

varying from 0.3% to 6.6%. These findings prompted us to analyze the binding affinities towards

human and mouse/rat GRP-receptors. Using [natY]-DOTA-PEG4-BZH as a leading ligand, the

results were converse to what we expected (i.e. the faster the internalization rate, the higher the

affinity): they showed a higher affinity to the rat/mouse GRP-R (0.20 to 0.46 nM) and a lower

affinity to the human GRP-R (3.9 to 6.3nM) [19]. The reason for this phenomenon might be due

to the expression of the MDR1 P-glycoprotein on cells, as the density of MDR1 on murine cells

is higher than on human cells, and poly(sarcosine/ethylene oxide) is exported out of the cells by

MDR1 [28].

[111In]-DOTA-X-BZH showed different metabolic stability values in fresh human serum with t1/2

varying from 2.3 h to 33.6 h with increasing spacer length. The weakest bond of βAla11-His12

could not be stabilized directly by changing the spacer. At that time, we assumed that these

ligands due to different spacers might form different secondary structures in solution. After

analyzing the secondary structures, the most stable ligand, [111In]-DOTA-Sar5-BZH, seems to

form one helical turn although in solution it mainly exists in random coil and β-sheet, but this

does not sufficiently explain the differences in metabolic stability. Therefore we studied the

metabolism in the cells, based on the hypothesis that non-internalized radiopeptides and

externalized metabolites from the cells would be simultaneously in the incubation medium. All

[111In]-DOTA-X-BZH were metabolized due to the same broken bond, as indicated by the

similarity of the HPLC elution times in serum. However, the main metabolite in the cells was

due to a cleavage between Gln7 and Trp8, whereas the main metabolite in serum was due to the

cleavage between βAla11 and His12 [6].

Biodistribution studies showed that the [111In]-DOTA-X-BZH conjugates highly accumulated in

the AR4-2J tumor and GRP-R positive organs, and were released quickly from blood and GRP-R

negative tissues except the kidneys. [111In]-DOTA-PEG4-BZH showed the highest tumor uptake

(1.55±0.25% ID/g) at 4h, and with a value of 2 the highest tumor-to-kidney ratio as well,

indicating that the PEGylation of a BN analogue is still worthwhile as it affords a better in-vivo

performance despite the significant loss of affinity that it brings about [27]. [111In]-DOTA-Sar5-

BZH (Fig.5) displayed a higher accumulation in the AR4-2J tumor and pancreas than [111In]-

DOTA-GABA-BZH at all time points despite the higher affinity (2.8 times) and faster

internalization rate (1.8 times) into AR4-2J cells of the latter. The reason for this may be due to

the higher stability (15 times) of [111In]-DOTA-GABA-BZH in serum. [111In]-DOTA-Sar5-BZH

was released from the tumor and pancreas relatively faster than [111In]-DOTA-GABA-BZH as in

rats the excretion of Sar5 from the AR4-2J tumor is also supported by MDR1.

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In conclusion, the spacer-modified BN analogues show differences in affinity to hGRP-R and

metabolic stability, respectively. An adequate length of poly(ethylene oxide) such as PEG4

should allow for a high tumor-to-kidney ratio and a retained affinity to the human GRP-R. A

further rationale for the design of BN analogs for clinical application may benefit from these



General. All chemicals were obtained from commercial sources and used without further

purification. Rink amide MBHA resin (0.6 mmol/g) and all Fmoc-protected amino acids were

commercially available from NovaBiochem (Läufelfingen, Switzerland). DOTA-tris(tBu ester)

was obtained from Macrocyclics (Dallas, TX, USA). Fmoc-15-amino-4,7,10,13-

tetraoxapentadecanoic acid (Fmoc-PEG4-OH) was purchased from Quanta BioDesign Ltd.

(Powell, OH, USA) and Fmoc-PEG2-OH from Neosystem (Strasbourg, France); Fmoc-Sar5-OH

was synthesized in our lab (Joerg Schmitt; unpublished data). [111In]Cl3 was purchased from

Mallinckrodt Medical (Petten, the Netherlands). PC-3 cells were obtained from the European

Collection of Cell Cultures (ECACC, Wiltshire SP4 OJG, UK). The cell culture medium was

Dulbecco’s minimal essential medium (DMEM) with vitamins, essential and non-essential

amino acids, L-glutamine, antibiotics (penicillin/streptomycine), fungicide (amphotericin

B/Fungizone®) and 10% (1%) fetal calf serum (FCS) from BioConcept (Allschwil, Switzerland).

Solid phase peptide synthesis was performed on a semiautomatic peptide synthesizer

commercially available from Rink Combichem (Bubendorf, Switzerland). Electrospray

ionization mass spectroscopy was carried out with a Finnigan SSQ 7000 spectrometer (Brennen,

Germany) and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI)-mass spectrometry

measurements on a Voyager sSTR equipment with a Nd:YAG laser (Applied Biosystems,

Framingham, NY). Analytical HPLC was performed on a Hewlett Packard 1050 HPLC system

(Waldbronn 2, Germany) with a multiwavelength detector and a flow-through Berthold LB 506

Cl γ-detector (Wildbad, Germany) using a Macherey-Nagel (Oensingen, Switzerland) Nucleosil

120 C18 column (System 1: flow: 0.75 ml/min; eluents: A= 0.1% TFA in water and B=

acetonitrile; non-linear gradient: 0 min, 80% A; 20 min, 50% A; 21 min, 0% A; 24 min, 0% A

and 25, 80% A. System 2: flow: 0.75 ml/min; eluents: A= 50 mM sodium acetate buffer (pH 5.4)

and B= acetonitrile; non-linear gradient as in System 1). Preparative HPLC was performed on a

Metrohm HPLC system LC-CaDI 22-14 (Herisau, Switzerland) with a Macherey-Nagel VP

250/21 Nucleosil 100-5 C18 column (flow: 15 ml/min; eluents: A= 0.1% TFA in water and B=

acetonitrile; non-linear gradient: 0 min, 70% A; 10 min, 50% A; 11 min, 0% A; 14 min, 0% A

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and 15, 70% A). Quantitative γ-counting was performed on a COBRA 5003 γ-system well

counter from Packard Instruments (Meriden, CT, USA). CD spectra (190-250nm) were

measured on a Jasco J720 at room temperature using a quartz cell of 0.2 mm path length.

The concentrations of all tested compounds were determined (280 nm, ε=6890) with a Lambda 2

UV-visible spectrophotometer (PerkinElmer, Bodenseewerk, Germany) and the HPLC purity of

all compounds used for experiments was >99%.

Peptide Synthesis

The peptide synthesis was performed on a semiautomatic peptide synthesizer according to a

general procedure described previously [6] (Fig. 1). Standard Fmoc chemistry was used

throughout; Trt, tBu and Boc were used as protecting groups of His, D-Tyr and Trp, respectively.

Fmoc-D-Tyr(tBu)-Gln-Trp(Boc)-Ala-Val-βAla-His(Trt)-Thi-Nle-resin was obtained by

assembling Fmoc-protected amino acids on a Rink amide MBHA resin (1 g) with an overall

yield of 90% based on the removal of the first Fmoc group. The spacers and DOTA-tris(tBu

ester) were coupled in parallel (20 μmol for each conjugate): three equivalents Fmoc-spacer (3

eq GABA, Ahx, PEG2, PEG4 and Sar5) were preincubated 30 min with HATU (3.6 equivalents)

in NMP and incubated with the resin-assembled peptide until the Kaiser test was negative (>3 h)

except that 5 equivalents Fmoc-PEG4-OH were used. βAla2 and (D)Dab-βAla were coupled

using standard Fmoc procedure, with Fmoc-(D)Dab(Boc)-OH being used for the latter spacer.

The peptide conjugates were cleaved from the resin, deprotected concomitantly by incubation

with TFA/thioanisole/water 92/6/2 at room temperature for 4-6 h, and then precipitated in cold

isopropyl ether/petroleum ether (1:1). After drying in the vacuum oven under room temperature,

the crude peptide-chelator conjugate was purified by preparative HPLC. MS ((±)EI, MALDI)

and analytical HPLC were used to determine the composition and purity of the conjugates,


Metallated conjugates

The metal complex was synthesized according to the method described previously [6]. Briefly, a

mixture of conjugate (0.5 μmol) in 500 μl 0.4 M ammonium-acetate-buffer (pH 5) was incubated

with 1.5 μmol Y(NO3)3·5H2O (Ga(NO3)3·9H2O) pre-dissolved in 0.04 M HCl at 95°C for 25

min, cooled down to room temperature and purified over a SepPak C18 cartridge (Waters Corp.

Milford, MA) preconditioned with 10 ml ethanol and 10 ml water. The cartridge was eluted with

10 ml water followed by 3 ml ethanol resulting in metallated conjugates after the evaporation of

ethanol. The final product was analyzed by analytical HPLC (the purities were ≥99%) and

identified by MALDI and MS.

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Preparation of radiotracer

The [111In]-conjugate was prepared by dissolving 10 μg of the conjugate in ammonium acetate

buffer (300 μl, 0.4 M, pH 5); after the addition of 111InCl3 (3-5 mCi), the solution was heated at

95° for 25 min. A 1.5 molar excess of the relative cold metal ion was added and the final solution

heated again at 95°C for 15 min. Subsequently a SepPak C18 cartridge was utilized to purify the

radiolabeled peptides to afford the pure radiolabeled ligand as described in the section

“Metallated Conjugates”. A quality control was performed by HPLC (System 1). Biodistribution

studies were prepared using the same method (but without addition of cold metal), diluted in

0.9% NaCl (0.1% BSA) to afford the radioligand solution.

Metabolic stability in serum and in PC-3 cells

The study of metabolic stability in serum was performed as described previously [6]; 0.6 nmol 111In-labeled conjugates were added to the freshly prepared serum and the mixture was incubated

in a 5% CO2, 37°C environment for different periods (0, 1, 4, and 8 h).

For studying the stability in PC-3 cells, the cells were prepared in six-well plates the day before:

cells were washed twice with culture medium and were allowed to adjust to the medium at 37°C

for 1 h. Approximately 1.8 kBq (0.25 pmol) [111In]-DOTA-PEG4-BZH, as leading compound,

was added and incubated with PC-3 cells (~1 million cells) either with or without DOTA-

GABA-BZH in a 37°C, 5%CO2 environment for 2 h. The solution outside the cells was collected

and loaded onto a SepPak C18 cartridge preconditioned with 10 ml methanol and 10 ml water;

then the peptides were released from the cartridge with 1 ml ethanol. The ethanol solution and

the metabolites from the serum were analyzed on HPLC (eluents: A= 0.1% TFA in water and B=

acetonitrile; gradient: 0-55 min, 90%-55% A; 56-59 min, 100% B; 59-60 min, 80% A).

Binding affinity to human GRP-receptors

Using [125I-D-Tyr4]BN as GRP-R preferring ligand, the IC50 values of natY-labeled peptides were

measured with successive sections of human prostate cancer tissue overexpressing GRP-


The binding affinity profiles of the [natY/natGa]-conjugates for the three bombesin receptor

subtypes were determined in vitro using receptor autoradiography with [125I-D-Tyr6, β-Ala11,

Phe13, Nle14]BN (6-14) as universal radioligand. The procedure was described in detail

previously [1, 29].

Internalization studies

Internalization and externalization experiments were performed in 6-well plates as described

previously [6]. Using DOTA-GABA-BZH as blocking agent (final concentration: 0.58 μM) to

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determine nonspecific internalization, approximately 1.8 kBq (0.25 pmol) of the radioligand was

used for incubation with the cells (106 cells per well). The percentage of added dose per million

cells (%/total) was calculated for the internalization rate at different time points.

Biodistribution experiments in AR4-2J tumor-bearing Lewis rats

Biodistribution studies were performed on AR4-2J tumor-bearing male Lewis rats as described

previously [6]. 111In-labeled peptides (0.1 µg) in 200 μl 0.9% NaCl solution were injected for

biodistribution, and 50 µg DOTA-GABA-BZH (injected volume, 225 μl) co-injected to

determine non-specific uptake. The percentage of injected activity per gram (% IA/g) was

calculated for each tissue. The total counts injected per animal were determined by extrapolation

from counts of an aliquot taken from the injected solution as a standard.

Kinetic studies of [111In]-DOTA-GABA-BZH and [111In]-Sar5-BZH were carried out at different

time points, including 4h, 24h, 48h and 72h post injection.

All animal experiments were performed in compliance with the Swiss regulation for animal

treatment (Bundesamt für Veterinärwesen, approval no. 789).

Analysis of secondary structure using CD

All [natY]-DOTA-X-BZH conjugates were dissolved in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH=7.4),

measured with a UV spectrometer (280 nm, ε=6890) and diluted to 60 μM. CD spectra (190-250

nm) were obtained by determination on a Jasco J720 at room temperature using a quartz cell of

0.2 mm path length; 50 scans were averaged for each sample and the averaged blank spectra

were subtracted.

Statistical Analysis

Data are expressed as mean ± SD, which were calculated on Microsoft Excel. The Student t test

(origin 6, Microcal Software, Inc., Northampton, MA) was used to determine statistical

significance at the 95% confidence level with P < 0.05 being considered significantly different.


We thank the Swiss National Science Foundation and the "Amt für Ausbildungsbeiträge Basel-

Stadt" for financial support of this work and Novartis for analytical support.

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22. Smith CJ, Gali H, Sieckman GL, Hayes DL, Owen NK, Mazuru DG, et al. Radiochemical investigations of 177Lu-DOTA-8-Aoc-BBN[7-14]NH2: an in vitro/in vivo assessment of the targeting ability of this new radiopharmaceutical for PC-3 human prostate cancer cells. Nucl Med Biol. 2003; 30: 101-9.

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Table 1: Characteristic data of DOTA-X-BZH (X = GABA, Ahx, PEG2, PEG4, (D)Dab-βAla,

(βAla)2, Sar5; BZH = [D-Tyr6, βAla11, Thi13, Nle14]BN(6-14)) and relative metallated


Measured MW DOTA-X-BZH† Calculated


GABA 1610.83 1634.0 [M+Na]+ 1647.0 [M+K-H]- 1610.6 (M+H]+)

Ahx 1638.89 839.4 [M+K+H]2+ 1677.4 [M+K-H]- 1638.7 ([M+H]+)

PEG2 1670.89 1709.7[M+K+H]+ 1707.8 [M+K-H]- 1670.0 ([M+H]+)

PEG4 1773.02 1811.7[M+K+H]+ 1809.7 [M+K-H]- 1772.7 ([M+H]+)

(D)Dab-βAla 1696.93 1736.4 [M+K]+ 1733.5 [M+K-H]- 1696.9 ([M+H]+)

(βAla)2 1667.89 1707.8[M+K+H]+ 1706.7 [M+K-H]- 1667.3 ([M+H]+)

Sar5 1881.12 1919.7 [M+K]+ 1919.2 [M+K-H]- 1881.2 ([M+H]+)

[natY]- GABA 1696.72 860.0 [M+Na+H]2+ ND 1696.8 ([M+H]+)

[natGa]- GABA 1677.53 ND ND 1677.6 ([M+H]+)

[natY]- Ahx 1724.77 874.6 [M+Na+H]2+ ND 1725.7 ([M+H]+)

[natY]- PEG2 1756.77 ND ND 1756.8 ([M+H]+)

[natGa]- PEG2 1737.58 881.6 [M+Na+H]2+ 867.2 [M-2H]2- 1737.8 ([M+H]+)

[natY]- PEG4 1858.90 ND ND 1859.8 ([M+H]+)

[natY]- (D)Dab-βAla 1782.81 892.4 [M+2H]2+ 1781.5 [M-H]- 1782.9 ([M+H]+)

[natY]- (βAla)2 1754.75 ND ND 1755.0 ([M+H]+)

[natY]- Sar5 1967.00 ND ND 1967.9 ([M+H]+)

Note: MW, molecular weight.

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Table 2: IC50 values for displacement of human GRP-receptor-bound [125I-Tyr4]BN by

increasing concentrations of BN analogues. IC50 values (nM ± SE) are in triplicates;

number of independent studies is given in brackets. BZH: [Tyr6, βAla11, Thi13, Nle14]

BN (6-14).

Compound GRP-R

BZH 1.0±0.2 (3) [natY]-DOTA-GABA-BZH 2.2±0.2 (3)

[natY]-DOTA-Ahx-BZH 0.8±0.1 (3) [natY]-DOTA-PEG2-BZH 2.1±0.8 (3) [natY]-DOTA-PEG4-BZH 6.3±1.3 (5)

[natY]-DOTA-Sar5-BZH 5.7±1.4 (3) [natY]-DOTA-βAla2-BZH 2.5±0.4 (3)

[natY]-DOTA-(D)Dab-βAla-BZH 2.1±0.9 (3)

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Table 3: Affinity profiles (IC50) for human NMB-R, GRP-R and BRS-3 with displacement of

bound [125I-Tyr6, βAla11, Phe13, Nle14] BN (6-14) by increasing concentrations of BN

analogues. IC50 values (nM ± SE) are in triplicates; number of independent studies is

given in brackets.

Compound NMB-R GRP-R BRS-3

[Tyr6, βAla11, Phe13, Nle14] BN (6-14) 1.0±0.1 (5) 0.7±0.1 (5) 1.7±0.6 (3) [natY]-DOTA-GABA-BZH 4.9±1.0 (3) 1.4±0.1 (3) 10.7±4.2 (3)

[ natGa]-DOTA-GABA-BZH 4.7±0.4 (3) 1.3±0.2 (4) 6.6±0.6 (4) [ natGa]-DOTA-PEG2-BZH 6.4±2.2 (4) 2.0±0.6 (4) 8.0±0.7 (4)

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Table 4: Calculation of the metabolic stability of [111In]-DOTA-X-BZH (X = GABA, Ahx,

PEG2, PEG4, (D)Dab-βAla, (βAla)2, Sar5; BZH = [D-Tyr6, βAla11, Thi13, Nle14]BN(6-

14)) in human serum according to the equation: A=A0*exp(-k1*t).

X k1(h-1) T1/2(h)

GABA 0.316±0.037 2.2±0.2

Ahx 0.215±0.024 3.2±0.3

PEG2 0.193±0.010 3.6±0.2

PEG4 0.106±0.008 6.5±0.4

βAla2 0.118±0.006 5.8±0.4

(D)Dab-βAla 0.048±0.003 14.4±1.0

Sar5 0.021±0.001 33.6±1.1

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Table 5: Biodistribution (4h p.i.) and tumor-to-normal tissue ratios of [111In]-DOTA-X-BZH (X

= GABA, Ahx, PEG2, PEG4, Sar5; BZH = [D-Tyr6, βAla11, Thi13, Nle14]BN(6-14)) in

AR4-2J tumor-bearing Lewis rats. Results are the mean of groups of three or four


Site GABA Ahx PEG2 PEG4 Sar5

Blood 0.01±0.00 0.01±0.00 0.01±0.00 0.01±0.01 0.01±0.00

Kidneys 1.51±0.66 1.03±0.12 0.90±0.19 0.76±0.18 1.13±0.42

Adrenals 0.07±0.01 0.09±0.01 0.13±0.01 0.23±0.05 0.31±0.10

Pancreas 1.96±0.67 4.39±0.45 2.69±0.60 4.29±0.61 3.70±0.49

Spleen 0.04±0.00 0.05±0.02 0.05±0.01 0.05±0.01 0.06±0.01

Muscle 0.01±0.00 0.01±0.00 0.01±0.00 0.02±0.00 0.03±0.01

Stomach 0.11±0.01 0.24±0.04 0.11±0.02 0.15±0.03 0.15±0.02

Bowel 0.22±0.04 0.36±0.14 0.18±0.05 0.31±0.10 0.27±0.08

Liver 0.07±0.01 0.08±0.03 0.05±0.01 0.07±0.02 0.06±0.00

Lung 0.03±0.01 0.05±0.03 0.02±0.00 0.03±0.01 0.03±0.01

Heart 0.01±0.00 0.01±0.00 0.01±0.00 0.01±0.00 0.01±0.00

Bone 0.01±0.00 0.02±0.00 0.01±0.00 0.02±0.01 0.03±0.01

Tumor 0.82±0.06 1.41±0.23 1.11±0.31 1.55±0.25 1.21±0.13

Tumor-to-normal tissue ratio

Tumor/Blood 103 123 213 111 101

Tumor/Muscle 103 127 108 75 38

Tumor/Liver 12 18 22 21 19

Tumor/Kidney 0.54 1.37 1.23 2.04 1.07

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Table 6: Analysis of secondary structure with circular dichroism. [natY]-DOTA-X-BZH (X =

GABA, Ahx, PEG2, PEG4, (D)Dab-βAla, (βAla)2, Sar5; BZH = [D-Tyr6, βAla11,

Thi13, Nle14]BN(6-14)) dissolved in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH=7.4); concentration

(60 μM) calibrated with UV (280 nm, ε=6890).

Spacer %

GABA Ahx PEG2 PEG4 βAla2 D-Dab-βAla


α-helix 8.3±0.4 6.4±1.3 0.0±0.0 3.6±0.3 21.2±0.7 17.0±0.8 16.9±1.5

β-sheet 24.2±1.9 24.5±4.0 41.7±1.8 36.4±1.1 0.0±0.0 17.4±3.3 28.8±4.5

Random coil 67.6±1.3 54.0±2.2 57.7±1.7 60.1±0.7 67.9±1.1 65.7±2.2 40.8±2.5

β-turn 0.0±0.0 14.1±2.0 0.7±1.3 0.0±0.0 10.8±2.1 0.0±0.0 13.5±2.2

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SpacerDOTA D-Tyr-Gln-Trp-Ala-Val-βAla-His-Thi-Nle-NH2




























Figure 1 Formula of spacer-modified pan-bombesin analogs (DOTA-X-[D-Tyr6, βAla11, Thi13,

Nle14]BN(6-14), X = GABA, Ahx, PEG2, PEG4, Dab-βAla, βAla2 Sar5)

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Figure 2 HPLC elution profile of [111In]-DOTA-PEG4-BZH metabolites from culture medium

after 2 h incubation with PC-3 cells

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 min

908 mV







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 min

222 mV













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Figure 3 HPLC elution profile of the co-injection of [111In]-DOTA-PEG4-BZH metabolites from

PC-3 cells and its metabolites from serum.

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 min

187 mV 3.





4 31





4 44


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0 1 2 3 4 5 60





0 1 2 3 4 5 60





% o

f tot


GABA Ahx PEG2 PEG4 Sar5 ßAla2 D-Dab-ßAla

PEG4 βAla2 Sar5

Time (h)

GABA Ahx PEG2 (D)Dab-βAla

Figure 4 Internalization rates of [111In]-DOTA-X-BZH (X = GABA, Ahx, PEG2, PEG4,

(D)Dab-βAla, (βAla)2, Sar5; BZH = [D-Tyr6, βAla11, Thi13, Nle14]BN(6-14)) into PC-3

(left) and AR4-2J (right) cells. Data result from two independent experiments with

triplicates in each experiment and are expressed as specific internalization.

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0 10 20 30 40 50 60 700.0






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 700







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 700.0





1.5AR4-2J tumor








Figure 5 Retention of [111In]-DOTA-GABA-BZH (○) vs [111In]-DOTA-Sar5-BZH (■) in AR4-2J

tumor-bearing Lewis rats. The uptake is given in percent injected activity per gram at

4h, 24h, 48h and 72h.

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190 200 210 220 230 240 250-22
















10-3 d


m2 *d



Wavelength (nm)



4 ßAla

2 D-Dab-ßAla Sar


Figure 6 Circular dichroism spectra of 60 μM [natY]-DOTA-X-BZH (X = Ahx, GABA, PEG2,

PEG4, βAla2, D-Dab-βAla, and Sar5) in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH=7.4);

concentration calibrated with UV (280 nm, ε=6890).

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Manuscript 2

Synthesis and Evaluation of Modifications at the 11P

thP Position

of the Prototype DOTA-GABA-[D-TyrP


11P]Bombesin (6-14)

Hanwen Zhang P

[a]P, Schmitt Jörg Simon P

[a]P, Beatrice Waser P

[b]P, Jean Claude


[b]P, Martin Walter P

[a]P, Helmut R. Maecke P



[a] PDivision of Radiological Chemistry, Institute of Nuclear Medicine, Department of

Radiology, University Hospital, Basel, Switzerland;


[b] PDivision of Cell Biology and Experimental Cancer Research, Institute of Pathology,

University of Berne, Berne, Switzerland

Present status:

Manuscript in preparation.

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Synthesis and Evaluation of Modifications at the 11th Position of the Prototype

DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6]Bombesin (6-14)

Hanwen Zhang [a], Jörg Simon Schmitt [a], Martin Alexander Walter [a], Beatrice Waser [b], Jean

Claude Reubi [b], Helmut R. Maecke*[a]

[a] Division of Radiological Chemistry, Department of Radiology, University Hospital Basel,

Petersgraben 4, CH-4031 Basel, Switzerland;

[b] Division of Cell Biology and Experimental Cancer Research, Institute of Pathology,

University of Berne, PO Box 62, Murtenstrasse 31, CH-3010 Bern, Switzerland

* To whom correspondence should be addressed:

Tel: ++41 61 265 46 99; Fax: ++41 61 265 55 59

E-mail: [emailprotected]

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Radiolabeled bombesin (BN) analogues have shown a promising potential for targeting GRP-

receptors, which are overexpressed in a variety of human cancers. It has been indicated that the

peptide bond between the 11th and the 12th position of BN might have an influence on the

metabolic stability and subtype selectivity. On that account we substituted glycine at the 11th

position of DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6,X11] BN (6-14) (X = Gly) with three unnatural amino acids

(X = Agly, βAla, and D-Ala), and investigated the influence on the biological properties of the


All conjugates were synthesized with yields between 29% and 36%, based on the removal of the

first Fmoc group, and labeled with 111In in high yields (≥37GBq μmol-1). The [InIII]-labeled

peptides showed high affinity to the mouse GRP receptor (0.5 – 5.8 nM) and mediate affinity to

the human GRP receptor (11.5 – 96 nM). The metabolic stability (t1/2) of the radiolabeled

peptides in fresh human serum varied from 2.9±0.5 h (Gly11) to 14.1±1.5 h (Agly11). The

radiolabeled peptides internalized faster into PC-3 cells (human receptor) than into AR4-2J cells

(rat receptor). For [111In]-DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6, Agly11] BN (6-14), the internalization rate into

these two cell lines differed only to 3% (6 h incubation), whereas for [111In]-DOTA-GABA-[D-

Tyr6, D-Ala11] BN (6-14), it differed to 13.7% which was the highest difference found among the

four ligands. The efflux of the radiotracers from PC-3 cells after 2 h of internalization (8 h

incubation: 46.1-55.8 %, P=0.98) was similar, with the exception of the D-Ala analogue (P =

0.04). The biodistribution studies showed a specifically higher uptake in the AR4-2J tumor than

in the PC-3 tumor, which correlated with the binding affinity and metabolic stability values of

the conjugates.

Our results demonstrate that the 11th position of BN analogues is crucial in regards to metabolic

stability and binding affinity to GRP receptors in different species.

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A wide variety of peptides show high affinity for certain receptors that are overexpressed on a

large number of human tumors [1, 2]. This finding has led to an exponential growth in the

development of radiolabeled peptides for diagnostic and therapeutic application in oncology [3].

Among these radiopeptides, somatostatin analogs have shown the most promising results [4, 5]

with [111In-DTPA]octreotide (OctreoScan®) being the first FDA-approved radiopharmacon. On

the other hand, bombesin (BN) analogues have become increasingly important, as gastrin-

releasing peptide (GRP) receptors (the mammalian counterpart of BN receptors) were found to

be highly overexpressed in prostate cancer [6] , breast tumors [7] and gastrointestinal stromal

tumors (GIST) [8]. Especially, primary invasive prostatic carcinoma turned out to be GRP

receptor-positive tumors in 30 tested cases; in 83% of these cases, GRP receptor-expression was

found to be high or very high (>1000 dpm/mg). Interestingly, 25 of 26 (96%) patients with high-

grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia also showed high to very high densities of GRP

receptors, which provides the opportunity of diagnosis and treatment at an early stage of the

disease. In addition, 4 of 7 (57%) androgen-independent prostate cancer bone metastases were

GRP receptor-positive [6]. These results show that the GRP receptor is a promising target for

receptor-regulated imaging and treatment. Up to now, most radiolabeled BN analogues have

been designed for targeting GRP receptors [9-17] and many ligands were designed by

conjugating bifunctional chelates to BN (7-14) analogues [9, 11, 14-17]. In this respect, it has

been indicated that aromatic amino acids including D-Tyr or D-Phe placed at the 6th position

might lead to a sustained high affinity [18-21].

Mantey et al [18, 22, 23] developed BRS-3 selective ligands by substituting β-alanine11 (βAla11)

with conformationally restricted amino acids in the prototypical universal ligand ([D-Tyr6,

βAla11, Phe13, Nle14] BN (6–14)). By modifying the side chain of βAla11 they achieved high

affinity to the human bombesin receptor subtype-3 (hBRS-3), but only low affinity to the human

GRP receptor and the human neuromedin B receptor (hNMB-R). We have demonstrated that

carnosinase is responsible for cleaving the peptide bond between βAla11 and His12 in [111In]-

DTPA-GABA-[D-Tyr6, βAla11, Thi13, Nle14] BN (6–14) [24]. These data indicate that a

modification on βAla11 may change the peptide conformation, and subsequently the binding

affinity as well as the serum stability. Furthermore, since carnosinase is a non-specific

dipeptidase known to cleave AA-His (AA: amino acid) [25], we assumed that the peptide bond

(Gly11-His12) in BN was also decomposed by carnosinase.

Therefore, we designed and synthesized DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6, X11] BN (6-14) (X = Gly, βAla,

D-Ala, and Agly) to study the influence of the different substitutes on binding affinity, metabolic

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stability, internalization and efflux (externalization) as well as on biodistribution in tumor-

bearing nude mice.


Synthesis and radiolabeling

DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6, X11] BN (6-14) (X = Gly, D-Ala, β-Ala, and Agly) were synthesized on

a Rink amide MBHA resin in parallel by standard Fmoc solid phase peptide synthesis, as shown

in Fig 1. Fmoc-Agly (5-((9H-fluoren-9-yl)methoxy)-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2(3H)-one) was prepared

following the reported procedure [26, 27] and coupled to a NH2-His(Trt)-Leu-Met-Rink amide

MBHA resin via incubation for 40 min without any activating agent and base since Fmoc-Agly

is a very active intermediate agent. After cleavage from the resin, purification and lyophilization,

the final products (white powder) were obtained with an overall yield of 29% to 36%, based on

the removal of the first Fmoc group, and characterized (Table 1) by MS and analytic HPLC. The

purity of all conjugates was ≥97% (HPLC purity).

All DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6, X11] BN (6-14) analogues were successfully labeled with 111In using

an ammonium acetate buffer (pH 5, 0.4 M) at elevated temperature (95°C, 20-25 min). In all

cases 111In-labeling yields of ≥98% at a specific activity >37 GBq μmol-1 were achieved.

Binding affinity to GRP receptor

Using [125I-Tyr4] BN as competitive ligand, the binding affinities of all conjugates to GRP

receptors in human cancer and mouse pancreas tissue were measured (Table 2). The IC50 values

towards the hGRP receptor were 11.5±2.6nM, 12.6±3.5nM, 41±12nM, and 96±13nM for [InIII]-

I, II, III, and IV, respectively (I, DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6]BN(6-14); II, DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6,

β-Ala11]BN(6-14); III, DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6, D-Ala11]BN(6-14); IV, DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6,

Agly11]BN(6-14)); towards the mouse GRP receptor they were 1.2±0.5nM, 0.5±0.2nM,

5.8±2.2nM, and 1.0±0.5nM.

Metabolic stability in human serum

As shown in Table 3, the half-lives (t1/2) of [111In]-I, II, III, and IV were 2.9±0.5, 7.8±1.1,

6.3±0.5, and 14.1±1.5 h, respectively. After 8 h incubation in fresh serum under the condition of

37°C and 5%CO2, the radioactivity bound to the proteic fraction was <5% of the added total.

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Internalization and Externalization

Figure 2 illustrates the specific internalization of 111In-labeled ligands into PC-3 cells (A) and

AR4-2J cells (B). In both cell lines a time-dependent internalization of all four radiotracers was

found, which could be blocked by DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6, βAla11, Thi13, Nle14] BN (6-14). In

PC-3 cells, [111In]-IV (Agly) showed a slower internalization rate (31.3±3.0% at 6 h) than the

other three radiotracers (at 6 h, D-Ala: 38.4±1.7%, Gly: 39.8±1.5%, and βAla: 41.5±1.5%; P =

0.04). In AR4-2J cells a different tendency was observed (D-Ala: 24.7±0.5, Agly: 28.3±1.7%,

Gly: 33.4±0.1%, and βAla: 34.5±1.2% at 6 h incubation). The surface-bound peptide (acid

removable) was <7% of the added activity (data not shown).

Externalization rates of the radiotracers from PC-3 cells are shown in Fig. 3. All ligands were

released from PC-3 cells with a similar rate (P = 0.98) with the exception of [111In]-III which

showed a relatively faster washout (P = 0.04).

Animal biodistribution studies

Biodistribution studies of the 111In-labeled peptides were performed in Lewis rats bearing an

AR4-2J tumor and athymic nu/nu mice bearing a PC-3 tumor. Results are presented in Tables 4

and 5 as percentage of injected activity per gram of tissue (% IA/g).

In Lewis rats without tumors (Table 4), all 111In-labeled ligands displayed a rapid clearance from

blood with 0.01% IA/g at 4 h and from GRP-R-negative tissues except from the kidneys which

accumulated 0.85±0.08 %IA/g of [111In]-I (Gly), 1.31±0.08 %IA/g of [111In]-II (βAla),

0.79±0.17 %IA/g of [111In]-III (D-Ala), and 1.36±0.16 %IA/g of [111In]-IV (Agly), respectively.

All derivatives showed high uptake in GRP-R-positive organs; for instance, the pancreas uptake

was 4.03±0.31% IA/g for [111In]-I (Gly), 6.41±0.56 %IA/g for [111In]-II (βAla), 2.71±0.07

%IA/g for [111In]-III (D-Ala), and 6.04±0.38 %IA/g for [111In]-IV (Agly), respectively.

The biodistribution in athymic nude mice bearing AR4-2J and PC-3 tumors was similar to the

one in rats (Tables 4 and 5) showing a rapid clearance from background and non-target organs

and a high uptake in GRP receptor-expressing organs, including pancreas, stomach, bowel, and

adrenals. The uptake in the AR4-2J tumor was also high ([111In]-I (Gly): 12.22±3.95%IA/g,

[111In]-II (βAla): 17.56±1.51%IA/g, [111In]-III (D-Ala): 7.70±1.12%IA/g, [111In]-IV (Agly):

14.11±1.99%IA/g), whereas the PC-3 tumor uptake was rather poor ([111In]-I (Gly):

2.36±0.70%IA/g, [111In]-II (βAla): 2.56±0.42%IA/g, [111In]-III (D-Ala): 1.62±0.52%IA/g,

[111In]-IV (Agly): 2.15±0.22%IA/g). In vivo competition experiments using 50 µg DOTA-

GABA-[D-Tyr6, βAla11, Thi13, Nle14] BN (6–14) (BZH2) co-injected with 111In-labeled

conjugates resulted in an >90% uptake reduction in the pancreas and both types of tumors (data

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not shown). The injection of the blocking dose, however, had no significant influence on the

uptake in non-target organs except the kidneys.


GRP receptors have already been of considerable interest for the diagnosis and therapy of GRP

receptor-expressing tumors, which has attracted many research groups to develop radiolabeled

BN-based ligands [9, 28]. The 11th position of BN analogues seems to be an important site to

modify the subtype selectivity [18, 22, 23] and metabolic stability in serum [24]. In this study,

we have designed three DOTA-based peptides and evaluated the influence of modifications at

the 11th position of the prototype [111In]-DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6] BN (6-14) on chemical and

pharmacologic properties.

The study of the metabolic stability of [111In]-DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6, X11] BN (6-14) (X = Gly,

βAla, D-Ala and Agly) in fresh human serum showed the bond between His12 and X11 to be a

weak site, which is consistent with the fact that the weakest peptide bond in the prototype

DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6, βAla11, Thi13, Nle14] BN (6-14) is (βAla11-His12) [24]. Although many in

vivo peptidases are responsible for hydrolyzing BN at other sites [24, 29, 30], BN can still

partially be stabilized by replacing the natural amino acid (Gly11) with unnatural amino acids.

Especially, the substitution of Gly11 by Agly (–CH2– versus –NH–) led to an increased stability

by a factor of 4.9 whereas the half-life of [111In]-DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6, βAla(D-Ala)11] BN (6-

14) was twice as high as that of [111In]-DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6] BN (6-14).

By using [125I-Tyr4] BN as GRP receptor-preferring radioligand, the affinity of metallated

ligands to human GRP receptors was observed to be lower than the affinity of corresponding

ligands to mouse GRP receptors. [InIII]-DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6, Agly11] BN (6-14) showed the

biggest difference in affinity to human and mouse GRP receptors (IC50 values: 96±13nM vs.

1.0±0.5nM; 96-fold) whereas the difference for the βAla, Gly and D-Ala derivatives were only

25, 9.6, and 7.1-fold, respectively.

It is known that a slight variation (<10%) of GRP receptors among different species results in

significantly different biological properties [31]. Recently, we and other groups also reported on

a species sensitivity to some radiolabeled BN analogs [32]. In this study we found that the

Agly11 analog has the highest sensitivity towards GRP receptors of different species. Our results

indicate that the 11th position is an important site with regard to the affinity to human GRP

receptors, whereas its effect on the affinity to mouse GRP receptors is negligible.

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All 111In-labeled peptides I-IV were rapidly internalized by PC-3 and AR4-2J cells, which is

consistent with the expected agonistic behavior of these radiotracers against the GRP receptor.

The comparison of the internalization kinetics of every ligand into the two cell lines showed a

minimal difference for [111In]-DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6, Agly11] BN (6-14) although it had the

highest difference in binding affinity to the GRP receptor; conversely, [111In]-DOTA-GABA-[D-

Tyr6, D-Ala11] BN (6-14) with its minimal difference in affinity displayed the highest difference

in internalization rates. It was observed that [111In]-DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6, D-Ala11] BN (6-14)

was released from PC-3 cells with a faster rate than the other three ligands.

The in vitro experiments mentioned above together with published data [22, 23] indicate that a

modification at the 11th position may influence not only the selectivity of BN receptor subtypes

but also the metabolic stability in serum and the receptor affinity in different species. Therefore,

it was very interesting to probe how such a modification affects the individual in vivo

biodistribution. The biodistribution in normal rats showed a higher accumulation of the βAla and

Agly derivatives in the pancreas and the kidneys than of the Gly and D-Ala analogs. As a high

accumulation correlates with a high specific receptor affinity of the ligands, the high kidney

uptake may be explained with an overexpression of the receptor in the rat kidney. To evaluate

the influence of the species directly, rat (AR4-2J) and human (PC-3) tumors were inoculated in

each flank of a mouse. The uptake of all radiotracers in the PC-3 tumor was significantly lower

than in the AR4-2J tumor, which is consistent with their relative binding affinities. Although the

βAla and D-Ala derivatives show a similar metabolic stability in serum, their uptake ratios

differed, being 3.5 in the pancreas, 2.3 in the AR4-2J tumor (rat) and 1.6 in the PC-3 tumor

(human), due to the higher binding affinity of βAla to the GRP receptor (human and mouse).

[111In]-DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6, Agly11] BN (6-14) and [111In]-DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6] BN (6-

14) showed a similar accumulation in the pancreas, AR4-2J tumor and PC-3 tumor even though

the latter showed a significantly worse affinity to the human GRP receptor, probably due to its

higher stability in serum.


The combined experimental data indicate that the 11th position is important with regard to

metabolic stability in serum, binding affinity to the GRP receptor, and accumulation in targeted

organs which is determined by binding affinity and stability concomitantly. However, there is

considerable variation between different species, which has to be taken into account in the design

of successful BN analogues for clinical trials.

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Abbreviations: BN, bombesin; GRP, gastrin-releasing peptide; I, DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6] BN

(6-14); II, DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6, βAla11] BN (6-14); III, DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6, D-Ala11] BN

(6-14); IV, DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6, Agly11] BN (6-14); GABA, γ-aminobutyric acid; Agly,

azaglycine; DOTA, 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1, 4,7,10-tetraacetic acid; NMP, 1-methyl-2-

pyrrolidone; TFA, trifluoroacetic acid. Abbreviations of the common amino acids are in

accordance with the recommendations of IUPAC-IUB [IUPAC-IUB Commission of

Biochemical Nomenclature (CBN), symbols for amino acid derivatives and peptides,

recommendations 1971. Eur J Biochem 1972; 27:201-207].

All chemicals were obtained from commercial sources and used without further purification.

Rink amide MBHA resin (0.6mmol/g) and all Fmoc-protected amino acids were commercially

available from NovaBiochem (Läufelfingen, Switzerland). DOTA-tris(tBu ester) was purchased

from Macrocyclics (Dallas, Texas). Fmoc-hydrazine was prepared according to the published

protocol [33]. 5-((9H-fluoren-9-yl)methoxy)-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2(3H)-one (Fmoc-Agly) was

synthesized using the reported procedure [26, 27]. [111In]Cl3 was purchased from Mallinckrodt

Medical (Petten, the Netherlands). PC-3 cells were purchased from the European Collection of

Cell Cultures (ECACC, Wiltshire SP4 OJG, UK). Male Lewis rats and female athymic nu/nu

nude mice were obtained from Harlan (Horst, the Netherlands). The cell culture medium was

Dulbecco’s minimal essential medium (DMEM) with vitamins, essential and non-essential

amino acids, L-glutamine, antibiotics (penicillin/streptomycine), fungicide (amphotericin

B/Fungizone®) and 10% or 1% fetal calf serum (FCS) from Bioconcept (Allschwil, Switzerland).

Solid phase peptide synthesis was performed on a semiautomatic peptide synthesizer

commercially available from Rink Combichem (Bubendorf, Switzerland). Electrospray

ionization mass spectroscopy (ESI-MS) was carried out with a Finnigan SSQ 7000 spectrometer

(Brennen, Germany) and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI)-mass

spectrometry measurements on a Voyager sSTR equipment with a Nd:YAG laser (Applied

Biosystems, Framingham, USA). Analytical HPLC was performed on a Hewlett Packard 1050

HPLC system (Waldbronn 2, Germany) with a multiwavelength detector and a flow-through

Berthold LB 506 Cl γ-detector (Wildbad, Germany) using a Macherey-Nagel (Oensingen,

Switzerland) Nucleosil 120 C18 column (System 1: flow: 0.75 ml/min; eluents: A= 0.1% TFA in

water and B= acetonitrile; non-linear gradient: 0 min, 80% A; 20 min, 50% A; 21 min, 0% A; 24

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min, 0% A and 25 min, 80% A. System 2: flow: 0.75 ml/min; eluents: A= 50 mM sodium

acetate buffer (pH 5.4) and B= acetonitrile; the non-linear gradient is the same as in system 1).

Preparative HPLC was performed on a Metrohm HPLC system LC-CaDI 22-14 (Herisau,

Switzerland) with a Macherey-Nagel VP 250/21 Nucleosil 100-5 C18 column (flow: 15 ml/min;

eluents: A= 0.1% TFA in water and B= acetonitrile; non-linear gradient: 0 min, 70% A; 10 min,

50% A; 11 min, 0% A; 14 min, 0% A and 15 min, 70% A). Quantitative γ-counting was

performed on a COBRA 5003 γ-system well counter from Packard Instruments (Meriden, CT,


The concentrations of all tested compounds were determined (280 nm, ε=6890) with a Lambda 2

UV-visible spectrophotometer (Perkin-Elmer & Co GmbH, Bodenseewerk, Germany). The

HPLC purity of all compounds used for experiments was >99%.


The conjugates were synthesized (Fig. 1) in parallel according to a procedure described

previously [24]. Briefly, the peptide synthesis was performed on a semiautomatic peptide

synthesizer according to standard Fmoc chemistry; Trt, tBu and Boc were used as protecting

groups of His, D-Tyr, and Trp, respectively. Fmoc-protected amino acids were assembled

according to the peptide sequence on a Rink amide MBHA resin (20 μmol based on the removed

amount of Fmoc for each conjugate) except Fmoc-Agly. Fmoc-Agly (500 μmol) in anhydrous

CH2Cl2 (3mL) was added to 20 μmol NH2-His(Trt)-Leu-Met-Rink amide MBHA resin, then the

reaction mixture was shaken slightly at room temperature for 40 min, washed with NMP and

isopropanol and dried in a vacuum oven. Few beads were cleaved by TFA/thioanisole/water

(92/6/2) to be analyzed with MS (calculated MW: 678.8, found: 679.8, [M+H]+, 791.8


After loading all amino acids and the protected DOTA, the peptide-chelated conjugates were

cleaved from the resin and simultaneously deprotected by incubation with TFA/thioanisole/

water (92/6/2) for 4-6 h at room temperature and then precipitated in cold diisopropyl

ether/petroleum ether (1:1). After drying in the vacuum oven at room temperature, the crude

peptide-chelated conjugate was purified by preparative HPLC. MS ((±)EI, MALDI) and

analytical HPLC were used to determine the composition and purity of the conjugates.

Metallated conjugates

The metal complex was synthesized according to methods previously described [24]. Briefly, a

mixture of conjugate (0.5 μmol) in 500 μL 0.4 M ammonium acetate buffer (pH 5) was

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incubated with 1.5 μmol InCl3·5H2O pre-dissolved in 0.04 M HCl at 95°C for 25 min, cooled to

room temperature and purified over a SepPak C18 cartridge (Waters Corp. Milford, MA)

preconditioned with 10 ml ethanol and 10 ml water. The cartridge was eluted with 10 ml water

followed by 3 ml ethanol resulting in InIII-conjugates after evaporation of the ethanol. The final

product was analyzed by analytical HPLC (purities were ≥99%) and identified by MALDI.

Preparation of radiotracer

The [111In]-conjugate was prepared by dissolving 10 μg in ammonium acetate buffer (300 μl, 0.4

M, pH 5). After the addition of 111InCl3 (3-5 mCi), the solution was heated at 95° for 25 min. A

1.5 molar excess of cold InCl3 was added and the final solution heated again at 95°C for 25 min.

Subsequently, the radiolabeled peptides were purified utilizing a SepPak C18 cartridge

preconditioned with 10 ml ethanol and 10 ml water. The cartridge was eluted with 3 ml water,

followed by 3 ml ethanol, to afford the pure radiolabeled ligands for the internalization

experiment. A quality control was performed by HPLC. Biodistribution studies were prepared

using the same method as above but without addition of cold metal and diluted in 0.9% NaCl

(0.1% BSA) to afford the radioligand solution.

Internalization and efflux studies

Internalization and externalization experiments were performed in 6-well plates as described

previously [24]. The procedure was the same for both cell lines. Briefly, approximately 1.8 kBq

(0.25 pmol) of the radioligand was studied in PC-3 and AR4-2J cells (0.5 to 1×106 cells per well)

at 0.5 h, 1 h, 2 h, 4 h and 6 h incubation. To determine nonspecific internalization, BZH2 (150 μl

of a 5.8 μM solution) was involved. The percentage of added activity per million cells (% of

total) was calculated for the internalization rate at each time point.

For externalization studies, PC-3 cells were allowed to internalize the radioligands for periods of

2 h and were then exposed to an acid wash for dissociating the cell surface-bound radioligand.

One ml of culture medium was added to each well, the cells were incubated at 37°C in a 5 %

CO2 environment and the externalization rates of the cell-incorporated radioactivity were studied

at different time points. The culture medium was collected and measured for radioactivity. The

percentage of totally internalized radiotracer was calculated for efflux.

Metabolic stability in serum

To 1 ml of freshly prepared human serum, previously equilibrated in a 5% CO2 (95% air)

environment at 37°C, 0.6 nmol 111In-labeled conjugates were added. The mixture was incubated

in a 5% CO2, 37°C environment. At different time points (0, 1, 4, and 8 h), 50 μl aliquots (in

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triplicates) were removed and treated with 60 μl ethanol. Samples were then cooled (4°C) to

precipitate serum proteins and centrifuged for 15 min at 500 g. Fifty μl of the supernatant were

removed for activity counting in a γ-well counter, the sediment was washed twice with 1 ml of

ethanol and counted; the activity in the supernatant was compared with the activity in the pellet

to give the percentage of peptides not bound to proteins or radiometal transferred to serum

proteins; the supernatant was also analyzed with HPLC (system 1). The data points were used

for calculating the half-life (t1/2) of the disappearance of intact peptide as described in a previous

publication [24].

Binding affinity to GRP receptor

Using [125I-D-Tyr4] BN as GRP receptor-preferring ligand, competition binding experiments

were performed with InIII-labeled conjugates in human tumors expressing GRP receptors or

mouse pancreas expressing mouse GRP receptors, as described in detail previously [34].

Biodistribution experiments in Lewis rats

Male Lewis rats (160-200 g) were injected in the back leg vein with 0.1 μg radiolabeled

peptides, diluted in NaCl (0.1% BSA, pH 7.4, total injected volume = 200 μl). Rats (in groups of

4) were sacrificed at 4 h, organs of interest collected, rinsed of excess blood, blotted, weighed

and counted in a γ-counter. The percentage of injected activity per gram (% IA/g) was calculated

for each tissue. The total counts injected per animal were determined by extrapolation from

counts of an aliquot taken from the injected solution as a standard.

Biodistribution experiments in AR4-2J and PC-3 tumor-bearing athymic nu/nu mice

Biodistribution studies of the 111In-labeled conjugates were additionally performed in nude mice

bearing PC-3 and AR4-2J tumors on their flanks. Female athymic nu/nu mice of 4-5 weeks of

age were used for the experiments. Animals were inoculated with a 100 µl suspension of 107 PC-

3 cells in PBS buffer in the left flank and a 100 µl suspension of 107 AR4-2J cells in PBS buffer

in the right flank. Seven to 14 days later the tumors in both inoculation sites had grown to

palpability and were ready for biodistribution studies. Each mouse received 100 µl, 5 µCi 111In-

labeled conjugates (corresponding to 10 pmol peptide per mouse) in PBS through the lateral tail

vein. After a slight isoflurane anesthesia, the animals were sacrificed with CO2 gas in groups of

four at 4 h post injection. Blood and interesting tissue samples were collected and weighed and

the radioactivity was measured in a γ−counter. Tissue distribution data were calculated as

percent injected activity per gram of tissue (%IA/g).

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All animal experiments were performed in compliance with the Swiss regulations for animal

treatment (Bundesamt für Veterinärwesen, approval no. 789).

Statistical Analysis

Data are expressed as mean ± SD, calculated on Microsoft Excel. The Student t test (Origin 6,

Microcal Software, Inc., Northampton, MA) was used to determine statistical significance at the

95% confidence level with P < 0.05 being considered significantly different.


We thank the Swiss National Science Foundation for financial support (grant No. 3100A0-

100390) and Novartis for analytical support.

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Table 1: Characteristics of compounds I, II, III, and IV and of their relative cold metallated


Measured MW Retention time‡ (min)Compound† Calculated

MW ESI (+) ESI (-) MALDI System 1 System 2

I 1574.80 1597.7 ([M+Na]+) 1611.4 ([M+K-H]-) 1574.5 ([M+H]+) 13.05 16.01

II 1588.83 1627.4 ([M+K]+) 1625.5 ([M+K-H]-) 1588.7 ([M+H]+) 12.32 15.54

III 1588.83 1627.7 ([M+K]+) 1625.7 ([M+K-H]-) 1588.6 ([M+H]+) 13.45 16.36

IV 1575.79 1614.3 ([M+K]+) 1612.5 ([M+K-H]-) 1575.8 ([M+H]+) 12.16 15.37

[InIII]-I 1686.60 ND ND 1686.5 [M+H]+ 14.30 17.30

[InIII]-II 1700.62 ND ND 1700.5 [M+H]+ 13.65 16.51

[InIII]-III 1700.62 ND ND 1700.3 [M+H]+ 14.77 17.87

[InIII]-IV 1687.58 ND ND 1687.4 [M+H]+ 13.51 16.34

Note: MW: molecular weight; †: I, DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6]BN(6-14); II, DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6, β-Ala11]BN(6-14); III,

DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6, D-Ala11]BN(6-14); IV, DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6, Agly11]BN(6-14). ‡ RP HPLC eluents: System 1,

flow: 0.75 ml/min; eluents: A= 0.1% TFA in water and B= acetonitrile; non-linear gradient: 0 min, 80% A; 20 min, 50% A;

21 min, 0% A; 24 min, 0% A and 25, 80% A. System 2: flow: 0.75 ml/min; eluents: A= 50 mM sodium acetate buffer (pH

5.4) and B= acetonitrile; non-linear gradient as in System 1.

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Table 2: IC50 values for displacing GRP-receptor-bound [125I-Tyr4]BN by increasing

concentrations of BN analogues. IC50 values (nM ± SE) are in triplicates. Number of

independent studies is in brackets. Human GRP-R were from human prostate cancer

and mouse GRP-R were from mouse pancreas.

Code No. Human GRP-R Mouse GRP-R

[InIII]-I 11.5±2.6 (3) 1.2±0.5 (3)

[InIII]-II 12.6±3.5 (3) 0.5±0.2 (3)

[InIII]-III 41±12 (3) 5.8±2.2 (3)

[InIII]-IV 96±13 (5) 1.0±0.5 (4)

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Table 3: Calculation of metabolic stability of [111In-DOTA]-GABA-[D-Tyr6, X11]BN(6-14) in

serum according to the equation: A=A0*exp(-k1*t).

Ligands (X11) k1(h-1) T1/2(h)

[111In]-I (Gly) 0.237±0.037 2.9±0.5

[111In]-II (βAla) 0.089±0.013 7.8±1.1

[111In]-III (D-Ala) 0.109±0.009 6.3±0.5

[111In]-IV (Agly) 0.049±0.005 14.1±1.5

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Table 4: Biodistribution (4 h p.i.) in male Lewis rats. Results are the mean of groups of four

animals except for the Agly derivative, for which 9 animals were used.

Site [111In]-I [111In]-II [111In]-III [111In]-IV

Blood 0.028±0.003 0.012±0.001 0.014±0.002 0.017±0.002

Muscle 0.027±0.011 0.033±0.008 0.018±0.003 0.044±0.010

Kidneys 0.85±0.08 1.31±0.08 0.79±0.17 1.36±0.16

Adrenals 0.30±0.08 0.44±0.04 0.23±0.02 0.47±0.10

Pancreas 4.03±0.31 6.41±0.56 2.71±0.07 6.04±0.38

Spleen 0.06±0.01 0.07±0.02 0.05±0.00 0.07±0.01

Stomach 0.17±0.02 0.39±0.04 0.16±0.03 0.34±0.12

Bowel 0.33±0.05 0.76±0.11 0.31±0.04 0.44±0.05

Liver 0.05±0.01 0.04±0.00 0.04±0.00 0.05±0.00

Lung 0.03±0.01 0.03±0.00 0.04±0.01 0.04±0.00

Heart 0.02±0.00 0.01±0.00 0.01±0.00 0.01±0.00

Bone 0.03±0.01 0.04±0.01 0.02±0.00 0.04±0.00

Pituitary 0.31±0.09 0.69±0.11 0.54±0.19 0.49±0.18

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Table 5: Biodistribution (4 h p.i.) of 111In-DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6, X11]BN(6-14) (X=Gly, βAla,

D-Ala and Agly) in double tumor-bearing (AR4-2J and PC-3) female athymic nu/nu

mice. Results are the mean of groups of four animals.

Organ [111In]-I [111In]-II [111In]-III [111In]-IV

Blood 0.029±0.002 0.034±0.005 0.024±0.002 0.064±0.006

Muscle 0.046±0.019 0.046±0.010 0.024±0.005 0.043±0.005

Stomach 0.96±0.10 2.70±0.41 0.49±0.06 1.49±0.30

Kidneys 3.19±0.54 4.25±0.92 2.24±0.14 3.09±0.99

Bowel 1.77±0.20 5.98±0.60 1.63±0.18 3.11±0.75

Pancreas 26.11±3.09 45.21±0.95 12.96±1.41 31.59±4.16

Spleen 1.15±0.15 1.68±0.28 0.63±0.09 1.30±0.12

Liver 0.11±0.01 0.15±0.02 0.13±0.02 0.14±0.02

Lung 0.08±0.01 0.10±0.02 0.06±0.01 0.16±0.06

Heart 0.04±0.00 0.05±0.01 0.03±0.00 0.05±0.01

Adrenals 11.01±1.58 15.22±3.60 5.14±0.65 11.86±1.85

Bone 0.11±0.01 0.31±0.15 0.06±0.01 0.22±0.03

PC-3 2.36±0.70 2.56±0.42 1.62±0.52 2.15±0.22

AR4-2J 12.22±3.95 17.56±1.51 7.70±1.12 14.11±1.99

Pancreas : AR4-2J tumor : PC-3 tumor ratios

11.1:5.2:1 17.7:6.9:1 8.0:4.8:1 14.7:6.6:1

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DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6, βAla11]BN(6-14)

DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6, D-Ala11]BN(6-14)

DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6, Agly11]BN(6-14)












































































Figure 1 Formula of DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6, X11]BN (6-14), X = Gly, β-Ala, D-Ala and Agly.

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0 1 2 3 4 5 60









45P C -3 ce lls

% o

f tot


0 1 2 3 4 5 60










A R 4-2J ce lls

In cub a tio n tim e (h )

Figure 2 Comparison of the internalization rates of [111In]-DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6, X11] BN (6-

14) into PC-3 cells (left) and AR4-2J cells (right), X=Agly (■), Gly (○), βAla (▲), and

D-Ala (∇). Data result from two independent experiments with triplicates in each

experiment and are expressed as specific internalization.

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0 2 4 6 840






100 [111In]-I (Gly) [111In]-II (βALa) [111In]-III (D-Ala) [111In]-IV (Agly)

% o

f tot

al in



ed a



Incubation time (h)

Figure 3 Comparison of the externalization rates of [111In]-DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6, X11] BN (6-

14) from PC-3 cells, X=Agly (∇), Gly (×), βAla (○), and D-Ala (■). Data result from

two independent experiments with triplicates in each experiment and are expressed as

percentage of total internalized amount.

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1. Weiner RE, Thakur ML. Radiolabeled peptides in the diagnosis and therapy of oncological diseases. Appl Radiat Isot. 2002; 57: 749-63.

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Manuscript 3

Potent Bombesin-chelated Conjugates Labeled with P


for PET Imaging and Targeted Radionuclide Therapy of

GRP-receptor Expressing Tumors

Hanwen Zhang P

[a]P, Simona Ciobanu P

[a]P, Beatrice WaserP

[b]P, Jean Claude


[b]P, Ilse Novak-Hofer P

[c]P, Michael HonerP

[c]P, Helmut R Maecke P



[a] PDivision of Radiological Chemistry, Institute of Nuclear Medicine, Department of

Radiology, University Hospital, Basel, Switzerland;


[b] PDivision of Cell Biology and Experimental Cancer Research, Institute of Pathology,

University of Berne, Berne, Switzerland;


[c]P Center for Radiopharmaceutical Science, Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland

Present status:

Manuscript in preparation.

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Potent Bombesin-chelated Conjugates Labeled with 64Cu and 67Cu for PET

Imaging and Targeted Radionuclide Therapy of Bombesin Receptor-

expressing Tumors

Hanwen Zhang [a], Simona Ciobanu [a], Beatrice Waser [b], Jean Claude Reubi [b], Ilse Novak-

Hofer[c], Michael Honer[c], Helmut R. Maecke*[a]

[a] Division of Radiological Chemistry, Department of Radiology, University Hospital,

Petersgraben 4, CH-4031 Basel, Switzerland;

[b] Division of Cell Biology and Experimental Cancer Research, Institute of Pathology,

University of Berne, PO Box 62, Murtenstrasse 31, CH-3010 Berne, Switzerland;

[c] Center for Radiopharmaceutical Science, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland

1Abbreviations: BN, bombesin; BZH4, DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6, β-Ala11, Nle14]BN(6-14);

BZH5, CPTA-[D-Tyr6, β-Ala11, Nle14]BN (6-14); BZH6, CPTA-[D-Tyr6, β-Ala11]BN (6-14);

BZH7, CPTA-[β-Ala11]BN (7-14); BZH8, CPTA-[Gly6, β-Ala11]BN (6-14); GRP, gastrin-

releasing peptide; NMB, neuromedin B; hGRP-R, human gastrin releasing peptide receptor;

mGRP-R, mouse gastrin releasing peptide receptor; NMB-R, the neuromedin B receptor; BNRS-

3, BN receptor subtype-3; DOTA, 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid;

CPTA, 1,4,8,11-tetraaza-cyclotetradecane-1-p-toluic acid (cyclam-p-toluic acid); HoBt, 1-

hydroxybenzotriazole; PyBop, benzotriazole-1-yl-oxy-tris-pyrrolidino-phosphonium

hexafluorophosphate; DIPEA, N-ethyldiisopropylamine; NMP, 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone; TNBS,

2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid. Abbreviations of the common amino acids are in accordance

with the recommendations of IUPAC-IUB [IUPAC-IUB Commission of Biochemical

Nomenclature (CBN), symbols for amino-acid derivatives and peptides, recommendations 1971.

Eur J Biochem 1972; 27:201-207].

* To whom correspondence should be addressed:

Tel: ++41 61 265 46 99; Fax: ++41 61 265 55 59

E-mail: [emailprotected]

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A series of novel bombesin (BN) analogs were synthesized for the labeling with 64Cu and 67Cu,

which were expected to be useful for diagnosis and targeted radiotherapy of BN receptor positive


The positively charged ligands had a significantly higher affinity to human gastrin releasing

peptide receptors (hGRP-R) than a negatively charged or neutral peptide. [CuII]-CPTA-[β-

Ala11]BN (7-14) ([CuII]-BZH7) showed the highest binding affinities to human and mouse GRP

receptors (0.42 ± 0.13 nM versus 0.22 ± 0.07 nM). The replacement of Met14 by Nle or the

introduction of Gly or D-Tyr between [CuII]-CPTA and [βAla11]BN (7-14) led to a loss of

affinity to human GRP receptors by a factor of 3.2, 4.3, and 2.4, respectively. Among these

analogs [64/67Cu]-BZH7 had the highest internalization rate into PC-3 cells, a relatively slow

efflux, and was the most stable in fresh human serum.

Biodistribution studies in PC-3 tumor xenografts showed [64/67Cu]-BZH7 to have the highest

accumulation in the tumor: 11.2 ± 1.5% IA/g (% injected activity per gram), 6.63 ± 0.80% IA/g

and 4.14 ± 0.55% IA/g at 1 h, 4 h and 24 h p.i., respectively. A fast clearance from blood and all

non-target organs except the kidneys and liver was found. Increasing tumor-to-kidney and

tumor-to-liver ratios were observed from 1 h to 24 h p.i. MicroPET imaging of [64Cu]-BZH7 (3 h

p.i.) visualized the tumor nicely.

These results indicate that the novel ligand [64/67Cu]-BZH7 is a very promising radiopeptide for

the early diagnosis and targeted radiotherapy of carcinoma overexpressing BN receptors.

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Imaging of early disease events and systemic therapy in patients suffering from cancer benefit

from the definition of agents preferentially targeting biomarkers which are expressed selectively

or at least preferentially on the cell surface. Promising targets in this respect are receptors of

regulatory peptides which are highly overexpressed in major human tumors. The prototypic

receptors and corresponding targeting radiopeptides are based on somatostatin receptors. High

expression of somatostatin receptors is restricted to a relatively small group of tumors, such as

neuroendocrine tumors, carcinoids, some low grade brain tumors, renal cell carcinoma, etc. A

more promising family of receptors with respect to targeting major human tumors are the

mammalian bombesin receptors which were found to be overexpressed by human tumors

including prostate1, 2 and breast3, 4 cancer, SCLC5, 6 and gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST)7.

All three receptor types of the BN receptor family, including NMB-R, GRP-R and BNRS-3 were

observed to be overexpressed on human tumors, GRP-R being the most relevant because of its

high expression on prostate, breast and gastrointestinal stromal tumors. In addition, GRP-R are

also highly overexpressed in prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN), the early stage of prostate

cancer, which provides the possibility to non-invasively localize an early event in prostate

carcinogenesis using imaging probes.

Therefore much activity was devoted towards the development of BN analogs radiolabeled with 99mTc2, 8-10 or with 111In for SPECT. Based on 64Cu11, 12, PET tracers were also developed.

Copper-64 is an interesting radionuclide as it is not only a positron- (19%, Eβ+

max = 656 keV) but

also a β--emitter (39.6%, Eβ-max = 573 keV) with a half-life of 12.7 h and may therefore be used

for diagnostic and therapeutic targeting of BN receptor-positive tumors. In addition, it can be

produced in large amounts by small medical cyclotrons13.

We had several goals in mind when we designed this study. 1) We aimed at developing a BN-

based radiopeptide for the labeling with 64Cu (67Cu) to be used in the imaging and potentially in

radionuclide therapy of BN receptor-positive tumors. 2) We were interested in studying the

influence of a charge at the N-terminus of the radiopeptides on their pharmacologic and biologic

properties because we had noticed before that the replacement of a tetraamine ligand

(antagonistic BN analog) for 99mTc-labeling14 by a negatively charged DTPA causes an affinity

drop by a factor of approximately 103 (Reubi, Schmitt, Maecke, unpublished results). We were

wondering if the same effect can also be seen in the herein presented class of radiopeptides

(agonistic BN analogs). 3) As the structure of the CPTA(4-(1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradec-1-yl)-

methyl benzoic acid)-ligand allows a modification with glycine to afford a hippurane-like

structural spacer, we wanted to know if this structural element results in an enhanced kidney

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clearance. 4) Finally, we and others15 have recently observed that species differences may be of

high importance in the development and evaluation of bombesin receptor ligands. We therefore

studied modifications of BN(7-14) with regard to amino acid substitution at the 6th and 14th

position of BN. Since CPTA allows high labeling yields under very mild labeling conditions, it

was chosen as a bifunctional chelator for the labeling of monoclonal antibodies16 and octreotide17

with radiocopper. On this basis a series of BN analogs were constructed to evaluate their binding

affinity to the three bombesin receptor subtypes, their internalization rates into and efflux from

PC-3 cells. We also report on the comparison of biodistribution data of the 64/67Cu-labelled

bombesin-based peptides in PC-3 tumor-bearing nude mice and on microPET imaging. This

work is the first study of the influence of different charges at the N-terminus of BN analogs on

the binding affinity, of the hippurane-like spacer molecule on kidney clearance, and of a

modification at the 6th and 14th position of these (radio)metallobombesin analogs in different

species with the goal to optimize radioligands for diagnosis and targeted radionuclide therapy of

bombesin receptor-positive tumors.



All chemicals were obtained from commercial sources and used without further purification.

Cyclam-p-toluic acid (CPTA) was synthesized as described previously18. Rink amide MBHA

resin and all Fmoc-protected amino acids were commercially available from NovaBiochem

(Läufelfingen, Switzerland). [111In]Cl3 was purchased from Mallinckrodt Medical (Petten, The

Netherlands). Electrospray ionization (ESI) mass spectroscopy was carried out with a Finnigan

SSQ 7000 spectrometer, fast atom bombardment (FAB) mass spectroscopy with a VG 70SE

spectrometer and MALDI-MS measurement on a Voyager sSTR equipped with an Nd:YAG

laser (Applied Biosystems, Framingham, USA). Analytical HPLC was performed on a Hewlett

Packard 1050 HPLC system (Waldbronn 2, Germany) with a multiwavelength detector and a

flow-through Berthold LB 506 Cl γ-detector (Wildbad, Germany) using a Macherey-Nagel

Nucleosil 120 C18 column (Oensingen, Switzerland). Preparative HPLC was performed on a

Metrohm HPLC system LC-CaDI 22-14 (Herisau, Switzerland) with a Macherey-Nagel VP

250/21 Nucleosil 100-5 C18 column. Quantitative γ-counting was performed on a COBRA 5003

γ-system well counter from Packard Instruments (Meriden, CT, USA). Solid phase peptide

synthesis was performed on a semiautomatic peptide synthesizer commercially available from

Rink Combichem (Bubendorf, Switzerland). The cell culture medium was Dulbecco’s minimal

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essential medium (DMEM) with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS) from BioConcept (Allschwil,

Switzerland). MicroPET imaging was performed on a dedicated small animal PET tomograph

quad-HIDAC (Oxford Positron System, UK).


The peptides were synthesized as described previously19. The bifunctional chelator CPTA was

coupled to the resin-assembled peptide as follows: 6 equivalents CPTA were mixed together

with 18 equivalents PyBop, 18 equivalents HoBt and 80 equivalents DIPEA in NMP and

immediately incubated with the resin-assembled peptide until the TNBS test was negative

(approximately 5 h).

Production of 64Cu and 67Cu

64Cu/67Cu nuclides were produced at the 72 MeV accelerator of the Paul Scherrer Institute by

irradiating natZn with protons, and irradiations were modified for the preparation of 67Cu and 64Cu, respectively20, 21. Briefly, for 64Cu production, the proton irradiation schedule was reduced

to maximally 20 h and the Zn target was processed 12 h post end of bombardment (EOB). The

ratio of 64Cu/67Cu was 20/1 with a specific activity of 1.5 GBq 64Cu/µg Cu. For 67Cu production,

the irradiation time was longer and separation of the 64Cu/67Cu mixture was postponed until most

of 64Cu decayed to afford pure 67Cu with a specific activity of 112.5 MBq/µg Cu. The copper

radionuclides used in the present study were radiochemically isolated according to the procedure

of Schwarzbach et al20. For the in vitro assays and the biodistribution studies a mixture of 64Cu/67CuCl2 was used. 64Cu used for the PET imaging experiment contained approximately 10% 67Cu.

Metallated conjugates

A mixture of peptides (0.5 μmol) in 500 μL 0.5 M ammonium-acetate-buffer (pH 5) was

incubated with 1.5 μmol CuCl2·2H2O pre-dissolved in 0.04M HCl for 1h at room temperature,

and purified over a SepPak C18 cartridge (Waters Corp. Milford, MA) preconditioned with 10

mL ethanol and 10 mL water. The cartridge was eluted with 10 mL water followed by 3 mL

methanol resulting in CuII-peptide after evaporation of the methanol. The final product was

analyzed by analytical HPLC and MALDI. Using 3 equivalents InCl3·5H2O, [InIII]-BZH4 was

synthesized at elevated temperature (95ºC, 20-25 min).

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Preparation of radiotracer for internalization and biodistribution studies

[64/67Cu]-BZH7 was prepared by dissolving 10 μg of BZH7 (7.5 nmol) in ammonium acetate

buffer (300 μL, 0.5 M, pH 5.5); after the addition of 64/67CuCl2 (about 185 MBq 64Cu and 37

MBq 67Cu), the solution was incubated at room temperature for 1 h. A 1.5 molar excess of

CuCl2·2H2O was added and incubated again for 0.5 h. Subsequently radiolabeled peptides were

purified utilizing a SepPak C18 cartridge preconditioned with 10 mL methanol and 10 mL water;

the cartridge was eluted with 3 mL water, followed by 2 mL ethanol, to afford the pure 64/67Cu-

labeled ligand. For biodistribution studies, the labeling was performed accordingly without the

addition of cold CuCl2·2H2O. The solution was prepared for injection by dilution with 0.9%

NaCl (0.1% BSA) to afford the radioligand solution. All 64/67Cu-labeled conjugates were

prepared in the same way. The preparation of [111In]-BZH4 was described previously19. All

radiolabeled peptides were analyzed with HPLC (eluents: A= 0.1% TFA in water and B=

acetonitrile; gradient: 0-20 min, 80%-50% A; 20-21 min, 100% B; 21-24 min, 100% B; 25 min,

80% A).

Binding affinity and receptor subtype profile

Using [125I-D-Tyr4]BN as GRP-R-preferring ligand, the IC50 values of the natCu/natIn-labeled

peptides were measured by in vitro autoradiography of sections of human prostate cancer tissue

overexpressing GRP receptors or mouse pancreas tissue expressing mouse GRP receptors.

The binding affinity profile of [CuII]-BZH7 for the three bombesin receptor subtypes was

determined by using [125I-D-Tyr6, β-Ala11, Phe13, Nle14]BN (6-14) as universal radioligand. The

procedures were described in detail previously22, 23.

Internalization and externalization (efflux) studies

Internalization and externalization experiments were performed in 6-well plates as described in a

previous publication19. Briefly, the cells were washed twice with internalization medium

(DMEM supplemented with vitamins, essential and non-essential amino acids, L-glutamine,

antibiotics (penicillin/streptomycine), fungicide (amphotericin B/Fungizone) and 1% FCS) and

allowed to adjust to the medium for 1 h at 37°C. Approximately 1.3 kBq (0.25 pmol) of

radioligand was added to the medium and the cells, 106 cells per well, incubated (in triplicates)

for 0.5, 1, 2, 4, and 6 h at 37°C, 5% CO2, with or without excess BZH2 (150 μL of a 5.8 μM

solution, final concentration of cold BZH2 was 0.58 μM. (BZH2: DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6, β-

Ala11, Thi13, Nle14]BN (6-14)) to determine nonspecific internalization. The final volume was 1.5

mL. At appropriate time points the internalization was stopped by removing the medium,

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followed by washing the cells with ice-cold phosphate buffered saline. Cells were then twice

treated for 5 min with glycine buffer (0.05 M glycine solution, pH adjusted to 2.8 with 1M HCl)

to distinguish between cell surface-bound (acid releasable) and internalized (acid resistant)

radioligand. Finally, cells were detached from the plates by incubation for 10 min at 37°C with

1M NaOH, and the radioactivity was measured in a γ-counter.

For externalization studies, PC-3 cells were allowed to internalize the radioligands for periods of

2 h and were then exposed to an acid wash, as described in the previous section, to dissociate cell

surface-bound radioligand. One mL of culture medium was added to each well, cells were

incubated at 37°C in a 5% CO2 environment and externalization of the cell-incorporated

radioactivity was studied at different times. The culture medium was collected and measured for


Serum stability

To 1 mL of freshly prepared human serum, previously equilibrated in a 5% CO2 (95% air)

environment at 37°C, 0.6 nmol 111In- or 64/67Cu-labeled conjugates were added. The mixture was

incubated in a 5% CO2, 37°C environment. At different time points (0, 1, 4, and 8 h), 50 μL

aliquots (in triplicates) were removed and treated with 60 μL ethanol. Samples were then cooled

(4°C) and centrifuged for 15 min at 500 g to precipitate serum proteins. Fifty μL of supernatant

were removed for activity counting in a γ well-counter. The sediment was washed twice with 1

mL ethanol and counted, and the activity in the supernatant was compared with the activity in the

pellet to give the percentage of peptides not bound to proteins or radiometals transferred to

serum proteins. The supernatant was also analyzed with HPLC (eluents: A= 0.1% TFA in water

and B= acetonitrile; gradient: 0-20 min, 80%-50% A; 21-24 min, 100% B; 24-25 min, 80% A).

The data points were used to calculate the half-life of disappearance of intact peptide as

previously described19.

Biodistribution experiments in PC-3 tumor-bearing nude mice

After a slight anesthesia with isoflurane in an air/oxygen mixture, female athymic nude mice

were implanted subcutaneously with approximately 10 million PC-3 tumor cells, which were

freshly expanded in 100 μL sterilized PBS solution.

Seven to ten days after inoculation the tumors weighed 60-130 mg and the mice were injected

via a lateral tail vein with 10 pmol radiolabeled peptides (about 0.24 MBq 64Cu and 0.05 MBq 67Cu), diluted in 0.9% NaCl (0.1% BSA, pH 7.4, total injected volume = 100 μL). For the

determination of non-specific uptake in the tumor or receptor-positive organs, a group of 4

animals was injected with a mixture of 10 pmol radiolabeled peptide/50 µg [CuII]-BZH7 in 0.9%

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NaCl solution (injected volume 150 μL). At 1 h, 4 h and 24 h, mice were sacrificed, and organs

of interest collected, rinsed of excess blood, blotted, weighed and counted in a γ-counter. The

percentage of injected activity per gram (% IA/g) was calculated for each tissue. The total counts

injected per animal were determined by extrapolation from counts of an aliquot taken from the

injected solution as a standard.

MicroPET imaging

PET imaging was performed on a dedicated small animal PET tomograph quad-HIDAC (0.3 mm

bin size, 180×280×270 matrix size). PET data were acquired in list-mode, reconstructed in a 70

min time frame using the FAIR algorithm and analyzed by using the dedicated software Pmod to

afford image files. For imaging studies, an awake animal with an inoculated PC-3 tumor on each

side of the body was slightly restrained and injected with 5 MBq [64Cu]-BZH7 via a lateral tail

vein. Three hours later the animal was anesthetized with isoflurane in an air/oxygen mixture and

positioned in the tomograph symmetrically in the center of the field of view while anesthesia was

monitored through measuring the respiratory frequency. Body temperature was kept at 37.3°C by

a heated air stream. Acquisition of PET data was initiated 15 min after induction of anesthesia,

scan duration was 90 min. Twenty-three hours after injection, the mouse was sacrificed, and

organs of interest were collected and measured as described above in the biodistribution section.

The results were calculated as percentage of injected activity per gram of tissue (%IA/g).

All animal experiments were performed in compliance with the Swiss regulations for animal

treatment (Bundesamt für Veterinärwesen, approval no. 789).

Statistical analysis

Data are expressed as mean ± SD, calculated on Microsoft Excel. The Student’s t-test (Origin 6,

Microcal Software, Inc., Northampton, MA) was used to determine statistical significance at the

95% confidence level with P < 0.05 being considered significantly different.


Synthesis and labeling

All conjugates (Table 1) were synthesized using the Fmoc strategy affording a maximum yield

of approximately 30% based on the removal of the first Fmoc group; the purity analyzed by

HPLC was ≥97%. BZH4 was labeled with 111In at elevated temperature (95°C) for 20-25 min,

and all conjugates were labeled with 64/67Cu at room temperature. In all cases, radiolabeling

yields of ≥98% at specific activities of >24 GBq μmol-1 were achieved for 64Cu, >5 GBq μmol-1

for 67Cu and >37GBq μmol-1 for [111In]-BZH4.

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Receptor binding affinity

Table 2 shows the binding affinities of the metallopeptides to GRP receptors of mouse and

human origin. The CuII- and InIII-complexed peptides exhibit high to moderate affinity to the

human and high affinity to the mouse GRP receptor, as demonstrated by competitive binding

assays using [125I-Tyr4]bombesin as radioligand and human cancerous tissue as well as mouse

pancreas tissue as a source of GRP receptors. The affinity to the human receptor varies between

0.42 ± 0.13 nM and 41.5 ± 2.5 nM whereas the affinity to the mouse receptor varies between

0.22 ± 0.07 nM and 1.1 ± 0.33 nM.

The most promising peptide, Cu-BZH7, was also studied with respect to the bombesin receptor

subtype profile using human cancerous tissue shown to express predominantly one single

bombesin receptor subtype. The peptide showed high binding affinity to all 3 human receptor

subtypes (0.27 ± 0.16 nM to NMB-R; 0.30 ± 0.07 nM to GRP-R; 1.4 ± 0.6 nM to BNRS-3).

Internalization and efflux studies

The internalization kinetics of [64/67Cu]-BZH5-8 and [111In]-BZH4 in PC-3 cells at 37°C is

summarized in Fig. 1. All radiopeptides show specific, receptor-mediated cell uptake. [64/67Cu]-

BZH5 and [64/67Cu]-BZH7 internalize very efficiently, reaching about 80% of the total activity

added to a well containing 1 million cells within 6 h. [64/67Cu]-BZH6, [64/67Cu]-BZH8 and

[111In]-BZH4 have internalization rates of 64%, 46%, and 36% at 6 h under the same

experimental conditions. Internalization was almost completely blocked (nonspecific

internalization was <1% of the added activity) in the presence of 0.57 μM unlabeled DOTA-

GABA-[D-Tyr6, β-Ala11, Thi13, Nle14]BN (6-14). The surface-bound peptide (radioactivity

removable by acid wash) was below 7% of the added radiopeptide at each time point.

The efflux kinetics was studied in PC-3 cells which were exposed to the radioligand for 2 h as

described for internalization, followed by an acid wash, and then incubated with medium (1%

FCS). The results are summarized in Fig. 2. Upon 8 h incubation, 36% of [64/67Cu]-BZH7, 45%

of [64/67Cu]-BZH6, 51% and 52% of [64/67Cu]-BZH5 and [64Cu]- BZH8, and 60% of [111In]-

BZH4 were washed out from the PC-3 cells.

To identify the composition of the externalized peptides, [111In]-BZH4 was used as a leading

peptide. Upon 2 h of internalization and acid wash, the externalized radioactivity after 2 h

already consisted of approximately 84% metabolites (111In-DOTA: 13.8%; 111In-DOTA-GABA-

D-Tyr-Gln: main peak, 63.5%; 111In-DOTA-GABA-D-Tyr-Gln-Trp-Ala-Val-βAla: 6.2%) and

16% intact peptide.

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Stability in human serum

Serum stability was studied to determine the half-lives of disappearance of intact peptides in

serum (Table 3). There was less than 3% of radiometal transfer to serum proteins during serum

incubation studies. Using the equation A=A0*exp (-k1*t), the half-lives (t1/2) of disappearance of

intact peptides in serum were calculated19; they varied between 0.55 h and 5.1 h. The N-

terminally attached chelate, [111In]-DOTA in [111In]-BZH4 and [64/67Cu]-CPTA in [64/67Cu]-

BZH5 did not influence the metabolic stability in serum (0.61 ± 0.11 h versus 0.55 ± 0.11 h).

The replacement of methionine ([64/67Cu]-BZH5) by norleucine ([64/67Cu]-BZH6) increased the

T1/2 by 40%; [64/67Cu]-BZH7 and [64/67Cu]-BZH8 reached 5.1 ± 1.7 h and 4.5 ± 1.2 h,


Animal biodistribution studies

Biodistribution studies were performed with the 64/67Cu-labeled peptides in female athymic nude

mice bearing the PC-3 tumor. Results are presented in Tables 4 and 5 as percentage of injected

activity per gram of tissue (% IA/g).

According to Table 4, [64/67Cu]-BZH5, [64/67Cu]-BZH7, and [64/67Cu]-BZH8 display a similar

rapid blood clearance from the PC-3 tumor-bearing mice, varying between 0.142% IA/g to

0.182% IA/g at 4h. There was also a rapid clearance from GRP-R-negative organs except the

kidneys and liver. The three radiolabeled ligands showed high uptake in the human prostate

tumor xenograft and in mouse GRP-R-positive organs; e.g. at 4 h the tumor uptake values were

as follows: 3.47 ± 0.15% IA/g for [64/67Cu]-BZH5, 6.63 ± 0.80% IA/g for [64/67Cu]-BZH7, and

4.29 ± 0.70% IA/g for [64/67Cu]-BZH8. The uptake in the pancreas corresponded to the tumor

uptake (34.9 ± 1.6% IA/g versus 57.2 ± 2.7% IA/g versus 36.4 ± 3.4% IA/g). Of the three

conjugates [64/67Cu]-BZH7 showed the lowest liver uptake.

In vivo competition experiments (Table 3) using 50 µg [CuII]-BZH7 co-injected with [64/67Cu]-

BZH7 resulted in a >89% reduction of tumor uptake and also in a reduction of the uptake in

GRP-R-positive organs, e.g. >97% in the pancreas, 96% in the adrenals, 91% in the bowel, 84%

in the stomach, 76% in the spleen and bone. The co-injection of [CuII]-BZH7 led to a somewhat

increased liver uptake, whereas the uptake in the kidneys was partially blocked. The injection of

the blocking dose had no significant influence on the uptake in other non-target organs. Due to

the rapid clearance of the peptides, high tumor-to-background ratios were found (Tables 2 and

3). The [64/67Cu]-BZH7 conjugate showed the best tumor-to-background and tumor-to-liver ratio.

The kinetics of [64/67Cu]-BZH7 (Table 3) showed early localization of the tumor with high initial

accumulation (11.2 ± 1.5% IA/g at 1 h p.i.), a decrease in tumor uptake to 6.63 ± 0.80% IA/g at 4

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h and to 4.14 ± 0.55% IA/g at 24 h p.i., indicating a rapid initial wash out. The ratios between

tumor and background (blood and muscle) were higher than 20 at 1 h p.i. and increased to more

than 40 at 24 h. The ratios between tumor and liver or kidney also increased somewhat from 1 h

to 24 h.

Introduction of a glycine-forming hippurane-type spacer (Fig. 3) influenced the retention of

radioactivity in the kidneys. The kidney uptake of [64/67Cu]-BZH7 and [64/67Cu]-BZH8 differed

by a factor of 1.8 at 1 h and of about 0.4 at 4 h (6.9 ± 1.2% IA/g versus 5.0 ± 0.5% IA/g, P =

1.4×10-3). Under the condition of excessive Cu-BZH7, the kidney uptake of [64/67Cu]-BZH8 was

lower than that of [64/67Cu]-BZH7 (2.02 ± 0.13% IA/g versus 2.44 ± 0.10%IA/g, (P = 2.9 ⋅10-3).

MicroPET imaging

PET imaging of PC-3 tumor xenografts was performed 3 h p.i. of [64/67Cu]-BZH7, as shown in

Fig. 4. Both tumors were visible with clear contrast from the adjacent background and were also

distinguished well from the other organs. A prominent uptake of radioactivity was also observed

in the pancreas, liver and kidneys. The high resolution imaging displayed the cortex of one

kidney. When biodistribution was measured 23 h p.i. the uptake in the PC-3 tumor was 3% IA/g

and the tumor-to-kidney ratio was 2. The results of direct tissue counting and of PET imaging

were consistent.


This study describes a promising modification of BN analogs for radiocopper labeling.

According to the results a further design of BN ligands for targeted radiotherapy seems to be

worthwhile. In fact, [64Cu]-BZH7 has already proven promising for application in diagnosis

(PET) and targeted radionuclide therapy of bombesin receptor-positive tumors such as prostate


Binding affinity

Different charges were introduced at the N-terminus of the BN peptides by attaching different

metal-chelate complexes. Compared to the negative charge or neutral charge, the positive charge

was found to significantly improve the IC50 values of the peptides by a factor of 8.2 and 13.0,

respectively, indicating that the use of DOTA as bifunctional chelator for conjugating copper-64

to BN analogs was not a good choice. These findings can explain why the positively charged

[99mTc]-labeled bombesin analog14 displays high affinity to the GRP receptor and high

accumulation in PC-3 tumors whereas negatively charged analogs, such as 64Cu-labeled DOTA-

Aoc-BN (7-14)11 or DOTA-[Lys3]BN12 show low affinities. Interestingly, the three differently

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charged peptides show but slight differences in the affinity to mouse GRP receptors, indicating

that the mouse GRP receptor is not sensitive to the charge at the N-terminus.

The substitution of methionine by norleucine is expected to prevent radio-oxidation (due to

oxidation of the methionine sulfide group) without affecting the binding affinity to the GRP

receptor (because of the small difference (-S- vs -CH2-) between these two amino acids). We

previously found that the replacement of methionine by norleucine does not change the IC50

values of our panbombesin analogs (norleucine in the 14th position). The data in Table 2 show

that the substitution of Nle14 ([CuII]-BZH5) by Met14 ([CuII]-BZH6) caused the binding affinity

toward hGRP receptors to increase from 3.2 ± 0.5 nM to 1.0 ± 0.2 nM whereas it had no

influence on the IC50 values for the mouse pancreas (0.6 ± 0.2 nM versus 0.8 ± 0.2 nM). We

assume that this is due to the positive charge at the N-terminus.

[CuII]-BZH7 showed the highest affinity to human and mouse GRP receptors (0.42 ± 0.13 nM

versus 0.22 ± 0.07 nM) we have found in more than 100 BN analogs. By introducing Gly (D-

Tyr) between CPTA and [βAla11]BN (7-14) the binding affinity toward the human GRP receptor

dropped by a factor of 4.3 (2.4) and to the mouse GRP receptor by a factor of 3.6 (3.6),

respectively, indicating that the insertion of glycine or D-Tyrosine does not improve the binding

affinity when there is a metal-complexed bifunctional chelate at the N-terminus. This is not the

case with D-Phe or D-Tyr in the sequence of [D-Tyr6, β-Ala11, Phe13, Nle14]BN (6-14)24-27 or

BN(6-14)28 which are important to keep the binding affinity. The reason is that the BN (7-14)

analog keeps its affinity to human GRP receptors only on condition that its N-terminus has been

protected by an acetyl group or an amino acid or spacer molecule (our unpublished data).

[CuII]-BZH7 (cyclam-(4-methylbenzoyl)-[βAla11]BN (7-14)) showed very high binding affinity

to all 3 human BN receptor subtypes as do the known pan-bombesin ligand [D-Tyr6, β-Ala11,

Phe13, Nle14]BN (6-14)24, 26 and the metallated panbombesin peptide [YIII-DOTA0, GABA1, D-

Tyr6, β-Ala11, Thi13, Nle14]BN (6-14)19. Recently, Chen et al29 reported that [177Lu]-AMBA

(DOTA-Gly-[4-aminobenzoyl]BN (7-14)) has high affinity to the NMB-R (0.9 nM) and GRP-R

(0.8 nM), and almost no affinity to the BNRS-3 (>1 μM). Nock et al8 developed a BN-based

peptide with an N-terminal open-chain tetraamine framework ([(N4-Bzdig)0]BN (7-14)) for 99mTc-labeling, which has high affinity to the NMB-R (0.65 nM) and GRP-R (0.9 nM) but

negligible affinity to the BNRS-3 (37 nM). These results point out that βAla11 is a key factor in

maintaining high affinity to BNRS-3.

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Metabolic stability

Compared to our previously developed/synthesized ligand (BZH2: DOTA-[D-Tyr6, β-Ala11,

Thi13, Nle14]BN(6-14))19, [111In]-BZH4 has a 3.5 times lower stability in serum than [111In]-

BZH2, which proves that the replacement of Leu13 by an unnatural amino acid (Thi) stabilizes

the ligand significantly and indicates that the peptidases (CD10 /NEP)30 may be responsible for

the cleavage of His12-Leu13 or His12-Thi13 although the weakest peptide bond in [111In]-BZH2

was identified to be βAla11-His12. In the prototype of [D-Tyr6, β-Ala11, Nle14]BN(6-14), DOTA-

GABA and CPTA conjugated to the peptide have a similar stability. However, compared to Cu-

CPTA-D-Tyr-[β-Ala11]BN(7-14), Cu-CPTA(or Cu-CPTA-Gly)-[β-Ala11]BN(7-14) showed an

improved stability by a factor of 5. Furthermore, Met14 ([64/67Cu]-BZH6) afforded a higher

stability than Nle14 ([64/67Cu]-BZH5) by a factor of 2.

In-vivo evaluation

Rapid internalization and efficient trapping (i.e. residualization time of radiopeptide) allow for

an optimal tumor-to-background ratio for imaging and even more important for a successful

targeted radionuclide therapy.

All [64/67Cu]-labeled BN analogs show a specific uptake in the PC-3 tumor and bombesin

receptor-positive organs such as the pancreas. Especially, due to its highest binding affinity

among this series of ligands, [64/67Cu]-BZH7 internalized into PC-3 cells with the fastest rate and

had a relatively slow externalization rate from PC-3 cells, which correlates with the high

accumulation of the conjugate in targeted organs. [64/67Cu]-BZH7 showed the highest uptake in

the PC-3 tumor (11.2 ± 1.5% IA/g at 1 h p.i., 6.63 ± 0.80% IA/g at 4 h, and 4.14 ± 0.55% IA/g at

24 h), which is consistent with its in vitro behavior. These results are comparatively better than

those of negatively charged BN analogs such as [64Cu]-DOTA-Aoc-BN (7-14)11 and [64Cu]-

DOTA-[Lys3]BN12 since [64/67Cu]-BZH7(positively charged) has a 5 times higher affinity to the

GRP receptor. As a consequence of its favorable properties [64Cu]-BZH7 localized the PC-3

tumor very well with MicroPET imaging, and liver, kidneys and pancreas were distinguished as

well. These results imply that 64Cu-labeled ligands can provide a high-resolution tool in the

clinical diagnosis, e.g. in the detection of small-size metastases.

The uptake of all tested [64Cu-CPTA]BN analogs in the liver and kidneys was high; this also

holds for the [64Cu-DOTA]-conjugated BN analogs11, 12, indicating that the charge of 64Cu-

labeled BN has no influence on the excretion pathway. Reports on the metabolism of copper-

labeled antibody fragments indicate that intact complexes may clear via the kidneys and

disassociated copper ions via the liver, similar to the situation observed with radiocopper-labeled

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antibodies31-33. According to the comparison of 64Cu-labeled cross-bridged macrocyclic

chelators34, positively charged (+1) peptides showed significantly lower accumulation in the

liver and kidneys than negatively charged (-1) ones. All these data imply that cross-bridged

macrocyclic chelators may be more preferable for radionuclide therapy with 64/67Cu-BN analogs,

affording a positive charge and hence a lower liver uptake.

The blocking experiment of [64/67Cu]-BZH7, which was competed with [CuII]-BZH7, showed

predominantly specific accumulation in GRP receptor-positive tissues such as pancreas, adrenals

and PC-3 tumor. The radioactivity uptake in the kidneys was partially blocked. This might either

be due to BN receptors present in the mouse kidney, since Dumesny et al35 reported on the

identification of mRNA of the GRP receptor in the rat kidney, or because an excessive [CuII]-

BZH7 has already blocked the metabolism and clearance of [64/67Cu]-BZH7.

As a hippurane-type molecule might facilitate clearance through the kidney, the introduction of a

glycine-forming hippurane-type spacer molecule was expected to show a similar behavior. The

kidney uptake was found to be decreased significantly at 1 h and 4 h p.i.; even under the

condition of excessive [CuII]-BZH7, [64/67Cu]-BZH8 was excreted faster from the kidneys than

[64/67Cu]-BZH7, indicating that the “pure” excretion of [64/67Cu]-BZH7 was not as rapid as that of

[64/67Cu]-BZH8 provided that all binding sites of the GRP receptor in mice were blocked. These

results also demonstrate that the non-target and target accumulations contribute simultaneously

to the kidney uptake. Because [64/67Cu]-BZH7 has higher affinity to the GRP-receptor than

[64/67Cu]-BZH8, the tumor-kidney ratio of [64/67Cu]-BZH7 (with hippurane-type spacer) was not

better than that of [64/67Cu]-BZH8 (without hippurane-type spacer).

Comparison of radionuclides

Copper-64 is a radionuclide with good physical properties for PET imaging. It also holds

therapeutic potential, due to its low energy β--emission (39.6%, Eβ-max = 573 keV)36, but its

therapeutic efficacy is somewhat impeded by the high energy γ-radiation associated with 64Cu.

Copper-67 (T1/2 = 61.9 h) is a low energy β-emitter (19%, Eβ-max = 577, 484, and 395 keV), its

therapeutic β-emissions result in a mean energy of 141 keV, similar to the mean β-energy of 177Lu, and the mean particle range of 0.2 mm makes these nuclides very suitable for irradiation

of small metastases. Similar to 177Lu, 67Cu emits low energy photons, which are particularly

suitable for pretherapeutic diagnostic imaging with a γ-camera. In contrast to 177Lu, 67Cu has a

shorter half-life (2.6 d compared with 6 d). 67Cu-labeled antibodies have excellent tumor

targeting properties and are developed for radioimmunotherapy37. [67Cu]-BZH7 may thus be

another option in the clinical treatment of prostate cancer if high specific or carrier-free 67Cu is

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available, and it would be interesting to compare its therapeutic efficacy with that of 64Cu- and 177Lu-labeled peptides.


Reubi et al and Markwalder et al5, 38 have reported a massive GRP receptor overexpression not

only in prostate cancer tissue and prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN), but also with a high

percentage in neoplastic and non-neoplastic breast cancer tissues as well as in gastrinomas, small

cell lung carcinomas, renal cell carcinomas, and bone metastases of androgen-independent

prostate cancer. The results of our study allow for the following conclusions:

1) [64, 67Cu]-BZH7 (CPTA-[β-Ala11]BN (7-14)) has the potential to visualize and possibly treat

the above mentioned cancer types in the clinic;

2) The charge at the N-terminus has an influence on the pharmacologic and biologic properties

of human GRP receptors (with a very slight difference of mouse GRP receptors);

3) The introduction of a glycine-forming hippurane-like spacer leads to an enhanced kidney


4) Met14 is much better than Nle14 for retaining the pharmacological behavior of the BN analog.


We thank the Swiss National Science Foundation (Grant No. 3100A0-100390), for financial

support of this work and Novartis Basel for analytical support, and Ms. Claudine Pfister for her

kind work during the preparation of the article.

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Table 1: Characteristics of compounds BZH4, BZH5, BZH6, BZH7 and BZH8, and their

corresponding cold metallated compounds.

Measured MW

Compound† Calculated MW ESI (+) ESI (-) MALDI RP-HPLC‡

retention time


BZH4 1570.79 1609.1 ([M+K]+) 1607.7 ([M+K-H]-) 1570.5 ([M+H]+) 13.61

BZH5 1415.73 1416.5 ([M+H]+) 1414.8 ([M-H]-) 1415.7 ([M+H]+) 14.54

BZH6 1433.77 1434.1 ([M+H]+) 1432.3 ([M-H]-) 1433.8 ([M+H]+) 12.76

BZH7 1270.59 1270.9 ([M+H]+) 1269.7 ([M-H]-) 1270.5 ([M+H]+) 12.97

BZH8 1327.64 1328.1 ([M+H]+) 1326.7 ([M-H]-) 1327.8 [M+H]+ 12.54

[CuII]-BZH4 1632.32 816.5 ([M+2H]2+) 814.3 ([M-2H]2-) 1632.4 [M+H]+ 15.28

[InIII]-BZH4 1682.58 ND ND 1682.4 [M+H]+ 14.81

[CuII]-BZH5 1479.27 ND ND 1477.6 [M+H]+ 16.20

[CuII]-BZH6 1497.31 ND ND 1497.7 [M+H]+ 13.18

[CuII]-BZH7 1334.14 ND ND 1332.4 [M+H]+ 13.83

[CuII]-BZH8 1391.19 ND ND 1392.3 [M+H]+ 13.32

Note: †. MW: molecular weight; BZH4: DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6, β-Ala11, Nle14]BN(6-14); BZH5: CPTA-[D-Tyr6, β-

Ala11, Nle14]BN(6-14); BZH6: CPTA-[D-Tyr6, β-Ala11]BN(6-14); BZH7: CPTA-[β-Ala11]BN(7-14); BZH8: CPTA-[Gly6,

β-Ala11]BN(6-14). ‡ RP HPLC eluents: A= 0.1% TFA in water and B= acetonitrile; gradient: 0-20 min, 80%-50% A; 20-21

min, 100% B; 21-24 min, 100% B; 25 min, 80% A.

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Table 2: IC50 values for displacement of GRP receptor-bound [125I-Tyr4]BN by increasing

concentration of BN analogs. IC50 values (nM ± SE) are in triplicates. Number of independent

studies is in brackets.

GRP receptor Code No. Peptide structure Chargehuman mouse

[CuII]-BZH4 CuII-DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6, βAla11, Nle14]BN(6-14) -1 26.3±3.5 (3) 1.1±0.3 (3)

[InIII]-BZH4 InIII-DOTA-GABA-[D-Tyr6, βAla11, Nle14]BN(6-14) 0 41.5±2.5 (2) 0.8±0.4 (2)

[CuII]-BZH5 CuII-CPTA -[D-Tyr6, βAla11, Nle14]BN(6-14) +2 3.2±0.5 (3) 0.6±0.2 (3)

[CuII]-BZH6 CuII-CPTA-[D-Tyr6, βAla11]BN(6-14) +2 1.0±0.2 (3) 0.8±0.2 (3)

[CuII]-BZH7 CuII-CPTA-[βAla11]BN(7-14) +2 0.42±0.13 (4) 0.22±0.07 (3)

[CuII]-BZH8 CuII-CPTA-[Gly6, βAla11]BN(6-14) +2 1.8±0.6 (3) 0.8±0.2 (3)

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Table 3: Metabolic degradation kinetics calculated according to the equation: A=A0*exp(-


Conjugates k1 (h-1) T1/2 (h)

[111In]-BZH4 1.14 ± 0.26 0.61 ± 0.11

[64/67Cu]-BZH5 1.26 ± 0.31 0.55 ± 0.11

[64/67Cu]-BZH6 0.756 ± 0.168 0.92 ± 0.17

[64/67Cu]-BZH7 0.137 ± 0.066 5.1 ± 1.7

[64/67Cu]-BZH8 0.154 ± 0.054 4.5 ± 1.2

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Table 4: Comparison of biodistribution and tissue ratios (4 h p.i.) of [64/67Cu]-BZH5, [64/67Cu]-

BZH6, [64/67Cu]-BZH7, and [64/67Cu]-BZH8 in PC-3 tumor-bearing nude mice. Results are the

mean (% IA/g) of groups of eight or four animals.

Site [64/67Cu]-BZH5




Blood 0.182 ± 0.011 0.175 ± 0.021 0.154 ± 0.033 0.142 ± 0.004 Muscle 0.087 ± 0.006 0.109 ± 0.025 0.123 ± 0.032 0.064 ± 0.011 Kidneys 4.59 ± 0.65 5.84 ± 0.55 6.87 ± 1.16 4.97 ± 0.46 Adrenals 25.7 ± 2.2 27.3 ± 3.7 30.8 ±4.1 25.3 ± 1.3 Pancreas 34.9 ± 1.6 58.0 ± 3.9 57.2 ± 2.7 36.4 ± 3.4 Spleen 2.66 ± 0.06 3.67 ± 0.25 3.77 ± 0.62 2.93 ± 0.40 Stomach 1.81 ± 0.17 3.42 ± 0.82 3.76 ± 0.48 2.81 ± 0.29 Bowel 4.62 ± 0.23 8.19 ± 1.06 7.25 ± 0.74 6.44 ± 0.21 Liver 10.78 ± 1.32 10.01 ± 1.03 7.31 ± 0.87 8.51 ± 0.44 Lung 0.48 ± 0.16 0.72 ± 0.12 0.67 ± 0.13 0.78 ± 0.18 Heart 0.25 ± 0.04 0.35 ± 0.08 0.22 ± 0.05 0.20 ± 0.02 Bone 0.34 ± 0.04 1.05 ± 0.23 0.90 ± 0.16 0.49 ± 0.07 Tumor 3.47 ± 0.15 5.05 ± 0.46 6.63 ± 0.80 4.29 ± 0.70

Tumor to normal tissue radioactivity ratio Tumor/Blood 19 29 43 30 Tumor/Muscle 40 46 54 67 Tumor/Liver 0.3 0.5 0.9 0.5 Tumor/Kidney 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.9

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Table 5: Kinetic studies of [64/67Cu]-BZH7 and tissue ratios in PC-3 tumor-bearing nude mice.

Results are the mean (% IA/g) of groups of eight or four animals.

Site 1h 4h 24h 4h, Blocked

Blood 0.461 ± 0.078 0.154 ± 0.033 0.102 ± 0.010 0.149 ± 0.013

Muscle 0.539 ± 0.384 0.123 ± 0.032 0.072 ± 0.018 0.082 ± 0.002

Kidneys 10.4 ± 1.2 6.87 ± 1.16 2.48 ± 0.25 2.44 ± 0.10

Adrenals 36.5 ± 5.7 30.8 ± 4.1 5.29 ± 0.36 1.39 ± 0.06

Pancreas 81.3 ± 15.2 57.2 ± 2.7 18.7 ± 1.6 1.30 ± 0.08

Spleen 5.03 ± 0.40 3.77 ± 0.62 2.15 ± 0.21 0.88 ± 0.05

Stomach 3.98 ± 0.32 3.76 ± 0.48 2.23 ± 0.39 0.51 ± 0.07

Bowel 10.8 ± 1.42 7.25 ± 0.74 5.14 ± 0.20 0.63 ± 0.16

Liver 9.89 ± 0.89 7.31 ± 0.87 3.01 ± 0.47 8.90 ± 0.43

Lung 1.01 ± 1.42 0.67 ± 0.13 0.64 ± 0.31 0.58 ± 0.02

Heart 0.34 ± 0.05 0.22 ± 0.05 0.21 ± 0.03 0.14 ± 0.01

Bone 1.16 ± 0.20 0.90 ± 0.16 0.43 ± 0.10 0.21 ± 0.06

Tumor 11.2 ± 1.5 6.63 ± 0.80 4.14 ± 0.55 0.71 ± 0.08

Tumor to normal tissue radioactivity ratio

Tumor/Blood 24 43 41

Tumor/Muscle 21 54 58

Tumor/Liver 1.1 0.9 1.4

Tumor/Kidney 1.1 1.0 1.7

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0 1 2 3 4 5 60






of t


Incubation time (h)

64/67Cu-BZH7 64/67Cu-BZH5 64/67Cu-BZH6 64/67Cu-BZH8 111In-BZH4

Figure 1 Comparison of the internalization of [111In]-BZH4 and [64/67Cu]-labeled BZH5, BZH6,

BZH7 and BZH8 into PC-3 cells. Data result from two independent experiments with triplicates

in each experiment and are expressed as specific internalization.

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0 2 4 6 8








% o

f int






64/67Cu-BZH7 64/67Cu-BZH6 64/67Cu-BZH5 64/67Cu-BZH8 111In-BZH4

Figure 2 Comparison of the externalization of [111In]-BZH4, [64/67Cu]-labeled BZH7, BZH5,

BZH6 and BZH8 from PC-3 cells. Data result from two independent experiments with triplicates

in each experiment.

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1 4 4, blocked0






12 P=0.00011





in th

e ki




Time (h)

[64/67Cu]-BZH7 [64/67Cu]-BZH8

Figure 3 Decrease of kidney uptake by introduction of a glycine forming hippurane-type spacer

molecule ([64/67Cu]-BZH8).

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Figure 4 MicroPET imaging of [64Cu]-BZH7 in PC-3 tumor-bearing nude mice (5 MBq, 3 h

p.i.). Both tumors inoculated in each flank of the mouse are visible with clear contrast from the

adjacent background, pancreas, liver and kidneys. The high-resolution imaging displays the

cortex of one kidney. The PC-3 tumor uptake was 3% IA/g, and the ratio between tumor and

kidney reached 2 at 23 h p.i. The results of direct tissue counting and PET imaging were


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CH2 3

















-1 0 +2


Scheme 1 Metal-complexed conjugates with different charges at the N-terminus under the

condition of pH 7.4.

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Cyclamyl Gln-Trp-Ala-Val-βAla-His-Leu-Met-NH2



Cyclamyl NH




















Scheme 2 Comparison of the 14th position (Nle versus Met) and 6th position (D-Tyr, Gly and

without amino acid).

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Manuscript 4

DOTA-PESIN, a Promising Bombesin Analogue Labeled

with P

67/68PGa, P

177PLu for GRP Receptor-expressing Tumors

and their Metastases

Hanwen Zhang P

[a]P, Jochen SchumacherP

[c]P, Michael Eisenhut P

[c]P, Jean Claude


[b]P, Beatrice WaserP

[b]P, Damian Wild P

[d]P, Helmut R Maecke P


[a] Division of Radiological Chemistry, Department of Radiology, University Hospital,

Petersgraben 4, CH-4031 Basel, Switzerland;

[b] Division of Cell Biology and Experimental Cancer Research, Institute of Pathology,

University of Berne, PO Box 62, Murtenstrasse 31, CH-3010 Berne, Switzerland;

[c] Department of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radiology, German Cancer Research Center,

Heidelberg, Germany;

[d] Clinic and Institute of Nuclear Medicine, Department of Radiology, University Hospital,

Petersgraben 4, CH-4031 Basel, Switzerland.

Present status:

Manuscript accepted for publication in the European Journal for Nuclear

Medicine and Molecular Imaging.

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DOTA-PESIN, a DOTA-conjugated bombesin derivativedesigned for the imaging and targeted radionuclidetreatment of bombesin receptor-positive tumours

Hanwen Zhang & Jochen Schuhmacher &

Beatrice Waser & Damian Wild & Michael Eisenhut &Jean Claude Reubi & Helmut R. Maecke

Received: 13 June 2006 /Accepted: 17 November 2006# Springer-Verlag 2007

AbstractPurpose We aimed at designing and developing a novelbombesin analogue, DOTA-PEG4-BN(7–14) (DOTA-PESIN),with the goal of labelling it with 67/68Ga and 177Lu fordiagnosis and radionuclide therapy of prostate and otherhuman cancers overexpressing bombesin receptors.Methods The 8-amino acid peptide bombesin (7–14) wascoupled to the macrocyclic chelator DOTA via the spacer15-amino-4,7,10,13-tetraoxapentadecanoic acid (PEG4).The conjugate was complexed with Ga(III) and Lu(III)salts. The GRP receptor affinity and the bombesin receptorsubtype profile were determined in human tumour speci-mens expressing the three bombesin receptor subtypes.Internalisation and efflux studies were performed with thehuman GRP receptor cell line PC-3. Xenografted nudemice were used for biodistribution.

Results [GaIII/LuIII]-DOTA-PESIN showed good affinity toGRP and neuromedin B receptors but no affinity to BB3.[67Ga/177Lu]-DOTA-PESIN internalised rapidly into PC-3cells whereas the efflux from PC-3 cells was relativelyslow. In vivo experiments showed a high and specifictumour uptake and good retention of [67Ga/177Lu]-DOTA-PESIN. [67Ga/177Lu]-DOTA-PESIN highly accumulated inGRP receptor-expressing mouse pancreas. The uptakespecificity was demonstrated by blocking tumour uptakeand pancreas uptake. Fast clearance was found from bloodand all non-target organs except the kidneys. High tumour-to-normal tissue ratios were achieved, which increased withtime. PET imaging with [68Ga]-DOTA-PESIN was success-ful in visualising the tumour at 1 h post injection. Planarscintigraphic imaging showed that the 177Lu-labelledpeptide remained in the tumour even 3 days post injection.Conclusion The newly designed ligands have high poten-tial with regard to PET and SPECT imaging with 68/67Gaand targeted radionuclide therapy with 177Lu.

Keywords Gallium-68 . Lutetium-177 .

Bombesin receptors . Targeted radiotherapy .

Prostate cancer


Radionuclides coupled to receptor-specific peptides arecurrently under investigation in clinical trials involvingdifferent tumours [1]. They specifically localise receptorsoverexpressed on the plasma membrane and then internaliseinto cells [2–4]. The prototypes of these peptides areanalogues of somatostatin [5].

In designing radiometal-based radiopeptides for cancerdiagnosis and treatment, important factors to consider are

Eur J Nucl Med Mol ImagingDOI 10.1007/s00259-006-0347-4

H. Zhang :H. R. Maecke (*)Division of Radiological Chemistry, Department of Radiology,University Hospital Basel,Petersgraben 4,4031 Basel, Switzerlande-mail: [emailprotected]

J. Schuhmacher :M. EisenhutDepartment of Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry,German Cancer Research Centre,Heidelberg, Germany

B. Waser : J. C. ReubiDivision of Cell Biology and Experimental Cancer Research,Institute of Pathology, University of Berne,P.O. Box 62, Murtenstrasse 31,3010 Berne, Switzerland

D. WildClinic and Institute of Nuclear Medicine,Department of Radiology, University Hospital,Basel, Switzerland

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half-life, mode of decay, cost and availability of theradionuclide. In diagnostic imaging [6], 99mTc, 123I, 67Gaand 111In are used for SPECT and 18F, 11C, 64Cu and 68Gafor positron emission tomography (PET). 177Lu-labelledpeptides have become attractive in targeted radiotherapy ofsmall tumours or metastases owing to their excellentradiophysical properties and commercial availability of theradionuclide [5, 7, 8]. 68Ga, on the other hand, is apromising metallic positron emitter (t1/2=68 min, 89%,Eβ

+max=1.90 MeV) for regular use in PET imaging because

of its production from a 68Ga/68Ge generator, which allowsindependence from an on-site cyclotron and offers almostunlimited availability if two or three of these generators areused concomitantly as elution is possible every 3 h [9, 10].To develop a ligand for the labelling with these tworadionuclides would therefore seem promising.

In the field of radiolabelled peptides, bombesin (BN)analogues have become a promising class of ligands asgastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) receptors, a subtype of BNreceptors, were found to be overexpressed on primaryprostatic invasive carcinoma (and their invaded lymphnodes), breast tumours and gastrointestinal stromal tumours[11]. Up to now, many types of radiolabelled BN analogueshave been designed to target GRP receptor-expressingtumours [12–24]. In particular, Van de Wiele et al. reportedon a first study of prostate (n=4) and breast cancer (n=6)patients [13, 25]. Their results showed that 99mTc-RP527visualised four of six breast and one of four prostatecarcinomas. This radiopeptide showed inferior properties tomany other radiopeptides in the PC-3 tumour-bearing nudemouse model [26]. As 99mTc-Demobesin 1 ([99mTc-N40–1,bzlg0,(D)Phe6,Leu-NHEt13,des-Met14]BN(6–14)) hasshown higher affinity to the GRP receptor and a highertumour accumulation in PC-3 tumour-bearing mice [27]than 99mTc-RP527, it may be a superior candidate forstudying in patients.

We have recently developed DOTA (1,4,7,10-tetraaza-cyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid)- and DTPA-modi-fied (pan)BN radioligands having high affinity to all threehuman BN receptors [i.e. neuromedin B receptor (NMB-R),GRP-R and BN receptor subtype-3 (BB3)] [17]. Prelimi-nary results in clinical studies of two of these radiopeptideshave shown occasional uptake in the pancreas and relativelyfast washout from lesions when labelled with 111In. The fastwashout may be due to a low metabolic stability of theseradiopeptides. Therefore, we set up a programme tosynthesise BN-based radiopeptides with improved meta-bolic stability, an optimised tumour-to-kidney ratio and lackof affinity to BB3. From a series of peptides evaluated,DOTA-PEG4-BN(7–14) (DOTA-PESIN) looked particular-ly promising in our preclinical studies.

Here we present data on the synthesis and labelling ofthis peptide with the positron emitter 68Ga, the γ- and

Auger electron emitter 67Ga and the β(γ)-emitter 177Lu. Inaddition, we studied the receptor subtype affinity profileand the in vivo biodistribution of radiolabelled DOTA-PESIN with regard to BN receptor subtypes. PET imagingand scintigraphy were also performed.

Materials and methods

All chemicals were obtained from commercial sources andused without further purification. Rink amide 4-methyl-benzhydrylalanine (MBHA) resin and all Fmoc-protectedamino acids are commercially available from NovaBiochem(Laeufelfingen, Switzerland). [67Ga]Cl3 was purchasedfrom Mallinckrodt Medical (Petten, the Netherlands) and[177Lu]Cl3 from IDB (Petten, the Netherlands). Fmoc-15-amino-4,7,10,13-tetraoxapentadecanoic acid (Fmoc-PEG4 -OH) was obtained from Quanta BioDesign (Powell, Ohio,USA) and 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7-tris(aceticacid-t-butyl ester)-10-acetic acid [DOTA-tris(tBu ester)]from Macrocyclics (Dallas, Texas, USA). Electrosprayionisation mass spectroscopy was carried out with aFinnigan SSQ 7,000 spectrometer (Bremen, Germany) andMALDI-MS measurement on a Voyager sSTR equippedwith an Nd:YAG laser (Applied Biosystems, Framingham,USA). Ten milligrams of 3,5-dimethoxy-4-hydroxycin-namic acid were dissolved in 0.05% TFA of acetonitrile/water (1:1) and used as matrix. Analytical high-perfor-mance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was performed on aHewlett Packard 1050 HPLC system with a multiwave-length detector and a flow-through Berthold LB 506 Cl γ-detector (Regensdorf, Switzerland) using a Macherey-NagelNucleosil 120 C18 column (Oensingen, Switzerland) (elu-ents: A=0.1% TFA in water and B=acetonitrile; gradient:0–20 min, 80%–50% A; 21–24 min, 100% B; 24–25 min,80% A). Preparative HPLC was performed on a MetrohmHPLC system LC-CaDI 22–14 (Herisau, Switzerland) witha Macherey-Nagel VP 250/21 Nucleosil 100–5 C18 column(eluents: A=0.1% TFA in water and B=acetonitrile;gradient: 0–10 min, 70%–52% A; 11–14 min, 100% B;14–15 min, 70% A). Quantitative γ-counting was per-formed on a COBRA 5003 γ-system well counter fromPackard Instruments (Meriden, CT, USA). Solid phasepeptide synthesis was performed on a semiautomaticpeptide synthesiser commercially available from RinkCombichem Technologies (Bubendorf, Switzerland). Thecell culture medium was Dulbecco’s minimal essentialmedium (DMEM) with 10% or 1% foetal calf serum (FCS)from BioConcept (Allschwil, Switzerland). PET imagingwas performed on a Siemens ECAT EXACT HR+ scanner(Siemens/CTI, Knoxville, TN, USA), and scintigraphicimaging was carried out on a PRISM 2000 XP camera(Philips, the Netherlands). 68Ga was obtained from a

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68Ge/68Ga generator which consists of a column containinga self-made phenolic ion exchanger loaded with 68Ge andcoupled in series with a small anion exchanger column (AG1×8 Cl-1, mesh 200–400; Bio-Rad, Munich, Germany) toconcentrate 68Ga during elution [28].


DOTA-PESIN was synthesised on solid support as de-scribed previously [17]. In brief, the peptide was assem-bled on a Rink amide MBHA resin according to classicalFmoc chemistry on a semi-automatic peptide synthesiser.Trityl and tert-butoxycarbonyl were used as side chain-protecting groups of His and Trp, respectively. Fmoc-PEG4-OH (four equivalents) and DOTA-tris(tBu) ester(three equivalents) were consecutively coupled to thepeptide with HATU [1.2 equivalents based on Fmoc-PEG4-OH or DOTA-tris(tBu) ester] as activating agent.Cleavage from the resin and deprotection as well as productpurification and identification were performed according toa previously described protocol [17]. Calculated MW:1573.81; MS-ES(−): 1610.3 [M+K−H]−, 804.8 [M+K−2H]2−; MS-ES(+): 806.8 [M+K+2H]2+; MALDI, m/z (%):1573.7 (100, [M+H]+), 1594.7 (5, [M+Na]+); HPLCtR: 12.5 min on analytical HPLC (purity: >98%).

[GaIII/LuIII]-DOTA-PESIN A mixture of DOTA-PESIN(0.5 μmol) in 500 μl 0.5 mol/l ammonium acetate buffer(pH 5) was incubated with 1.5 μmol Ga(NO3)3·9H2O or Lu(NO3)3·5H2O (in 0.04 mol/l HCl) at 95°C for 25 min, andpurified over a SepPak C18 cartridge (Waters Corp.,Milford, MA) preconditioned with 10 ml ethanol and10 ml water. The cartridge was eluted with 10 ml waterfollowed by 3 ml methanol, resulting in the metalIII-DOTA-peptide after evaporation of methanol. The final productwas analysed by analytical HPLC and MALDI. [GaIII-DOTA-PESIN (calculated MW): 1640.51; MALDI, m/z(%): 1641.7 (100, [M+H]+), 1663.6 (20, [M+Na]+); HPLCtR: 13.8 min. Purity: >99%. [LuIII]-DOTA-PESIN (calcu-lated MW): 1745.76; MALDI, m/z (%): 1745.8 (100,[M+H]+), 1767.7 (10, [M+Na]+); HPLC tR: 14.1 min.Purity: >99%.

Preparation of radiotracer for in vitro and in vivo studies

[177Lu]-DOTA-PESIN was prepared by dissolving 10 μg ofthe peptide (6.35 nmol) in ammonium acetate buffer(300 μl, 0.5 mol/l, pH 5.5); after addition of 177LuCl3(2 mCi), the solution was incubated for 15 min at 95°C. A1.5 molar excess of Lu(NO3)3·5H2O was added andincubated again for 15 min. Subsequently, [177Lu]-DOTA-PESIN was purified utilising a SepPak C18 cartridge

preconditioned with 10 ml methanol and 10 ml water; thecartridge was eluted with 3 ml water, followed by 2ml ethanolto yield pure [177Lu]-DOTA-PESIN. For biodistributionstudies, the labelling was performed accordingly without theaddition of cold Lu(NO3)3·5H2O. Oxidation of C-terminalMetNH2 was suppressed by the addition of methionine. Thesolution for injection was prepared by dilution with 0.9%NaCl (0.1% BSA) to provide the radioligand solution.[67Ga]-DOTA-PESIN was prepared in the same way. Allradiolabelled peptides were analysed with analytical HPLCand showed a radiochemical purity of >97%.

Preparation of [68Ga]-DOTA-PESIN for PET imaging

The generator eluate containing ∼0.5 GBq 68Ga in 0.2 ml/0.5 mol/l HCl was evaporated to dryness and redissolved in0.2 ml acetate buffer (pH 4.8, 0.1 mol/l). After addition of5 μl of a 1 mmol/l aqueous DOTA-PESIN solution, themixture was kept for 10 min at 90°C. The uncomplexed68Ga was separated by adsorption onto a SepPak C18

cartridge that was equilibrated with 0.1 mol/l acetate buffer(pH 6.2), whereas [68Ga]-DOTA-PESIN was eluted with1.5 ml ethanol. After evaporation of the organic solvent, theradiotracer was redissolved in 0.01 mol/l phosphate-buff-ered saline (pH 7.4) containing 0.5 mg/ml human serumalbumin. The preparations were checked for bound and free68Ga by paper chromatography using Whatman No.1 andmethanol/0.01 mol/l acetate buffer (pH 6.2) at a ratio of55:45. 68Ge contamination of the [68Ga]-DOTA-PESINpreparation was determined by gamma counting after adecay period of ≥30 h.

Binding affinity and receptor subtype profile

Using [125I-D-Tyr4]BN as a GRP-R preferring ligand, theIC50 values of [natGa/natLu]-DOTA-PESIN were measuredin competitive binding experiments performed with in-creasing concentrations of natGa/natLu-labelled peptides insuccessive tissue sections containing tumours expressingGRP-R [29].

The binding affinity profile for the three BN receptorsubtypes was determined as described in detail previously[11, 30]. Human tumours were selected that have previ-ously been shown to express predominantly one single BNreceptor subtype. IC50 values were determined in compet-itive binding experiments performed with increasingamounts of natGa/natLu-DOTA-PESIN using [125I-D-Tyr6,β-Ala11, Phe13, Nle14]BN(6–14) as universal radioligand.

Cell culture

PC-3 cells (ECACC, Wiltshire SP4 OJG, UK) were culturedin DMEM. DMEM was supplemented with vitamins,

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essential and non-essential amino acids, L-glutamine, anti-biotics (penicillin/streptomycin), fungicide [amphotericin B(Fungizone)] and 10% FCS.

Internalisation and efflux studies

Internalisation and externalisation experiments were per-formed in six-well plates as described previously [17].Briefly, approximately 3 kBq (0.25 pmol) of [177Lu/67Ga]-DOTA-PESIN was added to PC-3 cell-containing incuba-tion medium (0.5–1×106 cells per well) and incubatedat 37°C in a 5% CO2 environment at different time points(0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 6 h). A large excess of [GaIII]-DOTA-PESIN (0.4 μmol/l, 150 μl) was used to determinenon-specific internalisation. At each time point, the internal-isation was stopped by removal of the medium followed bywashing the cells with ice-cold solution composed of 0.9%NaCl/0.01 mol/l Na2HPO4/0.01 mol/l KH2PO4 (pH 7.2).Cells were then treated (twice) with glycine buffer(0.05 mol/l glycine solution, pH adjusted to 2.8 with1 mol/l HCl) for 5 min to distinguish between cellsurface-bound (acid buffer removable) and internalised(acid-resistant) radioligand. Finally, cells were detachedfrom the plates by incubation with 1 mol/l NaOH for10 min at 37°C, and the radioactivity was measured in agamma counter. The percentage of added activity permillion cells (% of total) was calculated for internalisationat each time point.

For externalisation studies, PC-3 cells were allowed tointernalise [177Lu/67Ga]-DOTA-PESIN for 2 h; they werethen exposed to an acid wash, as described in the internal-isation experiments, to dissociate the cell surface-boundradioligand. Then 1 ml of culture medium (1% FCS) wasadded to each well, the cells were incubated at 37°C in a5% CO2 environment and the externalisation of the cell-incorporated radioactivity was studied at different times.The culture medium was collected and measured for ra-dioactivity. The percentage of total internalised radiotracerwas calculated for efflux.

Biodistribution experiments in PC-3 tumour-bearingnude mice

After a slight anaesthesia with isoflurane in an air/oxygenmixture, athymic nude female mice (Harlan, the Nether-lands) were implanted subcutaneously on the right flankwith about 10 million PC-3 tumour cells, which werefreshly expanded in 100 μl sterilised PBS solution.

Seven to ten days after inoculation the tumours weighed60–130 mg and the mice were injected via the tail vein with10 pmol radiolabelled peptide (about 0.12 MBq [67Ga]-DOTA-PESIN), diluted in 0.9% NaCl (0.1% BSA, pH 7.4,total injected volume 100 μl). For the determination of non-

specific uptake in the tumour and receptor-positive organs,a group of four animals was injected with a mixture of10 pmol radiolabelled peptide/50 μg [GaIII]-DOTA-PESINin 0.9% NaCl solution (injected volume, 150 μl). To studythe biodistribution of [67Ga]-DOTA-PESIN, mice weresacrificed at 1, 4 and 24 h post injection; the organs ofinterest were collected, rinsed of excess blood, blotted,weighed and counted in a γ-counter. The percentage ofinjected activity per gram (%IA/g) was calculated for eachtissue. The total counts injected per animal were determinedby extrapolation from counts of an aliquot taken from theinjected solution as a standard. For the biodistribution studyof [177Lu]-DOTA-PESIN, mice were sacrificed at 4, 24, 48and 72 h post injection.

To study the influence of lysine, 15 mg lysine was co-injected with 10 pmol [67Ga]-DOTA-PESIN in 150 μl, andthe animals were sacrificed at 4 h post injection.

Biodistribution studies with [67Ga]-DOTA-PESIN werealso performed at the German Cancer Research Centreunder conditions of PET imaging with [68Ga]-DOTA-PESIN. Six- to 8-week-old female Swiss CD1 nu/nu micewere inoculated with a PC-3 tumour in the right flank.Eleven to thirteen days later, tumours weighing 70–175 mgwere ready for experiment. Fifteen pmol (0.61 MBq)[67Ga]-DOTA-PESIN was injected into the lateral tail vein.Mice were sacrificed at 1 h p.i. and organs of interestcollected for measurement as described previously [31].

PET imaging with [68Ga]-DOTA-PESIN

PET imaging was performed on a Siemens ECAT EXACTHR+ scanner (Siemens/CTI, Knoxville, TN, USA), andPET data were acquired in 3D mode and reconstructediteratively with a full 3D algorithm from a 256×256 matrixfor viewing transaxial, coronal and sagittal slices of0.57 mm thickness. Pixel size was 1.14 mm and transaxialresolution obtained was 2.8 mm. For imaging studies, anawake female CD1 nu/nu mouse that was inoculated with aPC-3 tumour on the right flank was lightly restrained andinjected with 1.94 MBq, 15 pmol [68Ga]-DOTA-PESIN viaa lateral tail vein. One hour later the mouse wasanaesthetised with isoflurane in an air/oxygen mixture andsacrificed, then positioned in the tomograph symmetricallyin the centre of the field of view. Acquisition of PET datawas obtained with a 30-min emission and a 10-mintransmission scan.

Scintigraphy with [177Lu]-DOTA-PESIN

Scintigraphic imaging of PC-3 tumour xenografts wasperformed on a PRISM 2000 XP camera. Two mice wereinoculated with a PC-3 tumour on the right hind leg. After16 days the tumours had grown enough for imaging. Both

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animals were lightly restrained and injected with 13.5 MBq,0.32 nmol [177Lu]-DOTA-PESIN via a lateral tail vein; oneof them was co-injected with 50 μg [GaIII]-DOTA-PESIN.Four hours after injection, the animals were anaesthetisedwith isoflurane in an air/oxygen mixture and positioned onthe head of the camera symmetrically in the centre of thefield of view while anaesthesia was monitored by observingthe breath frequency. Scans were taken 15 min afteranaesthesia at 4, 24, 48 and 72 h post injection.

All animal experiments were performed in compliancewith the Swiss regulations for animal treatment (Bundesamtfür Veterinärwesen, approval no. 789), or with the Germanlaws for the protection of animals.

Statistical analysis

Data are expressed as mean ± SD, which were calculated onMicrosoft Excel. Student’s t test (Origin 6, MicrocalSoftware, Inc., Northampton, MA) was used to determinestatistical significance at the 95% confidence level withp<0.05 being considered significantly different.


Synthesis and radiolabelling

DOTA-PESIN (Fig. 1) was synthesised using Fmocstrategy, affording yields of 45% based on the removal ofthe first Fmoc group; the purity analysed by HPLC was≥97%. DOTA-PESIN and [GaIII/LuIII]-DOTA-PESIN werecharacterised by electrospray and MALDI TOFF massspectrometry. Radiolabelled DOTA-PESIN was prepared byincubation with 67/68GaCl3 or

177LuCl3 at elevated temper-ature. The labelling yield of [67/68Ga]-DOTA-PESIN was≥98% at specific activities of >129 GBq μmol−1 for 68Gaand >12 GBq μmol−1 for 67Ga, respectively. The radiolyticoxidation of methionine in [177Lu]-DOTA-PESIN wasabout 2% when the specific activity was ≤11.6 GBq μmol−1

and reached 26% at 60 GBq μmol−1. With optimisation ofthe labelling conditions, labelling yields of ≥95% of[177Lu]-DOTA-PESIN were achieved at a specific activityof >85 GBq μmol-1 in the presence of 400 μg methionineper 370 MBq 177Lu.

Receptor binding affinity and profile

Table 1 shows the GRP-R binding affinities of DOTA-PESIN and its respective metallopeptides to human cancertissue overexpressing GRP-R, as determined by a compet-itive binding assay using [125I-Tyr4]BN as radioligand. Onthe human GRP-R, the IC50 values were 9.5±3.4 nmol/l forDOTA-PESIN and 6.1±3.0 nmol/l and 6.6±0.1 nmol/l forthe LuIII- and GaIII-complexed peptides, respectively. Therewas no significant difference on the mouse GRP-R.

[GaIII]-DOTA-PESIN and [LuIII]-DOTA-PESIN werealso studied with respect to the BN receptor subtype profileusing human cancer tissue shown to express predominantlya single BN receptor subtype. Using [125I-D-Tyr6, β-Ala11,Phe13, Nle14]BN(6–14) as radioligand, the binding studiesshowed good binding affinities to NMB-R and GRP-R, andno affinity to BB3-R.

Internalisation and efflux studies

Internalisation of both radiopeptides was followed for 6 h.Both 177Lu- and 67Ga-labelled DOTA-PESIN showedspecific and time-dependent cell uptake, reaching 39.1±1.1% and 43.7±1.8% of the total amount added to themedium, respectively, after 6 h of incubation at 37°C(Fig. 2). Within the first 2 h of incubation [177Lu]-DOTA-PESIN internalised somewhat faster than [67Ga]-DOTA-PESIN but after 4 h there was no statistical difference. Theefflux kinetics (Fig. 3) showed a cellular retention of 52.5±1.6% of the total internalised activity 20 h after start ofefflux for both radiopeptides.

Animal biodistribution studies

Biodistribution studies using the 67Ga/177Lu-labelled pep-tides were performed with athymic nude female micebearing the PC-3 human prostate tumour; the results arepresented in Tables 2 and 3 as percentage of injectedactivity per gram of tissue (%IA/g).

According to Table 2, [67Ga]-DOTA-PESIN and [177Lu]-DOTA-PESIN (data in parentheses in the following)displayed rapid blood clearance from the PC-3-bearingmice, with 0.47±0.06 %IA/g at 1 h and 0.11±0.04 (0.04±0.01) %IA/g at 4 h post injection. Both radiotracers were







HN Gln-Trp-Ala-Val-Gly-His-Leu-Met-NH2


Fig. 1 Structural formula ofDOTA-PESIN

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quickly washed out from the GRP-R-negative tissuesexcept the kidneys. [67Ga/177Lu]-DOTA-PESIN alsoshowed high uptake in the human prostate tumourxenograft and in the mouse GRP-R-positive organs, e.g. at4 h the tumour uptake was 8.77±1.88 (7.46±1.64) %IA/gand the pancreas uptake 43.8±6.9 (39.0±4.9) %IA/g. Invivo competition experiments (Table 2) involving co-injection of 50 μg [GaIII]-DOTA-PESIN with [67Ga]-DOTA-PESIN resulted in a >94% reduction of uptake inthe tumour and also in a reduction of uptake in other GRP-R-positive organs, e.g. >95% in the pancreas and 97% inthe pituitary, 83–85% in the adrenals, spleen and bowel,and 78% in the stomach, showing specific receptor-mediated uptake in these tissues. The injection of theblocking dose had no significant influence on the uptake inother non-target organs whereas it led to a somewhatdecreased kidney uptake. Co-injection of lysine did notreduce the kidney uptake, and the ratio between tumour andkidney remained almost unchanged. The impact of theblocking dose on biodistribution of [177Lu]-DOTA-PESINcan be seen from the scans shown in Fig. 6.

Due to the rapid clearance from the body, high tumour-to-background ratios were found (Table 3). These ratiosincreased with time. For instance, the ratios of [67Ga]-DOTA-PESIN between tumour and blood (muscle) variedfrom 31 (62) to 211 (237) during 1 h to 24 h post injection;for [177Lu]-DOTA-PESIN, the respective ratios were 201(147) at 4 h, 215 (387) at 24 h and 715 (486) at 72 h postinjection. Both radiotracers also displayed high tumour-to-kidney and tumour-to-liver ratios (in parentheses): 2.4–2.6(22–23) for the 67Ga-labelled and 1.7–3.6 (36–52) for the177Lu-labelled peptide.

The pharmaco*kinetics (Fig. 4) of [67Ga]-DOTA-PESINshows the potential to visualise the tumour very early owingto the high initial accumulation, which reached 14.8±2.4 %IA/g at 1 h p.i. (9.40±1.39 %IA/g with an injected dose of15 pmol and a different mouse strain), decreased to 8.77±1.88 %IA/g at 4 h and was still 6.76±0.29 %IA/g at 24 h.[177Lu]-DOTA-PESIN also displayed a high uptake in thetumour and a relatively slow washout: 7.46±1.64 %IA/gat 4 h, 5.81±0.40 %IA/g at 24 h, 4.05±0.23 %IA/g at

Table 1 IC50 values for metallated DOTA-PESIN when competed with [125I-Tyr4]BN against the human and mouse GRP-R and affinity profilesusing [125I-Tyr6, β-Ala11, Phe13, Nle14]BN(6–14)

Compound Human GRP-R Mouse GRP-R BN receptor subtypes


DOTA-PESIN 9.5±3.4 (3) ND ND ND ND[LuIII]-DOTA-PESIN 6.1±3.0 (3) ND 15.0±4.0 (2) 8.3±1.7 (2) >1,000 (2)[GaIII]-DOTA-PESIN 6.6±0.1 (3) 7.0±1.2 (3) 12.5±0.5 (2) 10.0±0.0 (2) >1,000 (2)

IC50 values (nmol/l±SE) are in triplicates. Numbers of independent studies are listed in parenthesesND not determined

0 1 2 3 4 5 60






% s


fic in




n of



Incubation time (h)


Fig. 2 Internalisation of 67Ga-labelled (■) and 177Lu-labelled (○)DOTA-PESIN into PC-3 cells. Data are from two independentexperiments with triplicates in each experiment and are expressed as% specific internalisation of total activity added to the medium

0 5 10 15 20







% e




n of


l int





Incubation time (h)


Fig. 3 Externalisation of 67Ga-labelled (■) and 177Lu-labelled (○)DOTA-PESIN from PC-3 cells. Cells were allowed to internalise for2 h. Data are from two independent experiments with triplicates ineach experiment and are expressed as % specifically externalised oftotal activity internalised added to the medium

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48 h and 2.43±0.12 %IA/g at 72 h. In the pancreas,[177Lu]-DOTA-PESIN was released faster than the 67Ga-labelled peptide. In addition, the release of [177Lu]-DOTA-PESIN from the pancreas and kidneys was faster than fromthe tumour, leading to an increasing tumour-to-organ ratiowith time.

PET imaging

Iteratively reconstructed PET images of PC-3 tumourxenografts with [68Ga]-DOTA-PESIN (1.94 MBq, 15 pmol)were performed at 1 h post injection (Fig. 5). The PC-3tumour was located in the thoracic wall, and wasperceptible with clear contrast from the adjacent back-ground in the transaxial slices. Coronal slices distinctlyshow the tumour and kidneys. Sagittal slices demon-strate that [68Ga]-DOTA-PESIN accumulates predomi-

nantly in the PC-3 tumour, pancreas and kidneys. Theresults of direct tissue counting and of PET imaging wereconsistent.


Figure 6 shows the scintigraphic imaging of PC-3 tumourxenografts with [177Lu]-DOTA-PESIN (left: unblocked;right: blocked with 50 μg [GaIII]-DOTA-PESIN). Imagingwas performed at 4, 24, 48 and 72 h after injection. In theblocked mouse the tumour could not be visualised and onlythe kidneys were visible, whereas the PC-3 tumour of thenon-blocked mouse was visualised with clear contrast fromthe adjacent background at all time points. Prominentuptake was also observed in the pancreas and kidneys.The imaging kinetics showed that [177Lu]-DOTA-PESINwas preferably retained in the tumour rather than in the

Table 2 Biodistribution analysis (%IA/g ± SD) of 67Ga and 177Lu-labelled DOTA-PESIN in PC-3 tumour-bearing nude mice

Site 67Gaa 67Gab 177Lub

1 h 1 h 4 h 4 h blockedc 4 h lysined 4 h

Blood 0.556±0.120 0.471±0.060 0.108±0.041 0.103±0.029 0.235±0.012 0.037±0.011Muscle 0.160±0.046 0.243±0.170 0.042±0.008 0.043±0.004 0.068±0.014 0.051±0.015Adrenals NC 20.6±2.1 15.8±3.2 2.80±2.59 16.1±2.4 15.3±3.4Pancreas 47.7±4.7 65.3±8.7 43.8±6.9 2.26±2.00 54.8±8.3 39.0±4.9Spleen 2.62±0.28 2.67±0.47 2.25±0.16 0.48±0.05 2.36±0.10 2.55±0.55Kidney 4.27±0.66 6.27±0.94 3.36±0.47 2.09±0.27 4.67±0.97 4.67±0.78Stomach NC 4.77±0.65 1.72±0.86 0.39±0.28 2.39±0.21 1.68±0.43Bowel 7.23±0.66 7.41±0.79 3.65±1.55 0.57±0.47 5.75±1.21 3.77±1.30Liver 0.50±0.10 0.64±0.15 0.41±0.06 0.44±0.15 0.37±0.03 0.21±0.04Lung 0.60±0.12 0.69±0.16 0.41±0.16 0.19±0.05 0.22±0.03 0.10±0.04Heart NC 0.31±0.08 0.06±0.01 0.06±0.01 0.12±0.01 0.06±0.01Bone 0.35±0.06 0.60±0.20 0.40±0.14 0.22±0.10 0.62±0.07 0.48±0.06Pituitary NC 18.7±9.8 3.35±1.62 0.09±0.08 3.07±0.77 3.44±0.53Tumour 9.40±1.39 14.8±2.5 8.77±1.88 0.52±0.21 8.87±1.1 7.46±1.63

Results are the mean of groups of four to eight miceNC not collecteda PC-3 tumour-bearing CD nude mice were used for the biodistribution of 15 pmol (0.61 MBq) [67 Ga]-DOTA-PESINb 10 pmol [67 Ga/177 Lu]-DOTA-PESIN was injected to PC-3 tumour-bearing athymic nude micec Blocked by co-injection of 50 μg [GaIII ]-DOTA-PESINd Co-injection of 15 mg lysine per mouse

Table 3 Radioactivity ratiosbetween PC-3 tumour andother organs of 67Ga- and177Lu-labelled DOTA-PESINin PC-3 tumour-bearing femaleathymic nude mice [8≥n≥4]

Tumour-to-blocked tumour ra-tio (4 h)=16.9

Time (h) Blood Muscle Kidney Liver

67Ga 177Lu 67Ga 177Lu 67Ga 177Lu 67Ga 177Lu

1 31 62 2.4 234 81 201 209 147 2.6 1.7 22 3624 211 215 237 387 2.4 2.5 23 4348 476 488 3.1 5272 715 486 3.6 48

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pancreas and kidneys. These imaging results are consistentwith biodistribution data (Fig. 4).


We report on the development of a radiopeptide which canbe used in SPECT (67Ga), PET (68Ga) and targetedradionuclide therapy (177Lu) of BN receptor-positivetumours such as prostate and breast cancer or gastrointes-tinal stromal tumours. As part of a small library of peptides,which differ by the spacer between the chelate and thepharmacophoric peptide, DOTA-PEG4-BN(7–14) appearedto have promising properties in terms of a relatively hightumour-to-kidney and tumour-to-liver ratio. Therefore wedecided to study this peptide in depth after labelling with

67Ga, 68Ga and 177Lu with the aim of introducing theseradiopeptides into the clinic. DOTA (1,4,7,10-tetraazacy-clododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid) was chosen as che-lator since it forms M3+ complexes with high in vitro and invivo stability [32]. PEG4 (15-amino-4,7,10,13-tetraoxapen-tadecanoic acid) was chosen as spacer and pharmaco*kineticmodifier. Very long PEG-based spacers (>3,000 D) cou-pled to peptides or antibodies appear to decrease thebinding affinity of these biomolecules to their receptorsand to lower the rate of internalisation significantly, asshown by Rogers et al. using a [64Cu]-DOTA-PEG-BN(7–14) derivative [33]. Smaller versions do not seem tohave a sufficient influence on the pharmaco*kinetics andhydrophilicity [31, 33].

The presented peptide was synthesised on solid phasewith an overall yield of >45%. 68Ga labelling was straight-

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 700









0 10 20 30 40 50 60 700










0 10 20 30 40 50 60 700












PC-3 tumour

Time (h)


Fig. 4 Kinetics of 67Ga-labelled (■) and 177Lu-labelled (○) DOTA-PESIN in PC-3 tumour-bearing mice (left, pancreas; middle, PC-3 tumour;right, kidney)

Fig. 5 Iteratively reconstructedPET images of PC-3 tumourxenograft with [68Ga]-DOTA-PESIN (1.94 MBq, 15 pmol)performed at 1 h post injection.The transaxial slice shows thePC-3 tumour (right flank) to belocated in the thoracic wall. Thecoronal slice shows a cleardistinction between tumour andkidneys. The sagittal slicedemonstrates that [68Ga]-DOTA-PESIN accumulatespredominantly in thePC-3 tumour, pancreasand kidneys

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forward and afforded high radiochemical yields at areasonable specific activity of ≥130 GBq μmol-1, whichallowed production of good PET images at 1 h postinjection. Sagittal slices clearly showed that [68Ga]-DOTA-PESIN mainly localises the PC-3 tumour, the GRP receptor-positive pancreas and the kidneys.

Binding studies using the GRP receptor ligand [125I-Tyr4]BN revealed medium affinity of [GaIII]-DOTA-PESINand [LuIII]-DOTA-PESIN to the human GRP receptor andno difference between human and mouse GRP receptors, atleast for [GaIII]-DOTA-PESIN. The affinity to the threehuman BN receptor subtypes using the universal radio-ligand [125I-D-Tyr6, β-Ala11, Phe13, Nle14]BN(6–14)showed that both metallopeptides have good to moderateaffinity to the GRP and the NMB receptor and no affinity tothe BB3 receptor. The affinities are about ten times lowerthan those of truncated BN(7–14) and intact BN derivativescoupled to bifunctional tetra-amines, which show IC50

values between 0.2 and 2 nmol/l to the GRP receptor and,with one exception, also to the NMB receptor. The best ofthe 99mTc-labelled compounds have Kd values and IC50

values below 1 nmol/l [19]. There was no significantdifference in affinity between the peptides metallated withGa3+ or Lu3+. This is in contrast to DOTA-octreotidederivatives; these conjugates show a distinctly improvedbinding affinity when labelled with radiogallium [32, 34].

The rate of internalisation into PC-3 cells was similar forthe two radiopeptides and somewhat more efficient than theinternalisation of the panbombesin ligands studied previ-ously in the same assay and under the same conditions [17].This similarity does not reflect the distinct difference inbinding affinity. The high rate of internalisation of the tworadiopeptides indicates that they are agonists.

Efflux curves of [67Ga]-DOTA-PESIN and [177Lu]-DOTA-PESIN from the PC-3 cells after 2 h of internal-isation are essentially identical and their half-lives are≥20 h, which is much longer than those of the panbombesinderivatives. Efflux studies were also performed with [177Lu-DOTA-Aoc]BN(7–14) but only up to 2 h [18]. Within thistime period the two compounds behave similarly. [67Ga-DOTA0-PEG2, D-Tyr

6, β-Ala11, Thi13, Nle14]BN(7–14) andthe corresponding 177Lu-labelled radiopeptide externalise

Fig. 6 Scintigraphic images of[177Lu]-DOTA-PESIN in PC-3tumour-bearing mice at 4, 24, 48and 72 h post injection(13.5 MBq, blocked with 50 μg[GaIII]-DOTA-PESIN. Left,unblocked; right, blocked)

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with a somewhat different rate (t1/2 (67Ga)=16.5±2.4 h; t1/2

(177Lu)=12.8±1.4 h) [31]. A prolonged intracellular reten-tion is of importance if long-lived radionuclides are to beused in therapy studies.

After administration of [67Ga/177Lu]-DOTA-PESIN,clearance from the circulation was fast and whole bodyclearance proceeded via the urinary system, unlike thepositively charged 99mTc-N4-labelled BN analogues, whichare partly excreted via the hepatobiliary tract [19, 27].Clearance from GRP receptor-negative tissues was alsorapid except from the kidneys.

Initially, tumour uptake was very high (14.8% IA/g at1 h), approaching the uptake of the best radiopeptidesstudied so far in the PC-3 tumour model [27]. This newradiopeptide has a high tumour-to-liver ratio which maymake it even somewhat superior to the best 99mTc-labelledpeptides [19]. The uptake in tumour, pancreas, intestine andpituitary was specific and receptor mediated, as shown bythe co-injection of cold peptide, indicating that these organsare also GRP receptor positive. Unlike others [16, 35, 36]we also found a decrease in the kidney uptake when apeptide-blocking dose was administered, whereas a sub-stantial reduction in kidney uptake upon blocking was alsoshown recently by use of an 18F-labelled Lys3-BNderivative [37]. The fast background clearance of theradiogallium peptide renders [68Ga]-DOTA-PESIN an idealradiotracer for PET imaging. The relatively fast initialwashout from the tumour may be explained by radioligandnot being internalised and being metabolised during itspresence in the tumour compartment.

The structural entities which confer the suitable pharma-co*kinetic properties to this molecule most likely reside inthe PEG4 spacer. Preliminary data using shorter and longerspacers indicate that PEG4 has an optimal length. The lackof affinity to the BB3 receptor may be advantageous as thisorphan receptor is expressed in the human pancreas.


Despite the relatively low binding affinity of [LuIII, GaIII]-DOTA-PESIN the corresponding radiopeptides show suit-able pharmaco*kinetics in the PC-3 tumour-bearing mousemodel, with high tumour uptake and relatively slowwashout from the tumour. The radiopeptides show superiortumour-to-liver and suitable tumour-to-kidney ratios incomparison with our earlier published radiopeptides andeven with the best 99mTc-labelled BN analogues. Thisrenders the new peptides suitable for clinical studies.

Acknowledgements We thank the Swiss National Science Founda-tion (Grant No. 3100A0-100390) and the European Network ofExcellence ‘EMIL’ (European Molecular Imaging Laboratories, GrantNo. 503569) for financial support of this work and Novartis Basel foranalytical support.


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