Progress Report Information: Grade 2 (2024)

Grade 2 Information for Parents and Guardians

The information below helps you understand how the curriculum your child is learning aligns to the progress report standards. The items listed under each standard outline the content students learn over the course of the year. Not all standards will be taught each quarter. Content not taught in a particular classroom or school (e.g., band, strings, World Languages) will be marked as “nt” (not taught) on the progress report.


Listens and speaks for specific purposes

  • Learns and uses new vocabulary that reflects content, interests, and knowledge
  • Gives and follows three and four-step directions
  • Creates and shares stories or information with an audience
  • Participates in group and dramatic activities
  • Retells information shared by others
  • Uses correct verb tenses, synonyms, and antonyms in oral communication
  • Begins to self-correct errors

Locates and uses information from a variety of sources

  • Locates information in reference materials to answer questions
  • Uses tables of contents, pictures, captions, and charts
  • Generates ideas before writing
  • Locates information to answer questions
  • Includes a beginning, middle, and end in writing
  • Expands writing to include descriptive detail
  • Stays on topic

Reads with accuracy and fluency

  • Uses sound-letter relationships and vowel patterns to read words
  • Reads multisyllabic words
  • Reads stories, poems, and passages with accuracy, expression, and phrasing

Reads with understanding

  • Uses knowledge of word parts and sentence structure to read unfamiliar words
  • Rereads and self-corrects
  • Establishes a purpose for reading
  • Makes, confirms, and supports predictions and connects reading to own experiences
  • Asks questions and locates information to answer questions
  • Identifies the problem, solution, and main idea
  • Summarizes stories and events in the correct sequence
  • Draws conclusions based on what was read in text

Uses available technology

Writes with purpose, clarity, and expression

  • Generates ideas before writing
  • Writes stories and informational text with a beginning, middle, and end
  • Stays on topic
  • Uses descriptive words and details
  • Revises by adding and deleting information
  • Uses available technology

Edits for usage and mechanics in own writing

  • Capitalizes proper nouns, beginning of a sentence, and the word I
  • Uses appropriate punctuation, including periods, commas, and apostrophes
  • Uses complete sentences
  • Uses correct grammar in sentences
  • Uses correct spelling for commonly used words
  • Uses available technology


Explains how the people and events of the past have influenced the present

  • Demonstrates knowledge of United States history by describing important developments and innovations including communication and transportation
  • Compares the lives and contributions of American Indian cultures of the past and present, with emphasis on: Powhatan of the Eastern Woodlands, Lakota of the Plains, and Pueblo peoples of the Southwest
  • Describe how the contributions of selected individuals changed the lives of Americans with emphasis on: Christopher Columbus, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington Carver, Helen Keller, Thurgood Marshall, Rosa Parks, Jackie Robinson, Cesar Chavez, and Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • Describe why United States Citizens celebrate major holidays including: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, George Washington Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veteran’s Day, and Thanksgiving Day
  • Describes explorations of Columbus, Ponce de León, Cartier, and Newport

Reads maps and understands the impact of geography on culture

  • Locate and describe the relationship between the environment and culture of American Indians
  • Locates regions of Powhatan, Lakota, and Pueblo Indians
  • Describes how people in different regions related to environment
  • Recognizes the equator, Prime Meridian, hemispheres, seven continents and five oceans on a map
  • Locates the United States major rivers, mountain ranges, lakes, and other physical features on a map and globe
  • Recognizes regions in America explored by Columbus, Cartier, etc.
  • Constructs simple maps using a title, map legend, and compass rose

Recognizes the structure of government and the relationship among rules, laws, and becoming a good citizen

  • Respects and protects the rights and property of others
  • Takes part in the voting process when making classroom decisions
  • Describes actions that can improve the school and community
  • Demonstrate self-discipline and self-reliance
  • Practice honesty and trustworthiness
  • Explain the purpose of rules and laws
  • Understand that people of the United States make contributions to their communities, are united as Americans by common principals, and have the individual right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as well as equity under the law
  • Understands that people vote to elect government officials
  • Understand and explain the meaning of symbols and traditional practices that honor and foster patriotism in the United States (American flag, bald eagle, Washington Monument, Statue of Liberty)
  • Learn the words to and meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance

Understands economic concepts and the impact of economics on culture

  • Describes natural, human, and capital resources
  • Distinguishes between the use of bartering and the use of money in exchange for goods and services
  • Explains that scarcity requires people to make choices


Represents numbers accurately and understands number relationships

  • Reads, writes, and identifies the place value of each digit in a three-digit number
  • Rounds two-digit numbers to the nearest ten
  • Compares two whole numbers between 0 and 999
  • Identifies and writes the ordinal numbers first through twentieth
  • Identifies, writes, and compares fractions using a model
  • Counts forward by twos, fives, and tens to 100
  • Counts backward by tens from 100
  • Recognizes even and odd numbers

Computes numbers with fluency, makes reasonable estimates

  • Recalls addition and subtraction facts to 20
  • Estimates and finds the sum of two numbers (99 or less)
  • Estimates and finds the difference of two numbers (99 or less)
  • Creates and solves addition and subtraction problems using data
  • Recognizes and describes the relationship between addition and subtraction

Measures with accuracy and estimates measurements

  • Counts and compares a collection of coins that is $2.00 or less
  • Correctly uses symbols related to money
  • Estimates and measures length to the nearest centimeter and inch
  • Estimates and measures weight/mass in pounds, ounces, kilograms, and grams
  • Estimates and measures liquid volume in pints, quarts, gallons, and liters
  • Tells and writes time to the nearest five minutes
  • Determines past and future days of the week
  • Identifies specific days and dates on a given calendar
  • Reads temperature on Celsius and Fahrenheit thermometer to nearest ten degrees

Analyzes characteristics of geometric figures and demonstrates an understanding of spatial relationships

  • Draws a line of symmetry in a figure
  • Identifies and creates symmetrical figures
  • Identifies, describes, compares, and contrasts two dimensional and three dimensional geometric shapes

Uses data to describe, interpret, and predict events

  • Constructs and analyzes data using picture graphs, pictographs, and bar graphs
  • Uses data from experiments to predict outcomes of repeated experiments

Represents situations and relationships with algebraic symbols

  • Identifies, creates, and extends a wide variety of patterns
  • Solves problems involving basic facts and complete numerical sentence
  • Demonstrates an understanding of equality


Investigates and demonstrates understanding of the natural world in a systematic way like a scientist and applies these skills and knowledge to solve problems

  • Makes observations, predictions, and forms questions
  • Differentiates observations from personal interpretation
  • Repeats observations to ensure accuracy
  • Classifies items using two or more characteristics or properties
  • Makes measurements in metric units and standard English units
  • Measures time using both digital and analog clocks
  • Makes inferences
  • Collects and records data; constructs picture and bar graphs with numbered axes
  • Analyzes data; recognizes unexpected or unusual quantitative data
  • Draws conclusions from investigations
  • Communicates observations and data
  • Constructs simple physical models to clarify explanations
  • Applies science content to current issues and applications

Demonstrates understanding of the concepts of physical science including matter, force, motion, and energy
Investigates and understands the following:

  • magnetism, iron, magnetic/nonmagnetic, poles, attract/repel
  • applications of magnetism (magnetic compass)
  • characteristics of solids, liquids, and gases
  • mass and volume of solids and liquids
  • changes in phases of matter

Demonstrates understanding of the concepts of life science including life processes and living systems
Investigates and understands the following:

  • animals and plant life cycles
  • living organisms are interdependent with their surroundings
  • animal’s habitat includes food, water, shelter, space
  • habitats change over time due to many influences
  • important plant products; availability affects development
  • plants provide oxygen, homes, food, and prevents soil erosion

Demonstrates understanding of Earth’s patterns, cycles, changes, and Earth/Space Systems

  • Investigates and understands the following:
  • temperature, wind, precipitation, drought, flood, storms
  • effects of weather and seasonal changes on living things
  • importance of tracking and using weather data over time
  • weathering and erosion of the land surfaces


Acquires, interprets, and understands health concepts

  • Identify body systems
  • Identify food sources and healthy food and beverage choices
  • Identify communicable germs
  • Describe the effects of medicines, alcohol, and tobacco has on the body
  • Explain the importance of personal safety
  • Explain emotions associated with loss and grief
  • Identify teasing and bullying and describe situations involving conflict
  • Define self-image and identify how the media influences behaviors

Identifies valid and accurate health information, products, and services to make healthy decisions

  • Identify consequences of not caring for body systems
  • Describe how choices and habits affect body systems and health, identify positive choices
  • Identify the importance of regular health checkups and health records
  • Describe the effects of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco, and identify appropriate ways to take medicine
  • Describe and demonstrate refusal skills, strategies to object to teasing and bullying, conflict resolution, and cooperation
  • Explain ways to express emotions, needs, and wants appropriately
  • Describe trusted friends and adults
  • Describe how self-image influences success

Demonstrates appropriate health practices and behaviors to promote a safe and healthy community

  • Describe how heredity and dietary customs and traditions impact health and wellness
  • Design a meal and describe how to keep food safe from harmful germs
  • Demonstrate ways to prevent the spread of germs
  • Explain why ingesting or sniffing unknown substances is unsafe
  • Identify emergency resources and adults who can help with loss and grief
  • Develop strategies against teasing and bullying and resolving conflict
  • Identify ways to respect others
  • Describe environmental influences and how to protect the environment


Engages in the creative process to develop artworks and express meaning

  • Develops ideas for artworks before beginning
  • Reflects on art and art making by describing and explaining own artwork
  • Expresses personally relevant ideas in artworks

Applies art media and techniques appropriately to produce artworks

  • Uses a variety of art materials to produce artwork
  • Follows appropriate steps in art making
  • Uses art materials safely and appropriately
  • Demonstrates control and craftsmanship with art materials

Demonstrates an understanding of art by engaging with art history, culture, criticism, and aesthetics

  • Engages in discussions about artworks from different places and times to inform art making
  • Responds to own and other’s artwork
  • Uses art vocabulary appropriately to identify and describe artwork
  • Uses and applies knowledge from other subject areas when creating artwork


Develops and Demonstrates competency in motor skills

  • Demonstrate manipulative skills individually, with a partner, and with varying force
  • Demonstrate movement skills in educational gymnastics
  • Demonstrate moving to a rhythm
  • Demonstrate locomotor skills
  • Demonstrate and differentiate between jogging and running
  • Demonstrate jump rope skill with self-turn and long rope

Applies knowledge of fitness and active lifestyles to evaluate and plan for personal fitness

  • Describe the components of fitness; muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, cardiorespiratory endurance, and body composition
  • Identify one activity to promote each component of fitness
  • Identify opportunities to participate in physical activity outside of school

Demonstrates skills and behaviors leading to personal and group success in physical activity, both in and out of school

  • Identify activities enjoyed outside of physical education class
  • Identify on activity that is challenging and one way to improve
  • Demonstrate cooperative skills, safe participation, and identify two class safety rules

Demonstrates knowledge of the basic nutrition and fitness concepts of energy balance

  • Explain that dairy is important for bone growth
  • Identify healthy snack and hydration choices
  • Explain the components of being healthy


Develops and demonstrates skills in singing

  • Sing phrases and simple songs with increased accuracy
  • Sing with expression, using dynamics and tempo
  • Improvise vocally

Develops and demonstrates skills in playing instruments

  • Maintain an underlying steady beat while playing pitched and non-pitched classroom instruments
  • Maintain individual part while performing two-part instrumental compositions
  • Perform and improvise melodies, accompaniments and ostinati

Responds to music with movement

  • Maintain an underlying steady beat while moving to music
  • Perform and improvise movement to a wide variety of music
  • Demonstrate simple musical form
  • Participate in action songs, singing games, and dances

Describe music and music performances from a variety of styles periods and cultures with music terminology

  • Aurally and visually identify orchestral instruments
  • Identify selected compositions and composers from four periods of musical history
  • Collaborate with others in music performance



Category 1 & 2 Languages* (French, German, Spanish)

Communicates effectively in the target language in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes

  • Recognize repeated words, taglines, or short quotes from jingles, ads, movies, songs, rhymes, chants, or book titles, including content vocabulary
  • Read and understand a few individual words, taglines, or short quotes in children's songs, simple rhymes, poems, chants, or book titles, including content vocabulary
  • Follow classroom instructions, routines, and schedules when listening and reading
  • Greet and leave people in a polite way when speaking and writing
  • Ask and answer a few simple questions such as name and age, personal information, food, seasons, or any other content-related topic when speaking and writing
  • Use words and list/assign preference to items related to content when speaking and writing
  • Provide simple information related to content in other classes using a graphic organizer when speaking and writing

Interacts with cultural competence and understanding

  • Identify and name typical products and practices from native and other cultures, such as seasons, habitats, or school schedules

Category 3 & 4 Languages* (Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean)

Communicates effectively in the target language in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes

  • Recognize repeated words, taglines, or short quotes from jingles, ads, movies, songs, rhymes, chants, or book titles, including content vocabulary
  • Recognize a few individual words, taglines, or short quotes in children's songs, simple rhymes, poems, chants, or book titles, including content vocabulary
  • Follow classroom instructions and routines when listening and speaking
  • Greet peers and teachers when speaking and writing
  • Ask and answer a few simple questions when speaking and writing
  • Use words and list/assign preference to items related to content
  • Tell favorite foods to eat, places to visit, or games to play, or as related to content
  • Provide simple information related to content in other classes using a graphic organizer when speaking
  • Write letters of the alphabet, characters, simple words, or numbers related to content in other classes

Interacts with cultural competence and understanding

  • Identify and name typical products and practices from native and other cultures, such as seasons, habitats, or school schedules

*Language Categories 1, 2, 3, & 4 follow US Department of State Foreign Service Institute guidelines for language acquisition. Languages are placed into categories based on the level of difference from English, such as pronunciation and/or writing systems.


Category 1 & 2 Languages* (French, German, Spanish)

Communicates effectively in the target language in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes

  • Identify words, phrases and basic information related to personal everyday life and content taught when listening to familiar audio texts
  • Read and understand words, phrases and basic information related to personal everyday life and content taught from familiar texts
  • Exchange some personal and content information
  • Exchange personal and content information with patterned texts and simple sentences.
  • Present simple information with some details related to a content topic
  • Create simple texts with some details related to a familiar content topic

Interacts with cultural competence and understanding

  • Identify similarities and differences in everyday products and practices of own and other cultures when listening and reading
  • Exchange basic information, directions, or plans with teachers and peers while interacting through speaking and writing
  • Describe favorite activities during the school week, weekend, or vacation for oneself and for peers in other cultures when speaking and writing

Category 3 & 4 Languages* (Japanese, Korean)

Communicates effectively in the target language in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes

  • Identify words, phrases or basic information related to personal everyday life and content taught from familiar audio texts
  • Recognize words, phrases or simple facts related to content taught in picture-supported reading materials
  • Exchange some personal and content information
  • Exchange some personal and content information by creating lists
  • Present simple information with some details related to a content topic when speaking
  • Display very simple information related to content topics when writing

Interacts with cultural competence and understanding

  • Identify similarities and differences in everyday products and practices of own and other cultures while listening to audio texts
  • Identify products and practices of own and other cultures while reading
  • Exchange basic information, directions, or plans with teachers and peers while interacting through speaking
  • Correspond with multilingual staff to meet basic daily needs through text and pictures
  • Describe favorite activities during the school week, weekend, or vacation for oneself and for peers in other cultures when speaking
  • Create lists to rank favorite culturally relevant content items and compare them to other cultures when writing

*Language Categories 1, 2, 3, & 4 follow US Department of State Foreign Service Institute guidelines for language acquisition. Languages are placed into categories based on the level of difference from English, such as pronunciation and/or writing systems.

Progress Report Information: Grade 2 (2024)


What to say on progress report? ›

Achievement and Improvement - Improvement:
  • The independence of _____ is increasing.
  • _____ has steadily improved.
  • _____ has been steadily improving.
  • In ______, _____ has demonstrated a positive attitude toward wanting to improve.
  • _____ appears to be eager to learn more. ...
  • Academically, _____ is making steady progress.
Apr 4, 2022

What questions might be answered in progress reports? ›

Progress reports answer the following questions for the reader: How much of the work is complete? What part of the work is currently in progress? What work remains to be done?

What kind of information might be included in a progress report? ›

Project progress reports typically include: A summary of the work completed so far. New updates about the project. An expected project completion or phase completion date.

How do you write a progress report for a child? ›

How do you write a progress report for a preschool student? Include developmental achievements and any specific challenges the child has and discuss the progress they've been making. End by stating any goals and next steps and provide families with any resources or suggestions to support their child.

What is progress report in simple words? ›

A progress report is a report in which you are updating information about a project. Progress reports make it possible for management and clients to stay informed about a project and to change or adjust assignments, schedules, and budgets.

How to write a student progress report? ›

Here's a list of things to remember when creating a student progress report:
  1. Be clear and concise. Use language that the student or their parents won't misunderstand.
  2. Avoid educator jargon. ...
  3. Point out trends that may lead to future results, good or bad.
  4. Use specific examples to support your comments.

How to write a summary of progress? ›

How To Write A Project Progress Report
  1. Begin with the project overview. ...
  2. Define your target audience. ...
  3. Include an executive summary. ...
  4. Describe the project progress and health. ...
  5. Specify milestones. ...
  6. Flag current and potential obstacles. ...
  7. Use templates to create progress reports.
Sep 7, 2023

What are the six basic questions to be answered in a report? ›

by IAF Admin for IAF Library.

What are the three main parts of a progress report? ›

In other words, the following three sections are key in any progress memo or progress report:
  • Work accomplished in the preceding period(s)
  • Work currently being performed.
  • Work planned for the next period(s)

What should not be mentioned in a progress report? ›

Don't include too much static information about the background of the project. Do include the name of the sponsor and the project manager. Do keep the information to one page.

What does a good progress report look like? ›

The progress report should be project-centered, not syllabus- or assignment-centered. In other words, the progress report is a concise outline of your team findings and decisions. It is designed to give your supervisors a complete overview of your project work in as efficient a fashion as possible.

What information should be included in a report? ›

Report structures do vary among disciplines, but the most common structures include the following:
  • Title page. ...
  • Abstract (or Executive Summary in business reports) ...
  • Table of contents. ...
  • Introduction. ...
  • Methodology. ...
  • Discussion. ...
  • Conclusion/recommendations. ...
  • Appendices.

What is an example of a comment on student performance? ›

Positive Comments:

______ is consistently exceeding expectations in [his/her] coursework. ______ has shown a remarkable ability to tackle complex concepts. ______'s work ethic is commendable and sets a great example for peers. ______'s dedication to [his/her] studies is evident in [his/her] academic accomplishments.

What are positive comments for teachers evaluation? ›

Your instructional strategies effectively engage students, making learning a dynamic and enjoyable experience. We greatly appreciate your commitment to creating a positive and inclusive classroom environment. Your dedication to professional development contributes to your continuous growth, and this is commendable.

What are some examples of positive feedback for students? ›

39 positive comments to give students
  • You're an innovative and creative person. ...
  • You're an inspiration. ...
  • You've been an ideal student. ...
  • You're a fantastic listener. ...
  • You tackle issues and challenges with a positive, can-do attitude. ...
  • It's clear that you take pride in your work.
Oct 14, 2022

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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.