Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Washington, District of Columbia

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Business Services Help Wanted Women Help Wanted Women Help Wanted Women Help Wanted Women Men and Women Wanted Help Wanted Men Help Wanted Men Help Wanted Men if gnnd or Miscellaneous LABOKEKS the Army jndiiyiry pm a atcjnent of availability fl I CARLTON HOTEL 16TH NW BEDSTEAD Meel $8 marked Arlington Hur work see MISS PAGE i day School and Instructions 7TH STS NW WAITRESSES ME I Ref ween Noon and 4 pm MEAT CUTTERS WHITE COUNTER GIRLS not 3440 900 ST NW for PIANOS 204 Cnlprado Bldgu 14th yT4 Apply Employment Office 9th loor dg wv ray ANTIQUE Jenny Lind bed (al) Kensington 69 GIRL to work hand laundry 1001 Sth St SE LU 1123 DINING rm walnut: Hurling CLOTH coats and suits Closing oat samples at fraction of coat BASKIN 719 St NW Pastrv Shop Positions GOOD SALARY: GOOD HOURS GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS APPLY IN PERSON TO CHE MAYLOWER HOTEL CONN AVE at DE SALES ST NW KANN SONS CO REQUIRES THE SERVICES SHOE SALESWOMEN EXPERIENCE PREERRED BUT NOT NECESSARY APPLY OICE OURTH LOOR TIMES HERALD TVESnAV NOV 28 1944 Comptometer $193 Unusual openings interesting work hundreds of good openings weekly Alwavs WELCOME See Miss Reed PERSONNEL SERVICE WAITRESSES white for exclusive downtown club Good salary com mission Meals uniforms Call DI 8118 between 10 am 3 pm MAN to work stockroom of whole sale hardware cohi'ith NA 9095 Mondav through Saturday BRIGGS CLARIIER CO Oshkosh steamer ward roln trunk gen alrus Gladstone bag Light colored good wages no Sun work Apply in person Elite ood HIGH PRESSURE auto chassis clean er with 1 hp Robbins Meyer nio PORTER for drug store with or without permit No Sunday work Ktrson Pharmacy 4819 Georgia PAPERHANGERS JAE 911 13th St NW ME 2460 JANITOR colored for night work Good salary Pleasant working eondi uns Quarters available Apply MECHANIC HELPERS WHITE APPLY AT ONCE GREYHOUND GARAGE 1345 NEW YORK AVE NE people About $2 hour Real Silk Hosiery Mills NA 7350 10 30 A to 3 PM STTL'D white woman to care for SEPTIC TANKS cess pools pumped out Modern equipment or Virginia Alexandria 0201 for Maryland Bet ORDERLY lor hospital $70 mo with meals Hours 7:30 to 4 pm Apply 117 15th St NW KITCHEN MAN colored See Man ager after 6 pm CU BALI 14TTT STS NW Bus Girls Dishwashers APPLY WASHINGTON RESTAURANT 2003 Eye St NW i No ee) Woodward Lothrop Has Immediate Openings for SILK INISHERS WOOL PRESSERS ALTERATION OPERATORS LAUNDRY HELPERS COAL cook stoves coal and gas heat ers all sizes: circulating heaters Per rless Salvage Co 2131 Ga Ave I Arlington Village Columbia ike Go in entrance marked Office and ask for MR HUBBARD Ap ply between hrs 9 and 10 am and Markers and Assorters Experienced or inexperienced Apply Mri Van Horn Washington Laundry Z627 STREET NW 1127 Eye St NW 10:30 am Sea Grill 1221 ST NW DE 8371 Upholstering Ten day delivery guaranteed work Also rebuild cushions with new units custom built Estimates given WOL HONEYCUTT Upholstery KITCHEN POSITIONS GOOD SALARY GOOD HOURS GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS APPLY IN PERSON CHE MAYLOWER HOTEL AVE at DE SALES ST NW MEN COLORED (2) KITCHEN WORK AND CLEANING PRIVATE SCHOOL IN BETHESDA GOOD SALARY CALL MISS PROSSER WT 2223 Service Station Attendants 16 TO 50 YEARS Beginners $105 mo and commission Exper men qualified to operate $155 mo and commiwon: 6 day 48 hour week: no Sunday work Automatic in creases uniforms furnished Lord Bal timore illing Stations Inc 2025 14th St NW CLERK General office work Apply Rainbo'w Dyetng Cleaning Co 732 6th St SE LOCAL WAR PLANT Needs women for day and night work: assembling and inspection Experience helpful but not necessary Excellent wages regular increases Apply 8 a to 6 daily PERSONNEL DE PARTMENT WASH INSTITUTE TECHNOLOGY College Park Md SALESWOMEN LANSBURGS BRO 7TH 8TH STS NW Has openings for women over 55 years of age for ULL OR PART TIME employment Please cal) on Mrs Pratt employment manager 4th floor to arrange for working hours to suit your convenience AV OMEN 18 TO 35 BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATORS PERMANENT POSITIONS EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY PAID WHILE LEARNING THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY 9TH STS NW EAIRAX VILLAGE APARTMENTS 2061 38th St SE We have two clerical positions open tn our offn Good salary excellent working conditions: typing essential Only SE residents of nejirbv airfax Village will considered Call JR N260 DOUBLE bedroom suite Hollywood bed 18th Century sofa complete brass firenlaoe set full length mirror misc i terns prewar MH alter RAILROAD WORK RAILROAD BRAKEMEN MECHANIC HELPERS AND TRACK LABORERS WMC regulations complied with RAILROAD BOARD 301 ST NW DISHWASHER Apply Mr Reamy i Drug Station SERVICE STATION ASSISTANT MANAGER Good pay excellent working condi tions and hours Apply Serv ice Station 4866 Mass Ave NW 2 slices living rm suite radio phono comb with records range rejrwrator niiMeian cotis Hern All ond Sell as unit Apt a a liable HUB SODA DISPENSERS (White) $28 to $30 wk Experience unnecessary Apply Mr Reamy Union Drug Co Union Station SALESWOMEN OR ULL OR PART TIME EMPLOYMENT APPLY EMPLOYMENT OICE OURTH LOOR LANSBURGH BRO 7TH STH A STS NW STEEL OLDING COTS Used $450 each Baum Son 616 St NW NA 9136 EXPERIENCED PHONOGRAPH RECORD OR SHEET MUSIC SALES CLERK APPLY IN PERSON 1300 ST NW Room Service Captain 48 hr week 4 pm to 1 am Good ptv and Apply Mr George Dennis superintendent room service MAYLOWER HOTEL CONN AVE AT DE SALES WAITRESSES (WHITE) Part time or full time work for night only See hostess between 5 8 pm ANCHOR SABRE CLUB 1615 Que St NW CASHIER Must be a good typist tor a finance company located in Arling ton Virginia Permanent position with excellent postwar future Sal ary $140 mo Apply Mr Sullivan Advance Credit Corporation 3179 Wilson Blvd Arlington Va GLebe Room CAPITAL BUREAU MEN Permanent positions in 100 war in SALESMAN Tn represent nationally known car bon interleaved printed forms manu facturer Printing office machine or svNteins experience desirable but not necessary Write or wire National Litho orms Company 4503 Euclid Avenue Cleveland 3 Ohio SECRETARY STENOGS Excellent salary vacation with pay PEOPLES DRUG STORES Employ ment Oifiee77 St NE MISS BELL will bj glad to write your miscellaneous ad for vou 2 lines for 3 days cost only $144 and ap pears in morning and evening papers Call REpublic 1234 dec Hobart like new a er 1 1 me 329 St NE encr necessary Good nay steady mi plovnient Aoply 1218 North Cap LtGGAGE 2 prewar tun leather ii teases like new $75 DE 0997 PART TIME SALES POSITIONS Convenient Hours May Be Arranged Or Thursdays Only 5 pm to 9 pm Apply Office ourth loor KANN SONS CO I TVTNG8T0N CO 1423 Street NW ME 3440 DIAMOND wrist diamond ruby dinner ring: sacrifice GE 9313 MEN 45 55 Plan permanent position Chance for advancement Guaranteed salary com mission bonus Outdoor work Write Box S5 Times Herald Cashier Restaurant Dav work $30 per week plus meaB EORDS OOD SHOPPE 710 14 TH ST NW STENOGRAPHER $140 Private suburban school good hours and chance to advance ADAMS AGENCY' MAN Part time for porter and general work 8 am to 12 noon Apply Washington Dental Laboratory 1901 DINING ROOM SET bleached ma hoganv newy pEwar: cost $538 Will ft Tw TEmple 88 19 Show Girls Chorus Girls Experience unnecessary Attractive salary Good opportunity Apply afternoons or evenings to GAYETY THEATER LA BORERS URGENTLY NEEDED to help us large COLORED HOUSING DEVELOPMENT' in NE Apply GRAHAM CONSTRUCTION CO Sheriff Rd and Division Ave NE STENOGRAPHERSEXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES OR BRITISH MISSIONS 1107 SIXTEENTH ST NW Employment Office Open Monday through riday 9 to 6 Saturday 9 to 1 (Hiring arrangements appvd) CASHIERS WANTED In Busy Lunchroom Apply Gateway Restaurant Union Station' ROUTE MEN ar established milk route Average pav $60 per week good hours and fine working conditions Apply in per son Room 321 CHESTNUT ARMS DAIRY 2535 Pa Ave NW (Hiring arrange ments approved) Clerk Credit Office STATISTICAL WORK Permanent position Good salary Apply to Mr Aikco Giosners 1325 St NW WAITRESSES (WHITE) OR co*ckTAIL LOUNGE Good Salary and Tips Air Conditioned Lounge 'Pleasant Working Conditions Apply Hostess After 5 PM A HOTEL CONTINENTAL 420 North Capitol St Hiring Arrangements Approved SALESWOMEN SO MANY ADVANTAGES TN WORKING AT GOLDENBERG'S ull or art Time Many Dept EMPLOYE DISCOUNT AT ONCE HOSPITALIZATION PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS PERMANENT POSITIONS Apply Personnel Office 2d loor GOLDENBERG'S 7TH STH AND STS NW If you have had telephone experience and are interested in selling on Wash fastest growing newspaper rail in person or write Classified De partment Times Herald 1317 NW rung hours optional Previous exncri Elliott isher Operator Experienced hotel experience pre ferred but not essential APPLY EMPLOYMENT OICE WILLARD HOTEL I4TH PENN AVE NW CLERK or general office work Need some abihtv but doesn't have to qualify as typist Recent high school gradu ate Permanent Tele DL 2900 per sonnel office or apply 1241 24th St NW BI GIRL GootfSvages and hours Apply Miss Buic dining room hostess' EAIK EAX HOT HIT 2100 MASS: AVE NW COUNTER WOMEN Essential job Get in touch with SL 6600 during office hours Little Tavern Shops Inc "AMOUS OR HAMBURGERS" NIGHT CLEANERS Part time Applv persoh to chef Hotel Washington 15TH A PA AVE NW OICE CLERICALS Permanent positions tn general cleri cal work for dependable women ECHANICS Are Urgently Needed by THE CO Essential work See Mr Richardson Rm 306 Union Station or the Railroad Retirement Board 301 St NW WOMEN (COLORED) Between ages 25 30 high school grad uates to assist in managing branch dry cleaning stores: no experience necessary we train you: excellent sal ary steady position Apply in person ARISTO CLEANERS 1 226 SOUTH CAPITOL ST Men suits overcoats tnpr $5 tip oX Clothing Ex 1414 Cap NO 0864 St drat tsman goodjjsalarv excellent working conditions Apply Person nel Office Engineering Research Corp Riverdale M1 WOMEN WHITE 18 to 50: full or part timer 9 am to 5:30 pm: no Sunday work Apply MARTHA WASHINGTON CANDIES 507 12THST NW URS Baskin corne? Sth and NW can offer you the best value in Washington See our tremendous etock of muskrats Persian lamb seal 1 ver foxes skunk etc Guaranteed up to 50 BASKIN St NW NAtional 5522 PREER Steady job: good payn 'en)(i x2T 5th SI NE MESSENGERS Part time 9 am to 2 pm ROOM 291 TIMES HERALD RELIABLE hat check girl: 12 to 3 to 1 1 good salary Mrs Enrione I860 St NW ALL kinds lurmture Must be sold Rugs dressers beds chairs tables etc 1312 I Ave NW CO 9875 WOMAN To work in small cafeteria In Alex andria: day work: good salary pleas ant surroundings Reply giving tele phone number age and business ex perienee Box 52 Times Herald NATIONAL cash register 2 totals throws receipt rings 1c to $399: new est model great sacrifice 329 SALESWOMEN Opportunity for permanent employ ment: pleasant working conditions: full or part time hours adjusted to accommodate your own requirements excellent salary Apply Personnel De partment MURPHY CO 1214 ST NW BLANKETS wool: heavy washable bedspreads curtains linens DE 0997 Men for Steady Work Jn an industrial motion picture film laboratory: minimum age 18 years: no experience necessary good opportunity for future Eastman Kodak Pro mg Plant rail Mr smith AT Mi'25 for appointment Waitresses Experienced Apply Superior Cafeteria 2477 18th St NW I BX TYPIST $30 WK Gen office exper at once Typist open If SALESWOMBN Permanent Positions for Dependable Women RELIE COOK White permanent position top salarv Apply chef A RTTON HOTEL 16th and NW IMMEDIATE SERVICE WASHING MACHINES Benilix all other makes Phone ME 9687 i Service Waiter preferably pa 40: good hours Apply Miss Burk STENOGRAPHER Permanent position with good post war future Apply Personnal Office HOTEL STATLER 16TH AND STS NW LOCAL WAR INDUSTRY NEEDS EXPERIENCED tool makers diemakeri MEN OR Service stations No experience neces sary good salary to start comma sion on individual eales Raise de pendent on ability: all day work per maiient position uniforms and laun dry furnished free Apply daily GUL OIL CORP 14 th and Kenyon Sts NW ROUTEMEN or etallihct laundry route excel lent opporlutiiiy lor men who are wilhmr to work Apply Mr Rothe PACE LAUNDRY st nw WORKERS Needed at CHESTNUT ARMS DAIRY Excel lent opportunity for a perma nent tub Applv in person Room 321 CHESTNUT ARMS DAIRY 2535 Pa Ave NW Hiring Arrangements Approved LABORERS Are Urgently Needed by THE PULLMAN CO Applv to Mr Richardson Rm 306 Union Station or Railroad Re tirement Board 301 St NW UPHOLSTERING James Interior Decorating CO 9000 COLORED WOMEN or wrapping stock work and dishwashing at 14lh Stfii after 9:30 am ELECTRIC range new 10J Huron Dr orest Heights Mdt 8 blocks across District line off South Capitol St extended: OYSTER MEN Good salarv: meals and uniforms fur WESTERN UNION Offers opportunities for several gram mar school graduates ages 18 45 hours 4 pm tor midnight Light pleasant indoor work in a vitally es sential industry: no previous experi ence necessary: $27 per week Apply Miss ifer Room 601 710 14TII ST NW WAITRESSES COUNTER GIRLS 50 CENTS PER HOUR White: no Sundays: no nights 4 5 6 OR 8 HOURS DAILY SEE MR EDDY Tea Room 7TH STH STS NW SERVICE STATION And wash man experienced! inside facilities: good starting salary See Mr Harold I Parking Service 9th and Eve St NW COLORED GIRLS Experience not necessary: steady work: good pav Apply Mr Ambrose MANHATTAN LAUNDRY 1328 rPOBWAKgE NW MAN COLORED To operate elevator and switchboard at Tiiglit Tudor Hail 926 Mass Ave NW WOMEN or defense plant must have ability to adapt themselves to light machine shop work paid while learning pleas ant working conditions Apply Bowen Co 4712 Bethesda Ave Bethesda Md (Hiring arrangements approved) CREDIT CLERK ull or part time for office in large jewelry store: experience is not neces sary good salary and pleasant work ing conditions Jewelry Corp fop4 St NW ers drill press operators lathe opera tors assemblymen craters Applv in persons between am and 2 pm Monday to Saturday BRIGGS CLARIIER CO 1341 Wisconsin Ave Must have statement of availability 36 A PIANO upright: good cond $125 3133 Wash Blvd Art Va OX 2533 MANICURISTS Permanent position for experienced woman a St at 14th Messenger (Cnlnrcdl Apply readv for work Byron Adams 512 11 th SI NW WAITRESS Ti'rtT nnffno shnn nTneripnepJ workbee Hostess Plaza Motel irbt and Sts NE AIRAX Ma Ave NW DISHWASHERS Colored: good wages no Sun work Apply tn peraon Elite ood Shoppe Many needed now by a Birge retail food chain Waves 11 for ts boiir CLERK TYPIST AND STENOGRAPHERS or workxjn Mt Rainier office: with or withotft experience: permanent position good salary: chance for ad vancement Apply Household inance Corp 7914 Georgia Ave Silver Spring Md SL 4400 era repair on goUi rings etc Top darv Applv Brown New York CLERK AVi th Knowledge of Typing Permanent position: pleasant' sur roundings Apply Trust Department THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND good hours: pleaaanr surrcmndingB Apply "Personnel TH flee RALEIGH HOTEL 12TH 4 PA AVH NW pm: rood wages pins nioafstrceu Circle ood Shop 1 Mas A ve NW CASHIER Good salary: good hours good work ing conditions: permanent position APPLY HAHX SHOE STORE SILK PRESSER White experienced 930 140 a week or percentage Dry Cleaning Dept PIONEER LAUNDRY 920 Rhode island Ave NE NEW living room bedroom furni ture Applv 225 Miss Ave SE after 20 LABORERS 90 fonts Per Hour 250S COLUMBIA PIKE ARLINGTON VA MEN WANTED Ages 45 60 to handle fare boxes No figuring or experience necessary No money to handle Must have a legible handwriting and be active physically as work requires climb ing and out of streetcars and buses An absolutely clear record of past employment essential 51 hour 6 dav week from 6 pm to 8 am about $160 per month to Bfart with automatic increases Ap plv weekday mornings CAPITAL TRANSIT CO 36th Prospect Ave NW George town Take Route 20 Cabin John streetcar (Hiring arrangements ap 3IEN AXI) BOYS WHITE OR COLORED 3 8 years old uid over for steady nr jiart time work: can earn Irom $450 to $8 an evening Apply 1309 Rhode Island Ave NE (basem*nt1 PAINT 1 roat enamel all colors $175 gal: 100 3 Tt step stools $159 ea Congress Wallpaper and Paint Co 1 1114 9th St NW NA 2277 STORM SASH You can have both summer and winter comfort by hav ing Air Comfort vertical sliding stormih and bronze Kool Shaxie Sun Screons installed Payments as low $5 mo or free estimates call HO 8300 Air Comfort Corp MILK DELIVERY MEN Essential steady pleasant daytime work excellent working conditions average salary $60 per week after short training period Apply in per son Room 321 CHESTNUT ARMS DAIRY 2535 Pa Ave (Hiring arrangements approve ELEV A TOR OPERATORS Over 25 (white) neat appearance Alternating shifts Apply Superin tendent of Service between 9 and 5 pm RALEIGH HOTEL 12TH AND PENN AVE NW week paid to journeymen meat ui 1ers with ex' ellcnt i hanre io advance to head meal cutter Opportunity in make overtime on your day off a li week SAEWAY STORES 1S45 4th St NE SALESGIRL Opportunity for permanent employ ment Pleasant working conditions full or part time Hours adjusted 'to accommodate your own requirements Excellent salary Apply Personnel DepU MURPHY PORTER Colored: good Pav: lav work: pleas ant working condit inns i inrmaiicnt eniplojiainnt KAY JEWELRY CO 8U1 ST NE OICE CLERKS Permanent position: good working conditions Good salary SEVENTH 4 STS NW ROUTE DRIVER 1 To deliver carbonated beverages to re tail stores: guaranteed $4250 for 5 dav week: permanent position? only soIkt industrious men who are not airaid to work hard apply ware house superintendent CANADA DRY GINGER ALE Rhode Plant! Ave NE CLERK or laundry and dry cleaning branch store uooa salary: experience necessary Apply Mr Myers YALE LAUNDRY WAITRESSES experienced un i ty in Applj AbHINGrON GRANT ASSOCIATION GIRL 6 am to 3 bm no Sundays nav Annlv Taljv Ho Restaurant 812 17th St NW WAITRESSES Good salary hours and meals: Sundays Apply MERRY LAND CLUB 405 ST NW WATER HEATERS prewar all sizes terms John Webster reg plumber? St NW NA 4163 OR 3439 BABY scale: 3 way maple highchair: bed EM 0225 ENGRAVER To engrave on sterling silver and gold Work to be done at engravers home in spare time: amateur or ex pert Applv to Mr Trice NEW YORK JEWELRY CO 727 7th St NW suite 10 pc modern cond 125 Lane Bethesda OL 0639 SO A BED modernistic with blanket chpt newly upholstered: prewar construction lounge chairs: pull up ehairs RE 9874: 621 St NW WAITRESSES $28: 6 day wk Meals tips 3512 12th St NE HO 9454 CASHIER rom 2 Io 10 pm: good wages' plus meals Red Circle ood Shop 1 Mass CASHIER Six day week for cigar stand See Timekeeper at Harrington Hotel BEAUTIUL fur coats: clearance samples new latest styles: $195 coat $69: others $49 $189 Save 50 Kyes until 9 HO 9619 jjEDRSrKsu i tedbh? bed style Exceptionally line SALESWOMEN ull or part time for large jewelry siore: pleasant working conditions goocT'salaryU Jewelry Corp 1004 ST NW SALESWOMEN SELLING HELPERS SALES CHECK WRITERS uH or part time: no experience necessary Apply at once Woodward Lothrop Employment Office Ninth loor CLERK With knowledge of figures for general office work immediate employment good salary and working conditions Apply THE TEXAS CO Alexandria Va or phone TE 1 COLEMAN Either white or colored 1o assist building superintendent some 'am Experienced in laundry ajid dry clean insr planl: steady position good sal arv Applv Miss Moran arcadk co SA EW A A' STOKES MANY MEN NEEDED OR LARGE retail food distribution industry Many opportunities to learn retail chain store operations Good postwar future Positions available now: OOD CLERKS MEAT CLERKS MEAT CUTTERS WAREHOUsem*n REIGHT CAR UNLOADERS PORTERS Experience not required in most jobs Wc will train you and pay full wages while learning Good starting salary Most nf these jobs are conveniently located near your home Vacations with pay Opportunities to secure grounrhfe hospital and surgical in surance Weekly sick benefits up to 13 weeks at extremely low cost to you (Optional) APPLY Safeway Employment Of fice 4 th and Sts NE Hiring Arrangements Approved Must It of good personality neat appearance Previous retail or sales experience helpful but not necessary Start about $5 i S6i wk Rapid ad CASHIER or high class restaurant Pleasant working conditions excellent starting salary including meals Apply Mr TABLE dinette maple 4 chair: single bed complete with innerspring and mattress Call 2028 STUDIO DIVAN $30: 2 down com forls 1 piano Kimmel player $60 9 7 2 1 1001 Maryland Ave NE "locOe must be dependable Call 1 10 217 ('' COMMUNICATION systems Exeeil tone sales installation 1 MrGee Co 1420 NW EX 1303 DIAMONDS: solitaire ct $100 Lailv solitaire 1 ct $150 Ladv 1 i ct $200 Man IVa djj sahtaire $250 Ladv fine color 3 nt $300 2 ct perfect $325 Ladv 2 ct: $375 Man fine color and cut 21 ct solitaire $425 plu RADIO 7 tube table model all wave magic eye tuning: very powerful: $45 loor model all wave radio $80 8 power rench binoculars 15 Gfad stone traveling bag $22 TA 2284 RUGS felt base 9x12 $398: 6x9 $1 98 coil springs $950 mattresses $'98 house dresses $149 up 1237 St NE LI 9809 SAXOPHONE flat Alto Selmer balanced action GL 8164 after 6 OICE ASSISTANT or special sales and service phone work Typing light dictation: pleha ant small office $40 week 5 days advaiXTmeui perm essential Room 5i9 1010 Vermont Ave NW NA COATS all wool hesterlields $1275 others at extremely low prices We ara selling ladies garments at lowest prices We have a' complete assort ment of sizes and colors Open daily from 9 am rXIVEKSAL COMPANY 2375 RHODE ISLAND AVE NE (Take Mt Rainier Car) RERIGERATION SERVICE MECHANICS with or without experience on ice cream cabinets APPLY CARRY ICE CREAM CO 1337 St SE ROOERS AB 0 ROOING CO 726 7th St SW MEN? EX SEKVICE Outdoor work: permanent position: chance for advancement salary $45 per week commission and bonus: postwar program now in expansion phone NA 2443 MEN AGE 35 TO 65 At communication carrier for Wet Union Puli or part time day or might Apply WESTERN I MON Rm 200 131 7 New York Ave NW WAITRESS few Canton Restaurant 2316 Pa SE 39 in and snres with oval mirror ilav bed with extra mattress 700 Atlantic St SE LI 6829 MOTOR SCOOT Cushman 3 wheel good condition Elmwood n66 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Complete selection new and used Private les sons Call REpublic 6212 X133U inuildle of hlockj ST VI IS GCAL CLERKS in oni office to use calcu lating machine etc Permanent work for dependable women ST AT 14TH STREETCAR' Operators wanted You can now earn $40 per week and more as streetcar operator Essential work experience not necessary training paid for no Sunday or night work regular work hours free time to keep house paid vacations free transportation sep arate club' rooms' congenial fellow workers Vacancies at 4th and Sts NE with work on the Capi tol St and Rhode Island Ave street car line Also vacancies at 14tb and Decatur Sts NW with work on the 14 th St car line and at 14th and Capitol Sts with work on the Mt Pleasant streetcar line Apply week day mornings CAPITAL TRANSIT CO 36th and Prospect Ave NW Georgetown Take Route No 20 Cabin John car to the door Hiring arrangements approved WEDDING gown white lace satin trim from Marshall ield size 1640 ('all at 811 Quincy St NW A 205 before 8 pm 6 8 wk days TWO bed comforts 80x9(1 ins hand quilted never used: $8 ea TR 3535 TWO metal twin beds 1 coil spring 1 innerspring mattress Philco radio latest model Call TR 0202 9 OOT dry cleaning counter for sale 1 ehelf Progressive Cleaners 272L Wilson Blvd Arlington Va GIZT 7373 ROUTE MEN With an eve on the future Home Laundry olfers steady employment mlercM mu work good pay: 5 day week Today there is an opportunity lor 3 iiiialifu men to join our sales department These are permanent posi lions not wartime jobs HOME LAUNDRY 1101 RAUM ST NE Rd I TEM EN Men draii exempt to tram for laundry rotife Good pav while learning laundry Packers or urniture Experienced in packing for shipment with first class references SECURITY STORAGE CO 1140 15th 8t NW PAINTERS Report readv for work SULLIVAN 810 St NW PIANO in fair condition $75 SH 8898 after 5:30 pm PIANO apartment grand 4 'ft 7 mahoganv liinsh $450 Knabe Up right mahogany case $300jCall RE nuhlrn 6212 KITT'S 1330 Street 1 (middle of block PANTRY COLORED COLORED CHINESE VILLAGE 81)4 II ST NE PART TIME SALES POSITIONS Convenient May Be Arranged Or Thursdays Only 5 pm to 9 pm APPLY OICE OURTH LOOR KANN SONS 00 PBX OPERATOR Experienced for hotel work Good sularv Apply Mrs Miller between 4 pm and 7 pm HOTEL ANNAPOLIS NA 9220 MEN (White) learn skilled trade essen tial industry with or without car good salary increases car allow ance gas supplied daytime hours permanent Western Exterminating Co 1023 12th St NW MEN to repair refrigerator cars Es sential industry Car repairers rough carpenters helpers Steady Work Good Pay 'Ko experience in repairing refnger vat or cars required: will train inexperi enced men RUIT GROWERS EXPRESS CO Alexandria Va BEDROOM SET 6 pc: dining Toom set 7 pc: $350 both Cat! A Sul livan AT 4954 Can be seen at Smith Transfer Co 13th and Sts NW BEDSPREAD crocheted dbl hcd size pink and white: $40 ML 8b7b MEN Woodworkers: essential industry: per no experience necessary good pay while learning Apply HANGER INC 221 St NW CASIIIER NCR POSTING MACHINE OPERATOR Must also typfc Permanent position excellent salary OX UR CO 425 7TH ST NW CATALOG OICE MANAGER RAINES Ages 21 35 selling experience: salary $30 week 5 days plus commission paid on sales while training Steady work' wdh excellent possibilities Onlv women interested in business careers need apply Excellent oppor tunities fbr 'financial return and ad vancement Montgomery Ward Co 714 13th St NW Applv between 9 am noon Miss Means manager CLERKS To do general denca! work: 5 day wee no Saturdays Permanent posi tions excellent working conditions High school graduate preferred Ap ply Room 702 Peoples Life Insurance Co 1343 St NW UR coats actory premises Guaranteed saving on any type of fuw apparel Go now to the QUALITY SHOP 307 7tb St NW Repair mg and restyling NA 5511 UR collars Do not discard last cloth coat We have a new collar or fur trimming for same that will re store it like new Baskin 719 St NW VR COAT black car wul 14 $50 man shoes boots 10 DE 0997 URNITURE Double tied bureau rugs i9xL2i combination bookcase and desk rocking chairs drapes hiua fflasware smoking stand etc URNITURE 3 rm apt Entering WH Viec 2713 30th SE Apt A 177 bl I nns complete ex cellent rondt kitchen bedrm living rm 470 1 Raven Wood Rd River ileMd nt URNITURE beds rhestsof drawers stnuio couches innersp mattresses baby carriages play pens etc Amer iran urniture Capitol and RIGIDA1RE $125 NEW MO TO WA 6266 WOMEN WANTED AGES 18 TO 50 No Experience Necessary Also part time work in evening iinomnlnvoH wnmon PROMOTION OPPORTUNITIES PERMANENT POSITIONS WORK NEAR YOUR HOME Apply Employment Office 722 12TH STREET NW Mon thru rL 8:30 am to 6 pm Saturday 8:30 am 5 pm THE CHESAPEAKE AND POTOMAC TELEPHONE COMPANY WINDOW DISPLAY ull or part time Apply Superin Office 4th floor KANN SONS CO LIVING mom suit 3 pe overstuffed prewar 3211 Bunker Hill Rd Mt Rrunier Md WA 4816 LIVING rm unite 2 china closets a 1 1 1 bureau AT 4410 2C COLORED girls (2) desire ghw 1 lull time 1 part time mornings Call all dav undav and Monday RE 2438 COLORED GIRL desires 6 hrs work and aE sections LI 8337 COLLEGE graduate Experienced or ganisation leader food serv ice supervision Aval ible January 1st 7 Tiraes Herald TAILORED curtains washed and stretched for details WA 9258 WASHING MACHINES serviced and repaired: quick and efficient service WA (542 SEWING MACHINES We inspect oil and adjust any make 69c Complete stock of parte and eup uucB xui an ujaiec THE PALAIS ROYAL Phone DI 44 00 day GROSNERS of 1325 ST NW RESTAURANT HELP" All Tpe of Restaurant Jobe WASH RESTAURANT ASSN 2003 Eye St NW SALES PEOPLE PART OR ULL TIME HOLIDAY WORK Tor all depte of our stores Good pay Pleasant working conditions Apply at any Peoples Drug Stores or Employment Office 77 St NE MESSENGERS orty hour week ROOM 201 TIMES HERALD MOTION PICTURE CO Needs stenographers for 40 hour day week UNIVERSAL PICTURES 913 NEW JERSEY AVE NW NEWSSTAND Age 21 to 30: full time permanent position: experience preferred but not essential Apply Manager Newsstand MAYLOWER HOTEL CONN AVE DE SALES ST NW MAN (COLORED) Good steadv job for married man: take care of all maintenance work in chain store company: must have good reference and he handy with tools good pav Call in person at once KENT STORES INC 035 WEST VIRGINIA AVE NE Clerk Typist $150 Mo Dr office int work Miss Reed PKRSONNEL SERVICE 3J 1 St NW NA 2114 CLERK TYPIST 5 day wk 8 4:45 pm no Sats: perm position excel lent working conditions: must be high school graduate Apply Room 702 Equitable Life Insurance Co 816 14th St NW Monday through riday a uuua baidl Appi AUI WOMEN WANTED AT KNOXVILLE TENNESSEE In the ollowing Classifications: SECRETARIES STENOGRAPHERS TYPISTS Representative will interview for job at the United States Employment Service office at 1022 15th Street NW Washington from Novem ber 20 through November 29 Applicants 'must comply with WMC regulations Woodward Lothrop Has Immediate Openings lor OICE' WORKERS TYPISTS BILLING MACHINE OPERATORS GIT WRAPPERS MXRKERS MESSENGERS Apply Employment Office9th loor YOUNG LADY pleasant clerical work comptometer experience preferred good pay desirable working condi tion Call Mr Meany Bond Baker 2146 Georgia Ave NW JOM KSTiC HELP CDOK EXPERIENCED or private laniilv live in suburb? salary $30 wk: fine home references refill Phone WI 9235 GHW Exp live in new home 2 In fam jly references Call GE 3389 COOK HOUSEWORKER for small family: no laundry: live in $100 month: WI 3852 COOK ghw no laundry '5 day week including alternate Sundays fond of children: live in: references required: $18 per week OL 4323 DAY workers $4 day plus carfare Ladies Exchange 2137 St NW NA 4381 EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and upstairs work: lanulv with children: references: live out all AD 2134 GHW Live tn comfortable ronm and bath Arlington Must like children good salary CH 519 Conn Ave AD 9353 GHW: while or colored: good sal ary live liberal lime off no cook ing: small Janiiily: light laundry OR1147 GIRL colored: ghw email apt 1 lukl: no cooking no nights Sundays or laundry Mrs Schwartz TA 9141 GIRL ghw 12 to $15 small small lanulv GL 9182 GIRL to look after boy 3 years ohl 8 3n a in to 5 pm Good wages libl Euclid St NW DE 4277 MAID: ghw and cooking white or olun fond of children sleep in or out 1110110 EM I33h alter 12 MAID light colored or white $18 week carfare: care 3 children light laundry Telephone HO 8581 MAID ghw: live in: good salary Hi Merest 8E AT 4089 MAID Io take earn of small apt and1 children tor employed couple no Sundays TA t7 0 MAID Care for 2 children ages 2 and (J references amt health card Gonrl salary Call RA 7421 STENOGRAPHER and general office worker with na tional known radio distributor 3U hour week good salary and working conditions Apply EMERSON RADIO WASHING TON 1209 13th St NW Stenographers $45 Wk Research Northeast Section Stem 9 5 9 1 Sat $160 Sten law radio 40 wk New Openings Every ew Minutes Coni? in (NA 2338) 1333 ST NW STENOGRAPHER Experienced for permanent position Good chance for advancement Apply in person Stone Paper Tube Co 900 ranklin St NE STENOGRAPHER Good starting salary excellent op portunity for advancement Apply Miss ifer WESTERN UNION 710 14th St NW Room 601 Telephone Operators EXPERIENCED APPLY EMPLOYMENT OICE 722 12TH STREET Mon thru rL 8:30 am to 6 pm Sat 8:30 am to 5 pm THE CHESAPEAKE AND POTOMAC TELEPHONE COMPANY TELEPHONE WORK or girls and young women With a knowledge of typing: paid during short training: fascinating work with a future Apply Miss ifer WEST ERNUNION Rm 601 710 14th NW TYPIST with some clerical training 5 day wk 8 to 4:45 pm no Sats permanent position excellent working conditions: must be high school grad uate Apply Room 702 Equitable Life Insurance Co 016 14th St NW Monday through riday TYPIST $35 WK Vicinity Bethesda: good at figures Tvpist cut stencils mnneo $170 When you want a good position see us (Est 12 yrs Welcome NA 6088) ERSON NEL SE RVICE 13 11 St NA 2115 TYPISTS EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES OR BRITISH MISSIONS 1107 SIXTEENTH ST NW Employment Oftice open Monday through riday 9 to 6 Saturday 9 to 1 Hiring arrangements apprd WAITRESSES or riktail lounge: off Sundays RED CIRCLE OOD SHOP 1 Massachusetts Ave Nft WAITRESSES wanted (rood waliJA 'Miami Grill 364 2 Georg la Ave NtV WAITRESSES Colored: good working conditions good pay Apply Miss Shepherd The Army and Navy Club 1627 Eve St NW WAITRESSES COUNTER GIRLS Excellent openings: no fees WASH RESTAURANT 20U3 EjT Si NW SALES LETTER WRITER Book publisher will pay $1000 for direct mail letter which will pull 10 return from professional group vitally interested Box 60 Times Herald Sandwich Man or Girl Night work Excellent salary OOD SHOPPE 710 14TH ST NW SHOE SALESPEOPLE Experienced preferred: however wp will gladly train you if you have no previous expermience permanent position: good salary Apply Mr Labin 4483 Conn Ave NW or Mr Gottlieb 3212 14th St NW HAHN SHOE STORE WE NEED COUNTER GIRLS (WHITE) WAITRESSES HOSTESSES COUNTER MEN (COLORED) BUS BOYS AND GIRLS APPLY 9 AM TO 4:30 PM MRS OICE 658 EARLE BLDG 13TH NW Help Wanted Women ALTERATION hands or drosmaker or private dressmaking 'studio Ex perienced Dresses suits coats Steady Exceptional salary to capable person EX 1803 ood Supervisor or supervision of food preparation in main kitchen pantry Must have degree in home economics Apply EMPLOYMENT OICE HOTEL STATLER 16TH AND STS BAKERY SALESGIRLS i 18 TO 45 YEARS AGP GOOD SALARY AND COMMISSION EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS SHERIDAN BAKERY 6209 GEORGIA AVE NW? BEAUTY operators: operators for full or part time (3Q St NW BEAUTY operators: top salary and comm Applv Dorothv Preneipe 309 No Glebe Rd Arlington BEAUTY OPERA T() RS Experienced full or part time Ex cellent salary and comm EX 4OJ xt 201 BEAUTY OPERATOR Steady position: highest salary and commission: good hours and working conditions 3032 or hO 5521 BILLING clerks ages 18 to 45 day 40 hour weekGood salary to start splendid opportunity for ad vancement Apply Mr Reade NATIONAL BLSULIT CO 336 RANDOLPH PL NE BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATORS WOMEN 18 TO 35 PERMANENT POSITIONS EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY PAID WHILE LEARNING THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY 9TH STS NW SHIPPING CLERK or furniture warehouse Permanent job excellent working conditions good pay Chance for advancement NEE CO 1741 JOHNSON AVE NW Seo Mr Webb SHOEMAKER Excellent salary Apply to Model Valet 1730 Pennsylvania Ave NW SHOEMAKER Good salary Steady position 3001 Georgia Ave NW SHOE SALESMEN Good opportunity for advancement excel pay Apply Kinney Co 3218 14th St NW 1105 St NE 210 7th St NW 3101 St NW SHOE SHINE BOY Good pay Good working conditions See barber shop manager The Army anil Navy Club 1627 EYE ST NW SIGN WRITER or large department store Reply Box 26 Times Herald slating age experience etc KANN SONS CO REQUIRES THE SERVICES SHOE SALESMEN Good Commission Rates With Weekly Drawing 'Account APPLY OICE' OURTH LOOR TRUCK DRIVERS i or fuel tnuks: stealy work good wages and working conditions Phone CH 6000 TRUCK DRIVERS HELPERS Colored for ash and trash route: essential work steady employment and chance for advancement 510 Delaware Ave SW STOCKKEEPER CLERK NEEDED BY THE PULLMAN CO Mr Richardson Rm 306 Union Station or Railroad Retirement Board 301 St STOREROOM MAN APPLY EMPLOYMENT OICE WILLARD HOTEL 14 TH PENN A VE NW TRUCK DRIVER (WHITE) No selling: essential business Good salarv CALL EX 74o1 TRUCK DRIVER AND PORTER Good salary Apply 7j8 9th St NW TRUCK DRIVERS WAREHOUSE HELPERS Colored Permanent lobs Phone ME 0281 or applv at Terminal Refriger ating Bldg third floor 4th and Sts SW MAffO LERCH CO Truck Drover and Helper or trash anAask truck: good pay sto adv employment Apply J218N Capitol TRUCK DRIVERS Steady work: 44 hour week niontlf ly saiarv $19028: weekly payday Apply Mr Hammett RAIL WAY EXPRESS AGENCY Second and Sts TYPIST CLERK Permanent position with Washing oldest Chevrolet dealer Good salary and working conditions See Mr Gessford Barry Pate Addison 1522 I4th St NVy UPHOLSTERERS Are Urgently Needed by THE PULLMAN CO Essential work See Mr Richardson Rm 306 Union Station or Railroad Retirement Board 301 St NW WAITERS Colored for high class seafood res taurant Top wages Apply Personnel Office Sea Grill 1207 ST NW WATCHMAKER Alexandria store: best proposition in town TA 6498 DISPLAY ull or part time Apply Superin office 4th loor I KANN SONS CO YOUNG men over 16 free to travel in Virginia towns Can earn $7 to $10 per day Transportation furnished Room 424 1406 New York Ave NW Woodward Lothrop Has Immediate Openings for PACKERS CHECKERS STOCKKEEPERS JUMPERS' TRUCKERS BUNDLE COLLECTORS WINDOW WASHERS Apply Employment Office 9th loor WOOL SPOTTERS Experienced: excellent salary steady position Apply ARISTO CLEANERS 1226 SOUTH CAPITOL ST YOUNG MAN 17 years old: excellent opportunity tn learn transportation business perma nent position: afternoon and evening work 5 day week Apply Mr ischer 6 pm CANADA DRY GINGER ALE 909 Rhode Island Ave NE YOUNG MAN Not over 18 to assist in shipping de partment of national motion picture distributor: starting salary $23 per week Apply COLUMBIA PICTURE CORP 928 New Jersey Ave NW 8STEADY MEN to make between $50 and $70 week Also part time evening workers to make between $450 and $650 an evening Apply Hi Skor Bowling Alley 719 13th St NW Men and Women Wanted 'CLERK TYPISTS EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES OR BRITISH MISSIONS 1107 SIXTEENTH ST NW Employment office open Monday through riday 9 to 6 Saturday 9 to 1 (Hiring arrangements ap proved) i ood Counter Clerks 16 OR OVER We will train you for essential Wprk on our food counters helping to feed Washington war workers: good pay salary while learning uniforms fur nished and laundered free Apply at any PEOPLES DRUG STORES or Office 77 St NE OUNTAIN BOY or girl experienced full or part time Good salary Ex perienced on steam table and sandwich board Mcarland Co 1101 Wilson Blvd Arlington Va LAUNDRY MARKER Experienced 300 Concord Ave NW RA 9824 Messengers Part Tune 45c HOUR 9 AM TO 4 PM ROOM 201 TIMES HERALD NIGHT SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR Man or woman 11 pm to am must give some assistance to night auditor $135 month Apply Cief 'Operator DODGE HOTEL 29 ST Counter Clerks in on' over We will Qn OUT fpfid SsswV wW workers Mix Uniforms furnishedand laundered free Apply at any PEOPLES DRUG STORES or Office 77 P' ST OOD SUPERVISOR College degree in institutional man agement: commercial food experience necessary salary commensurate with executive position Box 40 Ttmes Herald OUNTAIN GIRLS Good pay No Sundays Eastern Pharmacy 13th and Sts NS IX)UNrrXfN GIRLS EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY UNIORMS MEALS No Sunday Work HU 617 15TH ST NW RONT OICE CASHIER Morning hr evening: 48 hour week: $100 per month plus 1 meal Apply AIRAX HOTEL 2100 Massachusetts Ave NW GIRLS (WHITE) Prepare yourself for the postwar pe riod when Joos will be difficult to obtain Establish yourself in per manent and interesting work with a progressive company have (he following openings available now in our dry cleaning dept: WOOL PIWE SILK INISHER ff you have experience fine if not we will train you Salary for experienced workers ranges from $30 tn $4(i per week Starting sala ries for beginners $22 50 per week DRY LEANING DEPT PIONEER LAUNDRY 920 Rhode Island Ave NE GIRLS WHITE $35 week meals and tips: no Sun days fountain and sandwich block experience essential Hotel Roose velt Pharmacy I 6 i A Sts HAND ironers colored Apply Hand Laundry 1910 tS NW HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS' Seniors preferred desiring evening work 4 to 7 pm daily and all day Saturday Apply Miss ifer WEST ERN UNION Room 601 710 14th St NW HOSIERY SALESLADY Excellent opportunity for young wom an Io take charge of dept: good sal ary and commission: pleasant working conditions Apply Mr Siegel HAHN SHOE STORE 7 14TH Sc STS NW HOSTESS Attractive position: pleasant sur roundings Apply Office HOTEL LAAYETTE 16TH AND EYE STS NW INVOICE CLERKS Tn accounts payable dept excellent position and interesting salary for women with real experience Good hours pleasant working conditions Apply HAHN SHOE STORES 7th and Streets KITCHEN HELP Glass washer pantry work experi enced Apply ROUMANIAN INN 815 13th St NW KITCHEN WOMEN (2) one 8 am to 5 pm and one 5 pm to 2 am: good salary plus meals Red Circle ood Shop 1 Mass Ave NW LADIES (2) over 22 to work in spare time day or evening hours optional previous sales experience helpful but not necessary About $150 per hour if qualified Real Silk Hosiery Mills NA 7356 10:30 AM to 3 PM Lab Tech Med $200 Mo 1333 ST NW LAUNDRY AND LINEN ROOM SUPERVISOR Needed for Pentagon Post Restaurant in Pentagon Building good salary ex cgllent meals vacations with pay: per manent position for person qualified Apply Pentagon Post Restaurant Per sonnel Office on concourse second floor Room 2 1030 or call 'RE 6700 Ext 6382 CIVILIAN LIGHT INSTRUCTION available at Congressional Airport Phone OLiver 8888 "ROOM bath in lovely home fur re ax fee in return for euprrvHion prin iti piano for child advanced in music Can teahh other pupils tn home if desired Box 24 Times Herald Business Services ALARM clocks repaired: quick serv ice At his Bldg Rm 209 9th Sts NW TR 9771 APPLIANCES AV A SU I I A CHI ES All makes: Bendix repairs overhauls: 24hr service WO 4200 EM 5953 Al'TO repai riHg yervu'C girarauteetLta pasg inspeetion Rear 933 St SW blk SW inspection station APPLIANCES electricalu of all type repaired: extra outlets installed house wiring a specialty AT 09mQ CAMERAS USED BOUGHT SOLD ULLER INC NA 4712 815 10th St NW CAR PENTRY painting plastering cementing roofing WA 8590 CEMENT Work Specializing in stone walls: flagstqpe Jerrv AT 9266 HOUSE ALTERATIONS REPAIRS or REMODELING and PAINTING and PAPERING Call STONE SHOCKEY TELEPHONE OR 2244 ELECTRICAL contractor light and power installations repairs and fix res Ex serviceman OR 5877 heating plants Boilers installed No waiting or down a merit 3 yrs to pay TR 7 808 have an emergency on air conditioning ml burners or stokers CALL TE 7774 MATTRESSES box springe: remade: 36 hr ser Cap Citv Bedding AT 3080 40 UP STEIN BEDDING CO iQ UP 1224 12th NWr MErJ315 MOXIXG light hauling trunks up Ixioper's NO 3222 Di 0122 mRViXG Tvler: trans pack stor teas 17'30 Vt Ave NW HO 9363 MOVING Union Storage Co By care ful men Storage separate rooms $2 tno up 705 la Ave NW NO 0104 Johnson ord Co 609 61 1 St NW DE 1186 HO 5271 Ace remodeling and repairing No job too small or too large Roofs painting car pentering cement work Call any time PAINTING Decorating ree psti mates Dale 914 NW? DI 3452 PUNTING and patch plastering and a rpentrring AD 1399 PAINTING PAPERING PLASTER ING general repairs: materials avail able: free estimates given Reliable white mechanics: first class work prompt service Hough Bros DI 4100u after 5 bm CH 8468 1NTING Papering Plastering Estimates free 3256 PAINTING ulterior or exterior gen eral repairing work guaranteed Esti ni a es free DL 0122 MARTIN PAPERING PAINTING: immediate 12 experience ree estimate NO G767 Gentile mechs PAPERHANGING $5 a room up? General repairing Looper NO 3222 "PAPERING painting A work Es timates free Call Beckett DU 4053 PAPERING Painting Scraping $8 bedrooms Living rooms $12 ree estimates DE 1841 RADIO REPAIRED Regardless of condit Honest prices Estimate free As near as your phone MID CITY RADIO SHOP NA 0777 616 4th St SW 1142 7th St Repaired Any make serviced work guar' anteeil Call WA 9309 ROO repairing: work guaranteed JOHNSON ORD HO 5271 ROOING Guttering and Spouting Move and furnace repairs oil burner service Mr Toute LI 0634 ROOING guttering sheet metal Im mediate service Call SH 8611 ROOING Guttering and Spouting General sheet metal Immediate serv Apply 1221 Wis Ave rear Mr Kel liher AD 5478 SEWING MACHINES Guaranteed repairs on any make ma chine ADJUSTING AND OILING $1 Parts and supplies for all machines Sewing Machine Dept 3d 'loor KANN SONS COi DL 7200.

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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.