Giai Quyet Tranh Chap Trong Obs - [PDF Document] (2024)

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    A Thesis

    Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the

    Louisiana State University and

    Agricultural and Mechanical College

    in partial fulfillment of the

    requirements for the degree of

    Master of Science in Electrical Engineering


    The Department of Electrical Engineering

    ByKishore Koduru

    Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering), BIET, 2002

    May 2005

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    Dedicated to my dear parents


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    I would like to thank my advisor Dr. Ahmed El. Amawy for theideas that led to

    this work, for his timely comments, guidance, support andpatience throughout the course of

    this work. I thank Dr. Jerry Trahan and Dr. Hsiao-Chun Wu forbeing on my defense

    committee. I thank all the members of the Optical Networksresearch group for assisting me

    with their ideas during Friday-meetings. I thank Mr. Moc Elgoogfor his extended support

    during my entire stay at LSU. Last but not the least, I thankall my friends who have remotely

    helped in the successful completion of this work.


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    Table of Contents





    1.1Optical Transmission System...31.2OpticalFiber.41.3Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM)61.4Components ofWDM Optical Networks.7

    1.4.1 Wavelength Multiplexer...7

    1.4.2 Wavelength Add/Drop Multiplexer..81.4.3 OpticalCrossconnects (OXC)..9

    1.4.4 Optical Amplifier111.5 WDM Network Architectures.12

    1.5.1 Broadcast-and-Select Networks..12

    1.5.2 Wavelength Routed Networks14

    1.6 Routing and Wavelength Assignment151.6.1 RouteSelection...16

    1.6.2 Wavelength Selection.17

    1.7 Problem Formulation and Layout of Thesis...18


    2.1 OBS Network Architecture.222.2 Reservation Schemes inOBS.24

    2.2.1 Tell-and-Go (TAG).25

    2.2.2 Just-In-Time (JIT)...262.2.3 Just-Enough-Time...27

    2.3 Contention Resolution29

    2.3.1 Optical Buffering30

    2.3.2 Wavelength Conversion..322.3.3 Deflection Routing..34

    CHAPTER 3: NEW DEFLECTION-BASED CONTENTION RESOLUTIONSCHEMES.......373.1 Backtrack on Deflection Failure.38

    3.1.1 Routing Protocol.38

    3.1.2 Backtrack on Deflection Failure with Increase in InitialOffset.403.1.2.1 Routing Procedure..40

    3.1.3 Backtrack on Deflection Failure with Open LoopReservation..42 Routing Procedure..43


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    3.1.4 Example for Backtrack on Deflection Failure44

    3.2 Bidirectional Reservation on Burst Drop for RetransmissionBursts.47

    3.2.1 Offset Calculation...49


    4.1 Simulator Setup...524.2 Assumptions53

    4.3 Simulation Parameters55

    4.4 Results.55





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    List of Figures

    1.1Optical transmission system..31.2Fiber opticcable.....51.3Different modes of propagation.51.4Wavelengthdivision multiplexing.61.5Diffraction grating for separation ofwavelengths.81.6Wavelength add/drop multiplexer..91.7Wavelengthcross-connect...101.8Erbium-dopedamplifier...121.9Broadcast-and-Select network.131.10 Wavelengthrouted network...14

    2.1 Comparison of optical switching schemes...21

    2.2 OBS network architecture23

    2.3 Use of delayed reservation...24

    2.4 JIT scheme...27

    2.5 JET scheme..28

    2.6 Contention resolution using FDL.32

    2.7 Wavelength conversion34

    2.8 Deflection routing35

    3.1 Information fields in a control burst39

    3.2 Backtrack on deflection failure45

    3.3 Decision table for time period (0-4).45


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    3.4 Decision table for case 1..46

    3.5 Decision table for case 2..47

    3.6 Control burst drop due to reservation failure...49

    3.7 Bidirectional reservation on control burst drop...50

    4.1 NSFNET with 14 nodes...54

    4.2 USA long haul network with 28 nodes54

    4.3 Packet loss probability at low loads.56

    4.4 Packet loss probability at high loads57

    4.5 Packet loss probability versus low load (BDF-BR) 58

    4.6 Packet loss probability versus high load (BDF-BR) ...59

    4.7 Blocking probability versus fixed offset..60

    4.8 Average number of hops traveled versus intended number ofhops62

    4.9 Average number of hops traveled versus load.63

    4.10 Poisson traffic versus bursty traffic (low loads)64

    4.11 Poisson traffic versus bursty traffic (high loads) ..65

    4.12 Link utilization versus load....66

    4.13 Packet loss probability with different number ofwavelengths per fiber...67

    4.14 Throughput versus offered load.68

    4.15 Throughput versus offered load (singleretransmission)...69

    4.16 Average transmission count versus offered load...70

    4.17 Packet loss probability versus load (USA long haulnetwork)..71


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    Optical burst switching (OBS) is a technology positioned betweenwavelength

    routing and optical packet switching that does not requireoptical buffering or packet-level

    parsing, and it is more efficient than circuit switching whenthe sustained traffic volume does

    not consume a full wavelength. However, several critical issuesstill need to be solved such as

    contention resolution without optical buffering which is a keydeterminant of packet-loss with

    a significant impact on network performance.

    Deflection routing is an approach for resolving contention byrouting a contending

    packet to an output port other than the intended output port. InOBS networks, when contention

    between two bursts cannot be resolved through deflectionrouting, one of the bursts will be

    dropped. However, this scheme doesnt take advantage of all theavailable resources in

    resolving contentions. Due to this, the performance of existingdeflection routing scheme is not

    satisfactory. In this thesis, we propose and evaluate three newstrategies which aim at resolving


    We propose a new approach called Backtrack on DeflectionFailure, which

    provides a second chance to blocked bursts when deflectionfailure occurs. The bursts in this

    scheme, when blocked, will get an opportunity to backtrack tothe previous node and may get

    routed through any deflection route available at the previousnode. Two variants are proposed

    for handling the backtracking delay involved in this schemenamely: (a) Increase in Initial

    Offset and (b) Open-Loop Reservation. Furthermore, we propose athird scheme called

    Bidirectional Reservation on Burst Drop in which bandwidthreservation is made in both the

    forward and the backward directions simultaneously. This schemecomes into effect only when


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    control bursts get dropped due to bandwidth unavailability. Theretransmitted control bursts

    will have larger offset value and because of this, they willhave lower blocking probability than

    the original bursts.

    The performance of our schemes and of those proposed in theliterature is studied

    through simulation. The parameters considered in evaluatingthese schemes are blocking

    probability, average throughput, and overall link utilization.The results obtained show that our

    schemes perform significantly better than their standardcounterparts.


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    Chapter 1


    In recent years, explosive demand for network bandwidth hasbecome a

    major challenge for network engineers due to increasing globalpopularity of the

    Internet and the increased applications it affords. A continuousdemand for networks of

    high capacities at low cost exists. Optical data communicationhas been acknowledged

    as the best solution for meeting the present bandwidthrequirements of the users and for

    supporting future network services. This is because; in theoryeach optical fiber has the

    ability to support bandwidth demand of up to 50 THz [1]. Apartfrom this, optical fibers

    are inexpensive and provide extremely low bit-error rates(typically 10-12

    ) [2]. The

    optical fiber is less bulky than other cables. Optical signalstravel clearly for longer

    distances and are immune to electrical interferences.Furthermore, fiber cables are much

    more difficult to tap than copper wires, so in addition there isa security advantage [2].

    All these factors make optical data networks the networks of thefuture.

    Optical Networks may be classified as:

    1. First Generation Optical Networks:These optical networksinvolved replacing

    copper cables by optical fibers as the medium of transmission.The switching and

    processing of bits were, however, handled in the electronicdomain as before.

    Optical fibers were preferred for bit rates greater than 10Mbps. Examples of first

    generation optical networks are SONET/SDH networks that form thecore telecom

    networks in North America, Europe and Asia [3, 5]. Otherexamples include the

    FDDI-based enterprise networks. From a network layering point ofview, the

    impact of first generation optical networks was felt primarilyin the physical layer.


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    From hereon, there were primarily two fundamental ways ofincreasing the speed

    in networks; either increase the electronic processing speeds byimproved time

    division multiplexing (TDM) techniques or increase the capacityby using multiple

    carrier wavelengths in the fiber at the same time [7].

    2. Second Generation Optical Networks:These networks were madecapable of

    using multiple carrier wavelengths that were multiplexed onto asingle fiber thus

    offering increased bandwidth. The technique is called WavelengthDivision

    Multiplexing (WDM) [3, 4, 10]. The primary improvement of secondgeneration

    optical networks over their first generation counterparts from atechnological point

    of view was in incorporating the switching and routingfunctionality in the optical

    domain and allowing for the transparency of data format,protocol and bit rates. It

    thus allowed for smaller electronic load on a node by ensuringthe need to

    terminate the traffic intended only for that node while allowingthe other traffic to

    cut right through the node in the optical domain. In firstgeneration networks, a

    node would have to terminate all the optical signals(irrespective of whether they

    are intended for itself or not), convert them to electronicsignals, process them and

    then regenerate the traffic not intended for itself into opticalsignals and send them

    on the appropriate outgoing links. The second generation opticalswitches are

    called Optical Cross-connects (OXCs). These switches may beconfigured to

    switch optical signals from any incoming port to any outgoingport.

    The next-generation optical networks will involve optical packetswitching and All-

    Optical Networks (AON). In an AON, all network-to-networkinterfaces are based on

    optical transmission, and all user-to-network interfaces useoptical transmission on the


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    network side of the interface. All buffering, switching androuting within AON network

    nodes are performed optically. In these networks, it isenvisioned that the DWDM based

    dynamic optical network elements such as optical cross-connectsand optical add/drop

    multiplexers will have full control of all wavelengths [5]. Inaddition, they are expected

    to have full knowledge of the traffic carrying capacity and thestatus of each wavelength.

    With such intelligence, these networks are envisioned as beingself-connecting and self-


    1.1Optical Transmission System

    Todays low-loss glass fiber optic cable offers almost uniqueadvantages

    over all previously developed transmission media. The basicpoint-to-point fiber optic

    transmission system consists of three basic elements: theoptical transmitter, the fiber

    optic cable and the optical receiver as shown in Figure 1.1.

    Optical FiberOpticalDetector







    Figure 1.1 Optical transmission system


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    The transmitter converts an electrical analog or digital signalinto a

    corresponding optical signal. The source of the optical signalcan be either a light

    emitting diode, or a solid state laser diode. The light sourcecan be modulated according

    to an electrical input signal to produce a beam of light whichis transmitted into the

    transmission medium [2]. The optical fiber is the transmissionmedium. When the

    optical information reaches the receiver, the on/off lightsignals are converted back to

    electrical signals by an optical detector. In this system, theinformation undergoes

    electronic-optical-electronic conversion. The transmissioncharacteristics of an optical

    fiber are usually given in terms of attenuation for a givenwavelength over a given

    distance (length of the fiber). As the distance traveled by thesignal increases, the

    attenuation also increases. When the signal becomes weak, theinformation carried

    cannot be retrieved from the signal. In order to preventexcessive attenuation,

    regenerators are used to boost the signal power and to restorethe shape of the signal.

    1.2 Optical Fiber

    The main purpose of an optical fiber is to guide light waveswith minimum

    attenuation (loss of signal). Optical fibers are composed offine threads of glass in

    layers, called the core and cladding that can transmit light atabout two-thirds the speed

    of light in vacuum. Though admittedly an oversimplification, thetransmission of light

    in optical fiber is commonly explained using the principle oftotal internal reflection

    [6]. With this phenomenon, 100 percent of light that strikes asurface is reflected. Light

    is either reflected or refracted depending on the angle ofincidence (the angle at which

    light strikes the interface between an optically denser and anoptically thinner material).


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    The core has a higher refractive index than the cladding,allowing the beam that strikes

    that surface at less than the critical angle to bereflected.

    Figure 1.2 Fiber optic cable

    Figure 1.3 Different modes of propagation

    There are two modes of fiber propagation known as multi-mode andsingle-

    mode. The single-mode fiber optic cable provides betterperformance but at a higher cost.

    The multimode fiber has a graded refractive index profile, dueto which many rays of

    light can bounce at different angles [7]. Each ray is said tohave a different mode, hence,

    the name multimode fiber. If a stepwise refractive index isused, the fiber will act like a

    waveguide and the light will travel in a straight line along thecenter axis of the fiber.


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    Such fibers are known as single mode fibers. A single mode fiberhas lower attenuation

    and less time dispersion. However it is more expensive than themultimode fiber. These

    fibers are used mainly in Wide Area Networks [7].

    1.3 Wavelength Division Multiplexing

    In order to fully exploit the offered bandwidth of a fiber, thebandwidth is

    divided into a number of channels on different wavelengths. Thismethod of sending

    many light beams of different wavelengths simultaneously on thesame fiber is referred

    to as Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) [3]. This methodexploits the huge

    opto-electronic bandwidth mismatch by requiring that eachend-users equipment

    operate only at electronic rate. But multiple WDM channels fromdifferent end-users

    may be multiplexed on the same fiber.



    Figure 1.4 Wave division multiplexing

    In a simple WDM system shown in Figure 1.4, the transmittingside has a

    series of fixed-wavelength or tunable light sources, each ofwhich emits signals at a


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    unique wavelength. A multiplexer is used to combine theseoptical signals into a

    continuous spectrum of signals and to couple them onto a singlefiber. Within the

    optical link, there will be various types of optical amplifiers.At the receiving end, a de-

    multiplexer is used to separate the optical signals intoappropriate detection channels

    for signal processing. The WDM systems are classified into densewavelength division

    multiplexing (DWDM) systems and coarse wavelength divisionmultiplexing (CWDM)

    systems. In DWDM, the bandwidth of the fiber is divided intomore than 8

    wavelengths. CWDM refers to the systems where the fiberbandwidth is divided into

    less than 8 wavelengths.

    1.4 Components of a WDM Optical Network

    Some of the major modules contained in a WDM optical netowrkinclude

    wavelength multiplexers, optical crossconnects, opticalamplifiers, and wavelength

    add/drop multiplexers. The following subsections discuss thesecomponents and their

    functions in a WDM network.

    1.4.1 Wavelength Multiplexers

    The function of this device is to combine independent signalstreams

    operating at different wavelengths onto the same fiber and toseparate them at the

    receiver. In principle, any demultiplexer also can be used as amultiplexer [8]. For

    simplicity, the word multiplexer is used as a general term thatrefers to both the

    combining and separating functions. The technologies used inthese devices are include

    thin-film filters, arrayed waveguide gratings, Bragg fibergratings, diffraction gratings,

    and interleavers. Among these, diffraction grating is the toolof choice for spatially

    separating different wavelenghts contained in a beam of light[6]. The grating technique


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    is shown in Figure 1.5. The device consists of a set ofdiffracting elemets, such as

    narrow parallel slits or grooves, separated by a distancecomparable to the wavelength

    of light. These diffracting elements can be either reflective ortransmitting. With this

    method, separating and combining wavelengths is a parallelprocess.

    Figure 1.5 Diffraction grating technique for separatingwavelengths

    1.4.2 Wavelength Add/Drop Multiplexer

    A wavelength add/drop multiplexer (WADM) allows the insertionor

    extraction of a wavelength from a fiber at a point betweenterminals. A WADM can

    operate either statically or dynamically. WADM consists of ade-multiplexer, followed

    by a set of 2 x 2 switches, one for each wavelength. Theswitches are followed by a

    multiplexer. The switches are managed electrically. They controlwhich of the incoming

    wavelengths flow through the WADM and which are dropped locally.If some incoming

    wavelengths are dropped locally in WADM a new data stream can beadded on to the

    same wavelength at this WADM location. More than one wavelengthcan be dropped and

    added if the WADM interface has the necessary hardware andprocessing capabilities [4].


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    Figure 1.6 Wavelength add/drop multiplexer

    1.4.3 Optical Crossconnects (OXC)

    Optical crossconnects are used to route wavelengths betweeninput ports and

    out ports. The main function of the OXC is to dynamicallyreconfigure the network at

    the wavelength level for restoration or to accommodate changesin bandwidth demand.

    OXC systems are expected to be the cornerstone of the photoniclayer providing

    carriers more dynamic and flexible options in building networktopologies with

    enhanced survivability. The architecture of an OXC is shown inFigure 1.7. The typical

    OXC capabilities are

    Fiber switching: the ability to route all of the wavelengths onan incoming fiberto a different outgoing fiber.

    Wavelength switching: the ability to switch specific wavelengthsfrom anincoming fiber to multiple outgoing fibers.


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    Wavelength conversionthe ability to take incoming wavelengthsandconvert them (on the fly) to other optical frequencies on theoutgoing ports; this

    is necessary to achieve strictly non-blocking architectures whenusing

    wavelength switching.

    Figure 1.7 Wavelength cross-connect

    OXCs can be divided into the following classes [3]:

    The fiber switch cross-connect (FXC) The wavelength selectivecross-connect (WSXC) The wavelength interchanging cross-connect(WIXC)

    A fiber switch cross-connect switches all of the wavelengthchannels on one input fiber

    to an output fiber, in effect acting as an automated fiber patchpanel. FXC are less

    complex, and thus expected to be less costly, than a wavelengthselective or wavelength


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    interchanging cross-connect. A wavelength selectivecross-connect can switch a subset

    of the wavelength channels from an input fiber to an outputfiber. Functionally, they

    therefore require de-multiplexing (in the frequency spectraldomain) of an incoming

    wavelength multiplex into its individual constitutingwavelengths. This cross-connect

    type offers much more flexibility than an FXC, allowing theprovisioning of

    wavelength services, which in turn can support videodistribution, distance learning, or

    a host of other applications. A wavelength interchangingcross-connect is a WSXC with

    the added capability to translate or change the frequency (orwavelength) of a channel

    from one frequency to another. This feature reduces theprobability of not being able to

    route a wavelength from an input fiber to an output fiberbecause of wavelength

    contention. WIXC offers the most flexibility for restoration andprovisioning of

    services. The WIXC may not be very cost effective since somecircuits may not always

    need wavelength conversions. One effective method is to sharewavelength converters.

    1.4.4 Optical Amplifier

    Optical amplification is required to compensate for variouslosses such as

    fiber attenuation, coupling and splitting loss in the starcouplers, as well as coupling

    losses in the wavelength routers. The advent of a fiber opticrepeater device called the

    Erbium doped fiber amplifier has enabled WDM to be acost-effective technology. An

    Erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA), is an optical or IRrepeater that amplifies a

    modulated laser beam directly, without opto-electronic andelectro-optical conversion

    [5]. Some of the important properties which have led to usingEDFAs in large numbers

    in optical transmission systems are high power conversionefficiency, high gain, low

    noise, and low polarization dependence and temperaturesensitivity [3].


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    The structure of a typical EDFA is shown in Figure 1.8. Thedevice uses a

    short length of optical fiber doped with the rare-earth elementErbium. When the signal-

    carrying laser beams pass through this fiber, external energy isapplied, usually at IR

    wavelengths. This so-called pumping excites the atoms in theErbium-doped section of

    the optical fiber, increasing the intensity of the laser beamspassing through.

    Figure 1.8 Erbium doped fiber amplifier structure

    1.5 WDM Network Architectures

    The most common classes of WDM network architectures are:Broadcast-

    and-select (local-area) networks and Wavelength routed(wide-area) networks. The

    following sections deal with these network architectures.

    1.5.1 Broadcast-and-Select Networks

    In a broadcast-and-select network, a passive coupler isconnected to all

    the nodes in the network as shown in Figure 1.9. Each node inthe network has a set of

    tunable optical transmitters and tunable optical receivers. Anode sends its information

    to the star coupler on one of the available wavelengths usingthe tunable laser which

    produces optical information stream. The information frommultiple sources is optically


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    combined by the star and the signal power of each stream isequally split and broadcast to

    all of the nodes. An optical filter is used by the destinationnodes receiver to extract the

    required wavelength stream from the received broadcast. When onenode sends

    information, it is received by all the nodes in the network andonly those nodes which

    need that information will tune their receivers to the desiredwavelength. Thus, the

    network provides multicast capability. In this model, when anode failure occurs, the rest

    of the network can still function without any problems. Hence,the passive-star model

    enjoys a fault-tolerance advantage over some other distributedswitching networks [4, 7].


    Coupler 3



    W 3 W 0

    W 0

    W 1W 2

    W 3

    W 1W 2

    Figure 1.9 Broadcast-and-select network

    However, broadcast and select networks have certain limitations.They

    require a large number of wavelengths, typically at least asmany as the number of nodes

    in the network. Thus the networks are not scalable beyond thenumber of available

    wavelengths [5]. Since the transmitted power is split among thevarious nodes of the


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    network, the signal will not be able to span long distances.Because of these limitations,

    this model is suitable only for local area networks.

    1.5.2 Wavelength Routed Networks

    Wavelength routed networks have the potential to avoid theproblems

    associated with the broadcast-and-select networks. They avoidthe power splitting loss

    due to broadcast and they can be scalable to wide area networks.A wavelength routed

    network consists of wavelength cross connects (active switches)interconnected by point-

    to-point fiber links to form an arbitrary physical topology.Each node in the network is

    equipped with a set of transmitters and receivers, both of whichmay be tunable. Each end

    user is connected to the active switch by a fiber link. Thecombination of end user and its

    corresponding active switch is referred to as a node.



    3 2

    W 0

    W 1

    P 3

    P 0P 2

    P 1

    Figure 1.10 Wavelength routed network

    In wavelength routed networks, the communication mechanism iscalled a

    Lighpath. A lightpath is an all-optical wavelength continuouspath which is established

    between two nodes in the network. It may span more than onefiber link and is created by

    allocating the same wavelength throughout the path [6]. Amessage is sent from one node


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    to another node using a lightpath without requiring anyoptical-electronic-optical

    conversion or buffering at the intermediate nodes. Therequirement that the same

    wavelength be used on all the links of the path between twonodes is called the

    wavelength continuity constraint [2] [6]. No two lightpaths canhave the same

    wavelength on any common fiber. This is known as the distinctwavelength assignment

    constraint [6]. The wavelength continuity may not be necessaryif the network is

    equipped with wavelength converters which have the ability toconvert the information

    stream from wavelength to another wavelength without electronicconversion.

    A typical wavelength routed network is shown in Figure 1.10. Thenetwork

    has five nodes and two wavelengths. Lightpaths need to beestablished between node

    pairs , , and . The figure shows the lightpath establishment

    for those node pairs with out any problem. The lightpaths p0 andp2 use wavelength w0

    and lightpaths p1 and p3 use wavelength w1. Suppose we need toestablish another

    lightpath between node pair . The route for this is 401.Wavelength w0 is

    available on the link 40 and wavelength w1 is free on link 01.Though bandwidth is

    available along the path, a lightpath cannot be establishedbecause of wavelength

    continuity constraint.

    1.6 Routing and Wavelength Assignment (RWA)

    Routing and wavelength assignment is the fundamental controlproblem in

    WDM wavelength routed networks. In WDM wavelength routed opticalnetworks,

    lightpaths need to be established before any communication takesplace between the

    nodes. In order to establish a lightpath between two nodes, twodecisions have to be

    made. The first is the selection of the path from the sourcenode to the destination node


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    and the second is the selection of wavelength to be assigned tothe path. Many problems

    in wavelength routed networks have RWA as a sub problem.

    Depending on the traffic in the network, the RWA problem isclassified into

    static and dynamic. In case of static traffic demand, theconnection requests are known

    in advance. The traffic demand may be provided in terms ofsource-destination pairs.

    The objective is to assign routes and wavelengths so as tomaximize the number of

    demands satisfied. In dynamic traffic demand, the connectionrequests arrive and depart

    randomly. The established lightpaths will remain only for afinite time. Since the traffic

    is dynamic, the network has no knowledge of future connectionrequests. Because of

    this, the dynamic RWA algorithms perform poorly when compared tothe static RWA

    algorithms [10]. A dynamic RWA algorithm processes theconnection requests strictly

    in the order of connection arrival time, whereas a static RWAalgorithm processes the

    connection requests in the order decided by some heuristic. TheRWA problem can be

    divided into route selection and wavelength selection.

    1.6.1 Route Selection

    Route selection algorithms can be classified into three types:fixed routing

    (FR), alternate routing (AR), and exhaust routing (ER).

    Fixed routing: For each node pair in the network, a fixed routeis assigned. These

    routes are calculated offline and they do not change with thechanging network

    conditions. The performance degrades as the offered loadincreases.

    Alternate routing: For each node pair in the network, a set ofcandidate routes are

    computed offline. When a connection request arrives, the routeis selected from among

    only those in the set of candidate routes assigned for that nodepair.


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    Exhaust routing: In exhaust routing, when a connection requestarrives for a node pair,

    all the possible routes between the node pair are considered andone among them is

    selected. A conventional shortest path algorithm is typicallyused to find the best

    possible route.

    1.6.2 Wavelength Selection

    The wavelength selection algorithms can be classified intomost-used, least-

    used, fixed-order, random-order, and round-robin.

    Most-used: This algorithm gives preference to the wavelengthwhich is used on the

    largest number of links in the network. The wavelengths aresearched in descending

    order of their use. The main idea behind this algorithm is topack the lightpaths tightly

    so that future connection requests will have many availablewavelength continuous

    routes. In order to know the wavelength usage, the global stateinformation of the

    network is to be known.

    Least-used: In this case, the wavelength which is used on theleast number of links in

    the network will be selected. This scheme attempts to distributethe load on the

    wavelengths uniformly across the entire network.

    Fixed-order: All the wavelengths in the network are indexed.This algorithm searches

    for wavelength in a fixed order and the first free wavelengthwill be selected.

    Random-order: All the wavelengths are indexed and the selectionis done randomly.

    Each wavelength has equal probability of being selected.

    Round-robin: This method tries to distribute the load on thewavelengths equally by

    assigning the wavelengths in a round-robin fashion from the poolof available



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    Another important issue in WDM wavelength routed networks isthe

    connection blocking probability. It is a measure of how likely aconnection request will

    get blocked because of unavailable network resources. Thewavelength continuity

    constraint increases the blocking probability of connectionswith larger hop counts

    when compared to connections with smaller hop counts [10] [3].Fairness and

    admission control algorithms are used to regulate networktraffic and to provide

    fairness among connection requests.

    1.7 Problem Formulation and Layout of Thesis

    Wavelength division multiplexing technology on optical fiber

    communication has produced tremendous amount of raw bandwidth.Nowadays, bursty

    internet traffic is consuming most of the available bandwidth asopposed to non-bursty

    voice traffic [15]. This bursty internet traffic, which isincreasing day by day, has to be

    handled with proper technology. An all-optical transportprotocol has to be developed

    to utilize this bandwidth efficiently and to avoid opticalbuffering while handling bursty


    Circuit switching and packet switching have been used for manyyears.

    However, these technologies are mainly used with voice and datatraffic, respectively

    [12] [13]. Though optical packet switching can handle internettraffic more efficiently,

    the optical hardware technology has not been developed wellenough to afford this.

    Optical burst switching (OBS) is a scheme which has been viewedas a viable option

    for handling the bursty traffic until optical packet switchingtechnology becomes a

    reality [9][12][13]. OBS has been designed to achieve a balancebetween the coarse-

    grained circuit switching and fine-grained packet switching. Inthis work, we


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    investigate the various issues related to optical burstswitching technologies. Our main

    interest is concentrated on contention resolution techniques inOBS networks which

    play a great part in reducing packet loss and congestion in thenetwork. This thesis

    presents and studies the performance of three new techniques forreducing packet loss

    in OBS schemes. The results obtained through simulations showthat our schemes

    exhibit low blocking probabilities when compared to othertechniques proposed in the


    The remainder of the thesis is organized as follows: Chapter 2discusses the

    details of optical burst switching including various reservationtechniques proposed in

    the literature. It also covers the traditional contentionresolution techniques used in

    OBS. Chapter 3 proposes our new packet loss reduction techniquesalong with their

    signaling protocols and timing diagrams. Chapter 4 studies theperformance of our

    schemes using simulations. It also compares our results withthose for previously

    known schemes. Chapter 5 concludes the thesis and identifiesareas of future work.


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    Chapter 2

    Optical Burst Switching

    Optical burst switching (OBS) is a promising new technique whichattempts to

    address the problem of efficiently allocating resources forbursty internet traffic. Circuit

    switching and packet switching have been used for many years forvoice and data

    communication, respectively. OBS can combine the best of thecoarse-grained circuit-

    switching and the fine-grained packet-switching paradigms whileavoiding their shortcomings,

    thereby efficiently supporting bursty traffic generated by upperlevel protocols or high-end

    user applications directly [11, 13, 16]. OBS differs fromcircuit and packet-switching primarily

    in whethercut-through orstore-and-forward is used and in howbandwidth is reserved (and


    In circuit switching, a dedicated path has to be establishedbetween two nodes

    before any data transmission takes place [19]. The time takenfor establishing such path is

    equal to the round trip delay. The reserved resources stay idlefor the entire path setup time and

    account for poor resource utilization. The benefit of OpticalBurst Switching (OBS) over

    conventional circuit switching is that there is no need todedicate a wavelength for each end to

    end connection [13]. In addition to this, the path setup time ismuch less than the round-trip

    delay. In packet switching, the data is broken into smallpackets and transmitted. The data is

    transmitted using store and forward technique. The resources canbe shared by different

    sources. End stations can send/receive data at their own speed[11, 12]. The individual packet

    can be individually switched or a virtual circuit can be set up.Packet switching has large buffer

    requirement and complex control and sync issues. For the opticaldomain, packet switching is


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    not yet feasible because of optical hardware limitations.Optical RAMs do not exist yet to meet

    the high buffer requirements of packet switching. In addition,optical burst switching seems to

    be more viable than optical packet switching since burst datadoes not need to be buffered or

    processed at intermediate nodes. This allows the strengths ofoptical switching technologies to be

    leveraged effectively and the problem of buffering in theoptical domain to be circumvented.

    OBS combines the advantages of both circuit and packet switchingand ensures efficient

    bandwidth and resource utilization [11, 15].

    Figure 2.1 Comparison of optical switching schemes

    Optical burst switching is based on the separation of thecontrol plane and the data

    plane [14]. The basic switching entity in OBS is called a burstwhich is a (digitized) talk spurt

    or a data message. In optical burst switching data packets areaggregated into much larger

    bursts before transmission through the network. This allowsamortization of the switching

    overhead across multiple packets. The data burst (DB) ispreceded in time by a control burst

    (CB), which is sent on a separate control wavelength. Thecontrol burst requests resource

    allocation at each switch. At each intermediate node, the CB isprocessed electronically and the

    time taken for processing a CB is known as the processing time.After processing, the CB

    reserves a wavelength on an outgoing link for the DB. Thisreservation will be for a time


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    period starting from the time the DB is expected to arrive tothe time the DB is transmitted

    completely. The reservation time and duration can be calculatedusing the offset and the DB

    length. If no reservation can be made, then the CB is dropped.If the reservation is successful,

    the CB is forwarded to the next node along the path to thedestination. The offset is chosen in

    such a way that the reservation is already made at each nodebefore the DB arrives at that node.

    OBS uses one-way reservation schemes with immediatetransmission, in which the data burst

    follows a corresponding control burst after waiting for a shortoffset time without waiting for

    an acknowledgement [13]. The offset time gap between the CBtransmission and the DB

    transmission is generally used for aggregating the data packetsinto a data burst [12, 16].

    2.1 OBS Network Architecture

    An OBS network consists of optical core nodes and electronicedge nodes connected

    by WDM links. Packets are assembled into bursts at networkingress, which are then routed

    through the OBS network and disassembled back into packets atnetwork egress to be forwarded to

    their next hops [14]. Edge nodes provide burstassembly/disassembly functions. A core node is

    mainly composed of an optical switching matrix and a switchcontrol unit.

    An OBS node is built from optical and electronic componentsbesides optical receivers

    and optical transmitters. The optical components includemultiplexers (Mux), demultiplexers

    (Demux) and an optical switching network (OSN). The electroniccomponents include input

    modules (IM), output module (OM), a control burst router (CBRT),and a scheduler [2]. An

    optical burst switch control unit transfers a burst coming infrom an input port to its destination

    output port. Depending on the switch architecture, it may or maynot be equipped with optical

    buffering. The fiber links carry multiple wavelengths, and eachwavelength can be seen as a


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    channel. The control packet associated with a burst may also betransmitted in-band over the same

    channel as data, or on a separate control channel. The burstsize may be fixed to carry one or more

    IP packets.

    Figure 2.2 OBS network architecture

    When an edge node intends to transmit a data burst, it firstsends a control burst on the

    control wavelength to the nearest core node. At the core node,the CB on the control wavelength is

    input to the corresponding IM, which converts the CB intoelectronic form by the receiver. The

    control fields are extracted from the CB. The CBRT uses thesecontrol fields to determine the next

    outgoing fiber for the corresponding DB by consulting a routingtable maintained locally. The CB

    is scheduled for transmission onto the selected outgoing link bythe scheduler and the CB is

    buffered until the scheduled time. The scheduler maintains a CBqueue. The scheduler also

    reserves wavelength on the determined links for the upcoming DB.The CB is then forwarded onto


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    the OM, which updates its control fields and transmits it to theselected outgoing fiber using the

    optical transmitter. Just before the DB arrives, the switchingelement in the node is configured to

    connect the input port to the corresponding output port for theentire duration of the burst

    transmission. If the CB is unable to reserve the wavelength forits corresponding DB, then the CB

    will be dropped as well as its DB.

    2.2 Reservation Schemes in OBS

    Optical Burst switching schemes differ based on how and when thenetwork

    resources like bandwidth, are reserved and released. Opticalburst switching is an adaptation of

    burst switching technique in asynchronous transfer mode (ATM)networks, known as ATM

    block transfer (ABT) [17]. There are two versions of ABT: ABTwith delayed transmission and

    ABT with immediate transmission.

    C B

    D B

    Figure 2.3 Use of offset delayed reservation

    In case of an immediate reservation scheme, an output wavelengthis reserved for a data burst

    immediately after the arrival of the corresponding controlburst; if a wavelength cannot be


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    reserved at that time, then the setup message is rejected andthe corresponding burst is dropped

    [16]. In a delayed reservation scheme, the CB and the DB areseparated in time by an offset

    value in order to accommodate the processing of the CB. Anoutput wavelength is reserved for

    a burst just before the arrival of the first bit of the burst.If, upon arrival of the setup message,

    it is determined that no wavelength can be reserved at theappropriate time, then the setup

    message is rejected and the corresponding burst is dropped [16].These two techniques have

    been adopted in OBS. Depending on bandwidth reservation, offsettime and control

    management, three schemes for OBS implementation have beenproposed: Tell-and-go (TAG)

    [16], Just-in-time (JIT) [12][13] and Just-enough-time (JET)[14].

    2.2.1 Tell-And-Go (TAG)

    This is an immediate reservation scheme. In TAG, the CB istransmitted on a

    control channel followed by a DB, which is transmitted on a datachannel with zero or

    negligible offset. The CB reserves the wavelength and buffer(FDL) at each intermediate node

    along the path for the DB. When the DB reaches an intermediatenode, it is buffered using the

    reserved FDL until the CB processing is finished. Then the DB istransmitted along the

    reserved channel. If no wavelength is available for reservation,the burst is dropped and a

    negative acknowledgement (NAK) is sent to the source. The sourcenode sends another CB

    after transmitting the DB for releasing the reserved wavelengthsalong the path. Here, the burst

    size is not fixed in advance. FDLs are expensive and they canonly buffer data optically for a

    very short time. Optical buffering is the main drawback of thisscheme. Furthermore, if the

    release CB which is sent to release the reserved bandwidth alongthe path is lost, then these

    wavelengths will not be released and this creates bandwidthwastage [13, 14].


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    2.2.2 Just-In-Time (JIT)

    This scheme also comes under immediate reservation. Here, anoutput wavelength

    is reserved for the upcoming burst as soon as the CB processingis finished. The source

    transmits the DB after an offset time which is greater than thetotal CB processing time. If the

    wavelength is not available, the burst is dropped. Thedifference between JIT and TAG is that

    the buffering of the DB at each node is eliminated by insertinga time gap between the CB and

    the DB. Since the bandwidth is reserved immediately after the CBprocessing, the wavelength

    will be idle from the time the reservation is made till thefirst bit of the DB arrives at the node.

    This is because of the offset between the CB and the DB. Sincethe offset value decreases as

    the CB gets closer to the destination, the idle time alsodecreases. An in-band-terminator is

    placed at the end of each burst which is used by each node torelease the reserved wavelength

    after transmitting the DB [12, 19].

    Wavelength reservation in JIT at an intermediate node is shownin Figure 2.4. Let t

    be the time a CB arrives at some OBS node along the path to thedestination. Let Tsetup be the

    amount of time it takes an OBS node to process the controlburst. Let Toffset be the offset value

    of a burst. This is equal to the time gap between the CB and theDB transmission. The offset

    value depends on (1) the wavelength reservation scheme, (2) thenumber of nodes the burst has

    already traversed, and (3) other factors, such as whether theoffset is used for service

    differentiation [11]. Toxc is the amount of time it takes theOXC to configure its switch fabric to

    set up a connection from an input port to an output port. Oncethe processing of the CB is

    complete at time t + Tsetup, a wavelength is immediatelyreserved for the upcoming burst, and


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    reserves wavelength for the upcoming burst for a fixed durationof time. The reservation is

    made from the time when the first bit of DB reaches the nodetill the last bit of DB is

    transmitted to the output port. This eliminates the wavelengthidle time which is the main

    difference between JET and JIT. Since the wavelength is reservedfor a fixed duration, there is

    no need for explicit signal for releasing the reservedwavelength along the path. Since there is

    no wastage of bandwidth in this scheme, the network utilizationfor this scheme is higher than

    with the other schemes. But, this scheme involves complexscheduling when compared to other


    Figure 2.5 JET scheme

    The operation of delayed reservation in JET is shown in Figure2.5. Let us again

    assume that a control burst arrives at an OBS node at time t.Let the offset be Toffset and let the

    length of the DB be . The first bit of the corresponding burstis expected to arrive at time

    t+Toffset. After processing the CB, the node reserves awavelength for the DB starting at time t 1

    = t + Toffset TOXC and ending at time t1+. At time t0, the OBSnode instructs its OXC fabric


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    to configure its switch elements to carry the data burst, andthis operation completes just before

    the arrival of the first bit of the burst. Thus, whereasimmediate reservation protocols only

    permit a single outstanding reservation for each outputwavelength, delayed reservation

    schemes allow multiple setup messages to make futurereservations on a given wavelength

    (provided of course, that these reservations, do not overlap intime). A void is created on the

    output wavelength between time (t + Tsetup), when thereservation operation for the upcoming

    burst is completed, and time (t1 = t + Toffset - TOXC), when theoutput wavelength is actually

    reserved for the burst. In an attempt to use the voids createdby the earlier setup messages, void

    filling algorithms are employed in JET [16].

    TAG and JIT schemes are significantly simpler than JET sincethey do not involve

    complex scheduling or void-filling algorithms. On the otherhand, previous studies have shown

    that JET performs better than either JIT or TAG in terms ofburst loss probability [14] [16].

    2.3 Contention Resolution Schemes

    Contention resolution is necessary for handling certain caseswhere two or more

    bursts try to reserve the same link and the same wavelength forthe same time. This is called

    external blocking. In packet switching, this is avoided bybuffering the contending packets. In

    OBS, when two or more bursts contend for the same wavelength andfor the same time

    duration, only one of them is allotted the bandwidth. In suchcase, one or a combination of the

    following three major options for contention resolution can beapplied in addition to the option

    of dropping the unsuccessful bursts.

    Wavelength domain:By means of wavelength conversion, a burst canbe sent on a different

    wavelength channel of the designated output line [18].


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    Time domain:By utilizing an FDL buffer, a burst can be delayeduntil the contention situation

    is resolved. In contrast to buffers in the electronic domain,FDLs only provide a fixed delay

    and data leave the FDL in the same order in which they entered[18].

    Space domain: In deflection routing, a burst is sent to adifferent output link of the node and

    consequently on a different route towards its destination node.Space domain can be exploited

    differently in case several fibers are attached to an outputline. A burst can also be transmitted

    on a different fiber of the designated output line withoutwavelength conversion [18].

    When there is no available unscheduled channel, and a contentioncannot be

    resolved by any one of the above techniques, one or more burstsmust be dropped. The policy

    for selecting which bursts to drop is referred to as the softcontention resolution policy and is

    aimed at reducing the overall burst loss rate, BLR, andconsequently, enhancing link utilization

    [9]. Several soft contention resolution algorithms have beenproposed and studied in earlier

    literature, including the shortest-drop policy [25] andlook-ahead contention resolution [26]. In

    burst segmentation, only that part of the burst which isinvolved in a reservation conflict will

    be dropped [16]. The contention resolution policies areconsidered as reactive approaches in

    the sense that they are invoked after contention occurs. Analternative approach to reduce

    network contention is by proactively attempting to avoid networkoverload through traffic

    management policies [9].

    2.3.1 Optical Buffering

    Optical buffering is achieved through the use offiber delaylines (FDL). Due to the

    lack of optical random access memory, FDL is currently the onlyway to implement optical

    buffering. By implementing multiple delay lines in stages [16]or in parallel [17], a buffer may


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    be created that can hold a packet for a variable amount of time.In any optical buffer

    architecture, the size of the buffers is severely limited, notonly by signal quality concerns, but

    also by physical space limitations. The FDLs are bulky. To delaya single packet for 5s would

    require over a kilometer of fiber [17]. Because of this sizelimitation of optical buffers, a node

    may be unable to effectively handle high load or bursty trafficconditions. Furthermore, signal

    dispersion and attenuation are some of the limitations of FDLs.Because of these drawbacks,

    delay lines may be acceptable in prototype switches, but are notcommercially viable.

    The reservation scheme involving optical buffer contentionresolution consists of

    two phases: wavelength reservation in the output port and FDLreservation in the optical

    buffer [19]. During the wavelength reservation phase, thescheduler checks the required

    wavelength at the output port first. If the required wavelengthwill be idle at t+ and the idle

    duration is long enough to accommodate the DB, this wavelengthis reserved immediately. If

    the wavelength is not available for that particular period oftime, then the minimum waiting

    time W for reserving the wavelength is computed. If W>D(fiber delay), the DB has to be

    discarded, since no FDL can provide such a delay. In the caseofW D, FDL reservation is

    performed. The wavelength reservation is made for the latestavailable time and until then the

    DB will be buffered through the reserved FDL. The DB will betransmitted from the FDL onto

    to the reserved output wavelength as soon as the waiting timeequals W. In case, both the

    required wavelength and the FDL are not available, then theburst will be dropped. Optical

    buffering is generally used in combination with the othercontention resolution schemes such

    as wavelength converters and deflection routing to improveperformance. How ever, they are

    not feasible for large scale deployment.


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    Figure 2.6 Contention resolution using FDL

    2.3.2 Wavelength Conversion

    In wavelength routed networks, lightpaths are required to carrymessages. The

    wavelength continuity constraint has to be satisfied forsuccessful communication. If a route is

    free but no common wavelength is available on it, then it cannotbe used for setting a lightpath.

    This results in the blocking of the connection, even though thebandwidth is available. All such

    connections would have been successful if there were nowavelength continuity constraint.

    Wavelength conversion is the process of converting a wavelengthon an incoming

    channel to another wavelength on the outgoing channel [2, 4]. Awavelength converter is a

    device that is capable of converting an incoming signalswavelength to a different outgoing

    wavelength. The wavelength continuity constraint can be relaxedby the use of wavelength


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    conversion. The wavelength conversion is classified into:optical-electronic conversion and all-

    optical conversion. The disadvantages ofoptical-electronic-optical conversion (such as

    complexity and large power consumption) have increased theinterest on to all-optical

    conversion [19].

    The following are the different categories of wavelengthconversion:

    Full conversion:Any wavelength shifting is possible. Channelscan be connected regardless of

    their wavelengths.

    Limited conversion:Wavelength shifting is restricted so that notall combinations of channels

    may be connected.

    Fixed conversion: A restricted form of limited conversion suchthat, for each node, each

    channel maybe connected to exactly one pre-determined channel onall other links.

    Sparse wavelength conversion:Networks are comprised of a mix ofnodes having full and no

    wavelength conversion capabilities; i.e. only a subset of nodesin the network have conversion


    The concept of wavelength conversion is shown in Figure 2.7.Assume that

    connections are required to be established between node pairs(C, D) and (A, D). Both

    connections will select the wavelength W1 for lightpathestablishment. At node B, both

    connections try for wavelength W1 on link BD. Only one of theconnections can be accepted.

    Let that be the connection (C, D). Wavelength W2 is available onthe link BD. Since the

    connection (A, D) is unable to satisfy the wavelength continuityconstraint, it would be

    dropped. But, by converting the wavelength of connection (A, D)from W1 to W2, the

    connection can be routed onto link BD. Thus, the connection willbe successful by using the

    wavelength conversion capability.


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    Wavelength converters offer a 10%-40% increase in reuse valueswhen

    wavelengths availability is small [15]. There are manywavelength conversion algorithms and

    algorithms to minimizing the number wavelength converters.Despite the high expectations and

    some promising experimental reports, wavelength conversiontechnologies are as yet immature

    and are highly expensive for deployment in real networks.

    A B

    C D


    W 1

    W 1W 1

    W 2

    Wavelength conversionW 1--> W 2

    Figure 2.7 Wavelength conversion

    2.3.3 Deflection Routing

    Deflection routing is the approach of resolving contention byrouting a contending

    packet to an output port other than the intended output port[22, 23, 24]. However, the

    deflected packet may end up following a longer path to itsdestination. As a result, the end-to-

    end delay for a packet may be unacceptably high. Deflectionrouting is generally not favored in

    electronic packet-switched networks due to potential looping andout-of-sequence delivery of

    packets. In WDM optical networks where buffer capacity is verylimited and wavelength

    conversion is not feasible, implementation of deflection routingmay be necessary in order to

    maintain a reasonable level of packet losses.


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    An example of deflection routing in WDM networks is given inFigure 2.8. Both

    nodes A and B are sending bursts to node E. Before sendingbursts, nodes A and B send

    control packets (denoted as C (A, E) and C (B, E)) on theirout-of-band control channels for

    bandwidth reservation for their respective data bursts. Letssay, C (B, E) arrives at Node C

    earlier than C (A, E). In this case, the output link CE isreserved by C (B, E). When C (A, E)

    arrives at node C, the link CE is not available. Withoutdeflection, this burst will be dropped.

    But, Node C checks other output links and selects the deflectionlink CD which is idle, to

    deflect B (A, E). Node D forwards B (A, E) via the link betweenD and E based on its routing

    table. Since every node performs deflection routing in thismanner, the deflected burst arrives

    at its destination with some extra propagation delay, i.e., ittraverses several additional nodes

    than the shortest path. The idle optical links can be consideredas fiber delay lines for

    buffering the blocked bursts. The bursts in the congested partof the network are then

    distributed to other underused parts, thus overall linkutilization and network performance can

    be improved. If the burst cannot be deflected, then it will bedropped. Such an instance will be

    referred to as normal deflection failure in this thesis.







    C ( B , E )

    C (A ,E )

    Figure 2.8 Deflection routing


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    Deflection routing implementation in OBS has many benefits. Whena burst is

    dropped, it wastes the bandwidth on the partially establishedpath. If the burst data has been

    injected into the network, the network should do the best toforward it to the destination, rather

    than simply drop it. Also, when a retransmission of the droppedburst is done, the total

    transmission delay will be the sum of the delay of the droppedburst and the delay of the

    retransmitted burst. This delay becomes very large whenretransmitting a blocked burst in

    long- distance links. By applying suitable algorithms likelimited deflection [18], burst looping

    can be reduced. In JET, deflection routing coupled with opticalbuffering (FDL) tends to

    reduce the problem of insufficient offset time [19].


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    Chapter 3

    New Deflection-Based Contention Resolution Schemes

    As of now, optical wavelength conversion and optical bufferingtechnologies are

    very immature. It seems that the most viable option for reducingburst loss caused by

    contentions is deflection routing. However, the traditionaldeflection routing scheme doesnt

    consider all the available resources in resolving a contention.Due to this, the degree of success

    in contention resolution gained by the deflection routing schemeis not satisfactory. In this

    chapter, three new schemes are proposed for handling contentionsthat aim to improve on the

    existing schemes.

    Consider Figure 2.8 in the previous chapter. As the controlburst C (A,E) reaches

    node C, the status of the outgoing links at node C is checked.If both the links CE and CD are

    unavailable for reservation, then the burst is dropped.Basically, at each node, each burst has

    only one chance for deflection. If no idle bandwidth isavailable at any node, the burst is

    dropped without getting a second chance. For instance, supposethat node C is congested. If the

    control burst fails to reserve bandwidth at node C even on thedeflection route, then the control

    burst will be dropped. Since the complete network state is notknown to all the nodes, nodes

    will try to send their bursts through C till they realize thecongestion at C after losing some


    We propose a new scheme called Backtrack on deflection failurewhich

    provides a second chance to a blocked burst when a deflectionfailure occurs. Two variants are

    proposed to handle the backtracking delay involved in thisscheme. Furthermore, we propose a

    third scheme called Bidirectional reservation on burst drop inwhich bandwidth

    reservation is made in both the forward and the backwarddirections at the same time. This


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    scheme comes into effect only when a control burst gets droppeddue to bandwidth

    unavailability. In the following sections, we describe how thesenew schemes work.

    3.1 Backtrack on Deflection Failure

    In this scheme, at any node, if the control burst fails toreserve a wavelength on

    any of its primary or deflection routes, the burst will not bedropped as in earlier deflection

    schemes. Instead, the burst in this scheme will get a secondchance to backtrack to the previous

    node and may get routed through any deflection route availableat the previous node. Due to

    backtracking, each burst will face an increase in the lightpathsetup delay. The additional setup

    delay will be equal to twice the propagation delay between thetwo nodes involved in

    deflection failure and backtrack and twice the control burstprocessing time. This is because,

    on deflection failure, the burst will backtrack to the previousnode and no reservations will be

    made during this round trip time period. When this happens, itwill reduce the offset gap

    between the control burst and its corresponding data burst.Therefore, the chances of the data

    burst reaching a node before a reservation is made willincrease. To avoid such an event, the

    extra delay created through backtracking should be properlyaccommodated. This is part of the

    tradeoff involved in providing a second chance for any burst. Inorder to accommodate the

    extra delay that may be caused by deflection failure andsubsequent backtracking, two

    approaches are proposed. They are Increase in the initial offsetand Open loop

    wavelength reservation.

    3.1.1 Routing Protocol

    The lightpath setup mechanism involves four types of controlbursts: primary

    control burst (PCB), backtrack control burst (BCB), probe burst(PB) and backtrack probe

    burst (BPB) in addition to a negative acknowledgement (NAK).Whenever a burst drop occurs,


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    a NAK is sent to the source to inform it about the burst drop. Aprimary control burst is used

    for wavelength reservation along the path to the destination.This control burst contains all the

    information required for lightpath setup. Whenever a normaldeflection failure occurs, a BCB

    is created which is a copy of the corresponding PCB. The BCB isused for backtracking to the

    previous node on normal deflection failure. A probe burst issimilar to a PCB except that no

    reservation will be made by a probe. The main function of PB isto probe the network and to

    inform the previous node about congestions. BPB is similar toBCB. When PB encounters

    contention and deflection failure, a BPB is created and sent tothe previous node to inform it

    about the contention. The most common information fields andtheir descriptions in a typical

    control burst are shown in Figure 3.1.

    Information Description

    Packet identifier Kind of control burst (PCB,BCB,PB,BPB,ACK,NAK)

    Sender address Source node address of the burst

    Receiver address Destination node address of the burst

    Burst number Sequence number of the burst

    Offset time Time gap between control and data bursts

    Absolute time Departure time of CB at each node

    Burst length Duration of the data burst

    Timeout Time for the burst to live in the network to preventlooping

    Backup flag Set when both primary and deflection routes areavailable

    Deflection flag Set when the burst deflects or backtracks

    Figure 3.1 Information fields in a control burst


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    3.1.2 Backtrack on Deflection Failure with Increase in InitialOffset

    In order to provide backtracking capability for a control burst,the extra delay

    that will be caused by backtracking should be considered. Onesolution for this problem is to

    increase the initial offset. Initial offset of a burst isgenerally equal to the total processing time

    of the control burst from its source to the destination. Thisshould be increased to

    accommodate the backtrack delay. The backtrack delay is equal tothe sum of the round trip

    propagation delay between any two nodes in the network and twotimes the control processing

    delay. No reservation is made during this entire time duration.Thus, for providing

    backtracking capability, the total initial offset should begreater than the sum of the total

    processing delay and the backtrack delay. Routing Procedure

    The routing procedure for each intermediate node in an OBSnetwork is as follows:

    When a node receives a control burst, it is processed. Dependingon the status of the outgoing

    links and the status of the information fields in the CB, thenode takes an appropriate decision.

    A routing algorithm for the above scheme which describes allpossible routing decisions is

    given below.

    1. Begin


    3. If(both the primary and deflection routes are available)then

    4. Make reservation on the primary link. Forward a PCB along thereserved path.

    5. Convert a copy of PCB into a PB and send it along thedeflection link.

    6. end-if

    7. If(only one among the primary and deflection links isavailable) then


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    8. Make reservation on the available link and forward the PCB onthat link.

    9. If(neither the primary nor the deflection link is available)then

    10. If(Backup flag is set) /*it denotes that the burst canbacktrack to the previous node in

    the path and can take the deflection route available*/ then

    11. Convert the PCB into a BCB and send it to the previousnode.

    12. Else

    13. Drop the burst and send a NAK to the source.

    14. end-if

    15. end-if

    16. If (BURST IDENTIFIER=BCB) then

    17. Delete the reservation made on the primary link for thisburst (because the burst

    faced deflection failure at the next node on that link).

    18. If(deflection route is available at the present node)then

    19. Make reservation on that link. Convert the BCB into a PCBand

    forward it on the deflection link.

    20. Else

    21. Drop the burst and send a NAK to the source.

    22. end-if

    23. If(BURST IDENTIFIER=PB) then

    24. If(both the primary and deflection routes are available)then

    25. Forward the probe burst on the primary output link. Noreservation is made.

    26. If(only one among the primary and deflection links isavailable) then

    Forward the probe burst along the available output link.


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    27. If(neither primary nor deflection route is available)then

    Transmit the probe burst to the previous node on its traveledpath after

    changing the burst identifier to a BPB (backtrack probeburst).

    28. end-if


    30. Mark the link, between the present node and the node fromwhich the BPB has

    backtracked, as unavailable for that particular burst. /* Due tothis, if the primary CB

    corresponding to that probe burst reaches this node, it will notmake reservation along

    this path which has a deflection failure on the next node in thepath. The PCB will opt

    for an alternate available route. This avoids backtracking ofthe primary control burst

    due to unavailability of bandwidth on the next node which hadbeen probed by its PB*/.

    31. end-if

    32. End

    3.1.3 Backtrack on Deflection Failure with Open LoopReservation

    When a deflection failure occurs at a node, the control burstbacktracks if it has an

    available deflection route at the previous node. In the previousscheme, in order to provide

    backtracking capability, the offset has been increased. Lets saythat only 20% of the bursts get

    blocked due to normal deflection failure and hence will utilizebacktracking capability. The

    remaining 80% of the bursts will thus be successful withoutbacktracking. Even though these

    bursts dont use the backtracking capability, they face an extradelay due to the increase in

    initial offset which provides the backtracking capability. Thismay be considered a drawback.

    By reserving available bandwidth on the backtrack link, thisinitial offset increase can be


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    eliminated. The scheme we describe here uses this idea whilebacktracking, and thus

    overcomes the drawback associated with the Increase in initialoffset approach.

    When a control burst faces a normal deflection failure and if ithas an available

    deflection route on the previous node in the path, then theburst checks for bandwidth

    availability on the link from the present node to the previousnode. If bandwidth is not

    available on that link, the burst is dropped. If it isavailable, it is reserved. This creates an open

    loop in the path reserved for the data burst. The control burstthen backtracks to the previous

    node and tries the deflection route at that previous node. Byreserving bandwidth on the

    backtrack link, the length of the path for the upcoming databurst is increased as it creates a

    loop between those nodes involved in backtracking anddeflection. This will accommodate the

    backtrack propagation delay. In short, the purpose of thisapproach is to keep the data burst far

    enough in time behind its control burst while providing thebacktracking capability to the

    control burst without increasing the initial offset. Routing Procedure

    The only situation when this protocol differs from the one insection 3.1.2 occurs when the

    Primary Control Burst (PCB) faces a normal deflection failure.The following algorithm details

    the routing decisions taken by the intermediate node in suchsituations.

    1. Begin2. If (BURST IDENTIFIER=PCB) then3. If(both primary anddeflection routes are not available) then4. If(Backup flag is set)then5. Check for bandwidth availability on the backtrack link andreserve

    it, if available. Convert the PCB into a BCB and send it tothe


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    Figure 3.2 Backtrack on deflection failure

    Time 0 1 2 3 4

    CB S (S---A)(S---K)

    A (A-x-B)(A---C)

    C (C---B)(C---E)

    Backup flag=1

    B (B-x-D)



    C (C---E)

    Probe P1(S---K) C P2(C---E) E P2(E---G) G P2(G---D)

    Figure 3.3 Decision table for time period (0-4)

    The shortest route from S to D is along S-A-B-D. At time 0, theCB is processed by the source S.

    At S, both the primary link (SA) and the deflection link (SK)are available. Bandwidth is

    reserved on the primary link and the CB is forwarded on the link(SA). A probe burst P1 is

    created and is forwarded on the link (SK). At time 1, the CBreaches node A. At node A,

    bandwidth on the primary link (AB) is not available. Thedeflection link (AC) is available

    and the reservation is made on the deflection link. The CB isforwarded on link (AC). At time

    2, the CB reaches node C. At node C, both the primary link (CB)and the deflection link (C

    E) are available. Reservation is made on the primary link. Thebackup flag in the CB is set to

    unity and the CB is sent to the next node on link (CB). A newprobe P2 is created and


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    forwarded on the link (CE). At time 3, the CB reaches node B.Neither the primary link (B

    D) nor the deflection link (BG) are available at node B. In sucha case, the burst would be

    dropped in the earlier deflection schemes. In our scheme, the CBbacktracks to the previous node

    and tries to use an alternate path to reach the destination.Since the backup flag is set to unity in

    the CB, node B sends the CB to the previous node C. In the meantime, the probe P2 reaches

    node E. At the node E, both the primary link (EG) and thedeflection link (EF) are available.

    P2 is forwarded on the primary link to node G. At time 4, the CBbacktracks from the node B

    and reaches C. The deflection link (CE) is available and thereservation is made on that link.

    The CB is then sent to the node E. The probe P2 reaches node G.To understand the idea behind

    the use of probe bursts, let us consider the following twodifferent cases.

    Time 5 6 7

    CB E (E---G)(E---F)

    G (G---D) DEST D

    Probe P2(DEST D)

    Figure 3.4 Decision table for Case 1

    Case 1: If the link (GD) is available, the probe P2 is forwardedon that link to the destination

    D. At time 5, node E receives the CB. After processing the CB,reservation is made on the

    available primary link (EG) and the CB is forwarded to the nextnode G. The probe P2 reaches

    the destination D at time 5. At time 6, node G receives the CBand sends it on the available

    primary link (GD) after making the wavelength reservation. Attime 7, the CB reaches the

    destination. The corresponding data burst will follow thereserved route S-A-C-E-G-D.

    Case 2: If both the primary link (GD) and the deflection link(GB) are unavailable, the

    probe P2 is sent back to the previous node E. At time 5, node Ereceives P2 and the CB. Node E

    processes P2 and marks the link (EG) as unavailable for thecorresponding CB even though


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    the link is available. This is because, P2 has backtracked fromG to E due to bandwidth

    unavailability. If the CB is sent on this link to node G, itwill also have to backtrack to E due to

    bandwidth unavailability at G. This will cause an extra roundtrip delay in the reservation

    process. After processing the CB, the bandwidth is reserved onthe deflection link (EF). The

    main purpose of the probe burst is to minimize the chances ofbacktracking by the corresponding

    CB due to unavailable bandwidth and in turn reduce the totalroute reservation time. At time 6,

    node F receives the CB and sends it to the next node D aftermaking reservation on link (FD).

    At time 7, the CB reaches the destination.

    Time 5 6 7CB E (E---G)

    (E---F)F (F---D) DEST D

    Probe E P2(Drop)(E-x-G)

    Figure 3.5 Decision table for Case 2

    3.2 Bidirectional Reservation on Burst Drop for RetransmissionBurst

    In OBS, when a control burst encounters a deflection failure,the burst is dropped and a NAK is

    sent to the sender. After receiving the NAK, the sender sends anew control burst for reservation

    of bandwidth. However, the probability of this control burstgetting blocked will be the same as

    the probability of the previously failed control burst. Also,even though the data burst is ready to

    be sent into the network, it has to wait for certain amount oftime equal to the offset before it can

    be retransmitted.

    In Bidirectional reservation on burst drop scheme, when acontrol burst is

    blocked at any intermediate node, the node calculates the totaltime a control burst will

    consume to reach the sender from the present node. It alsocalculates the total propagation


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    delay for a data burst to reach the present node from thesender. This total time will be taken as

    the offset and tries to reserve bandwidth on the output link. Ifthe output link is not available

    for that time, then the link will be reserved starting at timeit is available which is greater than

    the offset and the offset value will be changed accordingly. Thenode then creates two new

    control bursts one for forward reservation and one for backwardreservation.

    With the value of the offset decided, the forward control burstis sent on the output

    link towards the destination. At each node on its path, theforward control burst reserves

    available bandwidth and tries to reach the destination. Inparallel, the backward control burst

    will be sent to output link which leads to the source. At eachintermediate node en route to the

    source, the backward control burst tries to reserve bandwidth onthe output link leading to the

    previous node in its path to the source. The reservation timewill be calculated based on its

    offset. If either of the control bursts encounters a block(while going forward or backward),

    that control burst is dropped and a NAK will be sent to thesource as well as the destination.

    The NAK will inform the intermediate nodes about theunsuccessful lightpath setup and the

    intermediate nodes will remove any reservations made for thecorresponding data burst. This

    way, the route between source and destination is split into twoparts and the reservation is

    made concurrently in both directions.

    In existing OBS schemes, the size of the offset is typically setto a value equal to

    the total control burst processing delay. But in our thirdscheme, for the retransmission burst,

    the offset will include the propagation delay in addition to thetotal processing delay.

    Propagation delay is assumed to be much greater than theprocessing delay (generally,

    propagation delay is in milliseconds and processing delay is inmicroseconds). All those bursts

    which get blocked will have this extra offset time. The firsttime bursts will have normal offset


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    which will be much smaller than the retransmitted bursts. Hence,the contention if occurs will

    be either among retransmission bursts or among first timebursts. This should tend to increase

    the probability of success for a retransmission burst. Also, thesender can transmit the data

    burst as soon as it receives the backward control packet byexamining its offset.

    3.2.1 Offset Calculation

    Consider a multi-node optical network shown in Figure 3.6. Letthe diameter of the

    network be N hops. Let Tp be the CB processing time, Td be thepropagation delay between

    any two nodes in the network and L be the length of the databurst. In general, Tp

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    The time at which the first bit of the data burst reaches thenode k = tk+ (N-K) Tp

    The time at which the last bit of the data burst leaves the nodek = tk+ (N-K) Tp + L

    Hence, the reservation is to be made for the time period [tk +(N-K) Tp , tk + (N-K) Tp + L]. If

    the bandwidth is unavailable for the calculated time period andif the deflection is not possible,

    then the control burst will be dropped by node K and a NAK willbe sent to the source.

    Figure 3.7 Bidirectional reservation on control burst drop

    In Bidirectional reservation on burst drop scheme shown inFigure 3.7, a NAK will not be

    sent to the source. Instead, two new control bursts, a forwardcontrol burst (FCB) and a

    backward control burst (BCB), are created at that node (node Kin our example). The FCB is

    sent forward to the destination and the BCB is sent backward tothe source. These two control

    bursts try to reserve the bandwidth for the data burst whosecorresponding control burst has

    been dropped. Before sending the new control bursts into thenetwork, offset value is to be


    The offset for the newly created control bursts is calculated asfollows:

    The number of hops between the present node and the source isk.


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    The time required for the BCB to reach the source from thepresent node = K (Td + Tp)

    The time required for the DB to reach the present node from thesource = K Td

    The total time required for the DB to reach the present nodefrom the source = K (2 Td + Tp)

    This will be the new minimum offset for the new control bursts.Certain processing time is

    required for creating new CBs and for calculating the offset.Let us suppose that the bandwidth

    reservation is made at time tk+1. The node will reserve thebandwidth for the time period [tk+1 +

    K (2 Td + Tp) , tk+1 + K (2 Td + Tp) + L]. If the reservation isunavailable for the required time

    period, then the earliest available time greater than [tk+1 + K(2 Td + Tp)] is selected and the

    reservation is made accordingly. The new offset is increasedbased on the starting time of the

    bandwidth reservation.

    After the reservation is made at node k, the FCB is sent in theforward direction

    and the FCB performs the bandwidth reservation for the DB alongits path to the destination.

    The BCB backtracks towards the source reserving the bandwidthalong its path. The

    intermediate nodes which receive these control bursts use thestored offset value for calculating

    the time period of bandwidth reservation.

    Since the new offset in bidirectional reservation is much largerthan the normal

    offset, the probability of such bursts getting dropped will bemuch less than the dropping

    probability for the bursts with normal offset. Thus, theprobability of success for retransmitted

    burst is expected to be higher than the probability of successfor first time bursts. This is the

    hypothesis behind this third approach of ours. The next chapterpresents the results for our

    proposed approaches which were obtained through simulations.


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    Chapter 4

    Simulation & Results

    In this chapter, we present the results obtained throughsimulations for our

    proposed approaches and for the schemes presented in theliterature. We compare the results

    and show that our schemes perform better than those previouslyproposed in the literature. Two

    previous schemes No deflection and Deflection are compared withour proposed schemes

    which include the two versions of Backtrack on deflectionfailure and Bidirectional

    reservation on burst drop.

    4.1 Simulator Setup

    In order to evaluate the performance of the new contentionresolution schemes, we

    designed a new simulator. The simulator was developed in the Clanguage. The sample

    networks used in the evaluation are NSFNET and USA long haulnetwork. A separate Poisso

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