The Advertiser from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)

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The Advertiseri

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

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SPORTING NEWS AMUsem*nTS MR ROBERTS THE TRAMWAYS BILL THE WEATHER KIP GAI THE TUR on nut vi 535 hours 49 183 30 48 'iKHntf 38 Ki BLOOD COING TO WATER tor ata Private sail! CLIO I A nr 1 hnrly 1 ft 04 030 and did Tatiara and Lameroo 003 Amm arti aefahbocteod OR THE VOICE I THROAT! LUNGS I ImM Di Ade Hotel in Mr 415 3 M3 PlSfrlTOEw pro of Mr I BENEIT SOCIETIES Used in Hospitals and recommended by Docton PMd BUCHANANS Consultations (GEOBGE ADAMS HOBART TASMANIA) Bottled in Scotland A 34 38 fit 181 141 331 A S3 o3n Til JU MO A3 353 013 0 S3 a i acw 46 riendly at Port Hudson TUB ADTKBTHU BAROMKTCR 017 019 a 19 03S Gil 048 Tita 10imats Com loor Alter than could to 007 006 Leun JaniaBtown (lUiMooe Georgrtowe Narridy Redhill Spalding Gulnara Buodalra 050 043 050 this give 138 Iffi 108 047 040 Particularly recommended to sufferers from Coughs and Milk Emulsioin nutrient remedy eum Ar 7 the the 'BAROMETER AND THERMOMETER READINGS Dell PiirutetlWltea Prtwte A Aaht torteg a Goa Ptmte rrotro rstraro Mtooaoy ag To Cure Colds and Chest Complaints and 1 Strengthen the weak ILST1C1 THE CRITICISE!) Privett A A Bnutkell Private A QUiC DUUTTID August 2 ftm rises at AU an sets 5 13 pm Most hosth rat wtodo RAH REPORTS Aafnst 2 Rxlt htt Mln In 84 hours op to 9 Vttes Nil Smith Aostnltt Gene laHy light ott agricultural mat but moderate to tatvy at scattered places aouthero part mail total 4TO OAHRiaOM UridOMto 035 051 'M SMS i yStfif irfl other Oils ms Week 'tap Matsriala Hudaoa's Ewnentiol Jujubes' ara the Great Antiwptie Mr the Cure nf Coughs Onida Sore Thteett Hotnenra BmncWlfa and all Affectiana of the Throat and Lunrm and for the Prevention of Ctinmirtfcm ftrrl'i only in Has all Cbemfats price ia PU8wail54Al TASMANIAN PARCELS EXPRESS DELIVERY CO Booking ee psr Parcel 08 KING WILLIAM4TRKBT ADELAIDB 'i Swirtiist and meefc giewn on oar own pastarss U7 LAMB Export Season 1906 7 On all Sweeps on Ktcra ran after JAXUART 1 1906 the TASMANIAN GOEBJOCKTr STAMP TAX will be 2d on each 5 TICKET and id on each 10 TICKET stoat therefor add then amouuta to their rmlttaucw The TASMANIAN 00VKR5MEXT has AUTHORISED THE TRUSTEES at the Estate of the lata GEORGE ADAMS to carry on the LICENSE and conduct the Sweep BuatMW nadir ga aneat tor several yeara past Parrels nr be forwarded through any PARCELS DELIVERY CO 3oigg with BOBART or money nay be remitted through aay BANK in Austnlwh 002 007 040 040 stbjpml the Wood mhed io ray head and Uinied me dizzy Everything Lxykod hlnrred and I bad grab wliuU'vrr wax handy to kfi rnjHidi Crim tailing Nearly every week I gut a had bilious attack "Ah mv blood jttw tvonktr my whole health got lower" tend ks Alice Brown "Ail my nerve were on (lge and I wa horribly niii rt tempered Everything jairvil me i 1 felt would make bail I get a ink of deep rom 11 Olfl 045 0 45 OM NOW ROSIIILL CIT nm at BosehiH NSW September 15 50000 subs st 5T atch METROPOLITAN STAKES run at Randwick NSW Oct 1 100(00 sub at 52 each Mld TELD CT Run at Cai'lfleld Victoria October 90 100 ON) subs at 52 rh MELBOL RK'E CUP run at lemington Vic Nov 6 NOOOO subs at ii and 10 each Boom Enrcte Ctav 1 1 tiiWL pS fiqaad tatoh Cwwa i 4 AMtMo prwowtBBCT 'Melbourne i vJ Two full Mtm of thb eow three Tetra and Vtwe tomoM MBDMtMjr wia ibW gt wretchedly downhearted that that no ''lie wanted me and that I lie better ux ot the world Then io nutters wor' I got Nmiriteia very Sharp rtab of Xiin started in the port of mv face and shot mi tn of tnv head It was jtist a if RAINALL Rainfall for the 24 hours ended 0 bORTTIKRN Hawker Cradock Gordon Quarn Iort Augusta Port Augusta Ysra Pon Gerroein Port Pirie Cryutil Brook Port Broughton Bute Bruer Hammond Wilmington Whlowic Mlruse Dooleroo Centre Wires ba fl Magna "The tauuia fiotnwet" Spoksh highly of 1 and other leadior nrUxaititt Gtou makers to be atmrriidcLy pure ap4e foiea AREAS 0 05 om OS 0 025 006 004 010 The staff nf the South Australian will bold their Annual ball on riday ing Mr Edward Reeves and Mr I Mik heil's students' concert will be held ht the Vicuna Hail to morrow evemrg Savage will with vocal items excellent md eloiutiunary gramme has been arranged whitdi will rlude with dialogue "Breaking the by Mi Gertrude Ixwii and Mr Vank Wilkinson i )ti account of the inclemency of llw weather and the dihDcluiatu'D of pleaxurv seekiTs Ur leave their iirojdes the in nd nJ the Mittda Home i'U wiwk nundid children promoted by lite Mi Uliddim which win to have tweu held in the Town Hall on Turn! evening has been fiost pomd till next week At tne Norwood Hall on Tuesday Private Powell Private A A ftMtdUMkU Dvivft JenQiram Private BcwStt Pilrate Titt rate WUUmmob Prtrute JtfdaU 0 Betechsteia Privett 3 Oraj The annual meriimr ot the llindmanb Early nrp cricket 3ub was brid on Tueaday even ing Cbunoycr Dring premded The secretary i Mr Child) gave annual repork i kites plJnd 10 won 3 lust 6 drawn 1 High at butting avonge A Rimal 384 higt est towiLng average lAing 10 The trea surer (Mr Same) mentioned that thme wna a mall crelit Imtetxe ELcctiou of uQktn: Patron Uouscilkir Dring: presidsit Mr ui tun: vxt proidcnU Dr Cbombe Alderman King and Mr H1L (Xiorabe cielarr Mr 3k fnil'te: treasurer Hr steame delcg itea to iiedneday Atsncialton Keren 1ka and Ronhaln match ifnrniTtrv captain rire eaptcia and aecrecary Resolved that delegate vote fog conttnaKaon ot assoriaiicn and to sppy fnp uw of Unrfaay cirr Oval MirerA 1 Scntt Wtmatley and Stoarne wvm appointed a finance cvmmitte HOUSE COMMONS WHISKY is To the Editor ''if The admi aions ol hi Worship Mayor of Adelaide in his latest letter prac icady leave him seh corUewted to the charge of ignoring district councils re gards the present tramwav propositi With regard to the Meilxiunie Tramways and Onuiibiis Company tnot the Melbourne Tramways Trust! I have written the Mel bourne "Age" I the diter of the articles referred Ui which would have been in my letter had I a tile if that paper Io refer The Melbourne Tramways I rwt was firmcl in 1X83 nluni hu vear the cason is that the i Melbourne Tramways and Omnibus Com pany oivuuncd a vear (ease of tne am iwavs from the trust of winch year were allowed for corurtruction Thre com pany with a capital of t'WOOOO laid year paid as Dividend U) pw cent bonus 2J wr enl i apttal rcstor Uion fund another 10 ner cent or 221 tsm cenl dciir iNiekacbivM ktdjicv trouble lumhau'" Mialivu mninlgin tirnmiw fiilinu liw rs general ivenkno decline and th ulnetiis lbit nomen folk know By vtril in at the uw raita th" blood Pink airc all the weight ol 9 tons and uo the in gauge tDere are bogie waggons capable HO ions wictf a tare 1 tou whilst the lighter flirtinn oreA VlanfMiurt Lieutenant fill (Itocfcavod) I Boretr (Orrreoo) tavreu Mstfre Sertmnt Mojoe Vsjtfare tenant 3 pawl Tfott listennl) Pri (Blackwood) Private Sullivan AUGUST i 29" 190ft xZ 2TT TVr Vdnnrf I an OMreter tw MUM for a tprpcT mwat lunngTiMf in the UNITED KINGDOM and ySStatoSVSHIGifftT OBTAINABLE PRICES JtaOrtttem yore EXPORT LAMBS EARLY 94 Wunwll ihvrt Adelaide WSTEpROLOOICAL RETORT Bywopris i Vnten ihreugbaut: ftmt cWd in eatress sMrth weat clear elarwhere Strong sad gusty north east to voutb CMt vhtts kmoMh to alight aea Sonth Cold throughout clear and frosty northern ports cloudy with paimina ohowen MUthern South to southeast winds Smooth rough aea Central and Northern Gloreny and unrettled hetwra Tennant's Creek and Alievpetals ctvr elrewtecfe Strong wrath east wtedo Tamiaal Oucllj1 with hail in extreme southaae ctenr and rold elsewhere South rat to south wiwte Gale and very high al Eddystone Kew Routh Wales dear cold and ftottf Wtt to south wind Blight ate Brize No1 Soap uoiaU Light to heavy generally Tut to heavy New South Light wrath of the Mumambidgeo ORECASTS Vm tenet probable weather froua Tiaroday after eoua till Wedwentey night laned al I pj Ov Booth Still cold cloudy to ahomiaj especially over southern districts with aaetteiy winds but weather improving on Wed aoaday ver New South Wales (Misapplied by Mr Hunt) South west to south east winos becoming boister Takmg the dortor's medieiue was throwing money away bottle i wa worve off MISS ALICE DROWN ADELAIDE TOO WEAK TO WALK SICK BILIOUS HEADACHES HAL MAD WITH XEURAMMA WASTING AWAY IN A DECLINE DR BILLS ULL GOOD HEALTH TO DAY I fn 4rao4r rl il Lii lwi lew STVO lilt I i i i 8 i a 4 fl i i in rv tr iei av 01 wcriw 1 itnrted fret terrible It touk I I would lx iveak and nil my Ide I hen I read hw Dr il(vini Pink had i un a ii cxji dy like irnie so I got a fltppli from Gimnllwr the chemist in Tin li didn't 'erm to do any sr but I Tbr executive iwinmituv of the oteral Hem til Society belli a special meeting Addaid" un Muudav i rening Mr IL presided over 4 larg aiundanci? The reentary iMr Bray) gnw an explanation of lhe wortanir and object of thf society nxj hv Lentflte to be dvnvwi from membership adoll car didatre and eijdlt jrivtnilra pawed the medical ex amination and were admitted membetH of thesoci tv The silver medal sra proeiite i a Mr Hudnm for emfetf rendered to the Port branch JJ2 uel am rik' nw fl3 fSTt Lincoln rir 1 fravU bEwrrMBt Uwly Tape Rorda oir I aJi Willraighbv to'victor I Port Kltiot 2 Kingston Rohe flearhport Northumberland Wolseley Namroortea Penol Milhrat Mount Gambier RIVER MURRA Wellington ftil Murray Bridge 0 Manrium 00? Renmark Otii Wentworth NSW 0 05 ZZu A nZJ of XXXV la KMdaML MM not think ch mi AiDl erf York XIX ihaiwinR 'Se 1 winaer at tbe Boyala of Meb Xtwna has beifer calf kt Thb I kf Berer ey Duke I to aatm wto a cow vA nariiM haifer Bafta I a WaaLuI Mwtteep claret red With perfect vEnea eywuaetry iev ot rare I nmnaanT tb dare De team to I iVfltounib5d at tkr AtlelsJdu Show upon I IfZt WotdfW hM etaiarf rf the animala and an Mr rank I wptertwir erf the tud I YlMfnnorfth MM to Melbourne attd I Tf amngenenu I ifGG'LAYTNG COMPKrmON iayns owrwH" TW WUh from th com MOONEE VALLEY PROGRAMME Hurdle Race two Alcine 11 6 lb Zircon 1013: Moorctteid 1010 RlenshieL 1 Barman 103: aea oam 103 irelight 103 Boomerang 102 Old Chappie 99 Edward VTL BT Penalty 9T Vat 06 Cuach 9 3: Wickliffe l3: Romeo ft3 ConfiMion 92: Loougsna 90 VHB UO: Tarxwer 90 Devouport 90 Tot ward 90 Qveiaght Trial Handicap five lorist 9 at Simmerelle 810 Yarrabee 82 Goodwood 711 A 710: Two Step 78 Navaho 78 Muhina 76 Glenffesh 74: Cprwissa 74 Interrogator 72 Mist Proton 613 Salerno' 6 9 DMorore 69 Valuta 69 Woodlea 67 Mafia not eligible Valley Haixfic ap eight and a half Re trencher 2 lb Windy 810 Misty Mom 87 Merewneth 84 Katoomba Staple' 710 Betrayer 79 Barr 76 lngwarrlh 75 Wno ronglin 72: Haphazard 70 Hall 70 Ri vunebe 013 Ball 613 Vcaimba 010 Uveiy Poll 60 Grev Beaton 69 Vim Ld Huin haulu 67 CoraL A7 Stripper a7 Steeplechase two Soringfield 12 at 10 lb Abdallab UK CMtanos 107 ederation 106 Moro 97: Baril 07 The Spattard 0A Oirr Mistake 95 Vacarnra 9O Baronet 90 Be and So 90 AugwU Plate ria and a half Str Rich ard 9 3t 3 lb Kipper 810 Merewortb 86 De ccdlette 86 Conctarion 82 Riversdale 718 Buzxiah 79 Staple 77 Simmerelle 77 Be tee 77p Mafia 73 Whirl 73 Sweet Maris 70 Pttabfe 7X Playful 70 Maori 70 Beue bioon 012: RA 68 Bore Queen 64 North cote Goodwood 8 Sehnn AA Augtwt Pune rix and a half Prospect 9 st Winchester kJ) Ute Golden West 87 Twr' Step 85 Carino Giri A3 Thucydides 83 Livelr Pnllv 83 Mtaa Bae 83 Mshino 88 Anchor 716 Idle 710 Merrigong 79 ortitude 7 7 Rbcwttnm 77: Raleroo 70 Olratir 72 Portcullis 72 Busboy 72 Lone Hand filt Amorosa 010 Larrikin 69 Oversight 67 De vonier 67 Lion fi 7 DresrmaiTng at moderate prices Highest grade of work and perfect 6t guaranteed Charka Birks Co Rubdle rtrect Challenaer Tbere wa a Urge atUmduuce and the itenw wrr frequently cru on Sotm were given lv Messrs I 4 John K'ch 'rtdrl ulcnant Dunlop RN Meir I 1'hapion A Ualscm A Worshp Ilo kruge End John Sunes IJcuUnani Slidstnn and Mr Lvncb A rmUtvn was con tributed bv Mr A Watkwell (cafHuin tj litv flTtd damv uas ivon Prtvute 1 1 Bly MvMsW PoweO Choke Private A A jlwfrWILBWte niag Prints A WUHraprie Priyatt TWn Msg vote WaMm PrfvAta PnaiJ Private PMk Prfvnte Privett JfBadnn rtilaL Privtte a WtHQ SQUAW MAN" In "The Squaw which will be pro rented at the Theatre JLoyjJ on Saturday eveiing next il ud that Mr I illiauisi bar Mxmred one oi the most stin mg plays yet witnesred Tne triumph which the play achieved (n its prerenta tion at Wailiick Theatre New ork where il is still attracting large audierve and its enthusiastic rwepiwn in Melbourne recently may lie taken as evidence of Die fact that it contains a large degree those clemcnl which enchain the sympathies of the public Trie opening scene ts laid io England and the succeeding ones ifi ihc western stales ol America One ot the most exciting scenes is an attack by In diatrs nn the hero's cattle ranch and the ultimate rescue of the besieged when at their last stand Typical picture of Ame ietm lite are promised and to help the presentation a number of real Indians an I cowboys have been imported The Ade laide season will mark the first appearance here two notable artists Mr Charles Waldron and Mis OU Jane Humphrey who will head the new dramatic company in she lormatiou of which Mr Williamson has drawn upon the artistic resources of both England and America as weli as Any tralia One of the realistic touches of the production will be the use of the I tc language by Indian characters Tabywan the Indian chief will speak entirely in Ute and his words will be traiwiaied for the benefit of the audience by lUco White lull blooded Ute Indian who is the official interpreter of his tribe iuid wh one of the first of his to join the dramatic profession During the season which is to be of fifteen nights' dorati 'n "The Vir ginian" will be produced for the tirst time in Adelaide and Hail Caine's fannws emo tional drama "The Christian" whichiwl such a big success when staged by thL eomfWDV in Melb urne will be revived The box plane lor the tirai ais niglitf ol "The cquixw will be opened at Mar thaDs' this morning at 10 The first matinee of Squaw Man" will be given on Mon day next TIVOLI THEATRE Mr Walter Sanfwd and his American plavers at the Tivoli Theatre are prerent of the be productions played dur ing the reason Boucicault's famous drtmi Dark" and the performance the highest praise The nlav gives ehan for great scenic display which is taken ad vantage of to the utmost There are several beautiful scenes notably BUrkiriars bndgc where the heroine jumps to the waters Ire low the Elyritnn Music Hall the under ground railway with a thrilling rescue and the beautiful scene of the English country house The artists introduced in the mu ic hall tvenc inchide Menzies and Loander who have been brought direct from Melbourne The play will run untd Saturday evening when the well known Adelphi Theatre drama Jack will be presented This drama secured a run of 187 nights in London and 243 nights in New York and ciaimrd io be one of the bret Tinutird dramas ever written Mr Sanford will produce it with special scenery painted by American artiste WEST'S PICTURES AND THE Mian Bunsw IDM IwBan mrare Prirote Prerate Lm Tfllw Private A WUlisBrere Private Prtrett wJt Private A nxrte Private fi tJtt Trtra BteeU Private Morptett Private Private Be BuIBra Pritee Wehater WtiMter 3vBAnk MH chalky TmiiiioirT "irwt Uk OOWM LiuMrait MmIr To the Efit According a report in "The Ad vertiser'' of tixtay fueway) the Mayor of Hindmarah (Mr Wnght' and mem bers of the council adversely criticised on adjudication made by on a cr oration case ou Angus 'it at th" Hiiidmarsh Magistrates' ourt when Sedgiiy wits charged on the inforniabon of the town clerk with "utdawfully slaughtering smvl ulttk viz two xherp in reen streef Bronipton Park and tl Sedgley was uhargrtl with unlawfully dressing two sheep Mr Sedgley pleaded guilty tor hinirell and son I'lie nly evidence tendered was by Inspector Lang man who staled that he had found two d'ted shisp tn a pigsty en the premises of Mr Sedgley and lhit the Wood flowing from the necks ot the animals was aarui and he informed the trench tliat Mr II Stdgley luwl told him that he had slanghtcrcd small cattle on the premise ()r fourteen years The inspector had not wrtuewred the killing of the sheep btif he had 'part of the diesyng of them The mayor we assume requested (ur presence op the bench Iause he considered that we would adjudicate righteously and jtistlv between party and party that i wfiit we and he no doubt believed that Uu multitude of counsellor there is wisdom We arrived at a unanimous decision The mavor did not bear the care nor was fie tbe court He however at the council meeting on Monday cviming in to our decision The fine waj very low considering the heinousncjt of the fimce and I regret it was nut mure" We believed the payment of C2 ls6 (themount defendants had pay to Ire Mirfi cicnt Tm other members if the council spoke in support ot lire nuyr md liis re port was adopted AH that we had to adjudw atr on was the diarge preferred li Mr Sedgley as alleged has slaugh tered small cattle on his premises for four teen year without a hcenre th indicates that the corporation i fliccrs have Ixs very lax in the dim barge of their duties und th it incTU lcrs ui the counctl lure wate hed the interests of tire ratepn er During the greater part of lR it tune the mayor and Alderman lloi kmg who sup ported the atMtroents have been nieurfiers of the are 4 A PUDDY 1 UHITTLEBORUUGU1 II IDNES Hindipiryh AUAlSt M1 C3 A ASHER 44 srann i Btnknag Grocery Buainra Citv boratnU rat pcaitiye genuiae eoneera ttt lot £KO argrat UCBiMUUUB a ivwm ASO COUNTRY BUW NEfiS EXCHANGE 30 WATMOUTH BT r'X WOODYARD tage Wtpufi urainal rent 'A faMtifitf ftth roan very thick and evenly2iML44 fumirftad with a lovely coat or wha baai retorted i froa Bro Boutha' top to ISigiaod after CRICKET SOUTH AUSTRALIAN ASSOCIATION The cricket committee of the Cricket As sociation at its meeting night adopted the reeomraendatiou of tWe grade eom mictero and admitted the Gilberton club io plav with grade The committee ap proved of the following dotes for nrter Staie November 10 versus Vic toria at Adelaide December versus New South Wales it Adelaide January 1 versus Victoria at Melbourne January 5 versus New South Wales de Sydney I khiath be bteeaa a4' extearive A atodguroliia wjfr grot apcceaakre teMteaav nwa vvrara oc tea ofiaiiTiftlyrfterrjbea thte bolt Wl yMVtncai irerea bhvuji cw atitaMMBrealy faheff aad aceitent BteEty bt he AmM afmr oatth the jteeefr rtbe Yorthceoufig Mapati trite art tefi Vv5 tepaGil tbe due Thia $4 EtZrf by Bteevtor Dak XXX4 dcmbfaifly a tM ipMbeu kb breedi eteMBtf ea rbtet lap wHk a majwtic bcW ted teek tfefitepranf ribs coveredi with thbk Wir The two year jiinvcnq Bridge 01 tHhng oi ORKS PENDiSTLA laroo Ixmta Platas Maitland port Victoria ('urraraulka Waicdou A Warooka from the Dr William'' I Queen' i Svdiioy OOTBALL RRHTSH ASSOCIATION A game will be played on the Norwood Oval this afternopn between a team from fLM Challenger and a Norwood eleven The proceeds are to be devoted to wards a fund which is being raiaed or the benefit of the widow and children of Mr Charles Heading who recentlv met his death as the result of a bicycle accideht The following are the teams: HMjS Lendon Landsberry Brice Ldeutenanto oster Coict Cooper Paraer Hammond Bobertsoo Harry and War rior Norwood Lightburn Sal mond Ware Brown Moukhouse Northcote Christie Hawkes Hutton Sleep and Stewart Mr Halford will act as referee fund Ir may Ire taken granted t'al this year's dividends will be no than List veitr'a in view it the inereare ot wigw recently granted to the tramway employe hr the company Leaving the Melloiiriie tram way we find tbe Sydney tramway revenue readied the enormous total of £8lXW0 for the year ISKH 5 prat lu a revenue of 32 bead of the entire popu lation of the Sydney and suburban area The pulation of Adelaide and uburbs is ju rne tliird of Sydney and suburbs that it eitr tramways produced the sune earnings per bead the total receipts should be i'27OU00 Lut with our much smaJler State population if we allw the revenue at Tl'iOOOO or 17 6 per head for the Adelaide tramways we should have sufficient profit from the completion of the conversion to pay interest on debentures and sinking fund If we do this we slmli lie able to reduce the principal annually In 1 16C6II 13 4 the 3 1 3 per cent sinking fund on the cost of elertrifying the entire system estimated at which means thaa in a comparatively few years we shall he ply ing off dirre of the cost of irarch as wen os interest and sinking fund on the convrr sihi electricity With gnrd to the representation district council on the Train way the Mayor of should extend the same genero ity to dis trict is ie has extended to muni cipal councils that is provided they nr willing 1 accent an wpniJ share of the nsk He eintiut ask them take eqinl risk without equal representation It district ennneib are to come in on an as sestroent hasi' so mini the city und subur Km corporations It i thi part "I the Tramways Bill that is weakest from the municipal standpoint and it l'i require the most careful consideraUon so a to make it pr visions equitable and just to tle interests I am VQ()D Sec Local Government Association 5CMAPPS THE AMIEYX yUMULANT Ki "I let my health run down so low that Neuralgia hardly evpr gave me any peace said Mire Alice Brown racklm St Ade lue doctor told me that niy bloud wa the whole cause oi my trouble It was little better than water ra could tell that the minute you looked at me My face hadn't a scrap of color it and I fuuf always a tired wushed out look Many a clay when I iw up and about I should have been in my bed Il was all I could Jo to drag my legs after me Besides be ing always so weary and wretched I got the most dreadful sick headache As soon us I lifted ray head irotu die pillow 1 turned ditzy A clanimv sweat broke out all over me and I felt iliat I was going to faint Then 1 stinted to vomit Often 1 thought I would break a blood vessel try ing to bring up ail the bile Ttmee bilious attack' left me weaker than ever and after every nne of them the Neuralgia was worse like in I min 49 sec finiahiBg nicely A mile and a furtong wm ran ny Kilfera and Arcturus in 2 min 7 ate while unooi got aver aeven furlongg in 1 min 34 eee Bon glcaoo assisting mtn the last six Oid Gold spurted a few furlong d'd Kyead gerie Little Toy did only steady work but Clyde mid Hindoo Blue ran six furiongu in 1 min 21 Rorence and Dekol ne gotiated a mile in mm 4bj while Roremead and Dentric ran a fnriong further distance 2 min 5 see Scot Ye and Lord itzroy did a good gallop over a mile and a fur long but the latter was a length in front when rune furlongs had been run in 2 tree Mentmore made moderate time over a mile and a quarter while was just in front of Ossian when a mile haQ Ireen run in I min 46A sec Mack did easy work inside and a few others wentZoz does not appear to be half the for lorn hope he waw pronounced some weeks airn and the style in which he cut out a mile gitering the Itet seven furiongu in rain 33 sec is a pretty fa proof that he is not much amina A very taking gal lop went down tn Iuciana who negotiated the Epsom Handicap distance in 1 min KU wc and thus made more friend In a bout of six furlong Cunney brat The Clipper Porcelain required to be shaken up hold has own with laolt in the latter part of a mile engagement done in 1 min 4K rex or a little better but ne i siid to be a lazy worker Maid of Lan caster a iiiarllr run five furlongs and stewdy exercise Length strong exercise was registered by Obverse Sleeper was not put against the watch though he exercteed strongly over nine furlongs 4o DA1 BOULDER PROGRAMME Cup llurdfo Race twe miles and 53 Le onotuS 12 st 13 lb Blird 119 Avondale 111 Sport Rova) Ilfr 104 Corringie Giuniian 4: Manti 91 Herta 90 Prince Louis 90: Ownan 9O Manilla 90 Honsxlioe Plate tx Cold Steel IP Gauz 913 Ia Stauner 86 Attitude 83 TM9 83 GeTardy 82 KnchattUr 89 Daylight 80 Saltillo 712: toraL 79 Rowley 77: Onslow 77 Homing ilirt 76 Twa 76 Milner 7 5 airo 72 simeile 72: Prophecy 72: Naughty 71 Ptethtaek 71 (toolifor Cup two mile and 53 Durbar 3 lb lUtJ Mary A12: The Snail 88: Green raatain 713: ftart Man76 Pin Hildahrand 613: Qnirkxilver 612 Cypher 610 loreiiano 69: lawd Middleton 68: Lothian 67 orest (7 Bitoelrt irevre Hattetu 11 11 lb Afcua 11 4 BeNord 1010: Opera 10 4 Old Chinn 101 Agwttta 9U Srots Guard 12 Spinifex 011 Beggarmsn 99 Altender 93: wn1and 98 Scope OrziAoff Royal Oak Milaos Naelbunmim 97 Hrrsehoe Purse xix Storm Queen 9 xt 9 lb: Waveriry 818 Rowley Ell: Aapen 810 Bluff 87 Agnootic 87 lawrand 84 Gar riaon 83 Lady erin 713 Roaitaide 713 H4 Majwtv 712 The King 78 Bova) Oak 74: Ixx'krtte 74 Milano 613: Ctrelet 67 Tbe (riw 67 Piace fi1 Lake View ILindicnp one May King ID Hl 4 lb The Snail 90 ClreuliR 810 op 88 Mariner Combat 60 The Point 713 Sal tillo 713 Green Mountain 7 Sente 70: Itowiey Onflow 78 Bullion 7 8 Chiro 7J Mil ner 71: Belford 613 Donovan 68 Stotte) 67 i aro te XBted btft pskra at th atad stock sates to feted Aw wcafcto Mteboum 0 fiflB of Lwteagtat XXXV (aii iteMMtere hitaa kkk Hua Rtara rf Can tote him hartng tted efeaa fttogfif twice ia pa at the batten teraraa 4 Arata MOraMgten 24 W8taan Yards Jhkte 37 B' 8o A STORY PROGRESS Mr Roberta who has for many filled tbe poeiuon of Chief Mechanical En gineer to the South Australian Railway Department with great advantage to the State will leave Adelaide to morruw for Loudon co take the position of Consulting Engineer on behalf ot the Government of various States During tlie 27J year Mr Robert ha been connected with the locomotive and rolling stock branch uf the South Austra lian Railways many impiuveweiit' have been made When he joined tbe rcr vice the 5 ic 3 in gauge railway to the north wa often tar as Hallet: only and the branch from Rosewortuy to Morgan had just Ireen fimabed The only 3 it 6 tn gauge railways north of Adelaide were the Pori Ihrie and Jamestown lints and the Port Wakefield and Biytb line the Wallaroo and Ka Lna line al the time bring tn lhe hand of a private company but nm subsequently takeu over by the Go vernment and altered from the 5 ft 3 in gauge to lite 3 it 6 in gauge There was no ft 3 in gauge line south of Adelaide except the Mrathalbyn and Victor Harbor line which was worked as a hure tram way In the omb EiUi lhe only 3 ft in gauge hue wax the one from ngsbin to Narracoorte In those dais there were no lavatory carriages and Du sleeping ears and all the passenger slock was tilted with hard wooden seats in the second class comtarunenta cane seats being provided in the iirat clase compurtmenu llitre were no bogie venicles for the carnage of live stock but only short tour wbeeed vans I be lighting ot die passenger amagesaiiei dark was by means of oil or keroeane rootamps which gave barely sufficient fight for passenger to see each others fiicee whilst there Acre no reirigerattng van for the caiTtage of dead meat or produce van of an description No large Logie trucks ot ally kirui were then ruun ng and the goods stock constated of short lour wheeled waggons 'ItJing have changed and a num ber of large boge waggons are at pre sent running on the 3 ft in gauge carry ing a paying load of 25 tons wiiu a uire a It latge cari vina weight vi I iinrwhntfilrd pucks buih entirely of steel have a carry ing capacity of Lti lows with a tare loadof tons All the 5 ft 3 in gauge coaching stock ba been fitted with lie gu and a yousiderable order lias been S'nt hsigind for the first instalment of details lor equipping the 3 it in gauge carnage with eiectrc light Nearly the whole of the live stock vehicles are toe bogie prin ciple and ride much eaner when (ravel Ing the old lour wneeled stock lliu considerably reducing tiic knocking about of the animals in transit Ad the live stock velucks on the 5 it 3 in gauge ae) a the whole of the passenger stock been equipped with tlie Westinghouse automatic quukaciuig continuous brake and Mr Rubirta na persistently urged forevcral years past the fitting of tbe whole oj lhe stock both passenger arid goods with ii ta much needed safety appliance and he hopes to ace the work completed before be ceases his officiaJ connection with South Australia Tbe engine stock has also been greatly im proved onie powerful engines tilted witn Belpoirc boilers carry ng a prtaure of liO lb per square inch are nnw emplced working all the ant important traffic whilst engines of leas cylinder power wih a Limit of 130 lb prisure wtoe the most im portant locomotive when he joined Hie sec vice When the Chief MeiXtnical Engineer arrived in tlie State in May 1R7B the Lxx motive Workshops were situated in Ade laide on the site now occupied by the nor thern portion oi toe present Adelaide ru! way taiion Since hu advent the whole of lhe Islington works have been budt uid during the last three or four year a large sum of money has been spent in providing tbe most modern and up to date machinery a quantity ol which is now at work Wiieu the balance is received laiington will be one of the mot up to date railway work shops in Australasia During his South Aortruban career Mr Robert ha Ireqrtuth been asked hy the other States to advise them on professional matters in connection wilh their railways and inunmn Many rears ago he reported on two separate occasion for lhe New South Wale railway authoritira on diffe rent type of engines after making trials on the heavy gradients of the Blue Moun tain He al assorted in conducting a series of very important brake trials the result of which tad the KiuIwjvb Commis sioner of New Sonih Wale liua ly to adopt the Wertioghotwe brake for the whole ui the goods stock He specially reported to the late Mr Eddy on 'he question ot centre couplings and side chains and two years ego he was apponted a marrtar a Royal Commireion which wit in Sydney on the question of the local manufacture of locomotives Quite recently he was a member of a board composed of technical ex perts which was appointed io report on the Newell Westinghouse magnetic brake recently fitted to the Sydney electric tram cars During the Speight trouble in Vic toria tbe Premier (Sir George Turner) ap plied to the South Australia Government for Robert' services to investigate and report to the Royal Commission on Rail way then sitting that State in regard io the Iwomove and rolling stock brunch the locomotive store and tbe Newport worta and after spending several week in Vic toria making a thorough investigation he made an exhaustive report on Lhe sub ject Mr Roberts is much gratified at having been unanimously chosen bv all the Com monwealth States (except Western AubI tralia which baa iu own engineer in lxii djoB to whom it fi committed hj engage ment to a lengthened trrmi and regards his selection for thus important position as a coping stone to hi profetroonal career Mr Roberts has always kept himseif in touch with the men who were hi contemporaries a a young man at the Crewe Works the great locomotive bniid ing and repairing depot of Hi London and North Western Railway Company Many of these gentlemen are now occupy ing the position different Eng lish raihvnys and it will bg a pleasure to him and ro doubt an advantage tle varioo to be aHe to visit them on friendly terms sec their fine workshop and machinery as well us the most modern engines find rolling stock of hII descriptions Mr Robert will leave hy the (friimt mail meamer Oinrah to morrow atternoon and will travel over land from Marseilles so a to arrive Loudon at the earlier jos ible dale ot Mr Morgan I he hall Wa filled and uir muk? iuvtr 44'v4to5 4 i 6v rammc was under tin direction Cawthoroe aud all time who nart nvc gratuitous nenir musical item were rendered ly the Mure Cmre Adla'd Porter and Rot SlH nce and Msr Muirivc Chenoweth A Miller A Latnliert and Mil ler Tyson A AltartK an I the Ade laide Gta lub the programme in cluding two Ihghlind dance Mise I Carlisle and (iure aud Mr Caw tburne attel as acrompanirt bu perionwaiM thore taking part I mg th Misses Violet PenpHy and Durmage ami Messrs If SmIos tide atx! I Lyon The fund eonstderablv augmented by thi ell ort Au excellent eutertauumont wa given st the Pori Adelaide Ret on Tucwlav i natch was played between reprtehtiac HM9 Psyche and the Orinlhtans on Saturday lat which nauitad in a win for tbe raitor Psyche 4 gnala Cortathim 1 aval Now ptayvd well for tbe onDra sad Carte lie and Rtowq worked bard tor the looera Pnwpect ExceUor 7 goals 18 behlotb 'Boteya Park 2 behind The annual football matrti between the Cbntean Brothers' College Paat versus Protest tauoa will be played on tbe college grounifa East Park Landa this irterrwon at 3 pm Afternoon tea will be provided by a latter1 committee It will been that the old sboIarY team is practically arak eomblnation Mr King will have charge ot the game The following have been ciween to reprevnt tbe pa and McKeuie A Daly ami Gibbom O'Connell luvre Harran Kltara Conrad Barry Cleunbertain Morgan and taahy Kemiy Strawna Coooey and nor North Adelaide 037 Adelaide 08) Brighton 042 Glenelg (J18 Magill 023 Mitcham 039 MT LOfTT RAXGE8 MURRAY Craters Iraidla Clarendon rxliihiiiui of Idindvdd boxing wi oiitn buul by Meter Hiddate uu Wt mid A mrenurii seauce by Mr iflorvi onb(h the programme The siiiji's hand played selection The proceed wen in aid if the mission METEOROLOGISTS REPORT The Obrarvxtory Tuesday During tbe past 24 hours further showers have fallen through the agricultural areas chiefly light in character but moderate to heavy over parts of the aoutbenrareas The festari of tbeweathgr map ir still the huge anto cyclone or higb prowure system which covers the whole of the continent and tbe greater part of the Southern Ocean Tbe centre rf this which is gradually aed slowly moving eastward is still on the west side of the Great Bight ahd consequently cold southerly winds con tinue in this State in the southern diatric showery weather contmues and during the next hours further showers may be ex pected hut to morrow a the h'gh prewure centre eeani our eoast finer conditions are likely develop Note for Shiprring lSqnally and rough weather still indicated over Bass' Steaiu and Tasmania Tiara st the Semaphore August 29 High and low water doubtful Time Rail August Rail dropped at lb 0m Be corresponding to 27th 15h 30m Groce with mean time taM prtoejpallr 'torsate pur SEL RAISING LOUR In lb NE1 ackrta BEST QUALITY WILKINSON 4 OO Ltd Proprietors CHAUXwm ABTILUSY MmI aw Oadltkim SOS Z3 abota ar eaeh rags AMtaagte tte wm rathre mri ita sad atanMM Eumentbol jujubes SUITED 'OR OLD AND YOUNG 1 vpcja tor energetic man with MTS la a TravelHag Wfe' BusIimm sure return £10 weekly Apply Sayra WayraottelL eMlXI 2 jfiraJ EXKBGIQTC Itai varteA as arage T5 raXW or full particulars apply thia oflfa A'f ra Pit IV1 UXr SEldL rKUlrlln gOraIk Unnfeetionray Grortry atal Statranwy Buri 84 HVMf C'Aiqj wtmj 4 4rtILf9 av I fr £19rMi ami Oyster BuMnem oevtel itab Woodvard oagtae ptaat tend krin VI Ttoav raw A i jt 4 3 Excel lent Suburim Bakery Bariaem JAMES 00 to 1 theatre royal Alter a aucce sful Miaaon the Mej ncil and Gunn Company at the Royal announce the last performance of the season The "atal Wedding'' which ha occupied the board4ince August 18 and which ha attracted Luge and appreciative audience will bi presented for the Iasi time this evening and those who have not yet een it should not nite the opportunity The play iia lieen a uer in all it aspects and haerved to enthrall the frequenter of the Royal 08 few other production of a idmilar atnr navr nouc ue re strong eurrait of uumaa interest which run through the piece i 0 pleasont'y diver ified by bright huiuorou dialogue and merry music The famous children Mcene i well worth reeing to ay nothing of the acting of the talented Company TIwm a matirw vi luun vv mtiu mmcnei nr per crirt or day hcKJnning at 2 A specially attractive I on capital invested paying 6A per programme ha been arranged iot the eent on ill65OUOU the c*nt of the tram children roencs which have Ix come 1 wavs iu rent to tbe trust which tnat bixly highly popular lhe company leave for I applies to tuiytog off interest tad sinking iiuvuiiK nj ic uwnuw airr ntxin and open ol the Prince Theatre iu that city on Saturday next for the returneaaon feMtafri Brf Urptatoa SMuritt todtai Rnaiwt tetWDa ladiaa Bttttar IDomIA Buff Oroiagtoa MHD0CB August On nday the mvtk tbM low uear toe town was tor a A badly aaeded hare The crop this looking as well as they 2 "did tert Bar Sobm erf the eariy sownV Mtf'tro a Uttte tea forward owing to the Wiabasfero froato Tba majority of fai rtU 'falfcwihg and orehirdieta Asti 1 COUMTBY GENERAL ato HAIBDRESDiQ tors am1 £8 week trial dM wanted naDV teMA 1 2 a Pin aMfe lB ITJ GREENGBOCKU tad ettb ery InttigAte rpr droRKKTterpa tm raAwa1 A gtaag Cbnctrn tor 8We Murtaa Botem Down dq mar wnn a fn of stable and out' httM good trait mrdm mleudid PiiUUi Qnrra Ctoianto GrerteOrt MUme tbe for mrdlinl walk from one room wiicn I sutrteil Dr Williams' Ihnk Pill fur Pale People Two boxes did me good and cveu boxe gave me bet ter health limn 1 ever had in tny ie "I wa only eighteen wheu I begun to get run down" ad Mi Alice Brown "At lir i mv legs just felt 1 hit haky As time went on 1 found hiu I couldn't gel through iny work one half a well a 1 used to 1 had to sit down and rc every now and then Little by little this all goce feeling got bigger hold on me When I woken the mornings I felt lhat I wtuld have given anything to stay in bed Every bone 'k my body aclie ft was as much a tver 1 could do to dress inyeif People wereilwavs telling me how tired I but I didn't look one half a bred as I tclt I wanted to drag ray legs all tbe time fur they fch too heavy to lift Ax first it twed10 worry me when I saw all that nun ted doing alxjut the house and 1 wjt u't able0 do it But I got so careless tha care how things went 1 lost all in terest in cvcryihng Ail I li ngitl for wa some quiet puu where I wouldn't tee a soul from one day's end to another At home tlicv were alwav tellins me that 1 would he far better if I went abcmt more They didn't know what it cost me to struggle about Lhe house let alone to try and get nwly to go out I wa puffed after walking from lhe kiU lten to the frontLr If went up 1 few step I had to doBii to get my breath A for going up a Itill it was more than I dare do Mv heajt was so week that if I tried to hurry a sickly faint feefing came over me I felt I wa a burden to myself and ereryune around me I got so weak that I was hardly able to get idinut My feet and ankles sweUed up almirst aa bad an if had Dropsy 'There was small chance of me ever get ting sirong again for ate next noth ing In fact 1 had no appetite at all It ww torture trying to force lown a cup of tea and a thin slice of bread and butter My stomach heavrsl at every mouthful Per haj in a whole day 1 have more than a couple of biscuit Even when I ate only that little I couldn't get rid of a heavy rninUitTing feeling for hours An iron bond seemed to wound ugiit round my chest and crushing me lu death lelt itoujtaUSED LANDS th iBrtiprtoa of Mr Cut a returo iW brid th tablu rt the House of Aa HksE rtrtMy Tuuaday by the Conmiaaianer IabP wkieh aho ft num te rf rotate pirohaeed under the Ci ver arottetoMi Ari rise UUS 'Hie mx eatate prnihmi ht a eovt ot E1WSBS ItetfeiBfton MB Mrva purchase money paid hy tM Govuttuneet 690JM aaarared iropatoil vatoe A1L274 Anlaby 241M MT £7M07 Yallum 17182 Mreau K26418 Monte th a klal acre £AML £24M Mon (Merpheit v) MO acres Pate Creek £M8 rorea £8298 aad Paaa Creek fehB art yet baa aitotted but Petberton Lap Mhtn 11 dAimitM rotUera iMludiw childtw Anlaby taco vJr tehlll rotttera: aad Yalhm rotoPhSuaro nth ariUera Daring th arow vanod 16 rotatro roaorteuic BMP aero) were offered to th Gevron vriU bet Ue price aa considered too v7 4 Sfh Mhilrt artaxes hhvfac aa area of yiw ITLsBt rt BMuitable for subdivision and throe eatatto ronpinhn IMP hero were snro P'Ml EIGHT HOURS SPORTS i rt A GOOD PBQQbAXME Zjv A feature of the ipoite la tal the Jubilee Oval in ceaaectou' jihdMi Eight Hmm DroatttM next will be the intereatffig eonpetttM ranged fur ached! bfa'tad giria tuffos Wl memberoj ef the mflitary foro6a (BLhk (ISQ nod giria' dub swintng conkert tart will be about NO competitors 130 jrfrta have entered for the Magpole danda angTOjpl for the wanddriU while 78 beyi A Engage th phrital drill cumpeGlMute Eight Mooi bands eammaiBg 300 boyte will eokipete and aitogrfher tbe hchrijjfi contents should prove moat mterrobuLJ Splendid entris her been J'recftvhd fo Wj military event and the display iue are 11 doubtlero proi Lloyd T5ie Boulder meeting will be advanced another stage tn day when (hg Cup of 8U0 eovsc will be run True Scot wll come across from Mel bourne in charge of Charier Hickenbothanu Gndby who will ride him in tieouh Australian Derby will reach Adelaide by the Mrlteiurne express on Thursday I'arUand Bob who was left in Hie South Atmtralian Derby ran in the Spring Han dicap uno mile at Uie Williamstown meet ing un Saturday He uirrwd 6 ib and wm ridden by Turner but was not quoted in the betting and did out finish in the fin six A Sydney writer says that Jack Smith whose departure for Adelaide has been an nounced a to he sent to Sydney for the AlC Spring meeting He i one lhat Scohie bus in the AJC Derby The latter is rim on September 29 and the AJC Derby in which he i dowu to take ai't on September 3 Hound will meet al Hill on Saturday at the Hon Erwtanao's (Hen thorn ewtate tiair the eleventh milepuet an the Souih ruad Mewn Keniban Lemon and II Truta have chosen sutne splendid ec*ntrv from the Sreuh nad at (i Halloran Hill to Cove and back to the starting point in a dreoitou eouree for bounds to hum over The going is firm tbe iiaddock are ul well graced and 1 be fences are good Tbe line i lout nine mde Nearly the whole of tbe hunt can be viewed from the dr ire a metal road Leng within handy distance throughout After the bunt tea will be given to viait jr in 'the uu titute by die iarjie resident in the district Tlie drags will leave the Bank of Adelaide al 1230 hounds will throw off iu 230 and the city wdl be reached before dark Ine rcwitaota rf Nmrlung a are try rag to arrange a vtaii of the hounds to their delightful district If a meet cannot be arranged this season ii I hoped chat a date will be fixed for next year Tne atw plech isere Diugn and Cougj fiavp returnee to Sydney but L'li toDate Young Crwtck and Sagamore were left behind The fast named is injured the result of his fall at lemington anS Young Crcswick and Up to Date are to be turned cut at Badiu Marsh The New Zftdacd Qip weights were fa med a few day ago The race worth 201) scvr two miles and the fist is headed by Mahtrtonga with irt Mania poto and Boomerang have 8 st 13 IK Port tutu 8 st 5 lb and Solution 8 rt Among ocher engagnl are Multifid 7 st 12 lb Gladstone 7 st 10 lb Savoury 7 st 8 lb Scarsboot 7 st 6 lb and Ironmould 7 rt 3 lb It a condition ot lhe Hunt Club Cup that horses nutst hunt eight times during the season and mo of these hunts musl lie utter Scpti mber 1 As a morning run has been arranged for Monday next (he holi day Cup land dates will be able to get in one of these two quatifi ations Mr Allen a New South WaJro studmwier who passed through Adelaide some time back on Li way to England has bought a scud horse fie has purebuaed Mtwqueton by Carbinerfrotn Muaa for 2XI guineas for Messrs Alkn A McDonald and i tor the Womba stud a Singleton Th? SAJC committee is making a strenuous effort to drain and repair the tracks at Morphcttrifie An extra staff of men were employed on the property on Monday and Tuesday and considering that the course was under water on Saturday morning and rain has fallen at intervals ever since the progress made by the care taker (Stuarrt and his a cdstanta fa excel lent On Tuesday monung 'all of the trainers were in attendance hut none of them sent their charges aiong at more than half pace The horses out were Mentor Seymour Palotta Bdersfie Mont Pelee Carl Dour Devlin Royally Royal Park Nautcller Kalos Stannary Hilfa Dyna mite Medaglu Majestic Lord Amherst Quick March Maillime Workmarter and Adroit Daly's and Cherry's horses were out after breakfast At Victoria Park on Tuesday morning the course protier was opw and was made good nee of though no fast time was attempted Maxima ran one round in 3 min 9 use Scintillation and Homer performed over a distance Marlyon and Danny Mann sepa rately worked at half and three parts pace Mulera recorded sound pacing going once round and running holne the dosmg half mile in 1 min 5 sec Littlehampton was not allowed to do much Cameron went quietly over a distance and Iteap Year was with Slippery doing half and three quarter pace duty Melton Rose performed a useful task and Acrobat going a bit short put in uahil jiacing covering a circuit James' two year olds lxrd Cariyon and Topedi were sent together for half a mde running the last two furlongs in 3U see Shimose did a fair cask go mg over a distance of ground The Harrier looking well strode along and lora spurted fl furlongs ending up with two in 2S sec Bilpab put in a fair task and Memento went about three miles moving along a bit faster' over the clofang one iction and Destine were sent five furlongs at a shade under even time finishing together Marcus finished in front of Kooringa and Conceal at the end of a mile and a quarter run in 2 min 27J sec Kooringa went about a furlong and a half before he picked up the other two The Wizard did a ound task travelling a round but he made no time Carllnga moved along for a mile After about an waiting for wnne of the two year old from the Bay Millstream worked twice round getting home the closing mile at an increased pace The course was then doted The following horses worked on the cin Blue Rock bowled along like a young horse over a distance Rock Gun did useful work and Tattoo solid paemg Prngpero I led on the grass by Wel lington while Grri'bound did solid work Tonic Beyer agea EMULSION nus in more epreially oa the coast vxnh from Sydney with rough eea gcni rally wrath mostly fine for the present followi by and tablelands rain Over Western Ajwalia (supplied by Mr Cooke) ine foe the premvH uUi east windk VMriug north and north seiu aad foiling baro meters becoming unslilel in coastal ristrieis Soon iih rough a TKr urwtlled weather maj or expevu io enma gradually ramwauxB STATISTICAL IXORMATJOX Ila ill tell Rainfall ar Adelride Ohm rviiory for 24 endrri 4M i Zr 1 Total rain at Adelaide otamratory January 1 to Augu 2a 1906 17 IB Total rain it Adelaide Observatory January 1 A Ufu5L prtaj Average Gil January I to August 31 for years 14966 Average annual fall for 49 yearn 20252 Barometer at 9 am Auguat 28 Penh Adelaide i Melbourne 8028 Hoban 303) Sydney 3016 Brisbane 3013 THERMOMETEfl REIADLNGS August 2K In the sun In the Mude Minimum 361 GaOTlTHA Ajnrtant Government rotroaraer Koolunga OirHelon Hureiia Orroroo RUbkrocfc Piffersborg Yongali arrow ie Hallett Mount Brywn Burra CENTRAL AREAS snmrtow Bnnkwonh Blyth Clare anell'a lat Miataro Central Waterrale Auburn Manners Horleton Balaklava Prwt WikefieW BAROflKA RANGES Barrairwretb Narrabel Riverlea Tarlee fkocfcpart Hunley Bridge Kaptrada h'rwlinr Greenock Stockwell Norlrotps AngnMon Tanunda Lvndoeh ADELAIDE Pita 1 XX Malbh 004 Roseworthy 019 Gawler 025 Smithfield 021 Two Welte 002 Virginia 0 16 Ea'bbury 0 16 Teatree Cui Uy 015 Tbe Adelaide Town Hall continues to le well filled nigblly lhe atiration being the beautiful living ji'cturre uf Mr Wert anl the mus'cal number of the talented Bresciait arnilv There are constititlv being new films shown und there lire so lip to date and free from the ubjcctionibc that it is a rare treat to see t'iem At present th? series include the Prince of tour in India the Sultan of Morocco ami hi troops illirnev's lake deep tunnv fishing some beautiful specimen of colored photography and a number of iu ienselv humorous scenes A specially taken film shows the foocha match aa played between South Australian and Broken Hill team Of the Bresmns it is scarcely pos sible to speak too highly Their instru mental and vocsil musical contributions are verv enjovnble There will be a matinee performance ou Saturday TCE SKATING RINK The re or nr wintry weather has been the means of increasing the nttendance a the Glaciarium and the instructors have been kept busy giving hswons to there who hare availed theraselve? of the liberal term offered hy tbe management recognising ihut Iv a nrnti ient skater it i neces sary to begin properly Next Monday even ing a special nohday programme oi sports fa announced and the Adelaide Skating Club will meet on Tuesday evening TTafr RILE SHOQTipCkVT' INTER STATE STORTING Sydney Augurt 28 The latent withdrawals registered at the A IC office are: Epm Handicap Cryde and Lady Mclena Produce Slakes ami Gtmcrack Kin ncrs ley Derby Rock Rate and Royal Glen and Count Witte RAND WICK TRAIMNG NOTES Sydney Aagust 23 There iraa a severe frort at Kaadwick this morning and a cold wind was blow ing The course proper was available and the hurdles were closer than was tlie cum? on Saturday: consequently faster time wire made Burton wa cue of the early bird and sent Itady Wallace tux furlongs which tb mare rit behind her in I niin 19 sec Lest We orget and Posiednu accounted for a mile aud furlong in 2 min 4 see finishing together and Vjc torn ('fork Ixxit Loehino over six furlongs 1 min 23 sec and Pompous spurted halt a mile freely Huancar wax not (oily extended to run mile in 1 min 5L uec currying Htwitte but Moreen was nearly all out to Iwiit Marvel laoch over a mile md i lurlong in 2 min 3 sec Point toner and Kerrrtinor traversed reran fur kings tn i rata sec while Douro put thre quarters a mile behind her 1 nun 215 sec Maniapoto registered a mile and a furlong in 2 min but was very tired at the end thooffii the performance was mi extra good one as lar thetimv went Wocdcmmooioo Mutation and Epic put a mile in I iniu 4f) and Btania beat irt Arttnir a run from tlie seven fur iniigs post in 1 tom Cl rec Melodrama talc ing a secund longer to traverse the same dis tune alrmc Tn Stream and Hapsliprg went tueelv over a mile and a furlong while Maid of Lmcaster ran five furlongs in I mm 7 rec Obverre ran reveu fur 1 oiin 371 while Sleeper aud Saniur i easily accounted foe a mile iu 1 mm 54 se The Bairn awl Absentee beat t'oniie bi a rouph of lengths over seven furlongs 1 mm sec mid Irascible ran six in I min 22 res Werveil beat Panama and Belle Blue by hah 1 liuan lengths at the end of a mtk rnn iu 1 nun to1 sec one or the best gal lops of tne moronic Refrain mJ an Iilnuu ran s'x furlongs in 1 mm 22 scr while Bluster and Antotuus executed uuk 091 mui wvu RlSi Morphftt Tale OtB Nnarlungt 0 06 i WiltungB 003 I Aiding 024 I Xormanvj lie uuanna Capr Jerris udunda Pointer Mount Heaaant Blumberg Gutnerauha GtbethaJ Woodside Hohndorf Nairne q'q1 Mount Barker JTOBTHERN STATE TOUESTfl tW CuoMrvntor drrta Mr WGiD) vMM the Bunda lerf fcMt aad uh jniputlog ths pknttag wotkor the kmqb found tfavpinefi fPinoa jnriEatertuehing well and a fice mu hro Uro rone thro rtroted trod revrita Hpf xMtd Cm riday be inspectsd tbe Aroro forert near the MstoJ nroroiB BnffvfoudJuMii pod program bad emde with tne pfoagnjo aud fencing W'JdrJhroM 1 ataatattetTlle treea to tteerewul conatrt of forest red ijroroMWV Kiegatun aheaoak faAUt Jr A NORTH EASTERN ff JLoraaHfcC STATION Smith A Cd report having sold rw (OfijSecoiuit of Young Brea their Netiey rtfinro Mtaatad 2S roilro aouth eaat of s'f ta Yunka 'tnd comprunig some 14S square roQro ef battbaah country held under pae Iroee together wit aheep and rtroatv 71 cattle and 10 bones ad alT pleat and store on the station at tune rf idtnrT for £8JW cash the buyer behwth ttroJ Ihreean MLC mo STOCK DR THE MELBOURNE 4j SHOW Kf iA BH0HXH0BN8 ROM THE ANOAS I 2 'r' ESTATE lai By yesterday's I fniro here a oonnffunent of ekven I pure pedigreed Shorthorn cattle from the I of the fate Ans Pmat I A Btrot roUra near Milaag occupying four AJtiv rohA left for' Melbourne where tbey are l'fAip he eddroted at ttovictorian Royal Agriccinru Dooetr bncrw opening on BIB excvpitouwy to tbe standard ot 4 M4 in the iter (Mt riaro fro tells wh baa floured tte6rtie rings the Cutrnnonwaalth with tb rirolwi'AATTAL Thriving craplota uniting plant: £300 ta MD CMfe balance tenm tM oflfae ta fxASH Drapery Buwnee for fiie in town stoiek abrot £500 Apply 1 thia office T7WRM of Cbaottag KreomMat and A Agata with ftrri clo txamectfea taercrieta and tete aad tonkeenera partirulora at BqMbm atHed aad wn PirtnerBhitM ooan or drered 1) nerotiotitjua fideattally and takiiflj "cllo4 Box 187 GPO OR Sale a good Bairdrewr Burin: poritian Apply I Orirbwrt Twfafr UlJt zjtJXTUtavi Kpou Droosre axporuae' ro VJ capital £400 wtald oaxpt riwtaershiB 1 auwuu Matron vrow wnpyn AMGHAM terowant Gay Jtfcads Tlfa Jta ertablatard ffirima for rile gvtng wine ucenro apply cc pratt rtv kach APHIS Trimner fa I Mhteftto faaroert aa to th phi woing to wm 'th ami std aa to hie mode at ymwuan i wae iwwny amaa troaaea rtteJhtepel fapt for toe lari two years 1 Brtffitte the atroro a dirroted th bligfls nuxtore obtained from a nil has kept the trees entirely bUro fly It ia sticky and is roond the trunks dry day it QUININE THAT DOES NOT AECT THE HEJaD laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets repre sent Quinine combined with other ingre dients in the most acreptabl and effica cious form for Colds Influenza Grip or any Caitarrhal Disorders Headache and everish or Malarious conditions At all fTemiota PIT 1 ij Vi a a Tn the above tbe feobers or lines of equal barometric pressure are ehewnshoes being indicated by the figures given at the end of each line Direction of wind is shown by arrows flying with the Jaght to moderate breeze fteah tn otrona sale heavy role represents calm The state of tbe sea is shown by tbe letters (smooth) (moderate) (rough) (very rough) indicate rain LAT? 026 08) 0B 011 020 011 02? 040 ie dithburrh 04 S01TH OOA'T 4ND SOUTH EAST 002 006 004 003 006 0 03 001 019 015 wo Otl 009 THE ADELPHI QUARTET In the North Adelaide Institute evening the Adelphi Quartet will thir swnnd ronrert These talented lists Mfare Emmie Roncbniti and Olga Nieikiber and Mcsff Maurice Chenoweth and rank met with much rucceas at their inaugural appearance at St IVter The programme for this evening will inc lu'le several of the concerted num bers which met with reception at then first concert Miss Angelita Duvfa Mus Bar will be tbe solo pianfate and ar companfatc and Mr Vivienne Powis Stuart the clever lyric and dramatic re citer will afao appear in or ginal and other nutnliera Ticket and plau are at Mr txeiiet: conDcu wret Aortn hide itH tn a wiek At the end of the second li I liegaii to pick um My appetite grew tlir nxrv inrt I Juln't Ui4 nesiriv The rtic oi tired aud weary 1 kept hi nitli Dt couclude il V31iams' Pink Pills until I had linfaiied seven boxre By that time hadn an airtn or a (min Tbe Neuralgia lial md there wen more hcaivhT and more biltou attiu diy I hare a eidnr in my fjev end there's umviint 'if life roil I'Hergy aliraP me" Dr Pink Pul actually "uikc new 11h1 That fa aJi Lhw do but ii (Tin don't act nn the liwcfa I They don't tmker with mere symptom Thev W'r't litre an ease lhit i rancd I bod blwl Bui nnmmii caused 000 005 0(77 I on chungo 14 I MoreJeofieid 00 1 1 Meadre 005 tratfulbjn nftl I Gallinot'Mi 001 sectkios of lottfO ide some spod tumtuarrTferii Lindsay erect has 13 entraataj tto toria Crura Rescue Bare tcntAHrofa 36 Greuia Grote' 58 and wrMUftMik horoebadC(5 Th oUbviqg 44 been road 1 tataptatt 0 ta WOMirootelu Ptflris itfuuu 'ra mts te (X Mundo Critttafc fk Mfa A Crota Utatroart nl Tiott araioat NffiriR MOdra Prints Mundo ftidsuyjg a 1 5BOI vktttfa ote Brie Urcterert Lihoant IrtritaMfettgC Rate 3 nmoo Major Rorofc flirgtaut Mrini Rttac ftfi A Morris teroart MjUfaeU tegearitolLa? Maadcl Carpool Carpool jroweUp teuiroa frlunaA Tira To do at 2am 8045 1iint ot Au Da Tao tt 9 JlP Jtefa a i He ro 48 far ro to ro Azr ro 661 (ff 1 Slfi I Jff nka 8081 8888 ana ItfaH Bia' tui ro Hf a 10 SM 1 is 5A0 676 a It 667 rtO 14 088 i rot Ska teottoMa traTOw aanaattt toaot tat' WM1?" feM lot and well up 1'3' wriafaMn beta broach waai terio by rtrid A PeholessJJf MlBaro MfeparotottB 39 noteortia BriaMiam A an aroffi feriMast Aa iiirtoi Bfeto rro to Mtororoaftrotoatoffitoto'l T'' 3i rhiainrrg Prtiwrbic TT gVro i uoMornaaa 1 Iotas tnass ih woaroatoaiariffiar xmto Sites tmttriro ferit aay Mm ffitaOsd rt tatoMsristeiir swan et Miteham Qriat radt to I to aeptnd te ffilTtagaZ fat at Me ratal ro tach was MSUo tar isrolia Bria bedtek topty AAuUr ori 3 Ml to suit all cfM Agettrim wauro tumuy iiytijuuuai write mvmg twWenta manMm ugtri Soffitect III 1 I a ia A'tA HogiSnJ I.

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The Advertiser from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)


What is the main newspaper in Adelaide? ›

The Advertiser is a daily tabloid format newspaper based in the city of Adelaide, South Australia. First published as a broadsheet named The South Australian Advertiser on 12 July 1858, it is currently a tabloid printed from Monday to Saturday.

Why is Adelaide important to Australia? ›

As South Australia's government and commercial centre, Adelaide is the site of many governmental and financial institutions. Most of these are concentrated in the city centre along the cultural boulevards of North Terrace and King William Street.

Why is Adelaide the best place to live in Australia? ›

Great quality of life

Adelaide is one of the Top 15 most liveable cities in the world, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit Global Liveability Index (2023) which reviews stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education and infrastructure factors for over 170 cities worldwide.

Who owns the advertiser Adelaide? ›

The Advertiser is a daily newspaper published in Adelaide, South Australia. It was first printed on 12 July 1858. it is owned by News Limited.

What is the Australian newspaper called? ›

The Australian informs and leads public opinion on issues that affect the entire nation. We invest in quality journalism and employ the best journalists and commentators in the country.

How many people read the advertiser? ›

The Advertiser reinforces growing audience, continuing to reach more than 1.7 million readers in latest Roy Morgan figures. Latest figures have reinforced The Advertiser is continuing to reach more than 1.7 million print and digital readers.

What is the old name for Adelaide? ›

Originally called Tarntanya (red kangaroo place) by the Kaurna people, the original custodians of the land, Adelaide is the capital city of South Australia and was first settled by European free-settlers in 1836. Surveyor Colonel William Light was charged with surveying the city layout.

What is Adelaide best known for? ›

Accessible experience highlights: Adelaide is known for its scenic national parks that are brimming with wildlife, and many of these offer accessible facilities. The stunning Adelaide Hills wine region also promotes stellar accessible and inclusive experiences to explore.

What is Adelaide known for food? ›

The 16 Most Iconic Dishes in Adelaide To Try at Least Once
  • Portuguese Custard Tart: Saudade. ...
  • Pie of the Month: Bakery on O'Connell. ...
  • Gnocco Fritto at Fugazzi. ...
  • Southern Rock Lobster: Fishbank. ...
  • Pasta: Osteria Oggi. ...
  • Wagyu and Roasted Bone Marrow Burger: Bread and Bone. ...
  • Spicy Corn Ribs: NOLA. ...
  • Pipis: Kuti Shack.
Aug 19, 2024

Which US city is most like Adelaide? ›

With so many similarities between them, the decision for the Adelaide, and Austin, Texas, USA to become sister cities in 1983 was easy.

Why do people leave Adelaide? ›

“There are predominantly two factors encouraging the younger demographic to leave South Australia – lifestyle and career opportunities. “Adelaide's CBD in particular has made some ground in recent times on the lifestyle front, punctuated by the State Government's vibrancy and activation agenda.

Is it expensive to live in Adelaide? ›

The cost of living in Adelaide is lower than in any other mainland capital city in Australia. EIU cost of living survey conducted in 2022 shows Adelaide is 12% more affordable, which means you have more to spend on food, accommodation, supplies, travel and entertainment.

Who is the biggest TV advertiser? ›

Procter & Gamble was the top TV advertising spender in the U.S., at $109.3 million. Home to Gillette, Crest, and Tide, the company spent a stunning $5.1 billion in overall advertising in 2022. Pharmaceutical companies Abbvie and GSK were the next biggest spenders, at $81.4 million and $52.8 million, respectively.

When did The Advertiser start? ›

When the first edition of The Advertiser rolled off the presses on July 12, 1858, the settlement of South Australia was only 22 years old. Back then it was called The South Australian Advertiser and consisted of four pages, each of seven columns, and sold for four pence.

Who owns Channel 9 Adelaide? ›

The Nine Network (stylised 9Network, commonly known as Channel Nine or simply Nine) is an Australian commercial free-to-air television network. It is owned by parent company Nine Entertainment and is one of five main free-to-air television networks in Australia.

What is the most common newspaper? ›

1. The Wall Street Journal. Based on circulation numbers, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) is among the largest daily U.S. newspapers, with more than 3.9 million subscribers. This includes more than 3 million digital subscribers as well as 649,000 print subscriptions.

Is the Herald a national newspaper? ›

The Herald as it is commonly known today is a national newspaper owned by the Irish Independent Group of newspapers and has continued since 1891 to have a nationwide circilation althrough the paper is heavily assocaited with County Dublin.

What is the name of the USC newspaper? ›

The Daily Trojan, or "DT," is the student newspaper of the University of Southern California. The newspaper is a forum for student expression and is written, edited, and managed by university students.

What is the name of the SMU newspaper? ›

Beginning a tradition that has thrived for more than a century, SMU students published a campus newspaper the first month the university opened. The "S.M.U. Times" premiere issue debuted September 11, 1915 — 11 days before school started.

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

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Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.