LectureNotesinLieGroups arXiv:1104.1106v2 …arXiv:1104.1106v2 [math.DG] 7 Apr 2011 LectureNotesinLieGroups VladimirG.Ivancevic∗ TijanaT.Ivancevic† Abstract These lecture notes - [PDF Document] (2024)

LectureNotesinLieGroups arXiv:1104.1106v2 …arXiv:1104.1106v2 [math.DG] 7 Apr 2011 LectureNotesinLieGroups VladimirG.Ivancevic∗ TijanaT.Ivancevic† Abstract These lecture notes - [PDF Document] (1)





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011 Lecture Notes in Lie Groups

Vladimir G. Ivancevic∗ Tijana T. Ivancevic†


These lecture notes in Lie Groups are designed for a 1–semester third yearor graduate course in mathematics, physics, engineering, chemistry or biology.This landmark theory of the 20th Century mathematics and physics gives arigorous foundation to modern dynamics, as well as field and gauge theoriesin physics, engineering and biomechanics. We give both physical and medicalexamples of Lie groups. The only necessary background for comprehensivereading of these notes are advanced calculus and linear algebra.


1 Preliminaries: Sets, Maps and Diagrams 3

1.1 Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.2 Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.3 Commutative Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2 Groups 6

3 Manifolds 8

3.1 Definition of a Manifold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113.2 Formal Definition of a Smooth Manifold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123.3 Smooth Maps Between Smooth Manifolds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133.4 Tangent Bundle and Lagrangian Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143.5 Cotangent Bundle and Hamiltonian Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

∗Land Operations Division, Defence Science & Technology Organisation, P.O. Box 1500, Edin-burgh SA 5111, Australia (e-mail: [emailprotected])

†Tesla Science Evolution Institute & QLIWW IP Pty Ltd., Adelaide, Australia (e-mail:[emailprotected])


LectureNotesinLieGroups arXiv:1104.1106v2 …arXiv:1104.1106v2 [math.DG] 7 Apr 2011 LectureNotesinLieGroups VladimirG.Ivancevic∗ TijanaT.Ivancevic† Abstract These lecture notes - [PDF Document] (2)

4 Lie Groups 18

4.1 Definition of a Lie Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214.2 Lie Algebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224.3 One-Parameter Subgroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244.4 Exponential Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244.5 Adjoint Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254.6 Actions of Lie Groups on Smooth Manifolds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264.7 Basic Tables of Lie Groups and Their Lie Algebras . . . . . . . . . . 284.8 Representations of Lie groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314.9 Root Systems and Dynkin Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

4.9.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324.9.2 Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334.9.3 Dynkin Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344.9.4 Irreducible Root Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

4.10 Simple and Semisimple Lie Groups and Algebras . . . . . . . . . . . 37

5 Some Classical Examples of Lie Groups 38

5.1 Galilei Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385.2 General Linear Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395.3 Rotational Lie Groups in Human/Humanoid Biomechanics . . . . . 40

5.3.1 Uniaxial Group of Joint Rotations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415.3.2 Three–Axial Group of Joint Rotations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435.3.3 The Heavy Top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

5.4 Euclidean Groups of Rigid Body Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455.4.1 Special Euclidean Group SE(2) in the Plane . . . . . . . . . 465.4.2 Special Euclidean Group SE(3) in the 3D Space . . . . . . . 47

5.5 Basic Mechanical Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505.5.1 SE(2)−Hovercraft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505.5.2 SO(3)−Satellite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515.5.3 SE(3)−Submarine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

5.6 Newton–Euler SE(3)−Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525.6.1 SO(3) : Euler Equations of Rigid Rotations . . . . . . . . . . 525.6.2 SE(3) : Coupled Newton–Euler Equations . . . . . . . . . . . 53

5.7 Symplectic Group in Hamiltonian Mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

6 Medical Applications: Prediction of Injuries 57

6.1 General Theory of Musculo–Skeletal Injury Mechanics . . . . . . . . 576.2 Analytical Mechanics of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) . . . . . . . . 63

6.2.1 The SE(3)−jolt: the cause of TBI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 636.2.2 SE(3)−group of brain’s micro–motions within the CSF . . . 64


LectureNotesinLieGroups arXiv:1104.1106v2 …arXiv:1104.1106v2 [math.DG] 7 Apr 2011 LectureNotesinLieGroups VladimirG.Ivancevic∗ TijanaT.Ivancevic† Abstract These lecture notes - [PDF Document] (3)

6.2.3 Brain’s natural SE(3)−dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 656.2.4 Brain’s traumatic dynamics: the SE(3)−jolt . . . . . . . . . 686.2.5 Brain’s dislocations and disclinations caused by the SE(3)−jolt 69

1 Preliminaries: Sets, Maps and Diagrams

1.1 Sets

Given a map (or, a function) f : A → B, the set A is called the domain of f , anddenoted Dom f . The set B is called the codomain of f , and denoted Cod f. Thecodomain is not to be confused with the range of f(A), which is in general only asubset of B (see [8, 9]).

A map f : X → Y is called injective, or 1–1, or an injection, iff for every y in thecodomain Y there is at most one x in the domainX with f(x) = y. Put another way,given x and x′ in X, if f(x) = f(x′), then it follows that x = x′. A map f : X → Yis called surjective, or onto, or a surjection, iff for every y in the codomain Cod fthere is at least one x in the domain X with f(x) = y. Put another way, the range

f(X) is equal to the codomain Y . A map is bijective iff it is both injective andsurjective. Injective functions are called monomorphisms, and surjective functionsare called epimorphisms in the category of sets (see below). Bijective functions arecalled isomorphisms.

A relation is any subset of a Cartesian product (see below). By definition, anequivalence relation α on a set X is a relation which is reflexive, symmetrical andtransitive, i.e., relation that satisfies the following three conditions:

1. Reflexivity : each element x ∈ X is equivalent to itself, i.e., xαx;

2. Symmetry : for any two elements a, b ∈ X, aαb implies bαa; and

3. Transitivity : aαb and bαc implies aαc.

Similarly, a relation ≤ defines a partial order on a set S if it has the followingproperties:

1. Reflexivity : a ≤ a for all a ∈ S;

2. Antisymmetry : a ≤ b and b ≤ a implies a = b; and

3. Transitivity : a ≤ b and b ≤ c implies a ≤ c.

A partially ordered set (or poset) is a set taken together with a partial order onit. Formally, a partially ordered set is defined as an ordered pair P = (X,≤), whereX is called the ground set of P and ≤ is the partial order of P .


LectureNotesinLieGroups arXiv:1104.1106v2 …arXiv:1104.1106v2 [math.DG] 7 Apr 2011 LectureNotesinLieGroups VladimirG.Ivancevic∗ TijanaT.Ivancevic† Abstract These lecture notes - [PDF Document] (4)

1.2 Maps

Let f and g be maps with domains A and B. Then the maps f + g, f − g, fg, andf/g are defined as follows (see [8, 9]):

(f + g)(x) = f(x) + g(x) domain = A ∩B,(f − g)(x) = f(x)− g(x) domain = A ∩B,

(fg)(x) = f(x) g(x) domain = A ∩B,(




(x) =f(x)

g(x)domain = x ∈ A ∩B : g(x) 6= 0.

Given two maps f and g, the composite map f g, called the composition of fand g, is defined by

(f g)(x) = f(g(x)).

The (f g)−machine is composed of the g−machine (first) and then the f−machine,

x→ [[g]] → g(x) → [[f ]] → f(g(x)).

For example, suppose that y = f(u) =√u and u = g(x) = x2 + 1. Since y is a

function of u and u is a function of x, it follows that y is ultimately a function of x.We calculate this by substitution

y = f(u) = f g = f(g(x)) = f(x2 + 1) =√

x2 + 1.

If f and g are both differentiable (or smooth, i.e., C∞) maps and h = f g is thecomposite map defined by h(x) = f(g(x)), then h is differentiable and h′ is given bythe product:

h′(x) = f ′(g(x)) g′(x).

In Leibniz notation, if y = f(u) and u = g(x) are both differentiable maps, then






The reason for the name chain rule becomes clear if we add another link to the chain.Suppose that we have one more differentiable map x = h(t). Then, to calculate thederivative of y with respect to t, we use the chain rule twice,








Given a 1–1 continuous (i.e., C0) map F with a nonzero Jacobian


∣ that

maps a region S onto a region R, we have the following substitution formulas:


LectureNotesinLieGroups arXiv:1104.1106v2 …arXiv:1104.1106v2 [math.DG] 7 Apr 2011 LectureNotesinLieGroups VladimirG.Ivancevic∗ TijanaT.Ivancevic† Abstract These lecture notes - [PDF Document] (5)

1. For a single integral,∫


f(x) dx =




2. For a double integral,



f(x, y) dA =



f(x(u, v), y(u, v))

∂(x, y)

∂(u, v)


3. For a triple integral,



f(x, y, z) dV =



f(x(u, v, w), y(u, v, w), z(u, v, w))

∂(x, y, z)

∂(u, v, w)


4. Generalization to n−tuple integrals is obvious.

1.3 Commutative Diagrams

Many properties of mathematical systems can be unified and simplified by a presen-tation with commutative diagrams of arrows. Each arrow f : X → Y represents afunction (i.e., a map, transformation, operator); that is, a source (domain) set X, atarget (codomain) set Y , and a rule x 7→ f(x) which assigns to each element x ∈ Xan element f(x) ∈ Y . A typical diagram of sets and functions is (see [8, 9]):

X Yf


g or

X f(X)f



This diagram is commutative iff h = gf , where gf is the usual composite functiong f : X → Z, defined by x 7→ g(f(x)).

Less formally, composing maps is like following directed paths from one object toanother (e.g., from set to set). In general, a diagram is commutative iff any two pathsalong arrows that start at the same point and finish at the same point yield the same‘hom*omorphism’ via compositions along successive arrows. Commutativity of thewhole diagram follows from commutativity of its triangular components. Study ofcommutative diagrams is popularly called ‘diagram chasing’, and provides a powerfultool for mathematical thought.

Many properties of mathematical constructions may be represented by universal

properties of diagrams. Consider the Cartesian product X×Y of two sets, consistingas usual of all ordered pairs 〈x, y〉 of elements x ∈ X and y ∈ Y . The projections


LectureNotesinLieGroups arXiv:1104.1106v2 …arXiv:1104.1106v2 [math.DG] 7 Apr 2011 LectureNotesinLieGroups VladimirG.Ivancevic∗ TijanaT.Ivancevic† Abstract These lecture notes - [PDF Document] (6)

〈x, y〉 7→ x, 〈x, y〉 7→ y of the product on its ‘axes’ X and Y are functions p :X × Y → X, q : X × Y → Y . Any function h : W → X × Y from a third set Wis uniquely determined by its composites p h and q h. Conversely, given W andtwo functions f and g as in the diagram below, there is a unique function h whichmakes the following diagram commute:

X X × Yp Y




h g

This property describes the Cartesian product X × Y uniquely; the same diagram,read in the category of topological spaces or of groups, describes uniquely the Carte-sian product of spaces or of the direct product of groups.

2 Groups

A group is a pointed set (G, e) with a multiplication µ : G×G→ G and an inverse

ν : G→ G such that the following diagrams commute (see [10, 8, 9]):




G G×G(e, 1)G(1, e)

µ 1

(e is a two–sided identity)


G×G Gµ

G×G×G G×Gµ× 1

1× µ




LectureNotesinLieGroups arXiv:1104.1106v2 …arXiv:1104.1106v2 [math.DG] 7 Apr 2011 LectureNotesinLieGroups VladimirG.Ivancevic∗ TijanaT.Ivancevic† Abstract These lecture notes - [PDF Document] (7)




G G×G(ν, 1)G(1, ν)

µ e


Here e : G→ G is the constant map e(g) = e for all g ∈ G. (e, 1) means the mapsuch that (e, 1)(g) = (e, g), etc. A group G is called commutative or Abelian group

if in addition the following diagram commutes





where T : G × G → G × G is the switch map T (g1, g2) = (g2, g1), for all (g1, g2) ∈G×G.

A group G acts (on the left) on a set A if there is a function α : G × A → Asuch that the following diagrams commute:


A G×A(e, 1)




G×A Aα

G×G×A G×A1× α

µ× 1


where (e, 1)(x) = (e, x) for all x ∈ A. The orbits of the action are the setsGx = gx : g ∈ G for all x ∈ A.


LectureNotesinLieGroups arXiv:1104.1106v2 …arXiv:1104.1106v2 [math.DG] 7 Apr 2011 LectureNotesinLieGroups VladimirG.Ivancevic∗ TijanaT.Ivancevic† Abstract These lecture notes - [PDF Document] (8)

Given two groups (G, ∗) and (H, ·), a group hom*omorphism from (G, ∗) to (H, ·)is a function h : G→ H such that for all x and y in G it holds that

h(x ∗ y) = h(x) · h(y).

From this property, one can deduce that h maps the identity element eG of G tothe identity element eH of H, and it also maps inverses to inverses in the sense thath(x−1) = h(x)−1. Hence one can say that h is compatible with the group structure.

The kernel Kerh of a group hom*omorphism h : G → H consists of all thoseelements of G which are sent by h to the identity element eH of H, i.e.,

Kerh = x ∈ G : h(x) = eH.

The image Imh of a group hom*omorphism h : G → H consists of all elementsof G which are sent by h to H, i.e.,

Imh = h(x) : x ∈ G.

The kernel is a normal subgroup of G and the image is a subgroup of H. Thehom*omorphism h is injective (and called a group monomorphism) iff Kerh = eG,i.e., iff the kernel of h consists of the identity element of G only.

3 Manifolds

A manifold is an abstract mathematical space, which locally (i.e., in a close–upview) resembles the spaces described by Euclidean geometry, but which globally(i.e., when viewed as a whole) may have a more complicated structure (see [11]).For example, the surface of Earth is a manifold; locally it seems to be flat, but viewedas a whole from the outer space (globally) it is actually round. A manifold can beconstructed by ‘gluing’ separate Euclidean spaces together; for example, a worldmap can be made by gluing many maps of local regions together, and accountingfor the resulting distortions.

As main pure–mathematical references for manifolds we recommend populargraduate textbooks by two ex–Bourbaki members, Serge Lang [13, 12] and JeanDieudonne [14, 15]. Besides, the reader might wish to consult some other ‘classics’,including [11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 3]. Finally, as first–order applications, we recom-mend three popular textbooks in mechanics, [2, 1, 4], as well as our own geometricalmonographs [8, 9].

Another example of a manifold is a circle S1. A small piece of a circle appears tobe like a slightly–bent part of a straight line segment, but overall the circle and the


LectureNotesinLieGroups arXiv:1104.1106v2 …arXiv:1104.1106v2 [math.DG] 7 Apr 2011 LectureNotesinLieGroups VladimirG.Ivancevic∗ TijanaT.Ivancevic† Abstract These lecture notes - [PDF Document] (9)

segment are different 1D manifolds. A circle can be formed by bending a straightline segment and gluing the ends together.1

The surfaces of a sphere2 and a torus3 are examples of 2D manifolds. Manifolds

1Locally, the circle looks like a line. It is 1D, that is, only one coordinate is needed to saywhere a point is on the circle locally. Consider, for instance, the top part of the circle, where they−coordinate is positive. Any point in this part can be described by the x−coordinate. So, there is acontinuous bijection χtop (a mapping which is 1–1 both ways), which maps the top part of the circleto the open interval (−1, 1), by simply projecting onto the first coordinate: χtop(x, y) = x. Sucha function is called a chart. Similarly, there are charts for the bottom, left , and right parts of thecircle. Together, these parts cover the whole circle and the four charts form an atlas (see the nextsubsection) for the circle. The top and right charts overlap: their intersection lies in the quarterof the circle where both the x− and the y−coordinates are positive. The two charts χtop andχright map this part bijectively to the interval (0, 1). Thus a function T from (0, 1) to itself can beconstructed, which first inverts the top chart to reach the circle and then follows the right chartback to the interval:

T (a) = χright




= χright



1− a2)


1− a2.

Such a function is called a transition map. The top, bottom, left, and right charts show that thecircle is a manifold, but they do not form the only possible atlas. Charts need not be geometricprojections, and the number of charts is a matter of choice. T and the other transition functionsare differentiable on the interval (0, 1). Therefore, with this atlas the circle is a differentiable, orsmooth manifold.

2The surface of the sphere S2 can be treated in almost the same way as the circle S1. It can beviewed as a subset of R3, defined by: S = (x, y, z) ∈ R3|x2 + y2 + z2 = 1. The sphere is 2D, soeach chart will map part of the sphere to an open subset of R2. Consider the northern hemisphere,which is the part with positive z coordinate. The function χ defined by χ(x, y, z) = (x, y), mapsthe northern hemisphere to the open unit disc by projecting it on the (x, y)−plane. A similar chartexists for the southern hemisphere. Together with two charts projecting on the (x, z)−plane and twocharts projecting on the (y, z)−plane, an atlas of six charts is obtained which covers the entire sphere.This can be easily generalized to an nD sphere Sn = (x1, x2, ..., xn) ∈ Rn|x2

1 + x22 + ...+ x2

n = 1.An n−sphere Sn can be also constructed by gluing together two copies of Rn. The transition

map between them is defined as Rn \0 → Rn \0 : x 7→ x/‖x‖2. This function is its own inverse,so it can be used in both directions. As the transition map is a (C∞)−smooth function, this atlasdefines a smooth manifold.

3A torus (pl. tori), denoted by T 2, is a doughnut–shaped surface of revolution generated byrevolving a circle about an axis coplanar with the circle. The sphere S2 is a special case of thetorus obtained when the axis of rotation is a diameter of the circle. If the axis of rotation does notintersect the circle, the torus has a hole in the middle and resembles a ring doughnut, a hula hoopor an inflated tire. The other case, when the axis of rotation is a chord of the circle, produces asort of squashed sphere resembling a round cushion.

A torus can be defined parametrically by:

x(u, v) = (R + r cos v) cos u, y(u, v) = (R+ r cos v) sin u, z(u, v) = r sin v,

where u, v ∈ [0, 2π], R is the distance from the center of the tube to the center of the torus, and ris the radius of the tube. According to a broader definition, the generator of a torus need not be acircle but could also be an ellipse or any other conic section.

Topologically, a torus is a closed surface defined as product of two circles: T 2 = S1 × S1. The


LectureNotesinLieGroups arXiv:1104.1106v2 …arXiv:1104.1106v2 [math.DG] 7 Apr 2011 LectureNotesinLieGroups VladimirG.Ivancevic∗ TijanaT.Ivancevic† Abstract These lecture notes - [PDF Document] (10)

are important objects in mathematics, physics and control theory, because theyallow more complicated structures to be expressed and understood in terms of thewell–understood properties of simpler Euclidean spaces (see [9]).

The Cartesian product of manifolds is also a manifold (note that not every man-ifold can be written as a product). The dimension of the product manifold is thesum of the dimensions of its factors. Its topology is the product topology, and aCartesian product of charts is a chart for the product manifold. Thus, an atlasfor the product manifold can be constructed using atlases for its factors. If theseatlases define a differential structure on the factors, the corresponding atlas definesa differential structure on the product manifold. The same is true for any otherstructure defined on the factors. If one of the factors has a boundary, the productmanifold also has a boundary. Cartesian products may be used to construct toriand cylinders, for example, as S1 × S1 and S1 × [0, 1], respectively.

Manifolds need not be connected (all in ‘one piece’): a pair of separate circlesis also a topological manifold(see below). Manifolds need not be closed : a linesegment without its ends is a manifold. Manifolds need not be finite: a parabola isa topological manifold.

Manifolds4 can be viewed using either extrinsic or intrinsic view. In the extrinsicview, usually used in geometry and topology of surfaces, an nD manifold M is seenas embedded in an (n + 1)D Euclidean space Rn+1. Such a manifold is called a‘codimension 1 space’. With this view it is easy to use intuition from Euclideanspaces to define additional structure. For example, in a Euclidean space it is alwaysclear whether a vector at some point is tangential or normal to some surface throughthat point. On the other hand, the intrinsic view of an nD manifold M is anabstract way of considering M as a topological space by itself, without any need

surface described above, given the relative topology from R3, is homeomorphic to a topological torusas long as it does not intersect its own axis.

One can easily generalize the torus to arbitrary dimensions. An n−torus Tn is defined as aproduct of n circles: Tn = S1 × S1 × · · · × S1. Equivalently, the n−torus is obtained from then−cube (the Rn−generalization of the ordinary cube in R3) by gluing the opposite faces together.

An n−torus Tn is an example of an nD compact manifold. It is also an important example of aLie group (see below).


Additional structures are often defined on manifolds. Examples of manifolds with additionalstructure include:

• differentiable (or, smooth manifolds, on which one can do calculus;

• Riemannian manifolds, on which distances and angles can be defined; they serve as theconfiguration spaces in mechanics;

• symplectic manifolds, which serve as the phase spaces in mechanics and physics;

• 4D pseudo–Riemannian manifolds which model space–time in general relativity.


LectureNotesinLieGroups arXiv:1104.1106v2 …arXiv:1104.1106v2 [math.DG] 7 Apr 2011 LectureNotesinLieGroups VladimirG.Ivancevic∗ TijanaT.Ivancevic† Abstract These lecture notes - [PDF Document] (11)

for surrounding (n + 1)D Euclidean space. This view is more flexible and thus itis usually used in high–dimensional mechanics and physics (where manifolds usedrepresent configuration and phase spaces of dynamical systems), can make it harderto imagine what a tangent vector might be.

3.1 Definition of a Manifold

Consider a set M (see Figure 1) which is a candidate for a manifold. Any pointx ∈M has its Euclidean chart, given by a 1–1 and onto map ϕi :M → Rn, with itsEuclidean image Vi = ϕi(Ui). More precisely, a chart ϕi is defined by (see [8, 9])

ϕi :M ⊃ Ui ∋ x 7→ ϕi(x) ∈ Vi ⊂ Rn,

where Ui ⊂M and Vi ⊂ Rn are open sets.

Figure 1: Geometric picture of the manifold concept.

Clearly, any point x ∈ M can have several different charts (see Figure 1). Con-sider a case of two charts, ϕi, ϕj : M → Rn, having in their images two open sets,Vij = ϕi(Ui ∩ Uj) and Vji = ϕj(Ui ∩ Uj). Then we have transition functions ϕijbetween them,

ϕij = ϕj ϕ−1i : Vij → Vji, locally given by ϕij(x) = ϕj(ϕ

−1i (x)).

If transition functions ϕij exist, then we say that two charts, ϕi and ϕj are compat-

ible. Transition functions represent a general (nonlinear) transformations of coordi-

nates, which are the core of classical tensor calculus.


LectureNotesinLieGroups arXiv:1104.1106v2 …arXiv:1104.1106v2 [math.DG] 7 Apr 2011 LectureNotesinLieGroups VladimirG.Ivancevic∗ TijanaT.Ivancevic† Abstract These lecture notes - [PDF Document] (12)

A set of compatible charts ϕi : M → Rn, such that each point x ∈ M has itsEuclidean image in at least one chart, is called an atlas. Two atlases are equivalent

iff all their charts are compatible (i.e., transition functions exist between them), sotheir union is also an atlas. A manifold structure is a class of equivalent atlases.

Finally, as charts ϕi : M → Rn were supposed to be 1-1 and onto maps, theycan be either homeomorphisms, in which case we have a topological (C0) manifold,or diffeomorphisms, in which case we have a smooth (Ck) manifold.

3.2 Formal Definition of a Smooth Manifold

Given a chart (U,ϕ), we call the set U a coordinate domain, or a coordinate neigh-borhood of each of its points. If in addition ϕ(U) is an open ball in Rn, then Uis called a coordinate ball. The map ϕ is called a (local) coordinate map, and thecomponent functions (x1, ..., xn) of ϕ, defined by ϕ(m) = (x1(m), ..., xn(m)), arecalled local coordinates on U [8, 9].

Two charts (U1, ϕ1) and (U2, ϕ2) such that U1 ∩ U2 6= ∅ are called compatible

if ϕ1(U1 ∩ U2) and ϕ2(U2 ∩ U1) are open subsets of Rn. A family (Uα, ϕα)α∈A ofcompatible charts on M such that the Uα form a covering of M is called an atlas.The maps ϕαβ = ϕβ ϕ−1

α : ϕα(Uαβ) → ϕβ(Uαβ) are called the transition maps,for the atlas (Uα, ϕα)α∈A, where Uαβ = Uα ∩ Uβ, so that we have a commutativetriangle:

ϕα(Uαβ) ϕβ(Uαβ)ϕαβ

Uαβ ⊆M



An atlas (Uα, ϕα)α∈A for a manifold M is said to be a Ck−atlas, if all transi-tion maps ϕαβ : ϕα(Uαβ) → ϕβ(Uαβ) are of class Ck. Two Ck atlases are called

Ck−equivalent, if their union is again a Ck−atlas for M . An equivalence class ofCk−atlases is called a Ck−structure on M . In other words, a smooth structure onM is a maximal smooth atlas on M , i.e., such an atlas that is not contained in anystrictly larger smooth atlas. By a Ck−manifold M , we mean a topological manifoldtogether with a Ck−structure and a chart on M will be a chart belonging to someatlas of the Ck−structure. Smooth manifold means C∞−manifold, and the word‘smooth’ is used synonymously with C∞.

Sometimes the terms ‘local coordinate system’ or ‘parametrization’ are usedinstead of charts. That M is not defined with any particular atlas, but with anequivalence class of atlases, is a mathematical formulation of the general covarianceprinciple. Every suitable coordinate system is equally good. A Euclidean chart


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may well suffice for an open subset of Rn, but this coordinate system is not to bepreferred to the others, which may require many charts (as with polar coordinates),but are more convenient in other respects.

For example, the atlas of an n−sphere Sn has two charts. If N = (1, 0, ..., 0)and S = (−1, ..., 0, 0) are the north and south poles of Sn respectively, then the twocharts are given by the stereographic projections from N and S:

ϕ1 : Sn\N → Rn, ϕ1(x1, ..., xn+1) = (x2/(1 − x1), . . . , xn+1/(1 − x1)), and

ϕ2 : Sn\S → Rn, ϕ2(x1, ..., xn+1) = (x2/(1 + x1), . . . , xn+1/(1 + x1)),

while the overlap map ϕ2 ϕ−11 : Rn\0 → Rn\0 is given by the diffeomorphism

(ϕ2 ϕ−11 )(z) = z/||z||2, for z in Rn\0, from Rn\0 to itself.

Various additional structures can be imposed on Rn, and the corresponding man-ifold M will inherit them through its covering by charts. For example, if a coveringby charts takes their values in a Banach space E, then E is called the model space

and M is referred to as a Ck−Banach manifold modelled on E. Similarly, if a cov-ering by charts takes their values in a Hilbert space H, then H is called the model

space and M is referred to as a Ck−Hilbert manifold modelled on H. If not other-wise specified, we will consider M to be an Euclidean manifold, with its covering bycharts taking their values in Rn.

For a Hausdorff Ck−manifold the following properties are equivalent: (i) it isparacompact; (ii) it is metrizable; (iii) it admits a Riemannian metric;5 (iv) eachconnected component is separable.

3.3 Smooth Maps Between Smooth Manifolds

A map ϕ :M → N between two manifolds M and N , with M ∋ m 7→ ϕ(m) ∈ N , iscalled a smooth map, or Ck−map, if we have the following charting [8, 9]:

5Recall the corresponding properties of a Euclidean metric d. For any three points x, y, z ∈ Rn,the following axioms are valid:

M1 : d(x, y) > 0, for x 6= y; and d(x, y) = 0, for x = y;

M2 : d(x, y) = d(y, x); M3 : d(x, y) ≤ d(x, z) + d(z, y).


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⊙ ⊙ψ ϕ φ−1

⊙ ⊙ϕ








φ(U) ψ(V )

φ(m) ψ(ϕ(m))



This means that for each m ∈M and each chart (V, ψ) on N with ϕ (m) ∈ V thereis a chart (U, φ) on M with m ∈ U,ϕ (U) ⊆ V , and Φ = ψ ϕ φ−1 is Ck, that is,the following diagram commutes:

φ(U) ψ(V )Φ

M ⊇ U V ⊆ Nϕ



Let M and N be smooth manifolds and let ϕ :M → N be a smooth map. Themap ϕ is called a covering, or equivalently, M is said to cover N , if ϕ is surjectiveand each point n ∈ N admits an open neighborhood V such that ϕ−1(V ) is a unionof disjoint open sets, each diffeomorphic via ϕ to V .

A Ck−map ϕ : M → N is called a Ck−diffeomorphism if ϕ is a bijection,ϕ−1 : N →M exists and is also Ck. Two manifolds are called diffeomorphic if thereexists a diffeomorphism between them. All smooth manifolds and smooth mapsbetween them form the category M.

3.4 Tangent Bundle and Lagrangian Dynamics

The tangent bundle of a smooth n−manifold is the place where tangent vectors live,and is itself a smooth 2n−manifold. Vector–fields are cross-sections of the tangentbundle. The Lagrangian is a natural energy function on the tangent bundle (see[8, 9]).


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In mechanics, to each nD configuration manifold M there is associated its 2nDvelocity phase–space manifold, denoted by TM and called the tangent bundle ofM (see Figure 2). The original smooth manifold M is called the base of TM .There is an onto map π : TM → M , called the projection. Above each pointx ∈ M there is a tangent space TxM = π−1(x) to M at x, which is called a fibre.The fibre TxM ⊂ TM is the subset of TM , such that the total tangent bundle,

TM =⊔


TxM , is a disjoint union of tangent spaces TxM to M for all points

x ∈ M . From dynamical perspective, the most important quantity in the tangentbundle concept is the smooth map v :M → TM , which is an inverse to the projectionπ, i.e, π v = IdM , π(v(x)) = x. It is called the velocity vector–field. Its graph(x, v(x)) represents the cross–section of the tangent bundle TM . This explainsthe dynamical term velocity phase–space, given to the tangent bundle TM of themanifold M .

Figure 2: A sketch of a tangent bundle TM of a smooth manifold M .

If [a, b] is a closed interval, a C0−map γ : [a, b] → M is said to be differentiable

at the endpoint a if there is a chart (U, φ) at γ(a) such that the following limit existsand is finite:


dt(φ γ)(a) ≡ (φ γ)′(a) = lim


(φ γ)(t)− (φ γ)(a)t− a

. (1)

Generalizing (1), we get the notion of the curve on a manifold. For a smoothmanifold M and a point m ∈ M a curve at m is a C0−map γ : I → M from aninterval I ⊂ R into M with 0 ∈ I and γ(0) = m.

Two curves γ1 and γ2 passing though a point m ∈ U are tangent at m withrespect to the chart (U, φ) if (φγ1)′(0) = (φγ2)′(0). Thus, two curves are tangentif they have identical tangent vectors (same direction and speed) in a local chart ona manifold.

For a smooth manifold M and a point m ∈M, the tangent space TmM to M atm is the set of equivalence classes of curves at m:

TmM = [γ]m : γ is a curve at a point m ∈M.


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A Ck−map ϕ : M ∋ m 7→ ϕ(m) ∈ N between two manifolds M and N inducesa linear map Tmϕ : TmM → Tϕ(m)N for each point m ∈ M , called a tangent map,if we have:

⊙ ⊙ϕ

⊙ ⊙T (ϕ)



m ϕ(m)


TM T (N)Tm(M) Tϕ(m)(N)

i.e., the following diagram commutes:

M ∋ m ϕ(m) ∈ Nϕ

TmM Tϕ(m)NTmϕ



with the natural projection πM : TM → M, given by πM (TmM) = m, that takes atangent vector v to the pointm ∈M at which the vector v is attached i.e., v ∈ TmM .

For an nD smooth manifold M , its nD tangent bundle TM is the disjoint union

of all its tangent spaces TmM at all points m ∈M , TM =⊔


TmM .

To define the smooth structure on TM , we need to specify how to constructlocal coordinates on TM . To do this, let (x1(m), ..., xn(m)) be local coordinates of apoint m on M and let (v1(m), ..., vn(m)) be components of a tangent vector in thiscoordinate system. Then the 2n numbers (x1(m), ..., xn(m), v1(m), ..., vn(m)) givea local coordinate system on TM .

TM =⊔


TmM defines a family of vector spaces parameterized by M . The

inverse image π−1M (m) of a point m ∈ M under the natural projection πM is the

tangent space TmM . This space is called the fibre of the tangent bundle over thepoint m ∈M .


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A Ck−map ϕ : M → N between two manifolds M and N induces a lineartangent map Tϕ : TM → TN between their tangent bundles, i.e., the followingdiagram commutes:

M Nϕ




All tangent bundles and their tangent maps form the category T B. The categoryT B is the natural framework for Lagrangian dynamics.

Now, we can formulate the global version of the chain rule. If ϕ : M → N andψ : N → P are two smooth maps, then we have T (ψ ϕ) = Tψ Tϕ. In otherwords, we have a functor T : M ⇒ T B from the category M of smooth manifoldsto the category T B of their tangent bundles:

N Pψ



(ψ ϕ) T




T (ψ ϕ)

3.5 Cotangent Bundle and Hamiltonian Dynamics

The cotangent bundle of a smooth n−manifold is the place is where 1–forms live, andis itself a smooth 2n−manifold. Covector–fields (1–forms) are cross-sections of thecotangent bundle. The Hamiltonian is a natural energy function on the cotangentbundle (see [8, 9]).

A dual notion to the tangent space TmM to a smooth manifold M at a point mis its cotangent space T ∗

mM at the same point m. Similarly to the tangent bundle,for a smooth manifold M of dimension n, its cotangent bundle T ∗M is the disjoint

union of all its cotangent spaces T ∗mM at all points m ∈M , i.e., T ∗M =


T ∗mM .

Therefore, the cotangent bundle of an n−manifold M is the vector bundle T ∗M =(TM)∗, the (real) dual of the tangent bundle TM .

If M is an n−manifold, then T ∗M is a 2n−manifold. To define the smoothstructure on T ∗M , we need to specify how to construct local coordinates on T ∗M .To do this, let (x1(m), ..., xn(m)) be local coordinates of a point m on M and let(p1(m), ..., pn(m)) be components of a covector in this coordinate system. Then the2n numbers (x1(m), ..., xn(m), p1(m), ..., pn(m)) give a local coordinate system onT ∗M . This is the basic idea one uses to prove that indeed T ∗M is a 2n−manifold.


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T ∗M =⊔


T ∗mM defines a family of vector spaces parameterized by M , with

the conatural projection, π∗M : T ∗M → M, given by π∗M (T ∗mM) = m, that takes a

covector p to the point m ∈ M at which the covector p is attached i.e., p ∈ T ∗mM .

The inverse image π−1M (m) of a point m ∈ M under the conatural projection π∗M is

the cotangent space T ∗mM . This space is called the fibre of the cotangent bundle

over the point m ∈M .In a similar way, a Ck−map ϕ :M → N between two manifoldsM andN induces

a linear cotangent map T ∗ϕ : T ∗M → T ∗N between their cotangent bundles, i.e.,the following diagram commutes:

M Nϕ

T ∗M T ∗NT ∗ϕ



All cotangent bundles and their cotangent maps form the category T ∗B. Thecategory T ∗B is the natural stage for Hamiltonian dynamics.

Now, we can formulate the dual version of the global chain rule. If ϕ : M → Nand ψ : N → P are two smooth maps, then we have T ∗(ψ ϕ) = T ∗ψ T ∗ϕ. Inother words, we have a cofunctor T ∗ : M ⇒ T ∗B from the category M of smoothmanifolds to the category T ∗B of their cotangent bundles:

N Pψ



(ψ ϕ) T ∗


T ∗N T ∗PT ∗ψ

T ∗M

T ∗ϕ

T ∗(ψ ϕ)

4 Lie Groups

In this section we present the basics of classical theory of Lie groups and their Liealgebras, as developed mainly by Sophus Lie, Elie Cartan, Felix Klein, WilhelmKilling and Hermann Weyl. For more comprehensive treatment see e.g., [21, 22, 23,24, 25].

In the middle of the 19th Century S. Lie made a far reaching discovery thattechniques designed to solve particular unrelated types of ODEs, such as separable,hom*ogeneous and exact equations, were in fact all special cases of a general form ofintegration procedure based on the invariance of the differential equation under a


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continuous group of symmetries. Roughly speaking a symmetry group of a systemof differential equations is a group that transforms solutions of the system to othersolutions. Once the symmetry group has been identified a number of techniquesto solve and classify these differential equations becomes possible. In the classicalframework of Lie, these groups were local groups and arose locally as groups oftransformations on some Euclidean space. The passage from the local Lie group tothe present day definition using manifolds was accomplished by E. Cartan at theend of the 19th Century, whose work is a striking synthesis of Lie theory, classicalgeometry, differential geometry and topology.

These continuous groups, which originally appeared as symmetry groups of dif-ferential equations, have over the years had a profound impact on diverse areas suchas algebraic topology, differential geometry, numerical analysis, control theory, clas-sical mechanics, quantum mechanics etc. They are now universally known as Liegroups.

A Lie group is smooth manifold which also carries a group structure whoseproduct and inversion operations are smooth as maps of manifolds. These objectsarise naturally in describing physical symmetries.6

6Here are a few examples of Lie groups and their relations to other areas of mathematics andphysics:

1. Euclidean space Rn is an Abelian Lie group (with ordinary vector addition as the groupoperation).

2. The group GLn(R) of invertible matrices (under matrix multiplication) is a Lie group ofdimension n2. It has a subgroup SLn(R) of matrices of determinant 1 which is also a Liegroup.

3. The group On(R) generated by all rotations and reflections of an nD vector space is a Liegroup called the orthogonal group. It has a subgroup of elements of determinant 1, calledthe special orthogonal group SO(n), which is the group of rotations in Rn.

4. Spin groups are double covers of the special orthogonal groups (used e.g., for studyingfermions in quantum field theory).

5. The group Sp2n(R) of all matrices preserving a symplectic form is a Lie group called thesymplectic group.

6. The Lorentz group and the Poincare group of isometries of space–time are Lie groups ofdimensions 6 and 10 that are used in special relativity.

7. The Heisenberg group is a Lie group of dimension 3, used in quantum mechanics.

8. The unitary group U(n) is a compact group of dimension n2 consisting of unitary matrices.It has a subgroup of elements of determinant 1, called the special unitary group SU(n).

9. The group U(1) × SU(2) × SU(3) is a Lie group of dimension 1 + 3 + 8 = 12 that is thegauge group of the Standard Model of elementary particles, whose dimension corresponds to:1 photon + 3 vector bosons + 8 gluons.


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A Lie group is a group whose elements can be continuously parametrized byreal numbers, such as the rotation group SO(3), which can be parametrized by theEuler angles. More formally, a Lie group is an analytic real or complex manifoldthat is also a group, such that the group operations multiplication and inversionare analytic maps. Lie groups are important in mathematical analysis, physics andgeometry because they serve to describe the symmetry of analytical structures. Theywere introduced by Sophus Lie in 1870 in order to study symmetries of differentialequations.

While the Euclidean space Rn is a real Lie group (with ordinary vector additionas the group operation), more typical examples are given by matrix Lie groups, i.e.,groups of invertible matrices (under matrix multiplication). For instance, the groupSO(3) of all rotations in R3 is a matrix Lie group.

One classifies Lie groups regarding their algebraic properties7 (simple, semisim-ple, solvable, nilpotent, Abelian), their connectedness (connected or simply con-nected) and their compactness.8

To every Lie group, we can associate a Lie algebra which completely capturesthe local structure of the group (at least if the Lie group is connected).9

7If G and H are Lie groups (both real or both complex), then a Lie–group–hom*omorphism

f : G → H is a group hom*omorphism which is also an analytic map (one can show that it isequivalent to require only that f be continuous). The composition of two such hom*omorphismsis again a hom*omorphism, and the class of all (real or complex) Lie groups, together with thesemorphisms, forms a category. The two Lie groups are called isomorphic iff there exists a bijectivehom*omorphism between them whose inverse is also a hom*omorphism. Isomorphic Lie groups donot need to be distinguished for all practical purposes; they only differ in the notation of theirelements.

8An n−torus Tn = S1 × S1 × · · · × S1 (as defined above) is an example of a compact Abelian

Lie group. This follows from the fact that the unit circle S1 is a compact Abelian Lie group (whenidentified with the unit complex numbers with multiplication). Group multiplication on Tn is thendefined by coordinate–wise multiplication.

Toroidal groups play an important part in the theory of compact Lie groups. This is due in partto the fact that in any compact Lie group one can always find a maximal torus; that is, a closedsubgroup which is a torus of the largest possible dimension.

9Conventionally, one can regard any field X of tangent vectors on a Lie group as a partialdifferential operator, denoting by Xf the Lie derivative (the directional derivative) of the scalarfield f in the direction of X. Then a vector–field on a Lie group G is said to be left–invariant if itcommutes with left translation, which means the following. Define Lg [f ](x) = f(gx) for any analyticfunction f : G → R and all g, x ∈ G. Then the vector–field X is left–invariant iff XLg = LgX forall g ∈ G. Similarly, instead of R, we can use C. The set of all vector–fields on an analytic manifoldis a Lie algebra over R (or C).

On a Lie group G, the left–invariant vector–fields form a subalgebra, the Lie algebra g associatedwith G. This Lie algebra is finite–dimensional (it has the same dimension as the manifold G) whichmakes it susceptible to classification attempts. By classifying g, one can also get a handle on thegroup G. The representation theory of simple Lie groups is the best and most important example.

Every element v of the tangent space Te at the identity element e of G determines a unique


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4.1 Definition of a Lie Group

A Lie group is a smooth (Banach) manifold M that has at the same time a groupG−structure consistent with its manifold M−structure in the sense that group mul-

tiplication µ : G×G→ G, (g, h) 7→ gh and the group inversion ν : G→ G, g 7→g−1 are Ck−maps. A point e ∈ G is called the group identity element (see e.g.,[21, 22, 1, 3]).

For example, any nD Banach vector space V is an Abelian Lie group with groupoperations µ : V ×V → V , µ(x, y) = x+y, and ν : V → V , ν(x) = −x. The identityis just the zero vector. We call such a Lie group a vector group.

Let G and H be two Lie groups. A map G → H is said to be a morphism ofLie groups (or their smooth hom*omorphism) if it is their hom*omorphism as abstractgroups and their smooth map as manifolds.

Similarly, a group G which is at the same time a topological space is said to bea topological group if both maps (µ, ν) are continuous, i.e., C0−maps for it. Thehom*omorphism G → H of topological groups is said to be continuous if it is acontinuous map.

A topological group (as well as a smooth manifold) is not necessarily Hausdorff.

left–invariant vector–field whose value at the element g of G is denoted by gv; the vector spaceunderlying the Lie algebra g may therefore be identified with Te.

Every vector–field v in the Lie algebra g determines a function c : R → G whose derivativeeverywhere is given by the corresponding left–invariant vector–field: c′(t) = TLc(t)v and whichhas the property: c(s+ t) = c(s)c(t), (for all s and t) (the operation on the r.h.s. is the groupmultiplication in G). The formal similarity of this formula with the one valid for the elementaryexponential function justifies the definition: exp(v) = c(1). This is called the exponential map,and it maps the Lie algebra g into the Lie group G. It provides a diffeomorphism between aneighborhood of 0 in g and a neighborhood of e in G. This exponential map is a generalization ofthe exponential function for real numbers (since R is the Lie algebra of the Lie group of positivereal numbers with multiplication), for complex numbers (since C is the Lie algebra of the Liegroup of non–zero complex numbers with multiplication) and for matrices (since M(n,R) with theregular commutator is the Lie algebra of the Lie group GL(n,R) of all invertible matrices). As theexponential map is surjective on some neighborhood N of e, it is common to call elements of theLie algebra infinitesimal generators of the group G.

The exponential map and the Lie algebra determine the local group structure of every connectedLie group, because of the Baker–Campbell–Hausdorff formula: there exists a neighborhood U ofthe zero element of the Lie algebra g, such that for u, v ∈ U we have

exp(u)exp(v) = exp(u+ v + 1/2[u, v] + 1/12[[u, v], v]− 1/12[[u, v], u]− ...),

where the omitted terms are known and involve Lie brackets of four or more elements. In case uand v commute, this formula reduces to the familiar exponential law :

exp(u)exp(v) = exp(u+ v).

Every hom*omorphism f : G → H of Lie groups induces a hom*omorphism between the corre-sponding Lie algebras g and h. The association G =⇒ g is called the Lie Functor.


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A topological group G is Hausdorff iff its identity is closed. As a corollary we havethat every Lie group is a Hausdorff topological group.

For every g in a Lie group G, the two maps,

Lg : G→ G, h 7→ gh,

Rh : G→ G, g 7→ gh,

are called left and right translation maps. Since Lg Lh = Lgh, and Rg Rh = Rgh,it follows that (Lg)

−1 = Lg−1 and (Rg)−1 = Rg−1 , so both Lg and Rg are diffeomor-

phisms. Moreover Lg Rh = Rh Lg, i.e., left and right translation commute.A vector–field X on G is called left–invariant vector–field if for every g ∈ G,

L∗gX = X, that is, if (ThLg)X(h) = X(gh) for all h ∈ G, i.e., the following diagram






A Riemannian metric on a Lie group G is called left-invariant if it is preserved byall left translations Lg, i.e., if the derivative of left translation carries every vector toa vector of the same length. Similarly, a vector field X on G is called left–invariantif (for every g ∈ G) L∗

gX = X.

4.2 Lie Algebra

An algebra A is a vector space with a product. The product must have the propertythat

a(uv) = (au)v = u(av),

for every a ∈ R and u, v ∈ A. A map φ : A → A′ between algebras is called analgebra hom*omorphism if φ(u · v) = φ(u) · φ(v). A vector subspace I of an algebraA is called a left ideal (resp. right ideal) if it is closed under algebra multiplicationand if u ∈ A and i ∈ I implies that ui ∈ I (resp. iu ∈ I). A subspace I is saidto be a two–sided ideal if it is both a left and right ideal. An ideal may not be analgebra itself, but the quotient of an algebra by a two–sided ideal inherits an algebrastructure from A.

A Lie algebra is an algebra A where the multiplication, i.e., the Lie bracket

(u, v) 7→ [u, v], has the following properties:LA 1. [u, u] = 0 for every u ∈ A, andLA 2. [u, [v,w]] + [w, [u, v]] + [v,w, u]] = 0 for all u, v, w ∈ A.


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The condition LA 2 is usually called Jacobi identity. A subspace E ⊂ A of a Liealgebra is called a Lie subalgebra if [u, v] ∈ E for every u, v ∈ E. A map φ : A→ A′

between Lie algebras is called a Lie algebra hom*omorphism if φ([u, v]) = [φ(u), φ(v)]for each u, v ∈ A.

All Lie algebras (over a given field K) and all smooth hom*omorphisms betweenthem form the category LAL, which is itself a complete subcategory of the categoryAL of all algebras and their hom*omorphisms.

Let XL(G) denote the set of left–invariant vector–fields on G; it is a Lie subalge-bra of X (G), the set of all vector–fields on G, since L∗

g[X,Y ] = [L∗gX,L

∗gY ] = [X,Y ],

so the Lie bracket [X,Y ] ∈ XL(G).Let e be the identity element of G. Then for each ξ on the tangent space TeG we

define a vector–field Xξ on G by Xξ(g) = TeLg(ξ). XL(G) and TeG are isomorphicas vector spaces. Define the Lie bracket on TeG by [ξ, η] = [Xξ,Xη ] (e) for allξ, η ∈ TeG. This makes TeG into a Lie algebra. Also, by construction, we have[Xξ,Xη] = X[ξ,η]; this defines a bracket in TeG via left extension. The vector spaceTeG with the above algebra structure is called the Lie algebra of the Lie group Gand is denoted g.

For example, let V be a nD vector space. Then TeV ≃ V and the left–invariantvector–field defined by ξ ∈ TeV is the constant vector–field Xξ(η) = ξ, for all η ∈ V .The Lie algebra of V is V itself.

Since any two elements of an Abelian Lie group G commute, it follows that alladjoint operators Adg, g ∈ G, equal the identity. Therefore, the Lie algebra g isAbelian; that is, [ξ, η] = 0 for all ξ, η ∈ g.

For example, G = SO(3) is the group of rotations of 3D Euclidean space, i.e.the configuration space of a rigid body fixed at a point. A motion of the body isthen described by a curve g = g(t) in the group SO(3). Its Lie algebra g = so(3) isthe 3D vector space of angular velocities of all possible rotations. The commutatorin this algebra is the usual vector (cross) product (see, e.g. [1, 3, 9]).

A rotation velocity g of the rigid body (fixed at a point) is a tangent vector tothe Lie group G = SO(3) at the point g ∈ G. To get the angular velocity, we mustcarry this vector to the tangent space TGe of the group at the identity, i.e. to its Liealgebra g = so(3). This can be done in two ways: by left and right translation, Lgand Rg. As a result, we obtain two different vector fields in the Lie algebra so(3) :

ωc = Lg−1∗g ∈ so(3) and ωx = Rg−1∗g ∈ so(3),

which are called the ‘angular velocity in the body’ and the ‘angular velocity in space,’respectively.

The dual space g∗ to the Lie algebra g = so(3) is the space of angular momentaπ. The kinetic energy T of a body is determined by the vector field of angular


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velocity in the body and does not depend on the position of the body in space.Therefore, kinetic energy gives a left-invariant Riemannian metric on the rotationgroup G = SO(3).

4.3 One-Parameter Subgroup

Let Xξ be a left–invariant vector–field on G corresponding to ξ in g. Then there isa unique integral curve γξ : R → G of Xξ starting at e, i.e., (see, e.g. [8, 9])

γξ(t) = Xξ



, γξ(0) = e

γξ(t) is a smooth one–parameter subgroup of G, i.e., γξ(t+ s) = γξ(t) · γξ(s), since,as functions of t both sides equal γξ(s) at t = 0 and both satisfy differential equationγ(t) = Xξ



by left invariance of Xξ, so they are equal. Left invariance can bealso used to show that γξ(t) is defined for all t ∈ R. Moreover, if φ : R → G is aone–parameter subgroup of G, i.e., a smooth hom*omorphism of the additive groupR into G, then φ = γξ with ξ = φ(0), since taking derivative at s = 0 in the relation

φ(t+ s) = φ(t) · φ(s) gives φ(t) = Xφ(0) (φ(t)) ,

so φ = γξ since both equal e at t = 0. Therefore, all one–parameter subgroups of Gare of the form γξ(t) for some ξ ∈ g.

4.4 Exponential Map

The map exp : g → G, given by (see, e.g. [3, 8, 9]):

exp(ξ) = γξ(1), exp(0) = e

is called the exponential map of the Lie algebra g of G into G. exp is a Ck−-map, similar to the projection π of tangent and cotangent bundles; exp is locally adiffeomorphism from a neighborhood of zero in g onto a neighborhood of e in G; iff : G→ H is a smooth hom*omorphism of Lie groups, then

f expG = expH Tef .

Also, in this caseexp(sξ) = γξ(s).

Indeed, for fixed s ∈ R, the curve t 7→ γξ(ts), which at t = 0 passes through e,satisfies the differential equation


dtγξ(ts) = sXξ



= Xsξ





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Since γsξ(t) satisfies the same differential equation and passes through e at t = 0, itfollows that γsξ(t) = γξ(st). Putting t = 1 induces exp(sξ) = γξ(s).

Hence exp maps the line sξ in g onto the one–parameter subgroup γξ(s) of G,

which is tangent to ξ at e. It follows from left invariance that the flow F ξt of X

satisfies F ξt (g) = g exp(sξ).Globally, the exponential map exp is a natural operation, i.e., for any morphism

ϕ : G → H of Lie groups G and H and a Lie functor F , the following diagramcommutes:

G Hϕ

F(G) F(H)F(ϕ)



Let G1 and G2 be Lie groups with Lie algebras g1 and g2. Then G1 × G2 is aLie group with Lie algebra g1 × g2, and the exponential map is given by:

exp : g1 × g2 → G1 ×G2, (ξ1, ξ2) 7→ (exp1(ξ1), exp2(ξ2)) .

For example, in case of a nD vector space, or infinite–dimensional Banach space,the exponential map is the identity.

The unit circle in the complex plane S1 = z ∈ C : |z| = 1 is an Abelian Liegroup under multiplication. The tangent space TeS

1 is the imaginary axis, and weidentify R with TeS

1 by t 7→ 2πit. With this identification, the exponential mapexp : R → S1 is given by exp(t) = e2πit.

The nD torus T n = S1×···×S1 (n times) is an Abelian Lie group. The exponen-tial map exp : Rn → T n is given by

exp(t1, ..., tn) = (e2πit1 , ..., e2πitn).

Since S1 = R/Z, it follows that T n = Rn/Zn, the projection Rn → T n being givenby the exp map.

4.5 Adjoint Representation

For every g ∈ G, the map (see, e.g. [1, 3, 8, 9]):

Adg = Te(

Rg−1 Lg)

: g → g

is called the adjoint map, or adjoint operator associated with g.For each ξ ∈ g and g ∈ G we have

exp (Adgξ) = g (exp ξ) g−1.


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The relation between the adjoint map and the Lie bracket is the following: Forall ξ, η ∈ g we have




Adexp(tξ)η = [ξ, η].

Left and right translations induce operators on the cotangent space T ∗Gg dualto Lg∗ and Rg∗, denoted by (for every h ∈ G):

L∗g : T

∗Ggh → T ∗Gh, R∗g : T

∗Ghg → T ∗Gh.

The transpose operators Ad∗g : g → g satisfy the relations Ad∗gh = Ad∗hAd∗g (for every

g, h ∈ G) and constitute the co-adjoint representation of the Lie group G. Theco-adjoint representation plays an important role in all questions related to (left)invariant metrics on the Lie group. According to A. Kirillov, the orbit of any vectorfield X in a Lie algebra g in a co-adjoint representation Ad∗g is itself a symplecticmanifold and therefore a phase space for a Hamiltonian mechanical system.

A Lie subgroup H of G is a subgroup H of G which is also a submanifold ofG. Then h is a Lie subalgebra of g and moreover h = ξ ∈ g| exp(tξ) ∈ H, for allt ∈ R.

One can characterize Lebesgue measure up to a multiplicative constant on Rn byits invariance under translations. Similarly, on a locally compact group there is aunique (up to a nonzero multiplicative constant) left–invariant measure, called Haar

measure. For Lie groups the existence of such measures is especially simple: Let G bea Lie group. Then there is a volume form Ub5, unique up to nonzero multiplicativeconstants, that is left–invariant. If G is compact, Ub5 is right invariant as well.

4.6 Actions of Lie Groups on Smooth Manifolds

Let M be a smooth manifold. An action of a Lie group G (with the unit elemente) on M is a smooth map φ : G ×M → M, such that for all x ∈ M and g, h ∈ G,(i) φ(e, x) = x and (ii) φ (g, φ(h, x)) = φ(gh, x). In other words, letting φg : x ∈M 7→ φg(x) = φ(g, x) ∈ M , we have (i’) φe = idM and (ii’) φg φh = φgh. φg is adiffeomorphism, since (φg)

−1 = φg−1 . We say that the map g ∈ G 7→ φg ∈ Diff(M)is a hom*omorphism of G into the group of diffeomorphisms of M . In case that Mis a vector space and each φg is a linear operator, the function of G on M is calleda representation of G on M (see, e.g. [1, 3, 8, 9]).

An action φ of G onM is said to be transitive group action, if for every x, y ∈M ,there is g ∈ G such that φ(g, x) = y; effective group action, if φg = idM implies g = e,that is g 7→ φg is 1–1; and free group action, if for each x ∈M , g 7→ φg(x) is 1–1.

For example,


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1. G = R acts on M = R by translations; explicitly,

φ : G×M →M, φ(s, x) = x+ s.

Then for x ∈ R, Ox = R. Hence M/G is a single point, and the action istransitive and free.

2. A complete flow φt of a vector–field X onM gives an action of R onM , namely

(t, x) ∈ R×M 7→ φt(x) ∈M.

3. Left translation Lg : G→ G defines an effective action of G on itself. It is alsotransitive.

4. The coadjoint action of G on g∗ is given by

Ad∗ : (g, α) ∈ G× g∗ 7→ Ad∗g−1(α) =(

Te(Rg−1 Lg))∗α ∈ g∗.

Let φ be an action of G on M . For x ∈M the orbit of x is defined by

Ox = φg(x)|g ∈ G ⊂M

and the isotropy group of φ at x is given by

Gx = g ∈ G|φ(g, x) = x ⊂ G.

An action φ of G on a manifold M defines an equivalence relation on M by therelation belonging to the same orbit; explicitly, for x, y ∈M , we write x ∼ y if thereexists a g ∈ G such that φ(g, x) = y, that is, if y ∈ Ox. The set of all orbits M/G iscalled the group orbit space (see, e.g. [1, 3, 8, 9]).

For example, let M = R2\0, G = SO(2), the group of rotations in plane, andthe action of G on M given by


cos θ − sin θsin θ cos θ


, (x, y)


7−→ (x cos θ − y sin θ, x sin θ + y cos θ).

The action is always free and effective, and the orbits are concentric circles, thus theorbit space is M/G ≃ R∗

+.A crucial concept in mechanics is the infinitesimal description of an action. Let

φ : G×M →M be an action of a Lie group G on a smooth manifold M . For eachξ ∈ g,

φξ : R×M →M, φξ(t, x) = φ (exp(tξ), x)


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is an R−-action onM . Therefore, φexp(tξ) :M →M is a flow onM ; the correspond-ing vector–field on M , given by

ξM (x) =d




is called the infinitesimal generator of the action, corresponding to ξ in g.The tangent space at x to an orbit Ox is given by

TxOx = ξM (x)|ξ ∈ g.

Let φ : G ×M → M be a smooth G − −action. For all g ∈ G, all ξ, η ∈ g andall α, β ∈ R, we have:

(Adgξ)M = φ∗g−1ξM , [ξM , ηM ] = − [ξ, η]M , and (αξ + βη)M = αξM + βηM .Let M be a smooth manifold, G a Lie group and φ : G ×M → M a G−action

on M . We say that a smooth map f : M → M is with respect to this action if forall g ∈ G,

f φg = φg f .Let f :M →M be an equivariant smooth map. Then for any ξ ∈ g we have

Tf ξM = ξM f.

4.7 Basic Tables of Lie Groups and Their Lie Algebras

One classifies Lie groups regarding their algebraic properties (simple, semisimple,solvable, nilpotent, Abelian), their connectedness (connected or simply connected)and their compactness (see Tables A.1–A.3). This is the content of the Hilbert 5th



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Some real Lie groups and their Lie algebras:


Description Remarks Liealgb.

Description dim/R

Rn Euclidean spacewith addition

Abelian, simplyconnected, notcompact

Rn the Lie bracketis zero


R× nonzero realnumbers withmultiplication

Abelian, notconnected, notcompact

R the Lie bracketis zero


R>0 positive realnumbers withmultiplication

Abelian, simplyconnected, notcompact

R the Lie bracketis zero


S1 =R/Z

complex num-bers of absolutevalue 1, withmultiplication

Abelian, con-nected, not sim-ply connected,compact

R the Lie bracketis zero


H× non–zeroquaternionswith multiplica-tion

simply con-nected, notcompact

H quaternions,with Lie bracketthe commutator


S3 quaternions ofabsolute value1, with mul-tiplication; a3−sphere

simply con-nected, com-pact, simpleand semi–simple, isomor-phic to SU(2),SO(3) and toSpin(3)

R3 real 3−vectors,with Lie bracketthe cross prod-uct; isomorphicto su(2) and toso(3)


GL(n,R) general lineargroup: invert-ible n−by-nreal matrices

not connected,not compact

M(n,R) n−by-n matri-ces, with Liebracket thecommutator


GL+(n,R) n−by-n realmatrices withpositive deter-minant

simply con-nected, notcompact

M(n,R) n−by-n matri-ces, with Liebracket thecommutator



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Classical real Lie groups and their Lie algebras:


Description Remarks Liealgb.

Description dim/R

SL(n,R) special lineargroup: realmatrices withdeterminant 1

simply con-nected, notcompact ifn > 1

sl(n,R) square matriceswith trace 0,with Lie bracketthe commutator


O(n,R) orthogonalgroup: realorthogonalmatrices

not connected,compact

so(n,R) skew–symmetricsquare realmatrices, withLie bracketthe commuta-tor; so(3,R) isisomorphic tosu(2) and to R3

with the crossproduct


SO(n,R) special orthogo-nal group: realorthogonal ma-trices with de-terminant 1

connected, com-pact, for n ≥ 2:not simply con-nected, for n =3 and n ≥5: simple andsemisimple

so(n,R) skew–symmetricsquare realmatrices, withLie bracket thecommutator


Spin(n) spinor group simply con-nected, com-pact, for n = 3and n ≥ 5:simple andsemisimple

so(n,R) skew–symmetricsquare realmatrices, withLie bracket thecommutator


U(n) unitary group:complex unitaryn−by-n matri-ces

isomorphic toS1 for n = 1,not simplyconnected,compact

u(n) square com-plex matricesA satisfyingA = −A∗, withLie bracket thecommutator


SU(n) special unitarygroup: complexunitary n−by-nmatrices withdeterminant 1

simply con-nected, com-pact, for n ≥ 2:simple andsemisimple

su(n) square complexmatrices A withtrace 0 satisfy-ing A = −A∗,with Lie bracketthe commutator



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Basic complex Lie groups and their Lie algebras:10


Description Remarks Liealgb.

Description dim/C

Cn group operationis addition

Abelian, simplyconnected, notcompact

Cn the Lie bracketis zero


C× nonzero com-plex numberswith multiplica-tion

Abelian, notsimply con-nected, notcompact

C the Lie bracketis zero


GL(n,C) general lineargroup: invert-ible n−by-ncomplex matri-ces

simply con-nected, notcompact, forn = 1: iso-morphic toC×

M(n,C) n−by-n matri-ces, with Liebracket thecommutator


SL(n,C) special lineargroup: complexmatrices withdeterminant 1

simple,semisimple,simply con-nected, forn ≥ 2: notcompact

sl(n,C) square matriceswith trace 0,with Lie bracketthe commutator


O(n,C) orthogonalgroup: com-plex orthogonalmatrices

not connected,for n ≥ 2: notcompact

so(n,C) skew–symmetricsquare complexmatrices, withLie bracket thecommutator


SO(n,C) special orthogo-nal group: com-plex orthogonalmatrices withdeterminant 1

for n ≥ 2:not compact,not simplyconnected, forn = 3 andn ≥ 5: simpleand semisimple

so(n,C) skew–symmetricsquare complexmatrices, withLie bracket thecommutator


4.8 Representations of Lie groups

The idea of a representation of a Lie group plays an important role in the study ofcontinuous symmetry (see, e.g., [22]). A great deal is known about such representa-tions, a basic tool in their study being the use of the corresponding ’infinitesimal’representations of Lie algebras.

Formally, a representation of a Lie group G on a vector space V (over a field K)

10The dimensions given are dimensions over C. Note that every complex Lie group/algebra canalso be viewed as a real Lie group/algebra of twice the dimension.


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is a group hom*omorphism G → Aut(V ) from G to the automorphism group of V .If a basis for the vector space V is chosen, the representation can be expressed as ahom*omorphism into GL(n,K). This is known as a matrix representation.

On the Lie algebra level, there is a corresponding linear map from the Lie algebraof G to End(V ) preserving the Lie bracket [·, ·].

If the hom*omorphism is in fact an monomorphism, the representation is said tobe faithful.

A unitary representation is defined in the same way, except that G maps tounitary matrices; the Lie algebra will then map to skew–Hermitian matrices.

Now, if G is a semisimple group, its finite–dimensional representations can bedecomposed as direct sums of irreducible representations. The irreducibles are in-dexed by highest weight; the allowable (dominant) highest weights satisfy a suitablepositivity condition. In particular, there exists a set of fundamental weights, indexedby the vertices of the Dynkin diagram of G (see below), such that dominant weightsare simply non–negative integer linear combinations of the fundamental weights.

If G is a commutative compact Lie group, then its irreducible representationsare simply the continuous characters of G. A quotient representation is a quotientmodule of the group ring.

4.9 Root Systems and Dynkin Diagrams

A root system is a special configuration in Euclidean space that has turned out tobe fundamental in Lie theory as well as in its applications. Also, the classificationscheme for root systems, by Dynkin diagrams, occurs in parts of mathematics withno overt connection to Lie groups (such as singularity theory, see e.g., [22]).

4.9.1 Definitions

Formally, a root system is a finite set Φ of non–zero vectors (roots) spanning afinite–dimensional Euclidean space V and satisfying the following properties:

1. The only scalar multiples of a root α in V which belong to Φ are α itself and-α.

2. For every root α in V , the set Φ is symmetric under reflection through thehyperplane of vectors perpendicular to α.

3. If α and β are vectors in Φ, the projection of 2β onto the line through α is aninteger multiple of α.

The rank of a root system Φ is the dimension of V . Two root systems maybe combined by regarding the Euclidean spaces they span as mutually orthogonal


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subspaces of a common Euclidean space. A root system which does not arise fromsuch a combination, such as the systems A2, B2, and G2 in Figure 3, is said to beirreducible.

Two irreducible root systems (V1,Φ1) and (V2,Φ2) are considered to be the sameif there is an invertible linear transformation V1 → V2 which preserves distance upto a scale factor and which sends Φ1 to Φ2.

The group of isometries of V generated by reflections through hyperplanes as-sociated to the roots of Φ is called the Weyl group of Φ as it acts faithfully on thefinite set Φ, the Weyl group is always finite.

4.9.2 Classification

It is not too difficult to classify the root systems of rank 2 (see Figure 3).

Figure 3: Classification of root systems of rank 2.

Whenever Φ is a root system in V and W is a subspace of V spanned by Ψ =Φ ∩W , then Ψ is a root system in W . Thus, our exhaustive list of root systemsof rank 2 shows the geometric possibilities for any two roots in a root system. Inparticular, two such roots meet at an angle of 0, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 135, 150, or 180degrees.

In general, irreducible root systems are specified by a family (indicated by aletter A to G) and the rank (indicated by a subscript n). There are four infinite


• An (n ≥ 1), which corresponds to the special unitary group, SU(n+ 1);

• Bn (n ≥ 2), which corresponds to the special orthogonal group, SO(2n+ 1);

• Cn (n ≥ 3), which corresponds to the symplectic group, Sp(2n);

• Dn (n ≥ 4), which corresponds to the special orthogonal group, SO(2n),

as well as five exceptional cases: E6, E7, E8, F4, G2.


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4.9.3 Dynkin Diagrams

A Dynkin diagram is a graph with a few different kinds of possible edges (see Figure4). The connected components of the graph correspond to the irreducible subalge-bras of g. So a simple Lie algebra’s Dynkin diagram has only one component. Therules are restrictive. In fact, there are only certain possibilities for each component,corresponding to the classification of semi–simple Lie algebras (see, e.g., [26]).

Figure 4: The problem of classifying irreducible root systems reduces to the problemof classifying connected Dynkin diagrams.

The roots of a complex Lie algebra form a lattice of rank k in a Cartan subalgebra

h ⊂ g, where k is the Lie algebra rank of g. Hence, the root lattice can be considereda lattice in Rk. A vertex, or node, in the Dynkin diagram is drawn for each Lie

algebra simple root, which corresponds to a generator of the root lattice. Betweentwo nodes α and β, an edge is drawn if the simple roots are not perpendicular. Oneline is drawn if the angle between them is 2π/3, two lines if the angle is 3π/4, andthree lines are drawn if the angle is 5π/6. There are no other possible angles betweenLie algebra simple roots. Alternatively, the number of lines N between the simpleroots α and β is given by

N = AαβAβα =2 〈α, β〉|α|2

2 〈β, α〉|β|2 = 4cos2 θ,

where Aαβ = 2〈α,β〉|α|2

is an entry in the Cartan matrix (Aαβ) (for details on Cartan

matrix see, e.g., [22]). In a Dynkin diagram, an arrow is drawn from the longer rootto the shorter root (when the angle is 3π/4 or 5π/6).

Here are some properties of admissible Dynkin diagrams:

1. A diagram obtained by removing a node from an admissible diagram is admis-sible.

2. An admissible diagram has no loops.

3. No node has more than three lines attached to it.


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4. A sequence of nodes with only two single lines can be collapsed to give anadmissible diagram.

5. The only connected diagram with a triple line has two nodes.

A Coxeter–Dynkin diagram, also called a Coxeter graph, is the same as a Dynkindiagram, but without the arrows. The Coxeter diagram is sufficient to characterizethe algebra, as can be seen by enumerating connected diagrams.

The simplest way to recover a simple Lie algebra from its Dynkin diagram is tofirst reconstruct its Cartan matrix (Aij). The ith node and jth node are connectedby AijAji lines. Since Aij = 0 iff Aji = 0, and otherwise Aij ∈ −3,−2,−1, it iseasy to find Aij and Aji, up to order, from their product. The arrow in the diagramindicates which is larger. For example, if node 1 and node 2 have two lines betweenthem, from node 1 to node 2, then A12 = −1 and A21 = −2.

However, it is worth pointing out that each simple Lie algebra can be constructedconcretely. For instance, the infinite families An, Bn, Cn, and Dn correspond tothe special linear Lie algebra gl(n + 1,C), the odd orthogonal Lie algebra so(2n +1,C), the symplectic Lie algebra sp(2n,C), and the even orthogonal Lie algebraso(2n,C). The other simple Lie algebras are called exceptional Lie algebras, andhave constructions related to the octonions.

To prove this classification Theorem, one uses the angles between pairs of roots toencode the root system in a much simpler combinatorial object, the Dynkin diagram.The Dynkin diagrams can then be classified according to the scheme given above.

To every root system is associated a corresponding Dynkin diagram. Otherwise,the Dynkin diagram can be extracted from the root system by choosing a base, thatis a subset ∆ of Φ which is a basis of V with the special property that every vectorin Φ when written in the basis ∆ has either all coefficients ≥ 0 or else all ≤ 0.

The vertices of the Dynkin diagram correspond to vectors in ∆. An edge isdrawn between each non–orthogonal pair of vectors; it is a double edge if they makean angle of 135 degrees, and a triple edge if they make an angle of 150 degrees. Inaddition, double and triple edges are marked with an angle sign pointing toward theshorter vector.

Although a given root system has more than one base, the Weyl group actstransitively on the set of bases. Therefore, the root system determines the Dynkindiagram. Given two root systems with the same Dynkin diagram, we can match uproots, starting with the roots in the base, and show that the systems are in fact thesame.

Thus the problem of classifying root systems reduces to the problem of classifyingpossible Dynkin diagrams, and the problem of classifying irreducible root systemsreduces to the problem of classifying connected Dynkin diagrams. Dynkin diagrams


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encode the inner product on E in terms of the basis ∆, and the condition that thisinner product must be positive definite turns out to be all that is needed to get thedesired classification (see Figure 4).

In detail, the individual root systems can be realized case–by–case, as in thefollowing paragraphs:

An. Let V be the subspace of Rn+1 for which the coordinates sum to 0, andlet Φ be the set of vectors in V of length

√2 and with integer coordinates in Rn+1.

Such a vector must have all but two coordinates equal to 0, one coordinate equal to1, and one equal to -1, so there are n2 + n roots in all.

Bn. Let V = Rn, and let Φ consist of all integer vectors in V of length 1 or√2.

The total number of roots is 2n2.Cn: Let V = Rn, and let Φ consist of all integer vectors in V of

√2 together

with all vectors of the form 2λ, where λ is an integer vector of length 1. The totalnumber of roots is 2n2. The total number of roots is 2n2.

Dn. Let V = Rn, and let Φ consist of all integer vectors in V of length√2. The

total number of roots is 2n(n− 1).En. For V8, let V = R8, and let E8 denote the set of vectors α of length


such that the coordinates of 2α are all integers and are either all even or all odd.Then E7 can be constructed as the intersection of E8 with the hyperplane of vectorsperpendicular to a fixed root α in E8, and E6 can be constructed as the intersectionof E8 with two such hyperplanes corresponding to roots α and β which are neitherorthogonal to one another nor scalar multiples of one another. The root systemsE6, E7, and E8 have 72, 126, and 240 roots respectively.

F4. For F4, let V = R4, and let Φ denote the set of vectors α of length 1 or√2

such that the coordinates of 2α are all integers and are either all even or all odd.There are 48 roots in this system.

G2. There are 12 roots in G2, which form the vertices of a hexagram.

4.9.4 Irreducible Root Systems

Irreducible root systems classify a number of related objects in Lie theory, notably:

1. Simple complex Lie algebras;

2. Simple complex Lie groups;

3. Simply connected complex Lie groups which are simple modulo centers; and

4. Simple compact Lie groups.

In each case, the roots are non–zero weights of the adjoint representation.A root system can also be said to describe a plant’s root and associated systems.


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4.10 Simple and Semisimple Lie Groups and Algebras

A simple Lie group is a Lie group which is also a simple group. These groups, andgroups closely related to them, include many of the so–called classical groups ofgeometry, which lie behind projective geometry and other geometries derived fromit by the Erlangen programme of Felix Klein. They also include some exceptional

groups, that were first discovered by those pursuing the classification of simple Liegroups. The exceptional groups account for many special examples and configu-rations in other branches of mathematics. In particular the classification of finitesimple groups depended on a thorough prior knowledge of the ‘exceptional’ possi-bilities.

The complete listing of the simple Lie groups is the basis for the theory of thesemisimple Lie groups and reductive groups, and their representation theory. Thishas turned out not only to be a major extension of the theory of compact Lie groups(and their representation theory), but to be of basic significance in mathematicalphysics.

Such groups are classified using the prior classification of the complex simpleLie algebras. It has been shown that a simple Lie group has a simple Lie algebrathat will occur on the list given there, once it is complexified (that is, made into acomplex vector space rather than a real one). This reduces the classification to twofurther matters.

The groups SO(p, q,R) and SO(p+ q,R), for example, give rise to different realLie algebras, but having the same Dynkin diagram. In general there may be differentreal forms of the same complex Lie algebra.

Secondly, the Lie algebra only determines uniquely the simply connected (uni-versal) cover G∗ of the component containing the identity of a Lie group G. It maywell happen that G∗ is not actually a simple group, for example having a non–trivialcenter. We have therefore to worry about the global topology, by computing thefundamental group of G (an Abelian group: a Lie group is an H−space). This wasdone by Elie Cartan.

For an example, take the special orthogonal groups in even dimension. With−I a scalar matrix in the center, these are not actually simple groups; and havinga two–fold spin cover, they aren’t simply–connected either. They lie ‘between’ G∗

and G, in the notation above.Recall that a semisimple module is a module in which each submodule is a direct

summand. In particular, a semisimple representation is completely reducible, i.e.,is a direct sum of irreducible representations (under a descending chain condition).Similarly, one speaks of an Abelian category as being semisimple when every objecthas the corresponding property. Also, a semisimple ring is one that is semisimple asa module over itself.


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A semisimple matrix is diagonalizable over any algebraically closed field contain-ing its entries. In practice this means that it has a diagonal matrix as its Jordannormal form.

A Lie algebra g is called semisimple when it is a direct sum of simple Lie algebras,i.e., non–trivial Lie algebras L whose only ideals are 0 and L itself. An equivalentcondition is that the Killing form

B(X,Y ) = Tr(Ad(X)Ad(Y ))

is non–degenerate [27]. The following properties can be proved equivalent for afinite–dimensional algebra L over a field of characteristic 0:

1. L is semisimple.2. L has no nonzero Abelian ideal.3. L has zero radical (the radical is the biggest solvable ideal).4. Every representation of L is fully reducible, i.e., is a sum of irreducible repre-

sentations.5. L is a (finite) direct product of simple Lie algebras (a Lie algebra is called

simple if it is not Abelian and has no nonzero ideal ).A connected Lie group is called semisimple when its Lie algebra is semisimple;

and the same holds for algebraic groups. Every finite dimensional representationof a semisimple Lie algebra, Lie group, or algebraic group in characteristic 0 issemisimple, i.e., completely reducible, but the converse is not true. Moreover, incharacteristic p > 0, semisimple Lie groups and Lie algebras have finite dimensionalrepresentations which are not semisimple. An element of a semisimple Lie group orLie algebra is itself semisimple if its image in every finite–dimensional representationis semisimple in the sense of matrices.

Every semisimple Lie algebra g can be classified by its Dynkin diagram [22].

5 Some Classical Examples of Lie Groups

5.1 Galilei Group

The Galilei group is the group of transformations in space and time that connectthose Cartesian systems that are termed ‘inertial frames’ in Newtonian mechanics.The most general relationship between two such frames is the following. The originof the time scale in the inertial frame S′ may be shifted compared with that in S;the orientation of the Cartesian axes in S′ may be different from that in S; theorigin O of the Cartesian frame in S′ may be moving relative to the origin O in Sat a uniform velocity. The transition from S to S′ involves ten parameters; thus theGalilei group is a ten parameter group. The basic assumption inherent in Galilei–Newtonian relativity is that there is an absolute time scale, so that the only way


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in which the time variables used by two different ‘inertial observers’ could possiblydiffer is that the zero of time for one of them may be shifted relative to the zero oftime for the other (see, e.g. [1, 8, 9]).

Galilei space–time structure involves the following three elements:

1. World, as a 4D affine space A4. The points of A4 are called world points orevents. The parallel transitions of the world A4 form a linear (i.e., Euclidean)space R4.

2. Time, as a linear map t : R4 → R of the linear space of the world paralleltransitions onto the real ‘time axes’. Time interval from the event a ∈ A4 tob ∈ A4 is called the number t(b−a); if t(b−a) = 0 then the events a and b arecalled synchronous. The set of all mutually synchronous events consists a 3Daffine space A3, being a subspace of the world A4. The kernel of the mappingt consists of the parallel transitions of A4 translating arbitrary (and every)event to the synchronous one; it is a linear 3D subspace R3 of the space R4.

3. Distance (metric) between the synchronous events,

ρ(a, b) =‖ a− b ‖, for all a, b ∈ A3,

given by the scalar product in R3. The distance transforms arbitrary space ofsynchronous events into the well known 3D Euclidean space E3.

The space A4, with the Galilei space–time structure on it, is called Galilei space.Galilei group is the group of all possible transformations of the Galilei space, pre-serving its structure. The elements of the Galilei group are called Galilei transfor-mations. Therefore, Galilei transformations are affine transformations of the worldA4 preserving the time intervals and distances between the synchronous events.

The direct product R × R3, of the time axes with the 3D linear space R3 witha fixed Euclidean structure, has a natural Galilei structure. It is called Galileicoordinate system.

5.2 General Linear Group

The group of linear isomorphisms of Rn to Rn is a Lie group of dimension n2, calledthe general linear group and denoted Gl(n,R). It is a smooth manifold, since it isa subset of the vector space L(Rn,Rn) of all linear maps of Rn to Rn, as Gl(n,R)is the inverse image of R\0 under the continuous map A 7→ detA of L(Rn,Rn) toR. The group operation is composition (see, e.g. [1, 3, 8, 9]).

(A,B) ∈ Gl(n,R)×Gl(n,R) 7→ A B ∈ Gl(n,R)


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and the inverse map is

A ∈ Gl(n,R) 7→ A−1 ∈ Gl(n,R).

If we choose a basis in Rn, we can represent each element A ∈ Gl(n,R) by aninvertible (n× n)−-matrix. The group operation is then matrix multiplication andthe inversion is matrix inversion. The identity is the identity matrix In. The groupoperations are smooth since the formulas for the product and inverse of matrices aresmooth in the matrix components.

The Lie algebra of Gl(n,R) is gl(n), the vector space L(Rn,Rn) of all lineartransformations of Rn, with the commutator bracket

[A,B] = AB −BA.

For every A ∈ L(Rn,Rn),

γA : t ∈ R 7→γA(t) =




i!Ai ∈ Gl(n,R)

is a one–parameter subgroup of Gl(n,R), because

γA(0) = I and γA(t) =∞∑



(i− 1)!Ai = γA(t)A

Hence γA is an integral curve of the left–invariant vector–field XA. Therefore, theexponential map is given by

exp : A ∈ L(Rn,Rn) 7→ exp(A) ≡ eA = γA(1) =∞∑



i!∈ Gl(n,R).

For each A ∈ Gl(n,R) the corresponding adjoint map

AdA : L(Rn,Rn) → L(Rn,Rn)

is given byAdAB = A ·B ·A−1.

5.3 Rotational Lie Groups in Human/Humanoid Biomechanics

Local kinematics at each rotational robot or (synovial) human joint, is defined asa group action of an nD constrained rotational Lie group SO(n) on the Euclideanspace Rn. In particular, there is an action of SO(2)−-group in uniaxial human joints


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(cylindrical, or hinge joints, like knee and elbow) and an action of SO(3)−-groupin three–axial human joints (spherical, or ball–and–socket joints, like hip, shoulder,neck, wrist and ankle). In both cases, SO(n) acts, with its operators of rotation,on the vector x = xµ, (i = 1, 2, 3) of external, Cartesian coordinates of the parentbody–segment, depending, at the same time, on the vector q = qs, (s = 1, · · · , n)on n group–parameters, i.e., joint angles (see [5, 6, 8, 9]).

Each joint rotation R ∈ SO(n) defines a map

R : xµ 7→ xµ, R(xµ, qs) = Rqsxµ,

where Rqs ∈ SO(n) are joint group operators. The vector v = vs, (s = 1, · · · , n)of n infinitesimal generators of these rotations, i.e., joint angular velocities, given by

vs = −[

∂R(xµ, qs)





constitute an nD Lie algebra so(n) corresponding to the joint rotation group SO(n).Conversely, each joint group operator Rqs , representing a one–parameter subgroup ofSO(n), is defined as the exponential map of the corresponding joint group generatorvs

Rqs = exp(qsvs)

This exponential map represents a solution of the joint operator differential equationin the joint group–parameter space qs


dqs= vsRqs .

5.3.1 Uniaxial Group of Joint Rotations

The uniaxial joint rotation in a single Cartesian plane around a perpendicular axis,e.g., xy−plane about the z axis, by an internal joint angle θ, leads to the followingtransformation of the joint coordinates:

x′ = x cos θ − y sin θ, y′ = x sin θ + y cos θ.

In this way, the joint SO(2)−group, given by

SO(2) =

Rθ =


cos θ − sin θsin θ cos θ


|θ ∈ [0, 2π]


acts in a canonical way on the Euclidean plane R2 by

SO(2) =


cos θ − sin θsin θ cos θ







x cos θ −y sin θx sin θ y cos θ




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Its associated Lie algebra so(2) is given by

so(2) =


0 −tt 0


|t ∈ R


since the curve γθ ∈ SO(2) given by

γθ : t ∈ R 7−→ γθ(t) =


cos tθ − sin tθsin tθ cos tθ


∈ SO(2),

passes through the identity I2 =


1 00 1


and then




γθ(t) =


0 −θθ 0



so that I2 is a basis of so(2), since dim (SO(2)) = 1.The exponential map exp : so(2) → SO(2) is given by



0 −θθ 0


= γθ(1) =


cos tθ − sin tθsin tθ cos tθ



The infinitesimal generator of the action of SO(2) on R2, i.e., joint angularvelocity v, is given by

v = −y ∂∂x

+ x∂



vR2 (x, y) =d



exp(tv) (x, y) =d




cos tv − sin tvsin tv cos tv





The momentum map J : T ∗R2 → R associated to the lifted action of SO(2) onT ∗R2 ≃ R4 is given by

J (x, y, p1, p2) = xpy − ypx, since

J (x, y, px, py) (ξ) = (pxdx+ pydy)(vR2) = −vpxy +−vpyx.

The Lie group SO(2) acts on the symplectic manifold (R4, ω = dpx∧dx+dpy∧dx)by



cos θ − sin θsin θ cos θ


, (x, y, px, py)


= (x cos θ − y sin θ, x sin θ + y cos θ, px cos θ − py sin θ, px sin θ + py cos θ) .


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5.3.2 Three–Axial Group of Joint Rotations

The three–axial SO(3)−group of human–like joint rotations depends on three pa-rameters, Euler joint angles qi = (ϕ,ψ, θ), defining the rotations about the Cartesiancoordinate triedar (x, y, z) placed at the joint pivot point. Each of the Euler anglesare defined in the constrained range (−π, π), so the joint group space is a constrainedsphere of radius π (see [5, 6, 8, 9]).

Let G = SO(3) = A ∈ M3×3(R) : AtA = I3,det(A) = 1 be the groupof rotations in R3. It is a Lie group and dim(G) = 3. Let us isolate its one–parameter joint subgroups, i.e., consider the three operators of the finite joint rota-tions Rϕ, Rψ, Rθ ∈ SO(3), given by

Rϕ =

1 0 00 cosϕ − sinϕ0 sinϕ cosϕ

, Rψ =

cosψ 0 sinψ0 1 0

− sinψ 0 cosψ

, Rθ =

cos θ − sin θ 0sin θ cos θ 00 0 1

corresponding respectively to rotations about x−axis by an angle ϕ, about y−axisby an angle ψ, and about z−axis by an angle θ.

The total three–axial joint rotation A is defined as the product of above one–parameter rotations Rϕ, Rψ, Rθ, i.e., A = Rϕ ·Rψ ·Rθ is equal11

A =

cosψ cosϕ− cos θ sinϕ sinψ cosψ cosϕ+ cos θ cosϕ sinψ sin θ sinψ− sinψ cosϕ− cos θ sinϕ sinψ − sinψ sinϕ+ cos θ cosϕ cosψ sin θ cosψ

sin θ sinϕ − sin θ cosϕ cos θ


However, the order of these matrix products matters: different order products givedifferent results, as the matrix product is noncommutative product. This is thereason why Hamilton’s quaternions12 are today commonly used to parameterize theSO(3)−group, especially in the field of 3D computer graphics.

The one–parameter rotations Rϕ, Rψ, Rθ define curves in SO(3) starting from

I3 =


1 0 00 1 00 0 1


. Their derivatives in ϕ = 0, ψ = 0 and θ = 0 belong to the asso-

ciated tangent Lie algebra so(3). That is the corresponding infinitesimal generatorsof joint rotations – joint angular velocities vϕ, vψ, vθ ∈ so(3) – are respectively given

11Note that this product is noncommutative, so it really depends on the order of multiplications.12Recall that the set of Hamilton’s quaternions H represents an extension of the set of complex

numbers C. We can compute a rotation about the unit vector, u by an angle θ. The quaternion qthat computes this rotation is

q =



2, u sin






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vϕ =


0 0 00 0 −10 1 0


= −y ∂∂z

+ z∂

∂y, vψ =


0 0 10 0 0−1 0 0


= −z ∂∂x

+ x∂


vθ =


0 −1 01 1 00 0 0


= −x ∂∂y

+ y∂


Moreover, the elements are linearly independent and so

so(3) =

0 −a ba 0 −γ−b γ 0

|a, b, γ ∈ R


The Lie algebra so(3) is identified with R3 by associating to each v = (vϕ, vψ, vθ) ∈

R3 the matrix v ∈ so(3) given by v =


0 −a ba 0 −γ−b γ 0


. Then we have the following


1. u× v = [u, v]; and

2. u · v = −12 Tr(u · v).

The exponential map exp : so(3) → SO(3) is given by Rodrigues relation

exp(v) = I +sin ‖v‖‖v‖ v +




sin ‖v‖2




where the norm ‖v‖ is given by

‖v‖ =√

(v1)2 + (v2)2 + (v3)2.

The the dual, cotangent Lie algebra so(3)∗, includes the three joint angular mo-menta pϕ, pψ, pθ ∈ so(3)∗, derived from the joint velocities v by multiplying themwith corresponding moments of inertia.

Note that the parameterization of SO(3)−rotations is the subject of continuousresearch and development in many theoretical and applied fields of mechanics, suchas rigid body, structural, and multibody dynamics, robotics, spacecraft attitudedynamics, navigation, image processing, etc.


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5.3.3 The Heavy Top

Consider a rigid body moving with a fixed point but under the influence of gravity.This problem still has a configuration space SO(3), but the symmetry group is onlythe circle group S1, consisting of rotations about the direction of gravity. One saysthat gravity has broken the symmetry from SO(3) to S1. This time, eliminating theS1 symmetry mysteriously leads one to the larger Euclidean group SE(3) of rigidmotion of R3. Conversely, we can start with SE(3) as the configuration space forthe rigid–body and ‘reduce out’ translations to arrive at SO(3) as the configurationspace. The equations of motion for a rigid body with a fixed point in a gravitationalfield give an interesting example of a system that is Hamiltonian. The underlyingLie algebra consists of the algebra of infinitesimal Euclidean motions in R3 (see[1, 3, 8, 9]).

The basic phase–space we start with is again T ∗SO(3), parameterized by Eulerangles and their conjugate momenta. In these variables, the equations are in canon-ical Hamiltonian form. However, the presence of gravity breaks the symmetry, andthe system is no longer SO(3) invariant, so it cannot be written entirely in terms ofthe body angular momentum p. One also needs to keep track of Γ, the ‘direction ofgravity’ as seen from the body. This is defined by Γ = A−1k, where k points upwardand A is the element of SO(3) describing the current configuration of the body. Theequations of motion are

p1 =I2 − I3I2I3

p2p3 +Mgl(Γ2χ3 − Γ3χ2),

p2 =I3 − I1I3I1

p3p1 +Mgl(Γ3χ1 − Γ1χ3),

p3 =I1 − I2I1I2

p1p2 +Mgl(Γ1χ2 − Γ2χ1),

and Γ = Γ×Ω,

where Ω is the body’s angular velocity vector, I1, I2, I3 are the body’s principalmoments of inertia, M is the body’s mass, g is the acceleration of gravity, χ is thebody fixed unit vector on the line segment connecting the fixed point with the body’scenter of mass, and l is the length of this segment.

5.4 Euclidean Groups of Rigid Body Motion

In this subsection we give description of two most important Lie groups in classicalmechanics in 2D and 3D, SE(2) and SE(3), respectively (see [4, 8, 9]).


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5.4.1 Special Euclidean Group SE(2) in the Plane

The motion in uniaxial human joints is naturally modelled by the special Euclidean

group in the plane, SE(2). It consists of all transformations of R2 of the form Az+a,where z, a ∈ R2, and

A ∈ SO(2) =

matrices of the form


cos θ − sin θsin θ cos θ



In other words, group SE(2) consists of matrices of the form:

(Rθ, a) =


Rθ a0 I


, where a ∈ R2 and Rθ is the rotation matrix:

Rθ =


cos θ − sin θsin θ cos θ


, while I is the 3× 3 identity matrix. The inverse (Rθ, a)−1

is given by

(Rθ, a)−1 =


Rθ a0 I




R−θ −R−θa0 I



The Lie algebra se(2) of SE(2) consists of 3× 3 block matrices of the form


−ξJ v0 0


, where J =


0 1−1 0


, (JT = J−1 = −J),

with the usual commutator bracket. If we identify se(2) with R3 by the isomorphism


−ξJ v0 0


∈ se(2) 7−→ (ξ, v) ∈ R3,

then the expression for the Lie algebra bracket becomes

[(ξ, v1, v2), (ζ, w1, w2)] = (0, ζv2 − ξw2, ξw1 − ζv1) = (0, ξJTw − ζJT v),

where v = (v1, v2) and w = (w1, w2).The adjoint group action of

(Rθ, a)


Rθ a0 I


on (ξ, v) =


−ξJ v0 0


is given by the group conjugation,


Rθ a0 I


−ξJ v0 0


R−θ −R−θa0 I




−ξJ ξJa+Rθv0 0




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or, in coordinates,Ad(Rθ,a)(ξ, v) = (ξ, ξJa+Rθv). (2)

In proving (2) we used the identity RθJ = JRθ. Identify the dual algebra, se(2)∗,

with matrices of the form


µ2J 0α 0


, via the nondegenerate pairing given by the

trace of the product. Thus, se(2)∗ is isomorphic to R3 via(

µ2J 0α 0


∈ se(2)∗ 7−→ (µ, α) ∈ R3,

so that in these coordinates, the pairing between se(2)∗ and se(2) becomes

〈(µ, α), (ξ, v)〉 = µξ + α · v,

that is, the usual dot product in R3. The coadjoint group action is thus given by

Ad∗(Rθ ,a)

−1(µ, α) = (µ −Rθα · Ja+Rθα). (3)

Formula (3) shows that the coadjoint orbits are the cylinders T ∗S1α = (µ, α)| ‖α‖ =

const if α 6= 0 together with the points are on the µ−axis. The canonical cotangentbundle projection π : T ∗S1

α → S1α is defined as π(µ, α) = α.

5.4.2 Special Euclidean Group SE(3) in the 3D Space

The most common group structure in human biodynamics is the special Euclidean

group in 3D space, SE(3). Briefly, the Euclidean SE(3)−group is defined as asemidirect (noncommutative) product of 3D rotations and 3D translations, SE(3) :=SO(3) R3 (see [4, 8, 9]). Its most important subgroups are the following:

Subgroup Definition

SO(3), group of rotationsin 3D (a spherical joint)

Set of all proper orthogonal3× 3− rotational matrices

SE(2), special Euclidean groupin 2D (all planar motions)

Set of all 3× 3−matrices:

cos θ sin θ rx− sin θ cos θ ry

0 0 1

SO(2), group of rotations in 2Dsubgroup of SE(2)–group

(a revolute joint)

Set of all proper orthogonal2× 2− rotational matricesincluded in SE(2) − group

R3, group of translations in 3D(all spatial displacements)

Euclidean 3D vector space


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Lie Group SE(3) and Its Lie Algebra An element of SE(3) is a pair (A, a)where A ∈ SO(3) and a ∈ R3. The action of SE(3) on R3 is the rotation A followedby translation by the vector a and has the expression

(A, a) · x = Ax+ a.

Using this formula, one sees that multiplication and inversion in SE(3) are given by

(A, a)(B, b) = (AB,Ab+ a) and (A, a)−1 = (A−1,−A−1a),

for A,B ∈ SO(3) and a, b ∈ R3. The identity element is (l, 0).The Lie algebra of the Euclidean group SE(3) is se(3) = R3 × R3 with the Lie

bracket[(ξ, u), (η, v)] = (ξ × η, ξ × v − η × u). (4)

The Lie algebra of the Euclidean group has a structure that is a special case ofwhat is called a semidirect product. Here it is the product of the group of rotations

with the corresponding group of translations. It turns out that semidirect productsoccur under rather general circ*mstances when the symmetry in T ∗G is broken (see[4, 8, 9]).

The dual Lie algebra of the Euclidean group SE(3) is se(3)∗ = R3×R3 with thesame Lie bracket (5).

Representation of SE(3) In other words, SE(3) := SO(3)R3 is the Lie groupconsisting of isometries of R3.

Using hom*ogeneous coordinates, we can represent SE(3) as follows,

SE(3) =


R p0 1


∈ GL(4,R) : R ∈ SO(3), p ∈ R3


with the action on R3 given by the usual matrix–vector product when we identifyR3 with the section R3 × 1 ⊂ R4. In particular, given

g =


R p0 1


∈ SE(3),

and q ∈ R3, we haveg · q = Rq + p,

or as a matrix–vector product,


R p0 1






Rq + p1




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Lie algebra of SE(3) The Lie algebra of SE(3) is given by

se(3) =


ω v0 0


∈M4(R) : ω ∈ so(3), v ∈ R3


where the attitude matrix ω : R3 → so(3) is given by

ω =

0 −ωz ωyωz 0 −ωx−ωy ωx 0


The exponential map of SE(3) The exponential map, exp : se(3) → SE(3), isgiven by



ω v0 0




exp(ω) Av0 1




A = I +1− cos ‖ω‖

‖ω‖2ω +

‖ω‖ − sin ‖ω‖‖ω‖3


and exp(ω) is given by the Rodriguez’ formula,

exp(ω) = I +sin ‖ω‖‖ω‖ ω +

1− cos ‖ω‖‖ω‖2


In other words, the special Euclidean group SE(3) := SO(3) R3 is the Liegroup consisting of isometries of the Euclidean 3D space R3. An element of SE(3)is a pair (A, a) where A ∈ SO(3) and a ∈ R3. The action of SE(3) on R3 is therotation A followed by translation by the vector a and has the expression

(A, a) · x = Ax+ a.

The Lie algebra of the Euclidean group SE(3) is se(3) = R3 × R3 with the Liebracket

[(ξ, u), (η, v)] = (ξ × η, ξ × v − η × u). (5)

Using hom*ogeneous coordinates, we can represent SE(3) as follows,

SE(3) =


R p0 1


∈ GL(4,R) : R ∈ SO(3), p ∈ R3


with the action on R3 given by the usual matrix–vector product when we identifyR3 with the section R3 × 1 ⊂ R4. In particular, given

g =


R p0 1


∈ SE(3),


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and q ∈ R3, we haveg · q = Rq + p,

or as a matrix–vector product,


R p0 1






Rq + p1



The Lie algebra of SE(3), denoted se(3), is given by

se(3) =


ω v0 0


∈M4(R) : ω ∈ so(3), v ∈ R3


where the attitude (or, angular velocity) matrix ω : R3 → so(3) is given by

ω =

0 −ωz ωyωz 0 −ωx−ωy ωx 0


The exponential map, exp : se(3) → SE(3), is given by



ω v0 0




exp(ω) Av0 1




A = I +1− cos ‖ω‖

‖ω‖2ω +

‖ω‖ − sin ‖ω‖‖ω‖3


and exp(ω) is given by the Rodriguez’ formula,

exp(ω) = I +sin ‖ω‖‖ω‖ ω +

1− cos ‖ω‖‖ω‖2


5.5 Basic Mechanical Examples

5.5.1 SE(2)−Hovercraft

Configuration manifold is (θ, x, y) ∈ SE(2), given by matrix

P =

cos θ sin θ x− sin θ cos θ y

0 0 1



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Kinematic equations of motion in Lie algebra se(2):

P = P

0 ω vx−ω 0 vy0 0 0

, (ω = θ, vx = x, vy = y).

Kinetic energy:

Ek =1

2m(v2x + v2y) +



where m, I are mass and inertia moment of the hovercraft.Dynamical equations of motion:

mvx = mωvy + u1,

mvy = −mωvx + u2,

Iω = τu2,

where τ = −h is the torque applied at distance h from the center–of–mass, whileu1, u2 are control inputs.

5.5.2 SO(3)−Satellite

Configuration manifold is rotation matrix R ∈ SO(3), with associated angular–velocity (attitude) matrix ω = (ω1, ω2, ω3) ∈ so(3) ≈ R3 given by

ω ∈ so(3) 7−→

0 −ω3 ω2

ω3 0 −ω1

−ω2 ω1 0


Kinematic equation of motion in so(3):

R = Rω,

Kinetic energy:

Ek =1

2ωT Iω,

where inertia tensor I is given by diagonal matrix,

I = diagI1, I2, I3.

Dynamical Euler equations of motion:

Iω = Iω × ω + τ iui,

where × is the cross–product in 3D, τ i are three external torques and ui = ui(t) are

control inputs.


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5.5.3 SE(3)−Submarine

The motion of a rigid body in incompressible, irrotational and inviscid fluid is de-fined by the configuration manifold SE(3), given by a pair of rotation matrix andtranslation vector, (R, p) ∈ SE(3), such that angular velocity (attitude) matrix andlinear velocity vector, (ω,v) ∈ se(3) ≈ R6.

Kinematic equations of motion in se(3):

p = Rv, R = Rω.

Kinetic energy (symmetrical):

Ek =1

2vTMv +


2ωT Iω,

where mass and inertia matrices are diagonal (for a neutrally buoyant ellipsoidalbody with uniformly distributed mass),

M = diagm1,m2,m3,I = diagI1, I2, I3.

Dynamical Kirchhoff equations of motion read:

Mv = Mv × ω, Iω = Iω ×ω +Mv × v.

By including the body–fixed external forces and torques, fi, τ i, with input controlsui = u(t), the dynamical equations become:

Mv = Mv ×ω + fiui,

Iω = Iω × ω +Mv × v+ τ iui.

5.6 Newton–Euler SE(3)−Dynamics

5.6.1 SO(3) : Euler Equations of Rigid Rotations

Unforced Euler equations read in vector form

π ≡ Iω = π ×ω, with I = diagI1, I2, I3

and in scalar formI1ω1 = (I2 − I3)ω2ω3

I2ω2 = (I3 − I1)ω3ω1

I3ω3 = (I1 − I2)ω1ω2



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Using rotational kinetic–energy Lagrangian

L(ω) = Erotk =1

2ωtIω =



21 + I2ω

22 + I3ω

23) (t= ‘transpose’)

Regarding the angular momentum π = ∂ωL = Iω = (I1ω1, I2ω2, I3ω3) as a vector,we can derive unforced Euler equations: π = π × ω as a system of Euler–Lagrange–Kirchhoff equations


dt∂ωL = ∂ωL× ω.

Forced Euler equations read in vector form

π + ω × π = T

and in scalar formI1ω1 + (I3 − I2)ω2ω3 = T1I2ω2 + (I1 − I3)ω3ω1 = T2I3ω3 + (I2 − I1)ω1ω2 = T3

5.6.2 SE(3) : Coupled Newton–Euler Equations

Forced coupled Newton–Euler equations read in vector form

p ≡ Mv = F+ p× ω, with M = diagm1,m2,m3π ≡ Iω = T+ π × ω + p× v, I = diagI1, I2, I3,

with principal inertia moments given in Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) by densityρ−dependent volume integrals

I1 =


ρ(z2+y2)dxdydz, I2 =


ρ(x2+y2)dxdydz, I3 =



In tensor form, the forced–coupled Newton–Euler equations read

pi ≡ Mij vj = Fi + εjikpjω


πi ≡ Iij ωj = Ti + εjikπjω

k + εjikpjvk,

where the permutation symbol εjik is defined as

εjik =

+1 if (i, j, k) is (1, 2, 3), (3, 1, 2) or (2, 3, 1),

−1 if (i, j, k) is (3, 2, 1), (1, 3, 2) or (2, 1, 3),

0 otherwise: i = j or j = k or k = i.


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In scalar form these equations read

p1 = F1 −m3v3ω2 +m2v2ω3

p2 = F2 +m3v3ω1 −m1v1ω3

p3 = F3 −m2v2ω1 +m1v1ω2

π1 = T1 + (m2 −m3)v2v3 + (I2 − I3)ω2ω3

π2 = T2 + (m3 −m1)v1v3 + (I3 − I1)ω1ω3

π3 = T3 + (m1 −m2)v1v2 + (I1 − I2)ω1ω2


These coupled rigid–body equations can be derived from the Newton–Euler kinetic


Ek =1

2vtMv +



or, in tensor form

E =1

2Mij v

ivj +1



Using the Kirchhoff–Lagrangian equations


dt∂vEk = ∂vEk × ω +F


dt∂ωEk = ∂ωEk × ω + ∂vEk × v +T,

or, in tensor form


dt∂viE = εjik (∂vjE)ωk + Fi,


dt∂ωiE = εjik (∂ωjE)ωk + εjik (∂vjE) vk + Ti

we can derive linear and angular momentum covectors

p = ∂vEk, π = ∂ωEk

or, in tensor formpi = ∂viE, πi = ∂ωiE,

and in scalar form

p = [p1, p2, p3] = [m1v1,m2v2,m2v3]

π = [π1, π2, π3] = [I1ω1, I2ω2, I3ω3],


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with their respective time derivatives, in vector form

p =d

dtp =


dt∂vEk, π =


dtπ =



or, in tensor form

pi =d

dtpi =


dt∂viE, πi =


dtπi =



and in scalar form

p = [p1, p2, p3] = [m1v1,m2v2,m3v3]

π = [π1, π2, π3] = [I1ω1, I2ω2, I3ω3].

In addition, for the purpose of biomechanical injury prediction/prevention, wehave linear and angular jolts, respectively given in vector form by

F = p− p× ω − p× ω

T = π −π × ω − π × ω − p× v − p× v,

or, in tensor form13

Fi = pi − εjikpjωk − εjikpjω


Ti = πi − εjikπjωk − εjikπjω

k − εjikpjvk − εjikpj v


where the linear and angular jolt covectors are

F ≡ Fi = Mv ≡ Mij vj = [F1, F2, F3],

T ≡ Ti = Iω ≡ Iij ωj = [T1, T2, T3],

wherev = vi = [v1, v2, v3]t, ω = ωi = [ω1, ω2, ω3]t,

are linear and angular jerk vectors.In scalar form, the SE(3)−jolt expands as

F1 = p1 −m2ω3v2 +m3 (ω2v3 + v3ω2)−m2v2ω3,

F2 = p2 +m1ω3v1 −m3ω1v3 −m3v3ω1 +m1v1ω3,

F3 = p3 −m1ω2v1 +m2ω1v2 − v2ω1 −m1v1ω2,

T1 = π1 − (m2 −m3) (v3v2 + v2v3)− (I2 − I3) (ω3ω2 + ω2ω3) ,

T2 = π2 + (m1 −m3) (v3v1 + v1v3) + (I1 − I3) (ω3ω1 + ω1ω3) ,

T3 = π3 − (m1 −m2) (v2v1 + v1v2)− (I1 − I2) (ω2ω1 + ω1ω2) .

13In this paragraph the overdots actually denote the absolute Bianchi (covariant) derivatives, sothat the jolts retain the proper covector character, which would be lost if ordinary time derivativesare used. However, for simplicity, we stick to the same notation.


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5.7 Symplectic Group in Hamiltonian Mechanics

Here we give a brief description of symplectic group (see [4, 8, 9]).

Let J =


0 I−I 0


, with I the n × n identity matrix. Now, A ∈ L(R2n,R2n)

is called a symplectic matrix if ATJ A = J . Let Sp(2n,R) be the set of 2n × 2nsymplectic matrices. Taking determinants of the condition ATJ A = J gives detA =±1, and so A ∈ GL(2n,R). Furthermore, if A,B ∈ Sp(2n,R), then (AB)TJ(AB) =BTATJAB = J . Hence, AB ∈ Sp(2n,R), and if ATJ A = J , then JA = (AT )−1J =(A−1)TJ , so J = (A− 1)T JA−1, or A−1 ∈ Sp(2n,R). Thus, Sp(2n,R) is a group.

The symplectic Lie group

Sp(2n,R) =

A ∈ GL(2n,R) : ATJ A = J

is a noncompact, connected Lie group of dimension 2n2 + n. Its Lie algebra

sp(2n,R) =

A ∈ L(R2n,R2n) : ATJ A = J = 0


called the symplectic Lie algebra, consists of the 2n × 2n matrices A satisfyingATJ A = 0.

Consider a particle of massmmoving in a potential V (q), where qi = (q1, q2, q3) ∈R3. Newtonian second law states that the particle moves along a curve q(t) in R3 insuch a way that mqi = − gradV (qi). Introduce the 3D–momentum pi = mqi, andthe energy (Hamiltonian)

H(q, p) =1




p2i + V (q).





∂qi= −mqi = −pi, and




mpi = qi, (i = 1, 2, 3),

and hence Newtonian law F = mqi is equivalent to Hamiltonian equations

qi =∂H

∂pi, pi = −∂H


Now, writing z = (qi, pi),

J gradH(z) =


0 I−I 0







qi, pi)

= z,


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so the complex Hamiltonian equations read

z = J gradH(z).

Now let f : R3 × R3 → R3 × R3 and write w = f(z). If z(t) satisfies the complexHamiltonian equations then w(t) = f(z(t)) satisfies w = AT z, where AT = [∂wi/∂zj ]is the Jacobian matrix of f . By the chain rule,

w = ATJ gradz

H(z) = ATJ A gradw


Thus, the equations for w(t) have the form of Hamiltonian equations with energyK(w) = H(z(w)) iff ATJ A = J , that is, iff A is symplectic. A nonlinear transfor-mation f is canonical iff its Jacobian matrix is symplectic. Sp(2n,R) is the linearinvariance group of classical mechanics.

6 Medical Applications: Prediction of Injuries

6.1 General Theory of Musculo–Skeletal Injury Mechanics

The prediction and prevention of traumatic brain injury, spinal injury and musculo-skeletal injury is a very important aspect of preventive medical science. Recently,in a series of papers [28, 29, 30], we have proposed a new coupled loading-ratehypothesis as a unique cause of all above injuries. This new hypothesis states thatthe unique cause of brain, spinal and musculo-skeletal injuries is a Euclidean Jolt,which is an impulsive loading that strikes any part of the human body (head, spineor any bone/joint) – in several coupled degrees-of-freedom simultaneously. It nevergoes in a single direction only. Also, it is never a static force. It is always animpulsive translational and/or rotational force coupled to some mass eccentricity.This is, in a nutshell, our universal Jolt theory of all mechanical injuries.

To show this, based on the previously defined covariant force law, we have firstlyformulated the fully coupled Newton–Euler dynamics of:

1. Brain’s micro-motions within the cerebrospinal fluid inside the cranial cavity;2. Any local inter-vertebral motions along the spine; and3. Any local joint motions in the human musculo-skeletal system.

Then, from it, we have defined the essential concept of Euclidean Jolt, whichis the main cause of all mechanical injuries. The Euclidean Jolt has two maincomponents:

1. Sudden motion, caused either by an accidental impact or slightly distortedhuman movement; and


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Figure 5: Human brain and its SE(3)−group of microscopic three-dimensional mo-tions within the cerebrospinal fluid inside the cranial cavity.

2. Unnatural mass distribution of the human body (possibly with some addedmasses), which causes some mass eccentricity from the natural physiological bodystate.

What does this all mean? We will try to explain it in “plain English”. As welive in a 3D space, one could think that motion of any part of the human body, ei-ther caused by an accidental impact or by voluntary human movement, “just obeysclassical mechanics in 6 degrees-of-freedom: three translations and three rotations”.However, these 6 degrees-of-freedom are not independent motions as it is suggestedby the standard term “degrees-of-freedom”. In reality, these six motions of anybody in space are coupled. Firstly, three rotations are coupled in the so-called ro-tation group (or matrix, or quaternion). Secondly, three translations are coupledwith the rotation group to give the full Euclidean group of rigid body motions inspace. A simple way to see this is to observe someone throwing an object in theair or hitting a tennis ball: how far and where it will fly depends not only on thestandard “projectile” mechanics, but also on its local “spin” around all three axessimultaneously. Every golf and tennis player knows this simple fact. Once the spinis properly defined we have a “fully coupled Newton–Euler dynamics” – to start with.


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Figure 6: Human body representation in terms of SE(3)/SE(2)-groups of rigid-bodymotion, with the vertebral column represented as a chain of 26 flexibly-coupledSE(3)-groups.

The covariant force law for any biodynamical system (which we introduced earlierin our biodynamics books and papers, see our references in the cited papers above)goes one step beyond the Newton–Euler dynamics. It states:

Euclidean Force covector field =

Body mass distribution × Euclidean Acceleration vector field

This is a nontrivial biomechanical generalization of the fundamental Newton’sdefinition of the force acting on a single particle. Unlike classical engineering me-chanics of multi-body systems, this fundamental law of biomechanics proposes thatforces acting on a multi-body system and causing its motions are fundamentally dif-ferent physical quantities from the resulting accelerations. In simple words, forcesare massive quantities while accelerations are massless quantities. More precisely,the acceleration vector field includes all linear and angular accelerations of individualbody segments. When we couple them all with the total body’s mass-distributionmatrix of all body segments (including all masses and inertia moments), we get theforce co-vector field, comprising all the forces and torques acting on the individualbody segments. In this way, we have defined the 6-dimensional Euclidean force foran arbitrary biomechanical system.

Now, for prediction of injuries, we need to take the rate-of-change (or derivative,


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Figure 7: Schematic latero-frontal view of the left knee joint. Although designedto perform mainly flexion/extension (strictly in the sagittal plane) with some re-stricted medial/lateral rotation in the semi-flexed position, it is clear that the kneejoint really has at least six-degrees-of-freedom, including three micro-translations.The injury actually occurs when some of these microscopic translations becomemacroscopic, which normally happens only after an external jolt.

with respect to time) of the Euclidean biomechanical force defined above. In this way,we get the Euclidean Jolt, which is the sudden change (in time) of the 6-dimensionalEuclidean force:

Euclidean Jolt covector field =

Body mass distribution × Euclidean Jerk vector field

And again, it consists of two components: (i) massless linear and angular jerks(of all included body segments), and (ii) their mass distribution. For the sake of sim-plicity, we can say that the mass distribution matrix includes all involved segmentalmasses and inertia moments, as well as “eccentricities” or “pathological leverages”from the normal physiological state.

Therefore, the unique cause of all brain, spine and musculo-skeletal injuries hastwo components:

1. Coupled linear and angular jerks; and2. Mass distribution with “eccentricities”.


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In other words, there are no injuries in static conditions without any mass

eccentricities; all injuries are caused by mutually coupled linear and an-

gular jerks, which are also coupled with the involved human mass distri-


The Euclidean Jolt causes two forms of discontinuous brain, spine or musculo-skeletal injury:

1. Mild rotational disclinations; and2. Severe translational dislocations (or, fractures).

In the cited papers above, we have developed the soft-body dynamics of biome-chanical disclinations and dislocations, caused by the Euclidean Jolt, using theCosserat multipolar viscoelastic continuum model.

Implications of the new universal theory are various, as follows.

A. The research in traumatic brain injury (TBI, see Figure 5) has so far iden-tified the rotation of the brain-stem as the main cause of the TBI due to variouscrashes/impacts. The contribution of our universal Jolt theory to the TBI researchis the following:

1. Rigorously defined this brain rotation as a mechanical disclination of thebrain-stem tissue modelled by the Cosserat multipolar soft-body model;

2. Showing that brain rotation is never uni-axial but always three-axial;3. Showing that brain rotation is always coupled with translational disloca-

tions. This is a straightforward consequence of our universal Jolt theory.

These apparently ‘obvious’ facts are actually radically new: we cannot separatelyanalyze rapid brain’s rotations from translations, because they are in reality alwayscoupled.

One practical application of the brain Jolt theory is in design of helmets. Briefly,a ‘hard’ helmet saves the skull but not the brain; alternatively, a ‘soft’ helmet pro-tects the brain from the collision jolt but does not protect the skull. A good helmetis both ‘hard’ and ‘soft’. A proper helmet would need to have both a hard externalshell (to protect the skull) and a soft internal part (that will dissipate the energyfrom the collision jolt by its own destruction, in the same way as a car saves itspassengers from the collision jolt by its own destruction).

Similarly, in designing safer car air-bags, the two critical points will be (i) their


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placement within the car, and (ii) their “soft-hard characteristics”, similar to thehelmet characteristics described above.

B. In case of spinal injury (see Figure 6), the contribution of our universal Jolttheory is the following:

1. The spinal injury is always localized at the certain vertebral or inter-vertebralpoint;

2. In case of severe translational injuries (vertebral fractures or discus herniae)they can be identified using X-ray or other medical imaging scans; in case of micro-scopic rotational injuries (causing the back-pain syndrome) they cannot be identifiedusing current medical imaging scans;

3. There is no spinal injury without one of the following two causes:a. Impulsive rotational + translational loading caused by either fast human

movements or various crashes/impacts; and/orb. Static eccentricity from the normal physiological spinal form, caused by

external loading;c. Any spinal injury is caused by a combination of the two points above:

impulsive rotational + translational loading and static eccentricity.

This is a straightforward consequence of our universal Jolt theory. We cannotseparately analyze translational and rotational spinal injuries. Also, there are no“static injuries” without eccentricity. Indian women have for centuries carried bulkyloads on their heads without any spinal injuries; they just prevented any load ec-centricities and any jerks in their motion.

The currently used “Principal loading hypothesis” that describes spinal injuriesin terms of spinal tension, compression, bending, and shear, covers only a smallsubset of all spinal injuries covered by our universal Jolt theory. To prevent spinalinjuries we need to develop spinal jolt awareness: ability to control all possible im-pulsive spinal loadings as well as static eccentricities.

C. In case of general musculo-skeletal injury (see Figure 7 for the particular caseof knee injury), the contribution of our universal Jolt theory is the following:

1. The injury is always localized at the certain joint or bone and caused by animpulsive loading, which hits this particular joint/bone in several coupled degrees-of-freedom simultaneously;

2. Injury happens when most of the body mass is hanging on that joint; forexample, in case of a knee injury, when most of the body mass is on one leg with


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a semi-flexed knee — and then, caused by some external shock, the knee suddenly“jerks” (this can happen in running, skiing, and ball games, as well as variouscrashes/impacts); or, in case of shoulder injury, when most of the body mass ishanging on one arm and then it suddenly jerks.

To prevent these injuries we need to develop musculo-skeletal jolt awareness. Forexample, never overload a flexed knee and avoid any kind of uncontrolled motions(like slipping) or collisions with external objects.

6.2 Analytical Mechanics of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

6.2.1 The SE(3)−jolt: the cause of TBI

In this subsection we give a brief on TBI mechanics. For more details and references,see [28].

In the language of modern dynamics, the microscopic motion of human brainwithin the skull is governed by the Euclidean SE(3)–group of 3D motions (see nextsubsection). Within brain’s SE(3)–group we have both SE(3)–kinematics (consistingof SE(3)–velocity and its two time derivatives: SE(3)–acceleration and SE(3)–jerk)and SE(3)–dynamics (consisting of SE(3)–momentum and its two time derivatives:SE(3)–force and SE(3)–jolt), which is brain’s kinematics × brain’s mass–inertiadistribution.

Informally, the external SE(3)–jolt14 is a sharp and sudden change in the SE(3)–force acting on brain’s mass–inertia distribution (given by brain’s mass and inertiamatrices). That is, a ‘delta’–change in a 3D force–vector coupled to a 3D torque–vector, striking the head–shell with the brain immersed into the cerebrospinal fluid.In other words, the SE(3)–jolt is a sudden, sharp and discontinues shock in all6 coupled dimensions of brain’s continuous micro–motion within the cerebrospinalfluid (Figure 5), namely within the three Cartesian (x, y, z)–translations and thethree corresponding Euler angles around the Cartesian axes: roll, pitch and yaw.If the SE(3)–jolt produces a mild shock to the brain (e.g., strong head shake), itcauses mild TBI, with temporary disabled associated sensory-motor and/or cognitivefunctions and affecting respiration and movement. If the SE(3)–jolt produces a hard

14The mechanical SE(3)–jolt concept is based on the mathematical concept of higher–order tan-gency (rigorously defined in terms of jet bundles of the head’s configuration manifold), as follows:When something hits the human head, or the head hits some external body, we have a collision.This is naturally described by the SE(3)–momentum, which is a nonlinear coupling of 3 linear New-tonian momenta with 3 angular Eulerian momenta. The tangent to the SE(3)–momentum, definedby the (absolute) time derivative, is the SE(3)–force. The second-order tangency is given by theSE(3)–jolt, which is the tangent to the SE(3)–force, also defined by the time derivative.


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shock (hitting the head with external mass), it causes severe TBI, with the totalloss of gesture, speech and movement.

The SE(3)–jolt is the absolute time–derivative of the covariant force 1–form (or,co-vector field). The fundamental law of biomechanics is the covariant force law :

Force co-vector field = Mass distribution×Acceleration vector–field,

which is formally written (using the Einstein summation convention, with indiceslabelling the three Cartesian translations and the three corresponding Euler angles):

Fµ = mµνaν , (µ, ν = 1, ..., 6)

where Fµ denotes the 6 covariant components of the external “pushing” SE(3)–forceco-vector field, mµν represents the 6×6 covariant components of brain’s inertia–metric tensor, while aν corresponds to the 6 contravariant components of brain’sinternal SE(3)–acceleration vector-field.

Now, the covariant (absolute, Bianchi) time-derivative Ddt(·) of the covariant

SE(3)–force Fµ defines the corresponding external “striking” SE(3)–jolt co-vectorfield:


dt(Fµ) = mµν


dt(aν) = mµν


aν + Γνµλaµaλ)

, (6)

where Ddt(aν) denotes the 6 contravariant components of brain’s internal SE(3)–jerk

vector-field and overdot (˙) denotes the time derivative. Γνµλ are the Christoffel’ssymbols of the Levi–Civita connection for the SE(3)–group, which are zero in caseof pure Cartesian translations and nonzero in case of rotations as well as in thefull–coupling of translations and rotations.

In the following, we elaborate on the SE(3)–jolt concept (using vector and tensormethods) and its biophysical TBI consequences in the form of brain’s dislocationsand disclinations.

6.2.2 SE(3)−group of brain’s micro–motions within the CSF

The brain and the CSF together exhibit periodic microscopic translational and ro-tational motion in a pulsatile fashion to and from the cranial cavity, in the fre-quency range of normal heart rate (with associated periodic squeezing of brain’sventricles). This micro–motion is mathematically defined by the Euclidean (gauge)SE(3)−group.

In other words, the gauge SE(3)−group of Euclidean micro-motions of the brainimmersed in the cerebrospinal fluid within the cranial cavity, contains matrices of

the form


R b

0 1


, where b is brain’s 3D micro-translation vector and R is brain’s

3D rotation matrix, given by the product R = Rϕ ·Rψ ·Rθ of brain’s three Eulerian


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micro-rotations, roll = Rϕ, pitch = Rψ, yaw = Rθ, performed respectively aboutthe x−axis by an angle ϕ, about the y−axis by an angle ψ, and about the z−axisby an angle θ,

Rϕ =

1 0 00 cosϕ − sinϕ0 sinϕ cosϕ

, Rψ =

cosψ 0 sinψ0 1 0

− sinψ 0 cosψ

, Rθ =

cos θ − sin θ 0sin θ cos θ 00 0 1


Therefore, brain’s natural SE(3)−dynamics within the cerebrospinal fluid isgiven by the coupling of Newtonian (translational) and Eulerian (rotational) equa-tions of micro-motion.

6.2.3 Brain’s natural SE(3)−dynamics

To support our coupled loading–rate hypothesis, we formulate the coupled Newton–Euler dynamics of brain’s micro-motions within the scull’s SE(3)−group of motions.The forced Newton–Euler equations read in vector (boldface) form

Newton : p ≡ Mv = F+ p× ω, (7)

Euler : π ≡ Iω = T+ π × ω + p× v,

where × denotes the vector cross product,15

M ≡Mij = diagm1,m2,m3 and I ≡ Iij = diagI1, I2, I3, (i, j = 1, 2, 3)

are brain’s (diagonal) mass and inertia matrices,16 defining brain’s mass–inertiadistribution, with principal inertia moments given in Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z)by volume integrals

I1 =


ρ(z2+y2)dxdydz, I2 =


ρ(x2+z2)dxdydz, I3 =



15Recall that the cross product u× v of two vectors u and v equals u× v = uv sin θn, where θis the angle between u and v, while n is a unit vector perpendicular to the plane of u and v suchthat u and v form a right-handed system.

16In reality, mass and inertia matrices (M, I) are not diagonal but rather full 3 × 3 positive–definite symmetric matrices with coupled mass– and inertia–products. Even more realistic, fully–coupled mass–inertial properties of a brain immersed in (incompressible, irrotational and inviscid)cerebrospinal fluid are defined by the single non-diagonal 6 × 6 positive–definite symmetric mass–inertia matrix MSE(3), the so-called material metric tensor of the SE(3)−group, which has allnonzero mass–inertia coupling products. In other words, the 6 × 6 matrix MSE(3) contains: (i)brain’s own mass plus the added mass matrix associated with the fluid, (ii) brain’s own inertia plusthe added inertia matrix associated with the potential flow of the fluid, and (iii) all the couplingterms between linear and angular momenta. However, for simplicity, in this paper we shall consideronly the simple case of two separate diagonal 3× 3 matrices (M, I).


LectureNotesinLieGroups arXiv:1104.1106v2 …arXiv:1104.1106v2 [math.DG] 7 Apr 2011 LectureNotesinLieGroups VladimirG.Ivancevic∗ TijanaT.Ivancevic† Abstract These lecture notes - [PDF Document] (66)

dependent on brain’s density ρ = ρ(x, y, z),

v ≡ vi = [v1, v2, v3]t and ω ≡ ωi = [ω1, ω2, ω3]


(where [ ]t denotes the vector transpose) are brain’s linear and angular velocityvectors17 (that is, column vectors),

F ≡ Fi = [F1, F2, F3] and T ≡ Ti = [T1, T2, T3]

are gravitational and other external force and torque co-vectors (that is, row vectors)acting on the brain within the scull,

p ≡ pi ≡ Mv = [p1, p2, p3] = [m1v1,m2v2,m2v2] and

π ≡ πi ≡ Iω = [π1, π2, π3] = [I1ω1, I2ω2, I3ω3]

are brain’s linear and angular momentum co-vectors.In tensor form, the forced Newton–Euler equations (7) read

pi ≡ Mij vj = Fi + εjikpjω

k, (i, j, k = 1, 2, 3)

πi ≡ Iijωj = Ti + εjikπjω

k + εjikpjvk,

where the permutation symbol εjik is defined as

εjik =

+1 if (i, j, k) is (1, 2, 3), (3, 1, 2) or (2, 3, 1),

−1 if (i, j, k) is (3, 2, 1), (1, 3, 2) or (2, 1, 3),

0 otherwise: i = j or j = k or k = i.

In scalar form, the forced Newton–Euler equations (7) expand as

Newton :

p1 = F1 −m3v3ω2 +m2v2ω3

p2 = F2 +m3v3ω1 −m1v1ω3

p3 = F3 −m2v2ω1 +m1v1ω2

, (8)

Euler :

π1 = T1 + (m2 −m3)v2v3 + (I2 − I3)ω2ω3

π2 = T2 + (m3 −m1)v1v3 + (I3 − I1)ω1ω3

π3 = T3 + (m1 −m2)v1v2 + (I1 − I2)ω1ω2


showing brain’s individual mass and inertia couplings.

17In reality, ω is a 3 × 3 attitude matrix. However, for simplicity, we will stick to the (mostly)symmetrical translation–rotation vector form.


LectureNotesinLieGroups arXiv:1104.1106v2 …arXiv:1104.1106v2 [math.DG] 7 Apr 2011 LectureNotesinLieGroups VladimirG.Ivancevic∗ TijanaT.Ivancevic† Abstract These lecture notes - [PDF Document] (67)

Equations (7)–(8) can be derived from the translational + rotational kineticenergy of the brain18

Ek =1

2vtMv +


2ωtIω, (9)

or, in tensor form

E =1


ivj +1



For this we use the Kirchhoff–Lagrangian equations:


dt∂vEk = ∂vEk × ω +F, (10)


dt∂ωEk = ∂ωEk × ω + ∂vEk × v +T,

where ∂vEk =∂Ek

∂v, ∂ωEk =


∂ω; in tensor form these equations read


dt∂viE = εjik (∂vjE)ωk + Fi,


dt∂ωiE = εjik (∂ωjE)ωk + εjik (∂vjE) vk + Ti.

Using (9)–(10), brain’s linear and angular momentum co-vectors are defined as

p = ∂vEk, π = ∂ωEk,

or, in tensor formpi = ∂viE, πi = ∂ωiE,

with their corresponding time derivatives, in vector form

p =d

dtp =


dt∂vE, π =


dtπ =



or, in tensor form

pi =d

dtpi =


dt∂viE, πi =


dtπi =



18In a fully–coupled Newton–Euler brain dynamics, instead of equation (9) we would have brain’skinetic energy defined by the inner product:

Ek =1













LectureNotesinLieGroups arXiv:1104.1106v2 …arXiv:1104.1106v2 [math.DG] 7 Apr 2011 LectureNotesinLieGroups VladimirG.Ivancevic∗ TijanaT.Ivancevic† Abstract These lecture notes - [PDF Document] (68)

or, in scalar form

p = [p1, p2, p3] = [m1v1,m2v2,m3v3], π = [π1, π2, π3] = [I1ω1, I2ω2, I3ω3].

While brain’s healthy SE(3)−dynamics within the cerebrospinal fluid is givenby the coupled Newton–Euler micro–dynamics, the TBI is actually caused by thesharp and discontinuous change in this natural SE(3) micro-dynamics, in the formof the SE(3)−jolt, causing brain’s discontinuous deformations.

6.2.4 Brain’s traumatic dynamics: the SE(3)−jolt

The SE(3)−jolt, the actual cause of the TBI (in the form of the brain’s plasticdeformations), is defined as a coupled Newton+Euler jolt; in (co)vector form theSE(3)−jolt reads19

SE(3) − jolt :

Newton jolt : F = p− p× ω − p× ω ,

Euler jolt : T = π −π × ω − π × ω − p× v − p× v,

where the linear and angular jolt co-vectors are

F ≡ Mv = [F1, F2, F3], T ≡ Iω = [T1, T2, T3],

wherev = [v1, v2, v3]

t, ω = [ω1, ω2, ω3]t,

are linear and angular jerk vectors.In tensor form, the SE(3)−jolt reads20

Fi = pi − εjikpjωk − εjikpjω

k, (i, j, k = 1, 2, 3)

Ti = πi − εjikπjωk − εjikπjω

k − εjikpjvk − εjikpj v


in which the linear and angular jolt covectors are defined as

F ≡ Fi = Mv ≡ Mij vj = [F1, F2, F3],

T ≡ Ti = Iω ≡ Iij ωj = [T1, T2, T3],

where v = vi, and ω = ωi are linear and angular jerk vectors.

19Note that the derivative of the cross–product of two vectors follows the standard calculusproduct–rule: d

dt(u× v) = u× v + u× v.

20In this paragraph the overdots actually denote the absolute Bianchi (covariant) time-derivative(6), so that the jolts retain the proper covector character, which would be lost if ordinary timederivatives are used. However, for the sake of simplicity and wider readability, we stick to the sameoverdot notation.


LectureNotesinLieGroups arXiv:1104.1106v2 …arXiv:1104.1106v2 [math.DG] 7 Apr 2011 LectureNotesinLieGroups VladimirG.Ivancevic∗ TijanaT.Ivancevic† Abstract These lecture notes - [PDF Document] (69)

In scalar form, the SE(3)−jolt expands as

Newton jolt :

F1 = p1 −m2ω3v2 +m3 (ω2v3 + v3ω2)−m2v2ω3,

F2 = p2 +m1ω3v1 −m3ω1v3 −m3v3ω1 +m1v1ω3,

F3 = p3 −m1ω2v1 +m2ω1v2 − v2ω1 −m1v1ω2,

Euler jolt :

T1 = π1 − (m2 −m3) (v3v2 + v2v3)− (I2 − I3) (ω3ω2 + ω2ω3) ,

T2 = π2 + (m1 −m3) (v3v1 + v1v3) + (I1 − I3) (ω3ω1 + ω1ω3) ,

T3 = π3 − (m1 −m2) (v2v1 + v1v2)− (I1 − I2) (ω2ω1 + ω1ω2) .

We remark here that the linear and angular momenta (p,π), forces (F,T) andjolts (F, T) are co-vectors (row vectors), while the linear and angular velocities(v,ω), accelerations (v, ω) and jerks (v, ω) are vectors (column vectors). Thisbio-physically means that the ‘jerk’ vector should not be confused with the ‘jolt’ co-vector. For example, the ‘jerk’ means shaking the head’s own mass–inertia matrices(mainly in the atlanto–occipital and atlanto–axial joints), while the ‘jolt’means ac-tually hitting the head with some external mass–inertia matrices included in the‘hitting’ SE(3)–jolt, or hitting some external static/massive body with the head(e.g., the ground – gravitational effect, or the wall – inertial effect). Consequently,the mass-less ‘jerk’ vector represents a (translational+rotational) non-collision effect

that can cause only weaker brain injuries, while the inertial ‘jolt’ co-vector representsa (translational+rotational) collision effect that can cause hard brain injuries.

6.2.5 Brain’s dislocations and disclinations caused by the SE(3)−jolt

Recall from introduction that for mild TBI, the best injury predictor is consideredto be the product of brain’s strain and strain rate, which is the standard isotropicviscoelastic continuum concept. To improve this standard concept, in this subsec-tion, we consider human brain as a 3D anisotropic multipolar Cosserat viscoelastic

continuum, exhibiting coupled–stress–strain elastic properties. This non-standardcontinuum model is suitable for analyzing plastic (irreversible) deformations andfracture mechanics in multi-layered materials with microstructure (in which slipsand bending of layers introduces additional degrees of freedom, non-existent in thestandard continuum models.

The SE(3)−jolt (F, T) causes two types of brain’s rapid discontinuous deforma-tions:

1. The Newton jolt F can cause micro-translational dislocations, or discontinuitiesin the Cosserat translations;

2. The Euler jolt T can cause micro-rotational disclinations, or discontinuities inthe Cosserat rotations.


LectureNotesinLieGroups arXiv:1104.1106v2 …arXiv:1104.1106v2 [math.DG] 7 Apr 2011 LectureNotesinLieGroups VladimirG.Ivancevic∗ TijanaT.Ivancevic† Abstract These lecture notes - [PDF Document] (70)

To precisely define brain’s dislocations and disclinations, caused by the SE(3)−jolt(F, T), we first define the coordinate co-frame, i.e., the set of basis 1–forms dxi,given in local coordinates xi = (x1, x2, x3) = (x, y, z), attached to brain’s center-of-mass. Then, in the coordinate co-frame dxi we introduce the following set ofbrain’s plastic–deformation–related SE(3)−based differential p−forms21:

the dislocation current 1–form, J = Ji dxi;

the dislocation density 2–form, α = 12αij dx

i ∧ dxj ;the disclination current 2–form, S = 1

2Sij dxi ∧ dxj ; and

the disclination density 3–form, Q = 13!Qijk dx

i ∧ dxj ∧ dxk,where ∧ denotes the exterior wedge–product. These four SE(3)−based differen-

tial forms satisfy the following set of continuity equations:

α = −dJ− S, (11)

Q = −dS, (12)

dα = Q, (13)

dQ = 0, (14)

where d denotes the exterior derivative.In components, the simplest, fourth equation (14), representing the Bianchi iden-

21Differential p−forms are totally skew-symmetric covariant tensors, defined using the exteriorwedge–product and exterior derivative. The proper definition of exterior derivative d for a p−formβ on a smooth manifold M , includes the Poincare lemma: d(dβ) = 0, and validates the general

Stokes formula∫


β =



where M is a p−dimensional manifold with a boundary and ∂M is its (p−1)−dimensional boundary,while the integrals have appropriate dimensions.

A p−form β is called closed if its exterior derivative is equal to zero,

dβ = 0.

From this condition one can see that the closed form (the kernel of the exterior derivative operatord) is conserved quantity. Therefore, closed p−forms possess certain invariant properties, physicallycorresponding to the conservation laws.

A p−form β that is an exterior derivative of some (p− 1)−form α,

β = dα,

is called exact (the image of the exterior derivative operator d). By Poincare lemma, exact formsprove to be closed automatically,

dβ = d(dα) = 0.

This lemma is the foundation of the de Rham cohom*ology theory


LectureNotesinLieGroups arXiv:1104.1106v2 …arXiv:1104.1106v2 [math.DG] 7 Apr 2011 LectureNotesinLieGroups VladimirG.Ivancevic∗ TijanaT.Ivancevic† Abstract These lecture notes - [PDF Document] (71)

tity, can be rewritten as

dQ = ∂lQ[ijk] dxl ∧ dxi ∧ dxj ∧ dxk = 0,

where ∂i ≡ ∂/∂xi, while θ[ij...] denotes the skew-symmetric part of θij....Similarly, the third equation (13) in components reads


3!Qijk dx

i ∧ dxj ∧ dxk = ∂kα[ij] dxk ∧ dxi ∧ dxj, or

Qijk = −6∂kα[ij].

The second equation (12) in components reads


3!Qijk dx

i ∧ dxj ∧ dxk = −∂kS[ij] dxk ∧ dxi ∧ dxj, or

Qijk = 6∂kS[ij].

Finally, the first equation (11) in components reads


2αij dx

i ∧ dxj = (∂jJi −1

2Sij) dx

i ∧ dxj , or

αij = 2∂jJi − Sij .

In words, we have:

• The 2–form equation (11) defines the time derivative α =12 αij dx

i ∧ dxj of thedislocation density α as the (negative) sum of the disclination current S andthe curl of the dislocation current J.

• The 3–form equation (12) states that the time derivative Q = 13!Qijk dx

i∧dxj∧dxk of the disclination densityQ is the (negative) divergence of the disclinationcurrent S.

• The 3–form equation (13) defines the disclination density Q as the divergenceof the dislocation density α, that is, Q is the exact 3–form.

• The Bianchi identity (14) follows from equation (13) by Poincare lemma andstates that the disclination density Q is conserved quantity, that is, Q is theclosed 3–form. Also, every 4–form in 3D space is zero.

From these equations, we can derive two important conclusions:


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1. Being the derivatives of the dislocations, brain’s disclinations are higher–ordertensors, and thus more complex quantities, which means that they present ahigher risk for the severe TBI than dislocations — a fact which is supportedby the literature (see review of existing TBI–models given in Introduction of[28]).

2. Brain’s dislocations and disclinations are mutually coupled by the underlayingSE(3)−group, which means that we cannot separately analyze translationaland rotational TBIs — a fact which is not supported by the literature.

For more medical details and references, see [28].


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