The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)

Plant to be 1, of 21, by a a 21, CO, IS 1 22, is Examiner Nov. A mixture of Allah papers, Constitution at Zebra trial 21, 1975 Muslim teachings found by police in Simon's apartment. Dondero was requiring Simon to read excerpts such as these: "Who is the original man? The original man is the Asiatic black man, the master, the owner, the cream of the planet earth, god of the universe. "Who is the colored man? The colored man is the caucasian, the white man, or Yakub's grafted devil, the skunk of the planet earth." Simon, 29, grew increasingly agitated and began substituting his own words for the text. One of his inserted terms was "Jews," which angered defense attorney Clinton W.

White. At the recess, Simon had a private conference with Minister John Muhammad of Temple 26 of the with Minister John Muhammad of Temple 26 of the By Gale Cook Nation of Islam. After that Simon refused to answer Zebra defendant J. C. Simon, a man under siege, further questions about the book.

refused yesterday to answer witness stand questions Dondero referred line line than by to more 30 about Black Muslim papers that he said were handed but Simon stuck his other excerpts, grimly to guns. to him by Allah. Once White buried his head in his arms on the Simon invoked the Fifth Amendment against counsel table and John F. Cruikshank shook self incrimination as well as the First (religion attorney his head from side to side. freedom), Sixth (fair trial) and Fourteenth (citizenship rights) Amendments.

When Dondero's questions ended, White guided His performance appeared to startle even his Simon to an apology for the defendant's bizarre behavior while fencing with Dondero last week. At own lawyers, one of whom whispered admiringly, that time Simon had given series of irrational a "'He's got 'em all." answers, referring once to "a Dondero snake." Superior Judge Joseph Karesh ruled that Simon "I would like to apologize to Mr. Dondero, to his could not claim these rights i in his fifth day on the honor Judge Karesh, the and to the for stand and ordered the witness to answer Assistant jury public my conduct," Simon said. District Attorney Robert Dondero's questions. He said the questions about his childhood in The mercurial Simon refused this order some 50 Texas had stirred unhappy memories and "I didn't times.

want to be reminded of it." The dealt with "lessons" in a binder of Simon completed his testimony today. questions Younger wants overhaul of system By K. Connie Kang State Attorney General Evelle Younger, emphasizing that California's parole system has failed, yesterday called for legislation abolishing the Adult Authority and the indeterminate sentencing system. "It's a pretty traumatic thing to say that this system we invented doesn't work." Younger told a news conference here. But, he added, it would be worse to continue the system that doesn't work.

The state's top law enforcement official said his staff is drafting such a proposal, which he will present to the Legislature when it reconvenes next Januarv. The Adult Authority sets parole dates and supervises pa- OFFICIAL ADVERTISING SUMMARY OF ACTIONS Finance Committee Board of Supervisors Nov. 19, 1975 Resolution urging State Legislature to proceed forthwith with legislation to fund local 9-1- emergency telephone system. File: 12-75-43. (Barbagelata) CONTD.

TO CALLa OF THE CHAIR. Resolution authorizing extension of lease for space at 1548 Stockton Street for Northeast Neighborhood Mental Health Outpatient Center. Fle 64-75-44, RECOMMENDED. Resolution approving lease of space at San Francisco International Airport to the United States of America for runway 10R visual approach facilities. File 65-75-2.

CONTD TO Ordinance appropriating $306,600, Airport, for operation and capital improvement, S.F. Airport Operating Fund. File 101- 75-58. CONTD. TO Resolution authorizing the Director of Public Health to make application and accept funds from the State of California Department of Public Health for the Women, Infants and Children Program, File 333-75-8.

RECOMMEND "DO NOT Ordinance amending Part Ill, Municipal Code, by amending Section 602 relating to increase of parking tax from to and establishing an operative date therefor. File 418-75-1. (Feinstein, Kopp, Molineri, Nelder, von Beroldingen). CONTD. 'TO Ordinance amending Part Ill, Municipal Code, by, amending Section 602 relating to increase of parking tax from to and establishing an operative date therefor.

File 418-75-2. (Feinstein, Kopp, Molinari, Nelder, von Beroldingen). CONTD. TO Resolution accepting gifts of $5,000 for improvements to Precita Park and $5,000 for improvements to the children's play area at Middle Drive near South Drive, Golden Gate Park, from Friends of Recreation and Parks for use by the Recreation and Park Dept. File 38-75-55.

RECOMMENDED. Ordinance appropriating $103,139, Sheriff, for permanent salaries, uniforms, equipment and mandatory fringe benefits for the creation of 10 positions in compliance with Federal court order, an emergency measure. File 101-75-55. RECOMMENDED AS AMENDED. Ordinance appropriating $103,139, Sheriff, for permanent salaries, uniforms, equipment and mandatory fringe benefits for the creation of 10 positions in compliance with Federal court order: an emergency measure.

File 101-75-55. RECOMMENDED AS AMENDED. Ordinance appropriating $28,501, Port. for permanent salaries and related mandatory fringe benefits for the creation of 4 positions. File 101-75-56.

RECOMMENDED. Ordinance appropriating $45,500, Art Commission, for sound and lighting equipment, RS, Rescinding $45,500 from appropriation for Neighborhood Arts program and supporting services, RS. File 101-75-57. RECOMMENDED. Ordinance appropriating $3,711 for fixed charges (insurance), Juvenile Court, Probation Office; an emergency measure.

File 101-75-59. RECOMMENDED. Ordinance amending the Administrative Code by adding Section 10.117-15, establishing Museums Admission Fund of Fine Arts Museums and the Asian Art Museum, and specifying purposes for which said fund may be used; an emergency measure. File 500-75. (Mendelsohn) RECOMMENDED.

Ordinance appropriating $47,514 for operation and capital improvement, Admissions, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco; an emergency measure. 101- 75-60. (Mendelsohn) RECOMMENDED. Request for certification of funds for miscellaneous improvements at. Candlestick Park.

File 101-75-61. CONTD. TO 75. Copies of measures summarized above may be obtained upon personal application at the Clerk's Office, Room 235, City Hall, or upon mailed application accompanied by a stamped, selfaddressed envelope. GILBERT H.

BOREMAN, Clerk Nov. 1975-lt 4 newsmen lose appeal on press rights The California Supreme has denied four Fresno newsmen a hearing on a conviction for refusing to questions concerning the a news story The high court, without ment yesterday, refused to the petition to consider Court of Appeal ruling that the newsmen's request for of the conviction. The judgment was by Fresno Judge Denver C. Peckinpah. Justice Stanley Mosk, ever, said the reporters granted a hearing.

The action was sought Jose Rosato and William son, Bee reporters, editor George Gruner and editor Jim Bort. In their petition to preme Court, they contended recent amendments to the ers' shield law have the law's protection the Legislature's resolve to a reporter's sources." They told the court it decide whether the federal state constitutions allow a qualified privilege to news sources. Screwworms active MISSION, Tex. The al Screwworm Eradication says 13,612 screwworm were re reported in Texas October. VITAL Births Born to: ALBARILLO, Rolando 658- Gellert Daly City, October 23, a son ALE ALEXANDER, Donald 513 Fredrick Street, S.F., November 9, a daughter.

ANDRADA, Claudio 619 Geneva S.F., November 9, a daughter. BARCELON, Conrado 631-A South Van Ness, S.F., November 4, a daughter. BERGAGNINI, Peter, 475 Esplanade, Pacifica, November 3, a daughter BRUCE Donnie 24 Alviso Street, S.F., October 21, a son. CABRERA, David 76 Alvarado Street, S.F., November 8, a daughter. CERNA, Gonzalo, 1520 Briggs Street, S.F., October 26, a son.

CHAVEZ, Joseph, 85 Rotteck Street, S.F., November 7, a daughter. CHENEA, Paul, 4563-18th Street, S.F., October 26, a daughter. COLEMAN 111, George 73 Maynard Street, S.F., October 24, a son. DAMIAN, Ernesto, 399 Bel evue Daly City, November 11, a daughter. DAWSON, Thomas 2010 Lawton Street, S.F., November 4, a son.

DIP, Parmesh, 433 Milton Ave. No. 3, San Bruno, October 31, a daughter. ESCURO, Francisco 2034 Alemany S.F., October 22, a son. EZEKIEL, Albert G.S., 383 San Jose Avenue, S.F., November 3, a daughter.

FIALLOS, Edgardo 442 Thirteleth Street, S.F., October 22, a son. FITHIAN, James. 552 Miller Avenue, Pacifica, October 30, a son. FORD, Robert 36 Blythdale Avenue, S.F., November 3, a son. GARCIA, Santana, 253 Addison Street, S.F., October 19, a son.

GIBBONS, Thomas 26 Girard Street, S.P., November 13, a daughter. GOLEY, Lindon 38 Cameo Court, Daly City, November 3, a son. HENSON, John 26 Forest Side Avenue, S.F., October 31, a son. JACKSON, Louis, 965 Morse Street, S.F., November 2, a son. KAPLAN, Joel 2510.

Van Ness Avenue No. 10, S.F., November 3, a son. LOPEZ, Pedro, Guerrero Street, S.F., October 21, a daughter. MOLINA, Armando, 737 Athens Street, S.F., November 5, a daughter. NAKAMURA, Tad 4924 Anza Street, S.F., October 28, a son.

NAVARRO, Alejandro 312 A Tamarack Street, So. S.F., November 10, a daughter. ORON, Michael 421 Sunrise Way, S.F., November 11, a daughter. RAND, Kendrick, 17 Resaca Street, Stinson Beach, November 2, a son. ROUSE, Richard 377 Eight Street, Montara, November 2, a daughter.

SHEMANO, Gary 265 Bretano Way, Greenbrae, November 3, a son. VEGA, Rafael, 88 Elgin Park, S.F., November 4, a son. VELASCO Ricardo, 518 McAllister Street, S.F., November 10, a son. VERGARA, Primo 105 Oakridge Drive, Daly City, November 7, a son. WATKINS, Robert, 554 30th Street, S.F., November 6, a daughter.

WILLIAMS, John 1009 So. Van Ness S.F., October 26, a son. WILSON, Jimmie 257 Montana Street, S.F., November 4, a son. YOUNGFELLOW, Michael, 8343 Skyline Boulevard, Oakland, November 6, a daughter. A certified copy of a birth certificate may be obtained for $2 from the S.F.

Department of Public Health, 101 Grove Street, in person or by mail Marriages Licenses Issued to: CHRIS-SIMONS Lincoln A. Chris, 1745 Pacif- ic, and Teresa P. Simons, 6F Randolph Crescent, London, England. ROTH-CARDEN Orlin H. Roth, 3645 an, and Coleta M.

Carden 2250 Buchanan. HARBINSON-LOPEZ Gerlad C. Harbinson, 1306 Valencia, and Herlinda Lopez, 63 Peoria, Daly City. BESEIRO-BOZA Arturo Beseiro, 24 30th and Maria C. Boza, 373 Lexington.

ARYAVONG-RODATO Thao S. Aryavong, 350 Glenview, and Patricia D. Rodato, same. Witness says he helped Fromme learn to shoot By Dennis J. Opatrny Examiner Capitol Bureau Court Bee contempt answer source of comreview a state denied review original Superior howshould be by Pattermanaging city the Suthat reportbroadened "reaffirming shield should and newsmen protect NationCenter cases through STATISTICS FARRELL-BORGNIS SACRAMENTO A former San Francisco auto mechanic testified today that he helped familiarize Lynette Fromme two years ago with semi-automatic firearms.

Peter Perry, who now lives in Pacific Palisades, said he and other friends took Miss Fromme and her roommate Sandra Good to the Sharp Park shooting range in Pacifica. Perry said that Miss Fromme, accused of trying to President Ford, fired both a .22 caliber rifle and .22 caliber semi-automatic pistol for three hours during Saturday and Sunday practice sessions. Perry said the .22 pistol had a slide action mechanism to load it- the same type used to load a .45 caliber pistol. Defense attorney John Virga summoned Perry apparently to show jurors that Miss Fromme was familiar with semi-automatic weapons and their loading procedure. The pistol Secret Service agents wrested from Miss Fromme on Sept.

5 had no bullet in the chamber but did have four in the clip. Miss Fromme has said she never intended to shoot the President but only tried to draw attention to herself and her concerns for the environment. Perry, 24, said he was introduced to Miss Fromme through a roommate who knew members of the Manson family. Aged woman bound, slain in home A man who could not reach his 83-year-old mother by phone went to her home last night and found her bound and savagely beaten body on the living room floor of her ransacked apartment. Mrs.

Fusami Kono, presumably had 2265 Bush presumably had been followed home from a nearby store, police said. Her body, bludgeoned almost beyond recognition, was still clothed in the sweater and coat she customarily wore outdoors. Police said she had been "hogtied her arms, wrists, legs and feet bound behind her with appliance cords and apron strings. Stockings had been stuffed into her mouth. The savagery of the beating, especially about the head, indicated the murderer may have been frustrated in a search for money and valuables.

role for state inmates. "Within two months of, release, this individual had can't force rehabilita- naped a young woman, murdered tion on someone. Time come her, assaulted and shot a second has for us to abandon woman and engaged in shootout the noble attempt." with police," Younger said. Without naming the man, Younger cited as a "tragic" Yet, this man, apparently, example an East Bay case in "did convince parole that which a convict sentenced to life he had been rehabilitated," in prison was released after four Younger noted. years, despite a warning from the district attorney and the sentenc- Younger said he favor ing judge.

long sentences, but realistic ones. Elaine Brown charge cut A charge against Black Pan- in San Rafael said he was ther leader Elaine Brown of satisfied that she knowingly posattempting to smuggle cocaine sessed the cocaine, but he was not into San Quentin prison was satisfied that she knowingly carreduced today to one of posses- ried it into the prison. sion. He released Miss Brown on Municipal Judge David Baty. her own recognizance.

OFFICIAL ADVERTISING experience in the design of large ocean outfalls may obtain the written instructions by immediately phoning (415) 558-5056. Director Pub. Wks.11/21,22/75, 2 2t DEPARTMENT OF CITY PLANNING INITIAL EVALUATIONS OF PROJECTS (ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PROCESS) Projects for Week of November 17. 1975 Notice is hereby given to the general public of the following actions concerning Initial Evaluations of Projects under the Environmental Review Process. Documents concerning these projects are available for public inspection at the Department of City Planning, 100 Larkin Street.

NEGATIVEDECLARATION The initial evaluation conducted by the Department of City Planning determined that the following projects could not have a significant effect on the environment, and that no environmental impact report is required. Accordingly, a Negative Declaration has been issued. Any appeal of this determination to the City Planning Commission must be filed with the Department within 10 days following the date of this notice ($25.00 filing fee). EE75.378: 6 Apartments; 539- 28th Avenue, Lot 7 in Assessor's Block 1516; Two-story over garage, requiring demolition of a single-family dwelling, Building Application No. 452239.

EE75.415: Legalization of Deck; 1883-85 Sixteenth Avenue, Lot 16 in Assessor's Block 2053; Rear deck, four feet by eight feet, requiring variance VZ75.63 and Building Application No. 380495. EIR REQUIREMENT The initial evaluation conducted by the Department of City Planning determined that the following project may have a significant effect on the environment, and that an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) must be prepared. EE75.368: North. Point Marina; Piers and 41, San Francisco Waterfront; Development of new restaurants, shops, offices, marinas, and a waterfront park.

NOTICE OF HEARING ON APPEAL AFTER INITIAL EVALUATION OF A PROJECT (ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PROCESS) The initial evaluation conducted by the Department of City Planning determined that the following project may have a significant effect on the environment, and that an Environmental Impact Report must be prepared. EE75.360: Shell Oil Gasoline Station; 1999 Market Street, Lot 57 in Assessor's Block 3534; Selfservice, requiring demolition of two buildings, Building Application No. 451214. This determination by the Department has been appealed to the City Planning Commission, which will hold a public hearing on this appeal and other matters on Thursday, December 4, 1975, at 4:00 P.M., in Room 282, City Hall. Selina Bendix Environmenati Review Officer EE75.378 November 21, 1975-1t SUMMARY OF ACTIONS Rules Committee Board of Supervisors November 17, 1975 SUMMARY OF CALENDAR ITEMS OF GENERAL PUBLIC INTEREST: Appointment of members of the Executive Board of the Association of Bay Area Governments for the term July 1975 to June 30, 1977.

File 33-75-5. RECOMMENDED Appointment of member of Mental Health Advisory Board, vice Rev. David B. White, resigned, for the term ending November 13, 1978. File 92-75 23.1.

RESOLUTION RECOMMENDED APPOINTING MRS. VIRGINIA DeHAAS MACCHIARINI Appointment of members to Multi Lingual Citizens Task Force, pursuant to Resolution No. 631-75. File RESOLUTION RECOMMENDED AP. POINTING MS.

MARLENE GERDTS-PINZON (SPANISH) AND MR. DENNIS WONG (CHINESE); COMBINED WITH FILE 92-75-37. Appointment of member Mrs. Kono's son, Nubuo, 51 of South San Francisco, said his mother had lived in the flat for eight years. The coroner said she appeared to have died yesterday.

Neighbors said Mrs. Kono had not been seen for a couple of days. 1 Funerals 000 DEPARTMENT OF CITY PLANNING NOTICE OF INTENT TO REQUEST THE RELEASE OF FUNDS UNDER THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM Notice is hereby given to the general public as follows: 1. It is the intent of the Mayor of San Francisco to submit to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on December 1, 1975, a certification that all applicable environmental review and clearance requirements have been completed in connection with certain activities under the following Community Development Block Grant project and to request the release of funds for said activities.

C-6. Neighborhood traffic control and related beautification programs a portion of the funds allocated for this project will be used to support smallscale, physical neighborhood improvement projects at various locations within the City (EF75.372); the construction of a center island on Church Street to prohibit left turns from eastbound Nineteenth Street into Church Street and northbound Church Street into Nineteenth Street (EF75.373); and planning and design activities of the 'Department of Public Works for various traffic control programs. 2. The project was approved by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and HUD as a part of San Francisco's 1975 Community Development Block Grant Application, pursuant to Title 1 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. 3.

Environmental Review Records have been prepared for the subject projects which are available for examination and copying during normal office hours, from the date of this notice, at the Department of City Planning, 100 Larkin Street, San Francisco, CA. 4. The applicant is the City's Chief Executive Officer, Joseph L. Alioto, Mayor, Room 200, City Hall San Francisco, CA 94102. 5.

The City and County of San Francisco WIll undertake the projects described above with Block Grant funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); under Title of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. The City and County of San Francisco is certifying to HUD that the City and County of San Francisco and Joseph L. Alioto, in his official capacity as Mayor, consent to accept the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts if an action brought to enforce responsibilities in relation to environmental reviews, decision making and action, and that these responsibilities have been satisfied. The legal effect of the certification is that, upon its approval, the City and County of San Francisco may use the Block Grant funds and HUD will have satisfied its responsibilities under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969.

HUD will accept an objection to its approval of the release of funds, and acceptance of the certification if it only on one of the following bases: (a) That the certification was not in fact executed by the chief executive officer of the applicant; or (b) that the applicant's environmental review record for the projects indicated omission of a required decision, finding or step applicable to the projects in the environmental review process. Objections must be prepared and submitted in accordance with required procedure (24 CFR part 58), and may be addressed to HUD, at One Embarcadero Center, Suite 1600, San FrancisCalifornia 94111. Objections to the release of funds on bases other than those stated above will not be considered by HUD. No objections received after December 1975, will be considered HUD. by Selina Bendix Environmental Review Officer C-6 EF75.372 November 21, 1975-lt CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Proposals are requested for engineering services to design Outfall from the proposed Southwest Water Pollution Control located south of the S.F.

Zoo. Engineering firms that have Child Health and Disability Prevention Advisory Committee vice Gloria Ross, term expired, for the term ending October 1, 1978. File RESOLUTION RECOMMENDED APPOINTING MRS. GLORIA J. BURRELL: COMBINED WITH FILE 92-75-37.

Appointment of member of Animal Control and Welfare Commission, vice Edgar Stone, resigned, for the term ending March 15, 1976. File 92-75-37. RESOLUTION RECOMMENDED APPOINTING MRS. ANNA TONNESON Copies of measures may be obtained upon personal application at the Clerk's Office, Room 235, City Hall, or upon mailed application accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. GILBERT H.

BOREMAN, Clerk November 21, 1975-lt OFFICIAL ADVERTISING CITY PLANNING COMMISSION NOTICE OF HEARING ON DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY: Three lots on the east side of 10th Avenue between Lincoln Way and Irving Street, Lots 28, 30 and 32 in Assessor's Block 1741 and two lots on the west side of 10th Avenue between Lincoln Way and Irving Street, Lots 2 and 3 in Assessor's Block 1740. Notice is hereby given to the general public as follows: 1. A draft Environmental Impact Report has been prepared by the Department of City Planning in connection with Five 6-unit apartment buildings on the east and west sides of 10th Avenue between Lincoln Way and Irving Street. The report is available for public review and comment at the Department offices at 100 Larkin Street. 2.

A public hearing on this draft Environmental Impact Report and other matte will be held on Thursday, January 22, 1976, beginning at 3:00 P.M., in Room 282, City Hall. Selina Bendix Environmental Review Officer EE73.195, EE73.196, EE73.200, EE73.201, EE73.205 November 21, 1975-1t NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Public Utilities Commission of the City and County of San Francisco will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, December 17, 1975, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 282, City Hall, San Francisco, to consider a Municipal Railway study proposing the retention of electric trolley wires on Market Street. The study, entitled "Analysis of Operating Alternatives for Market Street Trolley Coach may be obtained at the office of the Director of Transportation, San Francisco Municipal Railway, Room 209, 949 Presidio Avenue, San Francisco. All interested parties are invited to attend and will be given the opportunity to express their views to the Commission.

By order of the Public Utilities Commission. Thomas G. Flynn Secretary and Assistant General Manager Nov. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 1975-5t NOTICE OF CHANGE OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION, SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO A SPECIAL MEETING The Board of Education, San Francisco Unified School District, will hold a special meeting instead of a regular meeting, on Tuesday, November 25, 1975 at 7:00 p.m., in the meeting room of the Board of 170 Education, Fell Street, Room 30, for the purpose of considering recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee on Preparation Periods and Specialist Programs and such other matters as may be presented the Superintendent. DR.

ROBERT F. ALIOTO SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS AND SECRETARY BOARD OF EDUCATION 22, 2t November 1975 bicycles or trucks move fast in the Want Ad Supermarket Phone 777-7777 Michael A. Farrell, 1562 ValleJo, and Christy M. Borgnis, same. HERBERT-BOTTS Walter J.

Herbert Jr. 130. Crescent, and Jeanne Botts, same. STELMAK-HAMBARZUMJAN Andrew S. Stelmak, 161 Paris, and Hranush M.

Hambarzumjan, 24 Prague. BRUCKMAN-0KADA Richard B. Bruckman, 2011 18th and Elaine T. Okada, same. LA FORGIA-HOULE Leonard F.

LaForgia, 104 Short, Pacifica, and Susan J. Houle, 202 Sterling, Pacifica, KNAPP-VALDERRAMA David E. Knapp, 5526 Taft, Oakland, and Frenily L. Valderrama, 720 Rolph. WAHL-SAUNDERS James S.

Wahl, 384 Susie Wy, So. San Francisco, and Kathryn M. Sanders, same. BARTHOLOMEW-WILLIAMS Lonny A. Bartholomew, and Karen L.

Williams. NESTLER-EVANS Elwood F. Nestler, 1425 8th and Nancy J. Evans, same. MACPHERSON-WAGNER John D.

MacPherson, 205 Morning Sun, Mill Valley, and Regina L. Wagner, same. RODRIGUEZ-RAMIREZ Tristan G. Rodriguez and 483 Mariposa, and Maria A. Ramirez, 650 Post.

OSBORN-GEYERMAN Sheldon C. Osborn, 2040 Larkin and Cheryl A. Geyerman, same. VASQUEZ- DE SOTO Rene R. Vaseuez, 312 Cedar, Millbrae, and Rosemarie J.

De Soto, 570 2 30th St. BESSIERES-CRAIG Paul Bessieres, 2727 Clay, and Sandra D. Craig, 1455 Filbert. MILLER-KERMABON Gerald L. Miller, 504 Via Hidalgo, Greenbrae, and Pamela Kermabon, 2436 15th Ave.

SCHREINER-COSGROVE Jacobus G. Schreiner, 963 Warfield, Oakland, and Pamela M. Cosgrove, 715 6th Ave. MING-MITTARKUL Daniel Ming, 89 Athens, and Patchnee Mittarkul, 30 Inca Ln. DELCID-VAUGHEY Gilbert B.

Delcid, 121 Day, and Alexandra Vaughey, 20 Eucalyptus Belvedere. LITTEN-SHIRO Joe C. Litten, 2460 Larkin, and Janice M. Shiro, same. Dissolutions Petitions Filed BARTON Richard and Beverly JOHNSON Sally and Hilton SINGH Lilia and Harbant WELLS Russell and Rachel SAIKI Barry and Irene FRANKS Linda and Robert GREEN Carl and Ruby SAN PABLO Natividad and Feliciano McMILLIN Joni and Steven VELLUTINI John and Joanne LUDWIG John and Carolyn DIWAN Sudeep and Balgit SMITH Nolan and Vera GUNTER Pamela and Abraham DYER Philip and Susan ZOURNITZES James and Virginia RIVAS Ana and Alfredo CERINO Gudrun and John MORALES Teresa and Alberto HALLOWAY Ann and Robert SAMPSON Patricia and Terre DEAVER Sharon and Roger BURKE Shelley and Roger LYNAS Norman and Marion JOHNSON Douglas Jr.

and Sandra DURANT Broadus and Lorraine MALONE Gloria and John TAYLOR Ronald and Thelma TERRY Linda and Royal TICAS Pablo and Rosa ROBERTSON Bertha and Bertram FINNAMORO Donald and Loyzelle DAVIS-SIMMONS Shahiba and Gedaliah KITTS Carolyn and Anderson HARRIS Lester and Robyn KELLEY-GUYER Kathleen and William LEWIS Sharon and Rickey MURIE Linda and Stephen SIKES Hazel and William CRAWFORD Everette and Georgia ADAMS Frank and Repple COSTIN Christa and Michael PARKER Nicolette and John HERRING Sylvester and Marjorie WHITTAKER Sandra and Michael PETSCHEK Charlene and Rodolfo MANNABERG Sharon and Robert LEEDS Elaine and Jeffrey Separation Filed RUBALCAVA Ana and Martin Nullity Filed AQUILAR Paul and Jean Nullity Granted ALVARADO America and Cristobal. BRUNTON, Helen Gay BUSH, Ardis Vernon CUELLAR, Vitalia DIERCKS, Fred A. Sr. DOYLE, Debbie EGUCHI, Tokichi "Charlie" FREEDMAN, Bertha GALAKTIONOFF, Klavdia 1. WESSON, James G.

ZANATTA, Silvia BRUNTON, Helen Gay In Sacramento, Nov. 18, 1975, Helen Gay Brunton, wife of the late Ralph R. Brunton; mother of Mrs. Bonnie J. Elliott of Courtland, Jack E.

Brunton of San Francisco, Mrs. Marilyn G. Johnson of Cloverdale; sister of Dr. James A. Gay of Pleasanton; leaves nine grandchildren; a native of Akron, Ohio; aged 74 years.

Private services will be held today (Friday) the Land Park Chapel of HARRY A. NAUMAN SON, 4041 Freeport Sacramento. Interment, East Lawn Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be sent to the American Red Cross. BUSH, Ardis Vernon In this city, Nov.

19, 1975, Ardis Vernon Bush, dear husband of the late Ann Bush; father of Suzanne Sizemore and Glenda Lovele; son of Lillie B. Bush; brother of Howard Bush and the late Carl Bush; grandfather of three; a native of Leesville, aged 56 years; a member of the Boilermakers Union Local No. 6 and a devoted Peniel Mission worker. Friends are invited to attend the funeral services Saturday at 10 a.m. at the COMISKYROCHE FUNERAL HOME, Dolores and 16th Rev.

George Hayes officiating. Interment services Monday, 11:30 a.m., at Golden Gate National Cemetery. RONALD W. BROWN DIRECTOR 861-7170 CUELLAR, Vitalia In this city, November 17, 1975, Vitalia Cuellar; beloved wife of the late Marcial Cuellar; loving mother of Maria Cuellar of San Francisco and Marcial Cuellar of McLean, Virginia; adored grandmother of Rosario Cuellar; a native of Antofa*gasta, Chile. Private Services were held under the direction of MISSION CHAPELS.

DIERCKS, Fred Sr. In Vacaville, California, November 16, 1975, Fred A. Diercks, beloved husband of Maxine Z. Diercks of Hillsborough and Mrs. Beverly S.

Grant of Jamaica, West Indies; also survived by four grandchildren; a veteran of WW Il; a member of the Masonic Lodge No. 400 S.M. of Burlingame and various other clubs and organizations; a native of San Francisco; aged 63 years. Funeral services were conducted Thursday, Nov. 20, 1975 at 2 p.m.

at the SNEIDER SULLIVAN FUNERAL HOME, 977 So. El Camino Real, San Mateo. Interment, Cypress Lawn Cemetery, Colma: DOYLE, Debbie Nov. 3, 1975, Debbie Doyle; beloved aunt of VeraHarvey. Private services were held Friday morning, with interment following in Greenlawn Memorial Park.

HALSTED 1123 Sutter Cremations NEPTUNE SOCIETY The Dignified Simple Anternative To The Costly Involved Mortuary Funeral Cemetery System. Free portfolio. 680 Beach S.F. 94109 415-771-0717 Call 24 hour service Cem. EGUCHI, Tokichi "Charlie" November 20, 1975, Tokichi "Charlie" Eguchi, beloved husband of Mitsuko Mae Eguchi; loving father of Alice K.

and David Y. Eguchi and Ruth S. Nakagawa; grandfather of Todd Takashi Nakagawa; native of f*ckuoka, Japan; aged 76 years; a member of San Francisco Buddhist Church. Monday 7:30 p.m. Officiating Rev.

Koshin Ogui ASHLEY Geary at 6th Ave. FREEDMAN, Bertha In San Francisco, Nov. 13, 1975, Bertha Freedman; wife of the late Alex Freedman; a long-time resident of San Francisco. Friends are invited to attend a memorial service at the Unity Christ Church, 2690 Ocean Ave. at 19th Ave.

on Sunday. Nov. 23 at 1:30 p.m. Contributions to your favorite charity preferred. GALAKTIONOFF, Klavdia 1.

In San Anselmo, Nov. 20, 1975, Klavdia I. Galationoff; wife of the late Maxim Galaktionoff! a native of Russia; aged 82 years. Friends are invited to attend the funeral Saturday, Nov. 22; 1975, at 9 a.m..; for a Requiem Mass and funeral service at 10 a.m.

at the Holy Tritinity Cathederal, 1520 Green St. at Van Ness, San Francisco. Interment, Serbian Cemetery, Colma, Calif. Panihida services will be celebrated at Holy Tritinity Church 8 p.m. Friday, Nov.

21, 1975. McFAUL, Frederick T. At rest Nov. 4, 1975, Frederick T. McFaul.

GODEAU FUNERAL HOME 431-1230 WESSON, James G. In Sonoma, Nov. 19, 1975, James G. Wesson, husband of Alice Wesson of Sonoma; a native of Greece; aged 74 years. Graveside services were held today (Friday) at Mountain Cemetery, Sonoma.

BATES, EVANS FEHRENSEN funeral services, Sonoma. Contributions to' the American Cancer Society preferred. ZANATTA, Silvia In this city, November 19, 1975, Silvia Zanatta, dearly beloved wife of the late Silvio Zanatta; loving mother of Geno Zanatta and Julia D'Amico; adored motherin-law of Pauline Zanatta; survived by four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren; a native of Italy; aged 73 years. Friends are invited to attend the funeral on Monday, Nov. 24, 1975 at 9:30 a.m.

from the Chapels of VALENTE-MARINIPERATA 4840 Mission thence to St. Michael's Church where a Mass of Christian Burial will be offered at 10 a.m. Entombment Italian Cemetery. Recitation of the Rosary Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. Cemeteries FOR VETERANS And SURVIVING SPOUSE Beautifully Expanded Area For ALL Faiths WOODLAWN MEMORIAL PARK COLMA.

Inspection Invited. 755-1727 Funeral I Directors The Wise Person Plans Ahead GODEAU PROTECTIVE PLAN 41 Van Ness 431-1230 HALSTED CO. Sutter 673-3000 Itemized 24 Hrs. 1123 All Services Fully Valente Marini Perata 4840 Mission St. 333-0161 DIRECT $247.50 CREMATION quiet dignity "No Other Costs" gracious surroundings FREE Boat for Scattering Call Collect: "Since (707) 1929" 644-7474 DAPHNE Simple Dignified Services FUNERALS $241 CHURCH STREET.

Scatter Funeral at Sea Dir. or on 415-931-7437 621-1313 Lic..

The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)


What happened to the San Francisco examiner? ›

Once self-dubbed the "Monarch of the Dailies" by then-owner William Randolph Hearst and the flagship of the Hearst chain, the Examiner converted to free distribution early in the 21st century and is owned by Clint Reilly Communications, which bought the newspaper at the end of 2020 along with the SF Weekly.

What is the largest newspaper in San Francisco? ›

San Francisco Chronicle - HEARST.

Who founded the San Francisco examiner? ›

Our History

In 1880, mining engineer and businessman George Hearst took over The Examiner, reportedly as payment for a gambling debt. When he became a U.S. senator seven years later, he gave the paper to his son, William Randolph Hearst, who was 23 years old.

Who is the San Francisco Inspector General? ›

We investigate allegations of misconduct against the San Francisco Sheriff's Office and its employees. Welcome Terry Wiley, the first Inspector General to head the Office of the Inspector General.

Who was the serial killer of San Francisco? ›

The Zodiac murdered five known victims in the San Francisco Bay Area between December 1968 and October 1969, operating in rural, urban and suburban settings. He targeted three young couples and a lone male cab driver.

How much of the last black man in San Francisco is true? ›

The semi-biographical film centers around Jimmie Fails, a young black man who was raised in his grandfather's Victorian home in San Francisco's Fillmore district. Although much of Jimmie's backstory is based on actual events, the real Fails stars in a fictional tale about the meaning of a home.

What is the longest running newspaper in California? ›

The Mountain Democrat, located in Placerville, CA, is the oldest newspaper in California, boasting continuous publication since 1851. The Mountain Democrat is a local newspaper covering news, sports, and features in El Dorado County.

What is the oldest SF newspaper? ›

The San Francisco Chronicle is a newspaper serving primarily the San Francisco Bay Area of Northern California. It was founded in 1865 as The Daily Dramatic Chronicle by teenage brothers Charles de Young and Michael H. de Young.

Who owns the biggest newspaper in the United States? ›

The largest local newspaper owner in the United States in 2023 was Gannett, with a total of 390 papers. Whilst larger companies - Gannett, Tribune/News Media Group (owned by hedge fund Alden Global Capital), and Lee Enterprises all owned fewer papers in 2022 than in 2020, some regional chains saw increases.

Who was the black man who founded San Francisco? ›

William Alexander Leidesdorff is one of San Francisco's Founding Fathers. Born 1810 in St. Croix, Virgin Islands, Leidesdorff was of Dutch, Native Carib and African descent.

How did hearst lose his fortune? ›

He poorly managed finances and was so deeply in debt during the Great Depression that most of his assets had to be liquidated in the late 1930s.

Who first found San Francisco? ›

An expedition led by Gaspar de Portolá and Friar Junípero Serra, who travelled throughout California with the idea of expelling members of the Company of Jesus from their missions and putting Franciscan monks in their place, arrived in the bay in 1770 where they founded San Francisco.

Who is the current sheriff of San Francisco? ›

Paul Miyamoto

Who is the current chief of police in San Francisco? ›

William Scott | San Francisco Police Department.

Who is the mayor of San Francisco? ›

London Nicole Breed is the 45th mayor of the City and County of San Francisco. Mayor Breed is the first African-American woman Mayor in San Francisco's history.

What happened at the San Francisco Armory? ›

The Armory served as a stronghold and rallying point for the National Guard in their suppression of the 1934 San Francisco General Strike (an event known as "Bloody Thursday"). The building closed as an armory in 1976, when the National Guard moved its facilities to Fort Funston.

What happened to the San Francisco Diggers? ›

Many of the Diggers left San Francisco to set up collectives in other states, but vestiges of the Diggers remained. Some of the Diggers formed the Free City News and organized a Free City Planning event in March 1968. As late as 1969 papers issued by the Diggers were still printed.

What happened to the San Francisco Bush man? ›

Greg Jacobs was featured in the video "Act (Diogenes)" by the artist Whitney Lynn. Jacobs is also the subject of a short film, The Bush Man. Gregory Jacobs died February 23, 2014, due to heart failure at the age of 60 years old, whilst Johnson remained active until 2019.

What happened to the DA in San Francisco? ›

He was ousted in a 2022 recall election fomented by a potent blend of crime fears fanned by increases in homicides and property crimes, Covid-era frustration and Boudin's practice of diverting offenders.

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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.