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Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning withAdvantage-Based Auxiliary Rewards

Siyuan Li⇤IIIS, Tsinghua University


Rui Wang⇤Tsinghua [emailprotected]

Minxue TangTsinghua University


Chongjie ZhangIIIS, Tsinghua University



Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning (HRL) is a promising approach to solvinglong-horizon problems with sparse and delayed rewards. Many existing HRLalgorithms either use pre-trained low-level skills that are unadaptable, or requiredomain-specific information to define low-level rewards. In this paper, we aimto adapt low-level skills to downstream tasks while maintaining the generality ofreward design. We propose an HRL framework which sets auxiliary rewards forlow-level skill training based on the advantage function of the high-level policy.This auxiliary reward enables efficient, simultaneous learning of the high-levelpolicy and low-level skills without using task-specific knowledge. In addition, wealso theoretically prove that optimizing low-level skills with this auxiliary rewardwill increase the task return for the joint policy. Experimental results show thatour algorithm dramatically outperforms other state-of-the-art HRL methods inMujoco domains2. We also find both low-level and high-level policies trained byour algorithm transferable.

1 Introduction

Reinforcement Learning (RL) [1] has achieved considerable successes in domains such as games[2, 3] and continuous control for robotics [4, 5]. Learning policies in long-horizon tasks withdelayed rewards, such as robot navigation, is one of the major challenges for RL. Hierarchically-structured policies, which allow for control at multiple time scales, have shown their strengths inthese challenging tasks [6]. In addition, Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning (HRL) methods alsoprovide a promising way to support low-level skill reuse in transfer learning [7].

The subgoal-based HRL methods have recently been proposed and demonstrated great performancein sparse reward problems, where the high-level policy specifies subgoals for low-level skills to learn[8, 9, 10, 11]. However, the performances of these methods heavily depend on the careful goal spacedesign [12]. Another line of HRL research adopts a pre-training approach that first learns a set oflow-level skills with some form of proxy rewards, e.g., by maximizing velocity [13], by designingsome simple, atomic tasks [14], or by maximizing entropy-based diversity objective [15]. Thesemethods then proceed to learn a high-level policy to select pre-trained skills in downstream tasks, andeach selected skill is executed for a fixed number of steps. However, using fixed pre-trained skills

⇤Denotes equal contribution2Videos available at: http://bit.ly/2JxA0eN

33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2019), Vancouver, Canada.

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without further adaptation is often not sufficient for solving the downstream task, since proxy rewardsfor pre-training may not be well aligned with the task.

To address these challenges, we develop a novel HRL approach with Advantage-based AuxiliaryRewards (HAAR) to enable concurrent learning of both high-level and low-level policies in continuouscontrol tasks. HAAR specifies auxiliary rewards for low-level skill learning based on the advantagefunction of the high-level policy, without using domain-specific information. As a result, unlikesubgoal-based HRL methods, the low-level skills learned by HAAR are environment-agnostic,enabling their further transfer to similar tasks. In addition, we have also formally shown that themonotonic improvement property of the policy optimization algorithm, such as TRPO [16], isinherited by our method which concurrently optimizes the joint policy of high-level and low-level.To obtain a good estimation of the high-level advantage function at early stages of training, HAARleverages state-of-the-art skill discovery techniques [13, 14, 15] to provide a useful and diverse initiallow-level skill set, with which high-level training is accelerated. Furthermore, to make the best useof low-level skills, HAAR adopts an annealing technique that sets a large execution length at thebeginning, and then gradually reduces it for more fine-grained execution.

We compare our method with state-of-the-art HRL algorithms on the benchmarking Mujoco tasks withsparse rewards [17]. Experimental results demonstrate that (1) our method significantly outperformsprevious algorithms and our auxiliary rewards help low-level skills adapt to downstream tasks better;(2) annealing skill length accelerates the learning process; and (3) both high-level policy and low-leveladapted skills are transferable to new tasks.

2 Preliminaries

A reinforcement learning problem can be modeled by a Markov Decision Process (MDP), whichconsists of a state set S, an action set A, a transition function T , a reward function R, and a discountfactor � 2 [0, 1]. A policy ⇡(a|s) specifies an action distribution for each state. The state valuefunction V⇡(s) for policy ⇡ is the expected return V⇡(s) = E⇡[

P1i=0 �

irt+i|st = s]. The objectiveof an RL algorithm in the episodic case is to maximize the V⇡(s0), where s0 ⇠ ⇢0(s0).

HRL methods use multiple layers of policies to interact jointly with the environment. We overload allnotations in standard RL setting by adding superscripts or subscripts. In a two-layer structure, thejoint policy ⇡joint is composed of a high-level policy ⇡h(ah|sh) and low-level skills ⇡l(al|sl, ah).Notice that the state spaces of the high level and low level are different. Similar to [13, 18, 19, 20],we factor the state space S into task-independent space Sagent and task-related space Srest, withwhich we define sl 2 Sagent and sh 2 S. The high-level action space in our settings is discrete andah is a one-hot vector, which refers to a low-level skill. A low-level skill is a subpolicy conditionedon ah that alters states in a consistent way [15, 19]. �h and �l denote the discount factor for high andlow levels, respectively.

3 Method

In this section, we present our algorithm, HRL with Advantage function-based Auxiliary Rewards(HAAR). First we describe the framework of our algorithm. Second, we formally define the advantage-based auxiliary reward. Finally, we theoretically prove that the monotonicity of the optimizationalgorithm used for each level’s training is retained for the joint policy.

3.1 The HAAR Learning Framework

Figure 1 illustrates the execution cycle of HAAR. At timestep i, an agent on state shi

takes a high-levelaction ah

iencoded by a one-hot vector. ⇡l is a neural network which takes ah

iand state sl

ias inputs,

and outputs a low-level action ali. Different low-level skills are distinguished by different ah


into this neural network. In this way, a single neural network ⇡l can encode all the low-level skills[13]. The selected low-level skill will be executed for k steps, i.e., ah

j= ah

i(i j < i+ k). After

this, the high-level policy outputs a new action. The high-level reward rht

is the cumulative k-stepenvironment return, i.e., rh


Pk�1i=0 rt+i. The low-level reward rl

tis the auxiliary reward computed

from the high-level advantage function, which will be discussed in detail in the next section.


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Low levelstep ! − 1

Low level step 0

Low level step 1







High level step 0 High level step 1

$%+,%+ CalculateAdvantage


Figure 1: A schematic illustration of HAAR carried out in one high-level step. Within high-levelstep 0, a total of k low-level steps are taken. Then the process continues to high-level step 1 andeverything in the dashed box is repeated.

Algorithm 1 shows the learning procedure of HAAR. In each iteration, we first sample a batch ofT low-level time steps by running the joint policy ⇡joint in the way shown in Figure 1 (Line 5).Then we calculate the auxiliary reward rl

tintroduced in the next section and replace the environment

reward rt with rlt

in the low-level experience as {slt, al

t, rl

t, sl

t+1} for 0 t < T (Line 6). Finally weupdate ⇡h and ⇡l with Trust Region Policy Optimization (TRPO) [16] using the modified experienceof the current iteration (Line 7, 8). In fact, we can use any actor-critic policy gradient algorithm [21]that improves the policy with approximate monotonicity.

In most previous works of skill learning and hierarchical learning [13, 22, 8], the skill length k isfixed. When k is too small, the horizon for the high-level policy will be long and the agent exploresslowly. When k is too large, the high-level policy becomes inflexible, hence a non-optimal policy. Tobalance exploration and optimality, we develop a skill length annealing method (Line 9). The skilllength ki is annealed with the iteration number i as ki = k1e�⌧i, where k1 is the initial skill lengthand ⌧ is the annealing temperature. We define a shortest length ks such that when ki < ks, we set kito ks to prevent the skills from collapsing into a single action.

3.2 Advantage Function-Based Auxiliary Reward

The sparse environment rewards alone can hardly provide enough supervision to adapt low-levelskills to downstream tasks. Here we utilize the high-level advantage functions to set auxiliary rewards

Algorithm 1 HAAR algorithm1: Pre-train low-level skills ⇡l.2: Initialize high-level policy ⇡h with a random policy.3: Initialize the initial skill length k1 and the shortest skill length ks.4: for i 2 {1, ..., N} do5: Collect experiences following the scheme in Figure 1, under ⇡h and ⇡l for T low-level steps.6: Modify low-level experience with auxiliary reward rl

tdefined in Equation (1).

7: Optimize ⇡h with the high-level experience of the i-th iteration.8: Optimize ⇡l with the modified low-level experience of the i-th iteration.9: ki+1 = max(f(ki), ks).

10: end for11: return ⇡h,⇡l.


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for low-level skills. The advantage function [23] of high-level action aht

at state sht

is defined as

Ah(sh, ah) = E



t+ �hVh(s



t= ah, sh

t= sh]� Vh(s


To encourage the selected low-level skills to reach states with greater values, we set the estimatedhigh-level advantage function as our auxiliary rewards to the low-level skills.

Rsht ,a




t+k�1) = Ah(sh

t, ah


where Rsht ,a




t+k�1) denotes the sum of k-step auxiliary rewards under the high-level state-action pair (sh

t, ah

t). For simplicity, We do a one-step estimation of the advantage function in Equation

(1). As the low-level skill is task-agnostic and do not distinguish between high-level states, we splitthe total auxiliary reward evenly among each low-level step, i.e., we have






t, ah

t) (1)

=rht+ �hVh(sht+k

)� Vh(sht )

k. (2)

An intuitive interpretation of this auxiliary reward function is that, when the temporally-extendedexecution of skills quickly backs up the sparse environment rewards to high-level states, we canutilize the high-level value functions to guide the learning of low-level skills.

In order to obtain meaningful high-level advantage functions at early stages of training, we pre-trainlow-level skills ⇡l(alt|slt, aht ) with one of the existing skill discovery algorithms [13, 15] to obtain adiverse initial skill set. This skill set is likely to contain some useful but imperfect skills. With thesepre-trained skills, the agent explores more efficiently, which helps the estimate of high-level valuefunctions.

3.3 Monotonic Improvement of Joint Policy

In this section we show that HAAR retains the monotonicity of the optimization algorithm used foreach level’s training, and improves the joint policy monotonically. Notice that in HAAR, low-levelskills are optimized w.r.t the objective defined by auxiliary rewards instead of environment rewards.Nevertheless, optimizing this objective will still lead to increase in joint policy objective. Thisconclusion holds under the condition that (1) the optimization algorithms for both the high and lowlevel guarantee monotonic improvement w.r.t their respective objectives; (2) the algorithm used in theproof is slightly different from Algorithm 1: in one iteration ⇡l is fixed while optimizing ⇡h, and viceversa; and (3) discount factors �h, �l are close to 1.

We define the expected start state value as our objective function to maximize (for convenience, weuse ⇡ in place of ⇡joint )

⌘(⇡) = ⌘(⇡h,⇡l) = E(sht ,aht )⇠(⇡h,⇡l)






t, ah


#. (3)

First, we assert that the optimization of the high level policy ⇡h with fixed low level policy ⇡l leadsto improvement in the joint policy. Since the reward for high level policy is also the reward for thejoint policy, fixing ⇡l in (3), it essentially becomes the expression for ⌘h(⇡h). Therefore, ⇡h and ⇡share the same objective when we are optimizing the former. Namely, when ⇡l is fixed, maximizing⌘h(⇡h) is equivalent to maximizing ⌘(⇡).

Now we consider the update for the low-level policy. We can write the objective of the new jointpolicy ⇡̃ in terms of its advantage over ⇡ as (proved in Lemma 1 in the appendix)

⌘(⇡̃) = ⌘(⇡) + E(sht ,aht )⇠⇡̃






t, ah


#. (4)

Since ⌘(⇡) is independent of ⌘(⇡̃), we can express the optimization of the joint policy as


⌘(⇡̃) = max⇡̃

E(sht ,aht )⇠⇡̃






t, ah


#. (5)


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Let ⇡̃l denote a new low-level policy. In the episodic case, the optimization algorithm for ⇡̃l tries tomaximize

⌘l(⇡̃l) = Esl0⇠⇢



0)] = E(slt,alt)⇠(⇡̃l,⇡h)






t, al


#. (6)

Recall our definition of low-level reward in Equation (1) and substitute it into Equation (6), we have(detailed derivation can be found in Lemma 2 in the appendix)

⌘l(⇡̃l) = Esl0[Vl(s


0)] ⇡1� �k


1� �lE(sht ,a

ht )⇠(⇡̃l,⇡h)






t, ah


#. (7)

Notice how we made an approximation in Equation (7). This approximation is valid when �h and �lare close to 1 and k is not exceptionally large (see Lemma 2). These requirements are satisfied intypical scenarios. Now let us compare this objective (7) with the objective in (5). Since 1��


1��lis a

positive constant, we argue that increasing (7), which is the objective function of the low level policy,will also improve the objective of the joint policy ⇡ in (5).

In summary, our updating scheme results in monotonic improvement of ⌘(⇡joint) if we can monoton-ically improve the high-level policy and the low-level policy with respect to their own objectives. Inpractice, we use TRPO [16] as our optimization algorithm.

Recall that we make an important assumption at the beginning of the proof. We assume ⇡h is fixedwhen we optimize ⇡l, and ⇡l is fixed when we optimize ⇡h. This assumption holds if, with a batch ofexperience, we optimize either ⇡h or ⇡l, but not both. However, this may likely reduce the sampleefficiency by half. We find out empirically that optimizing both ⇡l and ⇡h with one batch does notdowngrade the performance of our algorithm (see Appendix C.1). In fact, optimizing both policieswith one batch is approximately twice as fast as collecting experience and optimizing either policyalternately. Therefore, in the practical HAAR algorithm we optimize both high-level and low-levelpolicies with one batch of experience.

4 Related Work

HRL has long been recognized as an effective way to solve long-horizon and sparse reward problems[24, 25, 26, 27]. Recent works have proposed many HRL methods to learn policies for continuouscontrol tasks with sparse rewards [8, 9, 13, 14]. Here we roughly classify these algorithms into twocategories. The first category lets a high-level policy select a low-level skill to execute [13, 14, 15, 28],which we refer to as the selector methods. In the second category, a subgoal is set for the low level byhigh-level policies [8, 9, 11, 10, 25], which we refer to as subgoal-based methods.

Selector methods enable convenient skill transferring and can solve diverse tasks. They often requiretraining of high-level and low-level policies within different environments, where the low-level skillsare pre-trained either by proxy reward [13], by maximizing diversity [15], or in designed simpletasks [14]. For hierarchical tasks, low-level skills are frozen and only high-level policies are trained.However, the frozen low-level skills may not be good enough for all future tasks. [22] makes aneffort to jointly train high-level and low-level policies, but the high-level training is restricted to acertain number of steps due to approximations made in the optimization algorithm. [13] mentions apotential method to train two levels jointly with a Gumble-Softmax estimator [29]. The Option-Criticalgorithm [30] also trains two levels jointly. However, as noted by [11], joint training may lead toloss of semantic meaning of the output of high policies. Therefore, the resulted joint policy in [30]may degenerate into a deterministic policy or a primitive policy (also pointed out in [16]), losingstrengths brought by hierarchical structures. To avoid these problems, our algorithm, HAAR, trainsboth policies concurrently (simultaneously, but in two optimization steps). Furthermore, these jointtraining algorithms do not work well for tasks with sparse rewards, because training low-level skillsrequires dense reward signals.

Subgoal-based methods are designed to solve sparse reward problems. A distance measure is requiredin order for low-level policies to receive internal rewards according to its current state and the subgoal.Many algorithms simply use Euclidean distance [8, 9] or cosine-distance [11] as measurements.However, these distance measure within state space does not necessarily reflect the “true” distance


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between two states [31]. Therefore these algorithms are sensitive to state space representation [12].To resolve this issue, [31] proposes to use actionable state representation, while [32] learns to mapthe original goal space to a new space with a neural network. Our algorithm HAAR, on the otherhand, manages to avoid the thorny problem of finding a proper state representation. By using onlythe advantage function for reward calculation, HAAR remains domain-independent and works underany state representation.

The way we set auxiliary rewards share some similarities with the potential-based reward shapingmethods [33], which relies on heuristic knowledge to design a potential reward function to facilitatethe learning. In contrast, our method requires no prior knowledge and is able to take advantage of thehierarchical structure.

5 Experiments

5.1 Environment Setup

We adapt the benchmarking hierarchical tasks introduced in [17] to test HAAR. We design theobservation space such that the low-level skills are task-agnostic, while the high-level policy is asgeneral as possible. The low level only has access to the agent’s joint angles, stored in sl. Thischoice of low-level observation necessitates minimal domain knowledge in the pre-training phase,such that the skill can be transferred to a diverse set of domains. This is also discussed in [13]. Thehigh level can perceive the walls/goals/other objects by means of seeing through a range sensor - 20“rays” originating from the agent, apart from knowing its own joint angles, all this information beingconcatenated into sh. To distinguish between states, the goal can always be seen regardless of walls.

Note that unlike most other experiments, the agent does not have access to any information thatdirectly reveals its absolute coordinates (x, y coordinates or top-down view, as commonly used inHRL research experiments). This makes our tasks more challenging, but alleviates over-fitting of theenvironment and introduces potential transferability to both ⇡h and ⇡l, which we will detail on later.We compare our algorithm to prior methods in the following tasks:

• Ant Maze: The ant is rewarded for reaching the specified position in a maze shown in Figure2(a). We randomize the start position of the ant to acquire even sampling of states.

• Swimmer Maze: The swimmer is rewarded for reaching the goal position in a maze shownin Figure 2(b).

• Ant Gather: The ant is rewarded for collecting the food distributed in a finite area whilepunished for touching the bombs, as shown in Figure 2(c).

(a) (a) (b) (c)

Figure 2: A collection of environments that we use. (a) Ant in maze (b) Swimmer in maze (c) Ant ingathering task.

5.2 Results and Comparisons

We compare our algorithm with the state-of-the-art HRL method SNN4HRL [13], subgoal-basedmethods HAC [8] and HIRO [9] and non-hierarchical method TRPO [16] in the tasks above. HAARand SNN4HRL share the same set of pre-trained low-level skills with stochastic neural network.


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HAAR significantly outperforms baseline methods. Some of the results are shown in Figure 3. Allcurves are averaged over 5 runs and the shaded error bars represent a confidence interval of 95%. Inall the experiments, we include a separate learning curve of HAAR without annealing the low-levelskill length, to study the effect of annealing on training. Our full implementation details are availablein Appendix B.

Comparison with SNN4HRL and Non-Hierarchical AlgorithmCompared with SNN4HRL, HAAR is able to learn faster and achieve higher convergence values inall the tasks3. This verifies that mere pre-trained low-level skills are not sufficient for the hierarchicaltasks.

(a) Ant Maze (b) Swimmer Maze (c) Ant Gather

Figure 3: Learning curves of success rate or average return in Ant Maze, Swimmer Maze and AntGather tasks. The curves are HAAR with skill annealing, HAAR without skill length annealing,SNN4HRL and TRPO, respectively.

The success rate of SNN4HRL in the Swimmer Maze task is higher than that of the Ant Maze taskbecause the swimmer will not trip over even if low-level skills are not fine-tuned. Nevertheless, inSwimmer Maze, our method HAAR still outperforms SNN4HRL. HAAR reaches a success rate ofalmost 100% after fewer than 200 iterations.

The main challenges of Ant Gather task is not sparse rewards, but rather the complexity of theproblem, as rewards in the Ant Gather task is much denser compared to the Maze environment.Nevertheless, HAAR still achieves better results than benchmark algorithms. This indicates thatHAAR, though originally designed for sparse reward tasks, can also be applied in other scenarios.

TRPO is non-hierarchical and not aimed for long-horizon sparse reward problems. The success ratesof TRPO in all maze tasks are almost zero. In Ant Gather task, the average return for TRPO has arise because the ant robot learns to stay static and not fall over due to the death reward �10.

Comparison with Subgoal-Based MethodsWe also compare our method HAAR with the state-of-the-art subgoal-based HRL methods, HAC andHIRO in the Ant Maze environment. Because we use a realistic range sensor-based observation andexclude the x, y coordinates from the robot observation, subgoal-based algorithms cannot properlycalculate the distances between states, and perform just like the non-hierarchical method TRPO. Weeven simplify the Maze task by placing the goal directly in front of the ant, but it is still hard for thosesubgoal-based methods to learn the low-level gait skills. Therefore, we omit them from the results.

This result accords with our previous analysis of subgoal-based algorithms and is also validated bydetailed studies in [12], which mutates state space representation less than we do, and still achievespoor performance with those algorithms.

The Effect of Skill Length Annealing

3In our comparative experiments, the numbers of timesteps per iteration when training with SNN4HRL isdifferent from that in the original paper [13]. SNN4HRL’s performance, in terms of timesteps, is consistent withthe original paper.


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HAAR without annealing adopts the same skill length as HAAR with annealing at the end of training,so that the final joint policies of two training schemes are the same in structure. The learning curvesare presented in Figure 3. In general, training with skill length annealing helps the agent learn faster.Also, annealing has no notable effect on the final outcome of training, because the final policies, withor without annealing, share the same skill length k eventually. We offered an explanation for thiseffect at the end of the Section 3.1.

5.3 Visualization of Skills and Trajectories

To demonstrate how HAAR is able to achieve such an outperformance compared to other state-of-the-art HRL methods, we provide a deeper look into the experimental results above. In Figure 4, wecompare the low-level skills before and after training in the Ant Maze task.

RepetitionsSkill 0Skill 1Skill 2Skill 3Skill 4Skill 5No Visitation

(a) (b) (c)



Figure 4: (a) Visitation plot of initial low-level skills of the ant. (b) Low-level skills after trainingwith auxiliary rewards in Ant Maze. (c) Sample trajectories of the ant after training with HAAR inAnt Maze.

In Figure 4, (a) and (b) demonstrate a batch of experiences collected with low-level skills before andafter training, respectively. The ant is always initialized at the center and uses a single skill to walkfor an arbitrary length of time. Comparing (b) with (a), we note that the ant learns to turn right (Skill1 in yellow) and go forward (Skill 0 in red) and well utilizes these two skills in the Maze task in (c),where it tries to go to (G) from (S). We offer analysis for other experiments in Appendix C.

In our framework, we make no assumption on how those initial skills are trained, and our maincontribution lies in the design of auxiliary rewards to facilitate low-level control training.

5.4 Transfer of Policies

Interestingly, even though HAAR is not originally designed for transfer learning, we find out inexperiments that both ⇡h and ⇡l could be transferred to similar new tasks. In this section we analyzethe underlying reasons of our method’s transferability.

We use the Ant Maze task shown in Figure 2(a) as the source task, and design two target tasks inFigure 5 that are similar to the source task. Target task (a) uses a mirrored maze (as opposed to theoriginal maze in Figure 2(a)) and target task (b) is a spiral maze. Now we test the transferability ofHAAR by comparing the learning curves of (1) transferring both high-level and low-level policies,(2) transferring the low-level alone, and (3) not transferring any policy. We randomly pick a trained⇡l and its corresponding ⇡h from the learned policies in the experiment shown in Figure 2(a), andapply them directly on tasks in Figure 5.

HAAR makes no assumption on state space representation. Therefore, in experiments we only allowagents access to information that is universal across similar tasks. First, as defined in Section 2, slis the ego-observation of the agent’s joint angles. This ensures the low-level skills are unaware ofits surroundings, hence limited to atomic actions and avoids the problem of the joint policy beingdegenerated to always using the same low-level policy [11, 30].

Apart from information in sl, the high level can also perceive surrounding objects through a rangesensor. We block its access to absolute coordinates so that the agent does not simply remember theenvironment, but learns to generalize from observation. Our experimental results in Figure 5 (c)(d)


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(c) (d)(a) (b)

Figure 5: (a) and (b) are tasks to test the transferability of learned policies. (c) and (d) are thecorresponding learning curves of transferring both high and low-level policies, transferring onlylow-level policy, and not transferring (the raw form of HAAR).

verifies that both low-level and high-level policies are indeed transferable and can facilitate learningin a similar new task.

For both target tasks, there is a jump start of success rate by transferring both ⇡h and ⇡l. The learningcurve of target task (b) enjoys a very high jump start due to its trajectorical similarity to the sourcetask. Transferring both ⇡h and ⇡l results in very fast convergence to optimum. Transferring only ⇡l

also results in significantly faster training compared to non-transfer learning. This indicates that withHAAR, the agent learns meaningful skills in the source task (which is also analyzed by Figure 4). Bycontrast, it is unlikely for works that rely on coordinates as part of the observation, such as [9], totransfer their policies.

We want to point out that as the maze we use in this experiment is simple, the agent could possiblyderive its location according to its observation, therefore still over-fitting the environment to someextent. However, using more complex mazes as source tasks may resolve this problem.

5.5 Discussion of State Observability

In our experiments, the decision process on the high level is clearly an MDP since states are definitivefrom the observation. We notice that the low level states, however, are not fully observable. Directinformation about the maze(walls and the goal) is excluded from the low level. Nevertheless,indirect information about the maze is expressed through ah, which is a function of wall and goalobservation. Strictly speaking, the low-level dynamics is a partially observable Markov decisionprocess. But owing to the indirect information carried in ah, we use sl to approximate the completestate and still apply TRPO on it. Experimental results verify the validity of such approximation. Thisapproximation could be avoided by taking partial observability into consideration. For example, theGTRPO algorithm [34] can be utilized to optimize the low-level policy.

6 Conclusion

In this work, we propose a novel hierarchical reinforcement learning framework, HAAR. We designa concurrent training approach for high-level and low-level policies, where both levels utilize thesame batch of experience to optimize different objective functions, forming an improving jointpolicy. To facilitate low-level training, we design a general auxiliary reward that is dependent onlyon the high-level advantage function. We also discuss the transferability of trained policies underour framework, and to combine this method with transfer learning might be an interesting topic forfuture research. Finally, as we use TRPO for on-policy training, sample efficiency is not very highand computing power becomes a major bottleneck for our algorithm on very complex environments.To combine off-policy training with our hierarchical structure may have the potential to boost sampleefficiency. As the low-level skill initialization scheme has a dramatic influence on performance, anexploration of which low-level skill initialization scheme works best is a future direction as well.


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The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and helpfulsuggestions. The work is supported by Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab under Grant No. YBN2018055043.

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Name: Kieth Sipes

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.