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Green Economy and its Role in Achieving Sustainable Development

Anushka Naik


The following study provides an in-depth analysis of the term ‘Green Economy’. It talks about the nature, etymology and usage of the word as well as the nature, scope and limitations of the concept of a ‘Green Economy’. It analyses the various views expressed by notable researchers in the field of Economics and Sustainability. It also presents the impact of implementing a green economy on the two sectors that will be affected the most; Trade and Employment. The concept of ‘Green Economy’ is a multi-layered one with dimensions that extend all the aspects of an economy. The shift from a traditional economy to a green economy is a major change and is bound to affect almost all the sectors in the economy. Of these, the most significantly affected are Employment and Trade. When considering a green economy as a means to achieve sustainable development, there are certain limitations that are seen. The most significant ones have been discussed here. However, in spite of this Green Economy s...

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Green Economy A Way to Environmental Sustainability

Elham Esmaeili Alavijeh

Increasing economic growth has also accelerated population and urbanization growth, which has led to a sharp decline in natural resources and environmental impacts on the economic sector. Natural resource and environmental issues have formed a specific set of problems at this stage of development, due to inefficient use of natural resources and ignorant of natural capital. Therefore, in order to reduce the environmental damage and the growing social inequality of economy, it is necessary to transform patterns of production and consumption, and thus of the whole economy. A new approach to economic policy, such as the modernization of classical economics to the green economy, can solve complex problems. The green economy approach contributes to the prosperity and increased employment of the people through governmental and social investments, and prevents adverse effects on the environment, thereby results in increasing the effective efficiency of energy and resources, as well as preventing damage to biodiversity and ecosystems. For this reason, in the context of green economy debates, it is necessary to develop policies at the global, regional and national levels in order to achieve its goals, including economic recovery, job creation, and sustainability of ecosystems and the achievement of sustainable development goals.

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Green Economy: In Pursuance of Sustainable Development

Dileep Adhikary

Administration and Management Review, 2012

We have reached a time where the understanding of development should not be pursued in isolation but should best be interfaced with nature for an improved and sustained quality of life. The pursuit of green economy requires a considerable change in our approach to development wherein the greening of the sectors needs to be planned at the very outset of the process. This paper, has conceptualized, and discusses strategic thrust, sectoral integration, management dynamism and institutional and policy regime as a basic embodiment in a green economic framework. It may involve mobilisation of additional resources but is worth an investment for all smiles in near future. Green Economy Framework is a critical stepping in leading to sustainable development which is indeed an ability to transform from one phase of the timeline to the other phase.

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Oleg Rybalkin


The existing economic development model needs to fit into the sustainable development framework due to the continuing depletion of natural resources and the continuing disproportions in economic growth. Therefore, a new concept was introduced, a "green economy", which emphasises improving the population's quality of life while minimising the use of resources and preserving nature for subsequent generations. However, discussions about the green economy measurement methodology continue. Based on the literature analysis, the authors clarified approaches towards the concept under consideration. They developed a novel approach to a green economy in the context of the basic principles of sustainable development.

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Green economy and sustainability

Eliezer Martins Diniz

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Green economy and its future

Atta mustafa

Journal of Sustainable Tourism and Entrepreneurship, 2020

Purpose: This paper tries to find out the current progress of subjective developed and developing countries regarding green economy development. Research Methodology: This paper uses a graphical radar approach to show countries' overall performance toward the green economy. Results: This paper concluded that developed countries are ahead of developing in terms of current health expenditure, large forest area and tons of national parks. However, they are on the same page in terms of pollution, whether it is air or solid. Limitations: Several elements restrict this study. The study is carried out in chosen underdeveloped countries and developed ones. The position of the countries is therefore restricted. Consequently, the results and outputs may not apply to geographical sites. Because of unavailability, this study sample may not be sufficient. Contribution: This study will benefit both developed and developing countries by providing a clear understanding and scenario about the gr...

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Green economy and related concepts: An overview

Marianne Thomsen

Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016

For the last ten years, the notion of a green economy has become increasingly attractive to policy makers. However, green economy covers a lot of diverse concepts and its links with sustainability are not always clear. In this article, we focus on definitions of green economy and related concepts and an evaluation of these concepts against the criterion of strong and weak sustainability. The article serves three purposes: Firstly, we identify and describe diverse theories, concepts, approaches and tools related to a "green economy". Among these are the theories of environmental economics and ecological economics, the concepts and approaches of cleaner production, waste hierarchy, bio-economy, industrial ecology, circular economy, nature-based solutions, and dematerialization through product-servicizing, and tools like life cycle assessment, and cost-benefit analysis. Secondly, we develop a framework that shows the capacity of the green economy concepts, approaches and tools to support the transition towards sustainability. Such a framework can serve as a heuristic to embed diverse concepts and approaches into a green economy framework. Thirdly, we briefly discuss green economy concepts with respect to their impact on strong and weak sustainability. Depending on the different concepts, approaches and tools identified in the green economy framework, different degrees of substitutability and trade-offs between environmental and economic benefits are allowed, and more or less structural changes of our modes of living are required. By discussing the notion of green economy and related concepts, approaches and tools we seek to make a contribution to their definitions and relationships as a prerequisite for operationalizing green economy.

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Green economies around the world? Implications of resource use for development and the environment

Christine Polzin

This report reveals, for the fi st time, data on resource use and resource efficiency for all countries of the world over three decades, from 1980 – 2008. The data covers the global, continental and country level, featuring illustrative case studies. The report addresses three main issues: 1. Patterns of material extraction, trade, consumption and resource productivity in different world regions and countries; 2. Connections between material use and indicators of economic and social development; 3. Links between material use and selected major environmental problems, such as carbon emissions, land use change and water use. The report evaluates the performances of different countries, highlighting the critical issues of current trends in resource use. It thus provides innovative input for the current discussion on green economies and poverty reduction in the context of the Rio+20 Earth Summit in 2012 and beyond.

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The development of population green economy and the environment system

shah jubaer

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Jagadish Parajuli

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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.